Here's quite a few
Gary: It's sink or swim my friend and if you're good at swimming you gotta let the losers drown. Why don't you leave the thinking up to me?
Gary: "What?" "What what duuhhhh!" Can't you say anything else?
Jimmy: What'd you say about me, dwarf!?! (To Petey)
Mandy: Yuck! Yuck! Sicky! That's like..totally grodey!! (LMAO)
Mandy: Come on you can't do that I'm like popular! (when you taunt her)
I'm a princess! and I need people to do things for me! So hurry up because
I wanna be first! (LOL I just wanted to bitch slap her for that)
Kirby: If you don't tell anyone..we can make out. (typical closeted jock)
Jimmy: -in the way begining where he "flirts" with a girl- Will you pleeeaaaaase hang out with me? (Idk i thought that was kinda cute he was so desparate) another he goes "Please make out with me I promise I won't tell" (That was hilarious and cute in a desparate sorta way..)
Another where you insult a girl and then apologize one he goes "Awww I'm sorry sweetie." (Thought that was kinda sweet)
Okay I'm done