Here's the groundpunch:
"/Global/G_Striker_A/Offense/GroundAttack/GroundPunch", "Act/Anim/G_Striker_A.act"
Btw I'm the original finder of this node
And perhaps MadmaN was the original founder of Gary's model ID. So from now on, everytime you use the model ID 130, you have to give credit to MadmaN. He didn't make anything new there, just found a lil thing in the game. Just like a node.
Get my point?
You finding a node means nothing. It was already in the game, and you didn't make SHIT. So don't try to claim credit for it. There is no credit that should be given for a node, and as much achievement as finding any other data already in the game. Make a new script yourself, that does something that you made, then take credit and pride in that. Do not find a simple lil string of text, and think you're a good for finding it. This goes to everyone who has ever taken too much credit for a node.
And another thing, this is the reason you shouldn't attack people for finding nodes that you supposedly found. It's not stealing it from you, if it's not even your content. You didn't make it, you found it in the game. They took it from Rockstar Games, just like you did.
For those 2 above reasons, that is why I believe there should be no credit in nodes. If you find one, it's totally up to you to release it. I will not tell you to release it, as that is your choice. However, do NOT attack anyone who does use it, because you do NOT own it for finding it first. Rockstar Games owns it, and all you did was find it, which really it is just a simple string of text. and if you do release it, go ahead and say here's a node I found, you're welcome. And then people getting that node, can say thanks, or say nothing. Don't argue with him that you found it first, because that means nothing. The point is, it was found, and he wanted to release it before you. As said many times, you don't own any of it, so you can't attack or argue with him because you supposedly found it first.
This doesn't just go to boyser and what he said at all, but to everyone who has any problems with nodes.