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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #210 on: March 24, 2010, 07:32:10 AM »
Tony waited in silence.

Pete continued, “….It’s really contains information about Derby’s father, Mr. Harrington.”

“And so…That’s bad ?” asked Tony.

“What I mean is….There’s information about how the money flows at Bullworth…Payoffs, Kickbacks, Bribery, that sort of thing. All of it highly illegal.”

Now it was Tony’s turn to be surprised. “Like, woah…Real adult stuff, Huh ?”

“I should explain”, Pete went on. “Many, many years ago, Derby’s grandfather spearheaded the group of investors who had Harrington House built. The Harrington family came into their riches by means of alcohol-running during Prohibition in the 1930s, and built on that with a whole lot of other activities with the Mobsters and Gangsters of the Mafia after that.  But, since he didn’t come from ‘Old Money’, he was unable to get his son, Derby’s father, into any of the prestigious Prep Schools at the time.  Pissed off at the social elite who snubbed them, he and a few of his old rum-running buddies settled here and put up the cash to for Harrington House.  The Harrington family, though, put up the largest share, about 75%…..So that his son, and the others, could have a ‘Social Pedigree’ at a Prep School to get them into the more exclusive Colleges in the North-East.  In that way, they would in a position to compete with the power elite that really runs things in this country.”

Pete took a breath, and went on. “The Harringtons have always had dealings with the Mob since that time…They were involved in gun-running, money-laundering, protection, gambling, prostitution…You name it.  Later, in the 1960s, they were into supplying illegal drugs, arms for third-world countries, and stock market fraud through insider trading”.  Pete looked up. “The Harringtons have Millions of dollars, most of it made like that. They keep a low profile, still live here in this Bull-Shit town, never get too obvious….On the surface, they are just another rich family.  But…They have enough to own this place a hundred times over.  They run most of the things here in these Towns, only most don’t know it.  And, they really run the school.  Look at how fast they had the School repaired after the Bombings.  Kept a lot of the details out of the papers. Crabblesnitch, and the others, are all there because of the Harringtons, and take their orders from them, and get paid well to do it.”

“I…Don’t understand…What does that mean to us ?” Tony asked.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2015, 12:50:01 PM by BloodChuckZ »

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #211 on: March 24, 2010, 07:38:04 AM »
Pete got up and began to pace.  Then he stopped and faced Tony.  “Don’t you ever wonder about this School ?   Don’t you ever wonder why some kids can skip classes when they feel like it and still pass ?  Why the classwork is so easy ?  Why it doesn’t seem to matter why nobody gets a real Report Card ?  Or even really learns anything ?”

“Yeah, But…”, Tony started to say, then stopped.

“Can’t you see, it doesn’t really matter ?  The school is a front, a FAKE….Oh, it’s a 'Real School' on paper, and as far as being 'Legal' and all….But it’s just a vehicle for the Harringtons and the other rich snobs to claim a ‘Prep School Education’ for all their brats. You ever see them Prep kids fail ANYTHING ?  Get DETENTION ?  Have to answer for a single thing they do ?”

Tony considered. “Well…No, I guess not….”

“A couple of the Preps was involved in that cheating scandal last year.  Anything happen to them ?  No.  They all get a free pass, for anything.”  Pete was getting agitated now, almost shaking. “If you really want to learn anything here, you have to do it on your own.  And, in the end, they will pass you weather you are smart or dumb, it doesn’t matter.”

“Yeah, about that…If this is a School for Preps, then why are all the Misfits here ?”

“Because, the School, that is the Harringtons, get a bunch of Tax Breaks for having dis-advantaged kids like them…And like you and me…Here.  And it looks good on paper.  The Bullies, The Greasers, they’re just the by-products of these Towns.  The Nerds are the wannabe kids whose parents are looking for status. The Jocks…Well, every School needs a winning athletic program, so they’re here. They get a free pass, too. Even dye-in-the-wool troublemakers, like Jimmy Hopkins last year, make this place SEEM to be diverse and socially acceptable, at least to the government and the IRS….And that’s all that really matters, in the end.”

Tony shook his head. This was a lot to take in. “But…If all that’s so, then what about all the trouble lately ?  The Bombings ? The Terrorists ?  Why wouldn’t that bring outside attention to the  School ?”

Pete laughed harshly. “Terrorists ?  If that were true, the Feds would be swarming the place.  And the Bombings ?  The Harringtons are keeping a lid on that.”

“Yeah, but the Cops…”, Tony started to say.

“The Harringtons OWN the Cops !", Pete said.  "They OWN the Towns.  Haven’t you been hearing me ?  Who do you think owns the Industries over in Blue Skies, like the Chem Plant ? There is nothing around here they don’t have their fingers on. That’s what is in that file. That is why that file so dangerous”.

“Dangerous ?” said Tony. “How is that…”

“Because, it has details, names, places, the money involved…I don’t know how it came to be, but it exists….And it could land the Harringtons and their friends in a lot of hot water, Prison time, fines, the Feds seizing their money….If they knew that file even existed. But the Harringtons know it exists, although I don’t think they know how much is actually out there.”

Tony was thinking. “If they know…Then…”

“Then for someone to have it in their possession might mean big trouble for them….Even the knowledge of it is risky.  Look what they did to Jimmy Hopkins.”

“Jimmy ?”, Tony said. “He Knew ?”

“Where do you think I got the file from in the first place ?" revealed Pete.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2015, 01:01:21 PM by BloodChuckZ »

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #212 on: March 24, 2010, 07:50:43 AM »
Tony sat stunned. What else didn’t he know ?  Maybe…He knew too much already.  Despite that, he couldn’t help himself.  He still had to know.

“Pete…What did you do with that File ?”

Pete stood again and resumed pacing. “Jimmy gave me those papers the night before he was arrested. He had finally figured out what it was, and that someone would be after him for it.  The Harringtons had him charged with those trumped-up Accessory to Murder charges and then stuck him in Jail, thinking that he still had those papers in his possession.  But he didn’t, and they don’t know where they are.  Some of the papers had been taken from the School Office, and some had been taken from Harrington House. I think Mr. Harrington kept them in those places to avoid having them in his home, just in case. Anyway, Jimmy gave them to me and told me to get rid of them somehow, and then just clammed up after he was arrested. His old room…Your old room…was searched by the Town Clowns afterwards, but, course, they found nothing.”

Pete paused. “I took and combined them into Derby’s file to hide them at first, but at the start of the School year, I decided to put them in a place that would be real hard for someone to really find.  I got a lockbox and buried the whole File in a place away from the School.  I’m the only one who knows where it is.”

“So, why didn’t you just destroy those things in the File ?”, asked Tony.

“They’re my Insurance. Even if the Harringtons believed those papers no longer existed, they would come after anyone who even had knowledge of them, to make sure no one would go to the Feds.  Jimmy never ratted me out, as far as I know…But, I wasn’t going to take any chances.”  Pete stopped and looked at Tony. “Now that you know…HAD to know…You had best keep your trap shut.  Real tight.”

“You can bet on that”, Tony said. “I’m just here trying to survive.”  He got up. “I hope that I.D. Card helps you out.  If there’s anything else I can do…”

“I’m glad you found this”, Pete said. "It doesn’t explain why, but at least I know who.  You done good, but I’ll take care of it from here.  I trust you hid those papers well…”

Here Tony nodded. “Then”, Pete continued, “I’ll just need the file that relates to Jake.  I’ll go to Crabblesnich myself and get this all straightened out.  I’ll tell him I found this card in my Office. That I still had my key and decided to investigate.”

“Just watch your back”, Tony said.

“What really pisses me off”, Pete went on, holding up the I.D. card, “Is that that little Shit-Ass Jake set me up for being a pervert when I had nothing to do with this. I hardly even knew him.  Why target me ? This whole thing is nuts. I had a great Halloween costume picked out to wear for that night, too.”

“Well…Jake has always seemed a little whacked out….”, Tony said, remembering.

Halloween…Then the Bombings.  A picture arose in Tony’s mind suddenly, of Trent standing on the top of the steps at the Boy’s Dorm, keeping the other boys from going in….Then the explosion…

Both boys stared at each other.

“You don’t think….”, began Tony.

“That there’s a connection here ?”, Said Pete. “I…Don’t Know….”

“I gotta go”, Tony said suddenly. “Someone I gotta talk to.”
« Last Edit: August 21, 2015, 01:17:45 PM by BloodChuckZ »

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #213 on: March 24, 2010, 12:53:53 PM »
The sky was grey over the asphalt of the Parking Lot, that supported each day the dozen feet of the Bullies.  The Clique was in circle, playing with a Soccer ball, as Tony greeted them loudly.  Half of them looked at him warily, but before they could say a word, Tony announced, "Trent, I gotta talk with you."

"Uh, all right, man”, Trent replied.

After walking away from the group of boys, Tony started. "You know, Trent, the night of the bombings..."

"Yeah ?", Trent said non-committaly.

"I remember that you kept to your boys from going in the Dorm. Why was that ?  Was there someone told you to do that ?", Tony said slowly.

"Uh, no, no, it's just...", Trent stumbled.

"What ?  Was there any reason ?", Tony pressed.

Trent looked his feet for a moment, and nodded his head silently. "Jake wanted me to do that."

"And you didn't make the fucking connection ?", Tony said, with his anger rising.

"What connection ?", Trent said, puzzled.

"Whatever”, Tony said in disgust. It was hard to believe that Trent was that dumb, but there it was.  He wasn’t getting anywhere here. “Thanks for your help, Dude. Have a nice day."

If Trent wasn't smart enough to make that connection, Tony was.  One thing was sure -- Jake knew about the planned bombings.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2015, 01:26:58 PM by BloodChuckZ »

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #214 on: March 27, 2010, 09:59:23 PM »
Algie had indeed returned to Bullworth Academy after a month of recuperation in the fancier Clinic at Old Bullworth Vale.  Since having one of his nuts blown clean off and the other damaged by a as-yet unknown assailant, an observer would think that Algie would be a bit more careful of where and how he slept.  But Algie had instead become very angry during his time in the hospital clinic, as someone might expect. Having not a clue who to direct his anger at, although he had his suspicions, Algie just got mad at everyone.  It wasn’t so much that he might never be able to get a girl pregnant (If it were even possible to find a girl willing to ever have sex with him in the first place), it was just the last straw of being picked on for years and years. 

Dark thoughts of revenge swirled about in his head.  He had had plenty of time during his painful recuperation to lay some evil plans to get back at his tormentors.  Knowing he couldn’t confront them directly due to his lack of physical ability, he would have to use his superior mental powers to devise retribution against his enemies.  He would lay traps and lure his intended victims in.  And, just like his attacker, he would stay in the shadows.  All the blame would go to the mysterious attacker who had attacked him. It was so perfect.

His first targets would be his chief tormentors….The Bullies.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2015, 01:49:03 PM by BloodChuckZ »

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #215 on: April 03, 2010, 10:50:07 PM »
Thanksgiving had passed. Tony was leaving Chem Class on the first day back from the holiday when he was called by name. Looking around, he saw Pete walking towards him.

“Hey, Tony…I gotta talk to you", Pete said. "Can you come up to my Office ?”

“Umm…Sure”, Tony said, following Pete towards the stairs. “You get everything straightened out with the Head, then ?”

“Yeah”, Pete said. “All fixed up. That’s what I need to talk to you about.”

Tony went up the stairs with Pete and then down the hall. Stopping at the setback door, Pete produced a set of keys, and unlocked not one, but three locks set in the door that looked brand-new. Entering the small room, Pete closed and re-locked the door, and motioned Tony into the chair, now near the desk.

The place was all cleaned up from the last time Tony had been there. There was no papers scattered on the floor, the desk was clear, with all the drawers put back in, and the huge file cabinet in the corner, Tony noticed, had some extra hardware on it….Sliding bars and several tough-looking padlocks now adorned the front of it. The desk lamp had been fixed and now sat in one corner of the top of the desk.

Pete sat down behind the desk.  “I wanted to see you Tony, and let you know that I have my Mediator job back, thanks to you. I went to see Crabblesnich, and explained it all to him. Showed him that I.D. Card that was found here.”

“And he believed you, just like that ?”, Tony questioned.

“Well….I had help”, Pete said. “I didn’t go in there alone.”

“Help ? What Help ?”, Tony Asked.

“I can’t tell you that”, Pete said. Tony opened his mouth to say something, but Pete waved him to silence. “No…You got to understand, Tony…There’s things I can’t talk about. Dangerous things. Things that have to be kept quiet.”

“What do you mean ?”, Tony asked. 

Pete sighed. “Look, Crabblesnich knows that I know things. He doesn’t know how much I know, I’m quite sure, but he realizes that I know enough to cause him…And the School…A lot of trouble. Plus, I think he’s smart enough to figure out that this whole thing against me was bogus…I mean, what idiot would leave panties scattered in easy-to-find places in his work office, just as a mysterious note suddenly appears on his secretary’s desk out of nowhere ?  This was obviously a set-up, and Crabblesnich is no dummy -- He had to suspend me at first, really didn’t have a choice…But now the facts are out there, so….”  He indicated the Office with a sweep of his arm…”Here I am.”

“Yeah, But…” Tony began.

“But Nothing”, Pete said. “The last thing Crabblesnich wants is for me to turn up in a Federal Prosecutor’s Office somewhere.  I’m sure the Harringtons wouldn’t like that either.  This whole place operates on secrecy. As they used to say in the Dorm, ‘This Place Is Rotten To The Core’…They just didn’t know how right they were.”

“If that’s so…”, Tony said slowly, “Why not just…Whack you ?”

“They’re not gonna chance killing a kid, even an older kid like me…That’s too risky. Besides, they don’t think that I’m that big of a threat to them. That I know enough to really hurt them.”

“But…”, Tony said slowly, “You Do ?”

Pete didn’t say anything.

Tony slumped back in his chair. “Woah…”
Both boys sat there in silence. After a minute, Tony asked, “Why do you go along with this ?”

“Because…If this School goes down, we all go down”, Pete replied.

“Whadda Mean ?’, Tony asked. “How does that affect us ?”

“I want to get out of here”, Pete said. “I want to graduate. If the school is brought down, all of the academics will be worthless. All the Credits will be lost. Yours…Mine…Everybodys….All the classes you ever went to here won’t count. The state will pull accreditation, and every course will be tarnished. Not so bad for you maybe, you haven’t been here very long. But for me, and others like me, who have been here for years, it would totally screw our chances of ever getting into a decent College. Like I said, I want out…And I’m not gonna hang around here and be a Prefect.”

Tony sat stunned. Again, for the second time in as many weeks, he was seeing much more than maybe he should be knowing.

“There’s another thing”, Pete said. “I convinced Crabblesnich that I needed an assistant….You.”

Here Pete reached into the desk drawer, and threw a set of keys across the desk. Tony looked at him questionly.

“I could really use the help. You’re a good kid, about the only one in this place I can trust. Besides, you know too much to back out now.”  Pete paused. “Whadda Say ?”

Slowly Tony reached over and picked up the keys. “OK….I’m In”

“Good”, Pete said. “Oh, and Tony…I’m gonna need those files back. Those papers you took. You may think they’re safe, but unless you buried them….” Here Pete looked at Tony, who shook his head No, he continued….”Then they’re not safe. Anyone can find them. Look at the stuff you’ve found.”

Tony was remembering. It DID seem like hiding places eventually got discovered…He had sure come across places himself that he thought were secure…But…

“Bet you have them stashed in one of the caves around here, don’t you…”, Pete said, and here Tony just looked at him with a look of surprise…”Oh, yeah, I know about those places, and so do lots of others who have been around here awhile.  It’s only natural to want to get away and explore.  Once you’re around here for a couple or three years, you pretty much know where all those spots are.”

Tony got to thinking. Pete was right. Nowhere out there was really safe. So where was safe ?  Tony looked over at the now-heavily fortified file cabinet. For the first time he noticed that it was now also bolted to the floor. Pete pointed to the cabinet. “Nobody’s getting in there now. Short of an acetylene torch, that is. Probably the safest place in the whole School now.”

Tony agreed. “I’ll get the papers back here tonight”, he said. “I can sneak them back in without getting busted.”

“I think you’ll find that’s not a problem for you anymore”, Pete said. “Perks of the job from now on -- The Prefects have to leave us alone. All you have to tell them is you’re on School Business. They have to back off. They’re not allowed in here, either. That’s kind of funny, having something that’s off-limits to those fuckers.”

“Sounds sweet…I think I’m liking this job a whole lot more now.” Tony rose to leave. “Oh, um, Pete…Something I gotta tell you.  Remember when we talked the last time, about the Bombings ?”

Pete nodded. “What did you find out ?”

“I had just remembered something that happened that night.  Trent was keeping anyone from going in the Boy’s dorm right before the bomb in there went off. When I asked him about it, he finally let out that Jake had told him to keep everyone out that night.”

Pete leaned back. “That means Jake…Knew something…”

“Yeah, I think he was in on it somehow, or knew it was coming…..”, Tony agreed.

“And Jake’s been missing now for….What, a couple months ?”, Pete asked.

“Just about…Except for his contacts with Trent…..I’m gonna have to talk to that boy alone somewhere private. He knows something….I’ll get it outta him”, Tony said.

“Get them papers back here first. That’s most important right now”, Pete said.

“Will Do”, said Tony, heading for the door. “See you later.”

Tony exited the small office, and stood in the hallway, considering. It became clear to him that it was urgent to get those papers back into Pete’s newly-fortified file cabinet. This was now a very important mission. Thinking, Tony decided to take along Laurent and Constantinos for lookouts and backup. He couldn’t afford to take any chances on this one.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2015, 10:04:13 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #216 on: April 04, 2010, 07:02:10 AM »
The very next night, Tony closed the door of his new Office, after being followed in by the two boys he had brought with him.  They were carrying the successfully retrieved the papers and files from the stash in the cave. He sat in the new chair that produced a little squeaking sound, and turned the desk lamp on.  The two boys piled the lot on the floor next to the cabinet.

"Okay, guys, how do you like it here ?", Tony grinned.

"It is simply amazing !  A whole Office just for you !" Constantinos replied.

"Yeah, it looks... Hem... Great." Laurent simply said.

"Well…I have to share it with Pete, he‘s the Boss”, Tony said modestly. “Okay... Listen, I've had you guys come here because I have a deal for you."

The two boys looked at each other, and then bent themselves over the desk to listen carefully.  Tony crossed his fingers, and started to talk.  "You both have honestly, and I mean it, made this a perfect job for me. You, Constantinos, have always been here to keep me informed about everything that was said in this School. Without you, we couldn't have started this whole business, and we all would still be under the wing of that turd Jake.  And you, Laurent, you've been helping me a lot too, first off about the Parkour and then the Rappel.  And then, you've been a bodyguard at times, a guy that always kept being discreet and that knew how to keep secrets.  Anyway, now we have this  new general quarters, I wanted to... Make your work for me official."

"What do you mean by that ?" replied Constantinos after a short time.

"You will be my ears like always, and Laurent will be my bodyguard.  I'll need you to be ready at anytime and anyplace.  I'll provide you money to buy bikes so that you can go quicker.  Constantinos, I'll pay you a price for each bit of information, and Laurent, for each enemy bashed. Got it ?"

"Oui. Like a... Cogneur”, Laurent nodded.

"Sure…Uh, Yeah”. Tony said. “All right, guys ?  I'll contact you soon, make sure you hang out often near the Fountain, understood ?"

"Okay, bo... Tony”, Constantinos said, and Laurent nodded. Shaking hands, they took their leave.

When the two boys were gone, Tony went to the new water cooler that had been put in this Office and poured cold water into a plastic glass.  Since hour one in his new position, he had felt powerful and important.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2015, 02:23:27 PM by BloodChuckZ »

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #217 on: April 04, 2010, 07:21:36 AM »
"Welcome to the Dragon's Wing !  What do you call yourself ?  I can't remember, man...", the strange new fat young man said.

Algie looked shortly at the new proprietor of his favorite and only Comic Shop.  The young man had long blond hair, and wore an eternal ‘Blue Oyster Cult’ T-Shirt  with a nametag that read “Stan.”  The guy had arrived in Bullworth Town just after Alfred was arrested for the bombings, and had somehow taken over the Comic Shop, managing to make everything look new and futuristic.  The Nerd spoke his name quickly, walked around the counter and pushed the metal door to access to the cellar.  Down there, like always, was a bunch of Nerds playing their favorite roleplay game, Grottos and Gremlins.

"Hey Algie ! Wanna play for the next round ?" Fatty asked.

"No, Uh... I have a lot of work“, demurred Algie.

"Okay then...", Fatty said, getting back to the game. “Prepare The Battlements !”

Algie took a door leading to the small room, with a desk with a computer on it, and the mattress where he had been sleeping when his nut was blown off.  He sat at the desk and opened the second drawer of the deask.  Inside, he found many photocopies of the plans of the School.  The first he pulled was a plan for the operation ‘Trojan Cow‘, an old plan to beat the Jocks that the Nerds had made successfully with Jimmy last year.  After a few looks at old pland, he finally pulled a new sheet without any writing on it, and began to think about his first way to teach the Bullies a lesson. 

At the top of the sheet, he wrote, The Trap of Love.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2015, 02:40:56 PM by BloodChuckZ »

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« Reply #218 on: April 12, 2010, 12:30:27 PM »
Mr. Svenson, the Postman, entered the gate and then climbed the steps to the large porch and knocked on the old wooden door.  As Kurt opened it, loud, hard music came out of the communal room, and Mr. Svenson could barely hear what the kid was saying.  He decided just to give to the kid the pack of letters he had in the hands, and after a final look at the messy room, he made his way back to the street. 

Kurt slammed the door, threw the letters on the glass table, and after kneeling down, made a sign to Tibo for him to shut off the music. "What have we here... Advertising... Advertising... Oh, there's something for you, Lola", Kurt said offhandedly.

His girl looked up from her magazine, and grabbed the letter.  She hadn't received any mail in months... Maybe was it from Johnny Vincent, could it be that he was bored without her, missing her ?  Even though she had left Detroit and returned here, that would be proof of his real love. She had snatched the letter quickly in case there was a return address with Johnny’s name, but the space was left blank.

Apparently, the Rockers had received a letter from the School that was occupying all their interest, and didn’t notice.  Lola didn't care about the School anymore.  She was living the good life here, as she always had wanted.  She stood up, kicked aside two or three pizza boxes just to find her way to the stairs, and climbed up to the room she was sharing with Kurt.  She laid on the bed, and slowly opened the letter she was holding. The first thing she noticed was that $20 dollars was in it.  The second was that the letter was written with magazine letters pasted on the paper, titled "The Trap of Love", and signed ‘Piff the Skull‘.  The mysterious person promised more dollars if she followed his plan….. Make the Bullies follow her to the place indicated on the map on the other side.  That seemed pretty easy, and Lola was happy to read that ‘Piff the Skull’ found her the most attractive girl, and the only one able to do this right.  She hid the letter in a bottom drawer of the dresser and slowly went down the stairs. The boys were laughing.

"Hey, Lola !  Guess what that old fuck Crabblesnitch sent us !", hooted Kurt.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2015, 03:03:51 PM by BloodChuckZ »

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Re: The Never Ending Story
« Reply #219 on: April 13, 2010, 10:06:59 AM »
Mandy awoke in her room on an overcast morning the first day of December. Stiffly, she streched, trying to work the kinks out of her sore muscles. Too much Cheerleading lately, no doubt. Now that the Football Games had resumed, it seemed non-stop. Oh, well, that would be over soon enough. The season was just about over.

She looked over at the sleeping girl in the next bed. Since the re-organization of the Dorms after the bombings, she had been forced to share her room.  Before, she had the room all to herself, which had suited her just fine.  Mandy wasn’t a particularly friendly girl, in fact she was rather a bitch.  Her only fun in life was bossing around those sluts on the Cheerleading squad, and that would soon be over.  She would go back to bullying the other girls, she supposed, but her main target from last year, Beatrice, was now gone.  Added to the mix now was that huge slut Zoe was back at school now.  She hated that cunt almost as much as she hated Lola, who had dropped out last School year.

She Sighed.  She would have been out of here by now if it hadn’t been for those pictures last year being plastered all over by that prevert Ernest.  Somebody had snuck into the dorm and had taken some naked shots of her in the shower and in her room here.  Or maybe it had been one of the girls ?   No one had ever found out who took the photos, but they wound up in Earnest Jones’ possession.   Mandy still felt sick every time she thought of that retard whacking off over her naked pictures.  Then for some reason, Ernest had decided to post blow-ups all over the School and over in Bullworth Town.  She had to ask for help from Jimmy Hopkins, who had gone and taken care of all the pictures by painting them over with spray paint.  But the damage was done, and she had to take some time off from School. The whole incident had eventually led to her breakup with Ted Thompson, the Jock’s Leader and Quarterback of the Football Team.  Even when she came back, though, her rep was ruined.  Everyone leered at her, Ted ignored her, and even the rest of the Jocks treated her like she was some kind of whore.  The only person she could talk to was Jimmy, who knew the truth.  Jimmy had also beat up Earnst, who was no longer at the School because of the pictures, among other things of a deviant sexual nature.  Mandy had even had a thing with Jimmy for awhile, before that supercunt Zoe has stolen him from her.

So here she was, still in this hellhole. She had missed too much time over the last School year because of the pictures, and had to come back for another year. And this sucked, for she didn’t have anybody to hang out with or even talk to.  Now, they had stuck her with a roommate, that little twerp Gloria. This girl was a little miss-know-it-all and kind of reminded her of Beatrice.  And she wouldn’t ever shut up.  That was really annoying.  And she wanted to tag along all the time. That was the pits, Mandy didn’t need a shadow.

Well, not this morning. Mandy dressed quietly and snuck out of the room, headed for class. She would figure out what to do about all this later. For now, though, she felt about as bleak as the day looked as she headed out of the dorm.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2015, 03:52:01 PM by BloodChuckZ »

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Re: The Never Ending Story
« Reply #220 on: April 19, 2010, 06:11:06 AM »
After Tony had made sure Pete had secured the missing files the next morning, he left his Office and headed to the Fountain to find the two boys that now worked for him.  Constantinos was sitting on the edge, talking with Laurent, who was playing with a Basketball.

"Hi, Bo... Tony !", Constantious greeted him

"Here I am, guys. As I promised, we're gonna find you bikes”, Tony told them. “You both have some free time ?"

"Oui !", Laurent laughed. “Too much time on my hands !”

"OK”, Tony grinned, “Let's go then."

And the three Students walked through the School grounds, heading to the shelter. The prefect sitting inside recognized Tony, and, strangely, didn't want to argue with him like the last time.  He stamped three pink tickets and pushed them on the counter without saying a word.  Tony took them, and the three walked rapidly away.

"Do you guys know anything about bikes ?" he asked with an amused smile.

"Not really“, Constantinos answered, “But I would prefer something common... So the Greasers leave us alone."

"You've got a point there”, Tony said, “Maybe a Mountain Bike ?"

"Oui“, Laurent said, “That would be a good compromise."

After walking across the big truss bridge, they arrived at the Shiny Bike Shop.  Behind the glass was a blue bike on a wooden pedestal that was turning, with a sales tag on the seat that identified it as ‘Aquaberry Cruiser‘ with the price written next to it.  On the door were various pictures of local bike race champions that had, apparently, bought their bikes in this Shop, and they were all smiling, plastic trophies in their hands.  Inside, the Shopkeeper, Tobias Mason, dressed in red and playing on his computer, looked surprised as he saw that his new customers didn't have their hair combed back and weren't wearing leather jackets.  The only people normally coming into his shop were the Greasers, to buy advanced models of bikes or asking for advices to impress their friends.

"Uh... Hello, welcome to my shop... Take a... Look around."  It was like the guy forgot how to greet unknown customers.

"Well, Sir, we would need two bikes for twenty bucks”, Tony said.

"Sure, we have the…“, the man paused. “Wait. You meant twenty bucks each, right ?"

"No, No, for both.….That would mean ten each." Tony felt destabilized.

In less than a second, Mr. Mason lost all his tension, and began to laugh freely.
"Ha-Ha, my man, if you need bikes, you'll have to bargain a bit more, and I mean it !"

"Thank you, Sir”, Tony said disappointedly. “Well, Have a nice day."

Tony smacked his palm against his forehead.  Of course !  Why didn't he think before about Steve ?  The guy had opened his own sort-of proper shop after the bombings, Tony now remembered, as he had seen his name on the sheets of those not returning to School brought to him by the Prefect.

« Last Edit: August 22, 2015, 04:05:41 PM by BloodChuckZ »

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Re: The Never Ending Story
« Reply #221 on: April 19, 2010, 01:42:14 PM »
Jake, aka Ace Adams, was hanging out after hours at the shooting range booth with Crystal, the Carnie who ran the game. There was a goodly supply of Alcohol always stashed under the counter that all the Carnies had access to, and both Jake and Crystal were drinking, with Crystal already well on her way to getting wasted.

“What’s it gonna be, Crystal ? We hafta go on part-time now ?” said Jake.

“Yeah…urp…..Just parrrrt-time….”, Chrystal replied drunkenly.

“Since I wasn’t here last year, I don’t know what to expect for the winter up here”, Jake went on. “So, the booths close down, right ?”

“Uhhh….Yeah….Just this and….The Dunk Tank….”, Crystal said, having trouble keeping her eyes open. “Some stuff….Stays open, ya’know….”

“So, what’ll you do ?”, Asked Jake.

“Oh…er…ahh…I can get….A Job in town….If not, Billy…..Billy Bob will take care of me…..”

I’ll just bet he does, Jake thought.  Billy Bob Crane was the Carnival owner. Not above a few fringe benefits there. Lucky Bastard.  Aloud, Jake said, “Any customers today here ?  Gotta be getting close.”

Crystal shook her head back and forth, and in the process made herself dizzy. “Whoo…Shit….No,No…Nobody today…..Fuck it, it lass day anyhow…..”

Jake had an Idea. “So what happens to those pea shooters ?”

“Pee….What…?” Crystal’s head was drooping.

“The BB Guns, that you use for the game here”, Jake said patiently.

“Ohhhh…You mean…..The Air Rifles……They’re locked up…..Under here…”

She pointed unsteadily to a spot under the counter, a place that had a couple of swing doors secured with a large padlock. Just the act of doing that seemed to exhaust her, for she slumped back on her butt against the counter. Suddenly, she leaned forward and threw up, vomiting the stale alcohol on the ground in front of her.  Jake moved over to help her before she collapsed.

“Time to get you to your cot”, Jake said, as he helped her to the back of the booth. He laid her down on the cot, and covered her with a blanket laying nearby.

“Thannnks, Ace…..You’re….a good….Guy…..”, Crystal slurred. “Close up….For me ?”

“Sure thing, Babe”, Jake said, laughing to himself. Crazy bitch just couldn’t hold her Liquor…Something he had counted on.

Crystal nodded once, then turned her head and passed out. Jake waited until he could hear her deep breathing, then pulled the blanket back.  An opportunity presented itself here, but that wasn’t quite what he was after. Jake was many things, but he was not a rapist. Digging through the girl’s pockets, he came up with a ring of keys. Returning to the front, he knelt and found the key that fit the padlock.  Opening the doors, he found a whole stash of the Air Rifles. Although old, they appeared to be in good shape. Also on the shelf was several boxes of pellets.  Jake took one of the rifles and a box of pellets, and then re-locked the cabinet.  On another open shelf nearby, he spotted the bunch of smaller padlocks used to secure the overhead drop-down panels to the front of the Arcade. Jake found a key for one of these locks on the key ring. Then, he took that key and the key for the Air Rifle cabinet off the key ring and put them in his pocket. Returning to the back, he then put the key ring back in Crystal’s pocket, and re-covered her with the blanket.

It was common knowledge around the Carnival that Crystal was an easy lay.  But the Carnies, in their strange way, protected her. As Jake was one of them now, even if only for a little while, he would do the same.  She would not even remember that he had even been here tonight, since she had been fairly well lit even before he got here.  Jake glanced toward the back door. It was secured. Jake turned and went back to the front, where he scooped up padlocks.  Grabbing the Rifle and the box of pellets, he jumped over the counter, then proceeded to lower the drop panels into place.  He locked each one with the small padlocks as he did so, using the padlock for which he now had the key to secure the far left drop panel. Concealing the Rifle and the pellets under his clothing, he made his way back to his Souvenir Tent, where he locked the Rifle and pellets in his own stash.

He could go back on a later night and swipe the rest of the Air Rifles under cover of darkness, when nobody was around. Foe now, though, his mind raced with the possibilities. A plan was forming as to where he would arm all the cliques with these weapons. He had already armed several of them with Spud Guns and Bottle Rocket Launchers, but this was far better.  Fitted with scopes, these babies could go long range. This would fit into his plans perfectly.  With all sides armed to the teeth, it would only take a spark to ignite a full-scale Clique War. When the carnage was at it’s height, he would then step up, in his persona of Ace Adams, and bring peace to all factions in his role as the Ultimate Fixer.  He would be hailed as a Hero, and would be given total respect and power over the commerence of the school.  Everyone would bow before him, even the Adults. 

Jake lay down on his cot and his thoughts drifted into a deep, deep sleep…….
« Last Edit: August 23, 2015, 10:13:51 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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Re: The Never Ending Story
« Reply #222 on: April 21, 2010, 04:05:27 PM »
The next morning, two new kids arrived at Bullworth.  Their names were Eddie and Geoff.  They were both loners, but they grew up with each other in nearby Warwick.  Their families were high-end, but not Preps though.  Geoff was a skater, while Eddie was a metalhead.

Geoff went to the Boy's Dorm to put his stuff away, while Eddie stayed by the gate to relax and light a ciggy.

"Hey, no smoking, young man !" shouted some old bitch from behind Eddie.

"And just what are you gonna do about me ?" replied Eddie.

"I'll tell the Headmaster," threatened the dark-haired woman.

Eddie always carried his handy, dandy slingshot with him. He fired a rock and hit her in the stomach.  While she was bent over, he ran around her towards the Dorm.

"Get back here !" the woman shouted, appearing to be the Headmaster’s Secretary, Ms Danvers.

While running, Eddie turned around and started flipping her off.  He ran up the steps into the Boy's Dorm.  The hag won't get me in here. Boys need privacy. She can't come in here.

"You get out here this Instant !" she shouted.

"Fuck You !" Eddie shouted, slamming the doors.

Ha….I've been here for about 45 minutes, and I've broken about 4 of the rules. Eddie thought. Nobody will be able to stop me !!

« Last Edit: August 23, 2015, 10:23:16 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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Re: The Never Ending Story
« Reply #223 on: April 24, 2010, 05:00:13 AM »
Kurt was looking out the second story bedroom window when Tibo found him upstairs.

“Heya Kurt….What’choo doing ?”

Kurt continued staring out the window a moment before answering.  “I’m watching those Prep Pricks over there at Harrington’s place”, he finally said.

Tibo came over to the window for a look himself. “A buncha spoiled rich fucks.  What’cha watching them for ?”

“Because, my lame friend, that’s where that asshole Derby lives, when he’s not jacking off over at their private house at the school. There is where the richest fuck in these parts lives at. And there’s all his little Prick friends. They just stand out there in front, by the Gate, and smoke ciggys and act tough.”

“I…uh…Still don’t get it…..So What ?” Tibo said.

Kurt kept his gaze on the Preps.  “Tibo, we both come up with hardly nothing…Am I Right ?”

“Well…Yeah”, Tibo answered, still not understanding.

“All the while, these rich shits, and others like them, have everything. Never a struggle, always everything there for them. And they’re just little pussy assholes. You and I are better than that, yet we have nohing.”  Kurt looked at Tibo then. “This place is the best digs we have ever been in…Ever in our lives.”

“True that”, Tibo said. “This place is killer.”

“This place is temporary”, Kurt said, and returned his gaze back out the window. “We only get to stay a few months. They…” He pointed at the Preps…”Get to stay there no matter what.”

Tibo looked out at the Preps. A sudden anger ran through him. “Yeah, that sucks.”

They both continued to stare out the window for awhile.

“There’s a guy over at the Carnival selling Weapons", Kurt said.  "We need to get some Weapons.”

Tibo now stared at Kurt. “How do you know that ?”

“What’s it matter ? I hear things. Keep my ears open. You should too.” Kurt settled his arms on the windowsill. “This Dude is selling them to all the Clique Leaders. They had some big meeting last month with him. Some deal was worked out.”

“But…You didn’t get to go ?”, Tibo said. “You’re a Clique Leader, for us….So, why not….”

“Wasn’t invited”, said Kurt. “Too small…Too new…Whatever the reason, it don’t matter.  We still need Weapons.  Those queer fucks have them.  We have to have some too.”

A small smile crept onto Tibo’s face. “What’chu planning ?”

Kurt reflected a minute. “I sit here and see these fuckers every day.  Laughing at us.  Looking down their nose at us.  I say….It’s about time we spit in their faces, bring them down a notch or two…or three.”

“We’ll need some money”, Tibo said. “How are we going….”

“Pawn some of the shit in this place.  Beat up some kids and take their lunch money.  Do some break-ins.  I don’t give a rat’s ass how, just make it happen.”

Tibo straightened up. “I’ll get the boys right on it.”

“Good”, Kurt said, returning his gaze to out of the window.  “Is Lola back yet ?”

“Um…Yeah”, Tibo said, “She’s down in the Kitchen.”

“Send her up, will’ya ?”, Kurt said absently.

“Sure thing.“, Tibo replied.  He turned and left the room.

Kurt continued staring out the window at the Preps, with malice in his eyes.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2015, 10:41:38 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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Re: The Never Ending Story
« Reply #224 on: April 24, 2010, 05:54:37 AM »
Lola had left the house earlier without even listening to the contents of the letter sent by the School.  She needed money, and for once, she didn't really have to work for it.

It would just be a coincidence.  While flirting, the Bullies would just accidentally land in the School Basement, where something was supposed to happen, as ‘Piff the Skull’ had surely planned.  She had put on her best leather jacket, opened on a low-necked T-Shirt and a tie provocatively stuck between her breasts.  She didn't really care about the temperature slowly getting down the last few days, the most important thing was for her was to be observed.  She wanted everyone to turn around in her path and think that she was a girl that took care of herself.

She arrived at the School's Front Gates, but after thinking about it for a while, she looked to the right and decided to take the other entry, the one leading directly to the Parking Lot dedicated to the Teachers, where the Bullies liked to hang out.  She walked along the brick wall and then through the open Gates.  Pretending she was looking for something, she slowly made her way out onto the asphalt.

"Hey, you lost your way, Honey ?"  A black Bully named Ethan was standing before her, folding the arms.

"Not really, tough guy“, Lola said.  “I just... Wanted to see how you guys were doing."

"Oh yeah ?" the boy said, looking at his friends with a smile.

"Yeah. But it seems you're not interested. Oh well..." Lola said while slowly walking away.

"No, no, no, wait ! That's not what I meant !", Ethan said, catching up with her.

"Oh, really ?" Lola turned around, grabbed his shirt and approached her face to his.

"I really didn't mean it, come on !“, Ethan protested, “We just haven't seen you…Since a long time ago..."

"I don't know what to do !" Lola said with a smile, releasing his shirt and turning around again. "Maybe we could find a cool place to hang out..."

Ethan looked behind him to see the other Bullies following him.  Lola led them across the lot to East side of the School and then to the steps that led down to the door of the School Basement.

The other Bullies gathered around.  Lola looked at those familiar faces…Ethan, Tom, Davis. Wade, Troy…”Maybe…Down there ?  Johnny’s gone away, you know.  I’ve been…So Lonely…”

Lola put her arm around Ethan’s neck, and descended the steps.  The door was unlocked, and they went inside.   Slowly, room after room, the whole Clique walking around the girl made their way deeper into the Basement, and after a bunch of corridors, they arrived in a gigantic room with a bowl-like depression at the center, and a tall fence around it, known by the Students as ‘The Hole’.

"Ethan...Uhh…What we doing here ?  This is just for fighting !", Troy burbled.

"Shut up”, said Ethan, distracted. “We just call it the Hole.  Can mean other things, y‘know"

Lola pointed to the pit. “Down there is Private…And Dark.”  She giggled. “Hop on down, boys.”

One by one, they dropped down through the open gate.  As Ethan jumped down last, he turned and held up his arms to help Lola down.

“Com’on, I’ll help you down”, Ethan said, “Then we can….”

"Welcome, Gentlemen."

The last sentence had came out of a hidden loudspeaker.  The Bullies looked all around them, trying to find who was speaking.  Slowly, the fenced gate closed, and locked itself.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2015, 10:47:49 AM by BloodChuckZ »