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Author Topic: The Bullworth Never Ending Story  (Read 389206 times)

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Offline Mercury

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The Bullworth Never Ending Story
« on: September 28, 2009, 11:56:42 AM »



                            THE BULLWORTH NEVER ENDING STORY
                                                          {{ CHAPTER 1 }}

                                                       The School Bombings

Tony Calderone had been waiting for an hour next to the great gates of his new School.  He had read the sign over it about a hundred times -- BULLWORTH ACADEMY.   How will it be ?  His Mother had just left him here alone, only with a bag, an apple and his black tie.  He had been listening to music on his bed as his Mother had came in and just said, "I’ve found a fantastic school for you, Tony !  Look at the brochure, you'll sure have a great career if you go there !".  On the moment he had agreed.  But now.….He was stressed.  He was looking at a little graffiti on the wall as a woman came walking towards him.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2015, 10:20:58 AM by BloodChuckZ »

Offline Miss Ordered

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« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2009, 09:38:13 PM »
"Fresh Meat Is DEAD Meat"  That's what the graffiti read.

"You must be Tony Calderone",  crooned the woman, who was wearing a dark, tight outfit. "I am Miss Danvers. Welcome to Bullworth Academy !  I'm sure you'll fit in quite comfortably here."  She led him through the Gates onto the School Campus.

A tall, ugly boy in a white shirt with acne and blonde hair smiled as he gestured menacingly at Tony, just as he passed the quad. Two other boys in white shirts slapped their fists into their palms behind him, wearing the same hideous smiles.

"Come along, now. You don't want to keep Dr. Crabblesnitch waiting. He's an amazing man”, Miss Danvers continued, walking swiftly towards the large School building.

Miss Danvers made no effort to slow down for Tony, galloping off to kiss the ass of her beloved Principal.  Climbing the steps and entering the School, he found himself in a grand hall.  Ahead, Miss Danvers was ascending another flight of steps that led to the School Office.  When Tony caught up, he was directed to an another Office in back of that, through double doors. 
« Last Edit: September 10, 2015, 03:53:28 PM by BloodChuckZ »

Offline Mercury

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« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2009, 01:19:26 PM »
Tony arrived in the Office. There the Headmaster was waiting for him.  His Scholarship Record was open on the Headmaster’s desk, and  it wasn't bad at all.  The Headmaster, who was named Dr. Crabblesnitch, was saying that Bullworth was made for him, a great quality Student.  The interview was a short one.  Tony, after having thanked him, left the Headmaster’s Office, and was directed to his lodgings and given instructions and a class schedule by Miss Danvers.  Feeling good, he made his way to the Boy’s Dorm.

The Three boys were waiting for him, with the blonde one in lead.  They lurched from the shadow of the Boys' Dorm and into Tony's path.  The blond one went up to him, and put out his hand.  "Welcome to Bullworth !  I'm Trent.", the boy said.

"Thank you, my name's Tony, I'm.…."  Tony couldn't finish his sentence as Trent was literally crushing his hand. Tony just had to throw his foot into the Bully's knee just to get free.  As Trent fell down, holding his leg, the two other boys began to push him.

"What are you going to do ? Huh ?", said one.
"Oh, a black tie, I was just looking for one !", the other one said.
"Leave Me Alone !!!" screamed Tony.

He tried to punch the nearest one, but the Bully avoided it, grabbed him, and shoved him up against the wall.  "You think you're tough, new kid ?"

And then he threw Tony to the ground.  The two boys began to kick him, joined by Trent, who had just got up. The apple came out of Tony's pocket. Trent took it, ate a piece of it, and spat everything out on Tony's new uniform.  "As I said, Welcome to Bullworth !"

The three boys laughed and went away. Tony let his head drop to the ground. He didn't want to get up.

« Last Edit: September 10, 2015, 03:57:07 PM by BloodChuckZ »

Offline T-Bone

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« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2009, 07:35:58 PM »
As he laid there moaning and coughing, another student in a school uniform came up and offered him a hand. "Hey, you're the new kid.  My name’s Jake.  If you think that was bad, I'll have to show you the rest of this dump."

As the two of them walked into the dorm another student approached them.  Shyly, he introduced himself. "Hello, I’m Pete !"

“Shut Up, Ho-Mo !”, Jake spat out.

“You better watch it, Jake !” Pete retorted before walking off.

It didn’t seem as if Jake and Pete really liked each other, considering their arguing.

As Jake had Tony explore the Dorm, they literally ran into a HUGE bully named Russell.  Before Russell could say a word, Tony and Jake made a break for Tony’s new room.

After they were done panting, Jake told Tony he should put his new uniform on. Jake, however, just stood there.

"Listen, I gotta change," Said Tony, "Would you mind fucking leaving ?”

"Listen", said Jake, "If your gonna talk like that in this School, you’ll get the shit beat out of you like you did earlier, only harder.  Think about that for a while."

As Jake went out the door, Pete came back in.  "Hey, sorry about Jake. I know he can be a jerk sometimes.  But you can’t just put up with him like that."

"Yeah, I realized that. Thanks.“, Tony said.  “But I gotta get changed and my stuff unpacked…See you.”
« Last Edit: September 10, 2015, 04:03:57 PM by BloodChuckZ »

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« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2009, 07:47:35 PM »
As Tony was putting on his uniform he overheard some of those dickwads in the white shirts talking out in the hall.

"Hey, I think that new kid is a fruitcake", one said
"You mean pound cake ?", the other joked.
"No, I think he’s a weakling like everyone else around here", the first said.
"Well, I don’t know about that, remember the New Kid last year ?”, the second said,  “I still have bruises."
"You mean that fag Gary ?", the first asked.
"Naw, you know, the one after him”, the second answered.
"Ohh... You mean Jim…", the first started.
"Shut up , We were never supposed to mention him again !", the second warned.
"Oh yeah…sorry”, the first relented.

As the conversation drifted off, Tony thought to himself, Who the Hell is Jim.... and why can’t they mention him ?
« Last Edit: September 10, 2015, 04:12:52 PM by BloodChuckZ »

Offline Miss Ordered

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« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2009, 08:43:22 PM »
The alarm clock bell rang, signaling the upcoming morning class, and Tony groaned.  The previous evening had done nothing but reveal to him that Bullworth Academy was actually a cesspool of society rejects, with fighting going on in the hallway outside his room far into the night.  As he came awake, the fighting resumed.  Tony was beginning to regret ever having come to this place, which was nothing like the brochure.   

Two students passed his open doorway.  One of them was actually kind of a shrimp, with a childish face, but his Bullworth athletic sweater on him said otherwise.  The other guy was large and hulking, with a Letterman jacket.  It was that guy who stopped briefly in front of Tony's door to shake his fist at him, although by then, Tony had his back turned.

Tony scrambled through his belongings and finally salvaged his now crumpled schedule and a clean new textbook.  He read: {Period 1: Mathematics}

As he half-assed his way into the School building to what was going to be his first class in this hellhole, a Student stopped right in front of him.  Tony considered taking the textbook he had been issued him and smacking it on the prick's head, but soon realized that this Student didn't seem like he wanted to annihilate him anytime soon.

"Going to Math Class ?" asked the guy, who was wearing a dark green sweater.  A black cloud of misery seemed to shroud him, and Tony could understand why in a place that seemed as horrible as Bullworth.

"Yeah, I am", Tony answered.  "I'm Tony Calderone, new here."

"I'm Constantinos.  Good luck with Mr. Hattrick," sighed the black-haired student.  "Wish me luck in gym.  I'll need it."

"Umm...Ok, whatever", Tony said. "I gotta go off this way", he said, pointing down the hall.

"OK, see you", Constantinos answered morosely, and headed off.

As the gloomy Student wandered away, Tony watched him.  Even this kid seemed a little off.  Not that this School wasn't already weird enough.

Tony approached the stairs to the second floor, deep in thought.  He had managed to make one friend, if you could call it that.  Well, maybe two, if Jake counted.

Suddenly, he was face up on the floor.  The overhead lights burned in Tony's pupils, and he shielded his eyes from any more agony.  At first, he thought someone had struck him out of nowhere.

But in reality, a student had slid down the railing and accidentally landed on him.  As he uncovered his eyes, a face loomed over him.  It was Jake, grinning.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2015, 04:21:44 PM by BloodChuckZ »

Offline T-Bone

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« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2009, 09:00:03 PM »
As Jake went to help him up, Tony asked him about what the Bullies were talking about earlier.  Jake told him all he knew about the person who had the dorm room before him. Tony was surprised to know that the person before him ended up “King of the School“.

Pete, who had been close by and overheard, walked over and said, "His name's Jimmy.   He used to be a good friend of mine, and he went to Prison for an accessory to Murder on an old rival named Gary.  He really didn't do it, but they arrested him anyway.  That's why the Bullies never mention his name.  It kills them to think that one of their old buddies committed murder.  If your wondering, that's why Russell is 10 times more aggressive than the other Bullies…..He wasn't able to face the facts."

"Is that why the bullies are aggressive toward me ?", Tony asked,  "Because I'm in that room that was last used by Jimmy ?"

"Probably so." answered Pete with a shrug.  “That room hasn’t been used since, until now.”

Tony hadn't noticed before that Pete was a bit older than the other Students.  He then asked Pete why that was, and Pete's reply was, "I sorta run this place."

Tony was surprised but he didn't ask any more questions about that.  Instead, he asked who had murdered Gary if Jimmy didn't kill him.

Pete replied, "It might've been one of Jimmy's other friends, Edgar that killed him....But, funny thing was, he was found dead too."

"Hmmm....But wait", Tony asked. "What happened to Jimmy ?"

"He was sent to Prison.  They tried him as an Adult", Pete said.

Tony mulled that over for awhile.  Looking around, he asked why the Bullies seemed older than some of the other kids.

Jake piped up and laughed, "Cause they’re all to dumb to pass !"

Tony was FULL of questions but he decided to stop there, as he had to go before he was late to class.

"Hey !", cautioned Pete as Tony left, "Try not to mention Jimmy’s name too much, Ok ?"
« Last Edit: September 10, 2015, 04:27:37 PM by BloodChuckZ »

Offline Miss Ordered

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« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2009, 09:45:43 PM »
Tony marched through School, thinking deeply about what Jake said.  Who was this Jimmy, and what made him so important ?   Looking at this dump, everyone was probably paranoid and out to get each other.  Or maybe that was his own paranoid thinking.

He made his way to the Mathematics room, ruled by one Mr. Hattrick. 

"I hope you all have your Brains today !" barked the rather fat man at the front of the room.  Mr. Hattrick was the kind of teacher that put on an expression that fried the souls of all who entered.  He glared at Tony, and he suddenly felt like bolting out.

"You must be young Tony," growled Hattrick.  "Your seat is over there.  You better remember it, or you'll be standing for the rest of the semester !"

His seat was the most ghetto-ass desk he had ever seen.  The carvings left on its surface were too obscene to even describe, and about thirty pieces of multicolored gum fed off its bottom.  Students briefly peered up at him as he descended down the row, all of them giving him the look that said, "You poor, poor bastard"

Tony slowly balanced himself on the beaten up chair, afraid that the desk might fall apart at any moment.  One particular carving caught his eye among the armies of crude teenage imagination.   A deeply carved scribble, as if someone had taken a hunting knife and scratched the word out in fury.  Below it was the classic proclamation of, "...wuz here."  He wasn't quite sure, but the beginning of the scribbled-out word looked like it started with a 'J'.

"I can't believe he got hired back in," whispered a Student in a blue, diamond patterned vest to another who was dressed the same way.  Actually, now that Tony had a chance to look around, he noticed everyone was dressed like someone else.  This wasn't too strange in a Uniform School, was it ?

"Yeah, my older brother told me about him.  From what he said, we weren‘t going to be able to buy any more test answers", said the other in a strange, English-sounding accent.  "I would pay for that Jim--"

"Shhh!  Don't say his name out loud !", the first boy interrupted.

"Superstitious, are we?", the second boy smirked.

"No, but it’s a not a good idea", the first boy replied.  "Trust me, even money can't keep Russell and his boys back..."

"Why Are You Boys Talking !!!" screamed Hattrick.  The shockwave of his voice made everyone twitch in their seats.  The two, argyle-printed boys sank in their seats as Hattrick glared them down.

"You two, to the Principal's Office !" he yelled.  The two Students in front of Tony drew out of their seats, hands raised up as if Hattrick had a gun.  They slowly, but frantically, made their way out the door.  Tony could've sworn he heard one of them say, "I'll call my lawyer for this..."

The class was silent with fear.

"Now then," growled Hattrick.  "Time to learn Students.  The homework is written on the board.  Be advised I will NOT read it for you !!"

{Pg. 327, #3-67}. Tony read off the board.   Great, thought Tony
« Last Edit: September 10, 2015, 04:51:23 PM by BloodChuckZ »

Offline Mercury

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2009, 05:18:53 AM »
The class bell rang. All the Students ran out as if the classroom was filled with poison.  Tony saw the two boys that were thrown out by Mr. Hattrick hanging out near the School Clothing Store. They probably didn't even go to the Principal.

"So, Tony... You liked Math Class ?" asked Jake.

"In fact”, Tony said, “I never even heard what the Teacher was talking about.  But tell me, I heard one of the two boys that got thrown out there saying that he were going to call his Lawyer. Was he serious ?"

"Ha-Haaa” laughed Jake, “I think it's time for you to discover all Cliques from this dump !  Come with me...".
« Last Edit: September 10, 2015, 04:54:43 PM by BloodChuckZ »

Offline Miss Ordered

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« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2009, 06:30:29 AM »
Jake sped off without warning, leaving Tony to haul his ass as he tried to catch up.  After almost falling down the stairs on his first day of School, Tony had managed to catch up to Jake who was standing at the entrance of a large, sunlit room.  The Cafeteria.

"Well, Tony-boy, this is your School !", crowed Jake with a grin on his face.  "You better learn all the Cliques and where they hang out.  Trust me, it's for your own good."

He pointed towards a table of Students wearing garish, green sweaters.  They were playing some sort of game, and by the looks of it, the new version of G&G.  He watched a particularly fat one get excited over the new light up, electronic D-20 Notepad.  Across from him sat a hideously underweight kid, with filthy hair and horn-rimmed glasses.

"Those are the Nerds," explained Jake.  "They're the outcasts of this place.  Smart, but they can be douchebags sometimes.  However, they're the easiest 'prey' here, as you will see."  A large Jock had smacked the skinny Nerd on the back of the head as he sauntered off towards the people dressed like him.

"Their turf is the Library", Jake continued.  That’s where they mostly hang out, along with the old Observatory.”

Tony took a good look at them and noticed the fat one had A 'Plumber's Crack'.  He cringed.

"And those are the Preps", Jake said, pointing to another table.  "Their brains are made of money.  Oh, and they're massively inbred.  They like to hang out at Harrington House.  You'll find out where that is later, but I'll warn you that they have a dog named Chester on their side lawn.  A hungry dog."

Tony noticed that the Preps wore the same sweaters as the boys who got kicked out of Hattrick's class.  No wonder.

"Those are the Greasers", indicated Jake, pointing to yet another table.  "They're all poor, but they're tough.  Best not to mess with them now.  They inhabit the Auto Shop."

"They exist ?" asked Tony, who observed their greasy hair and leather jackets.  One of them had a rat-tail brush and was happily running it through his hair.  Another one opened his mouth, and Tony swore he sounded like a particular 50's star.

Jake shrugged, and moved to the next Clique.

"And what every School needs...the Jocks," said Jake.  "They're all on the Football Team, and I swear the big ones are taking Steroids.  None too smart either, but the Teachers always treat them better than everyone else.  They have their own Clubhouse, but you'll find them mostly on the Football Field and in the Gym"

Indeed, some were giants compared to the other Students.  Most of them were wearing Varsity Jackets.  A particularly scary one looked up and glared over at him.

"So," grinned Jake.  "What do you think?"
« Last Edit: September 10, 2015, 05:07:24 PM by BloodChuckZ »

Offline T-Bone

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #10 on: November 15, 2009, 08:29:25 AM »
"Are you nuts ??  Do you even have to ask ?" Replied Tony in a loud voice."Im gonna be stuck in this craphole that you call a School for an entire year, and you're asking me what do I think ?"

"Yep. But if I were you, I would definitely join Gym Class, you know, you could use an ounce of muscle." Jake said jokingly.

“Yeah, whatever", said Tony

"Here." said Jake while handing Tony some kind of object.

"What is it ?" said Tony, looking at the strange contraption.

"Are you kidding me ?“ Jake said, surprised. “You've never seen a Slingshot before ?"

"Well…I have, but I've never used one", Tony said, embarrassed.

"Oh Jesus, you've never used a Slingshot ?  Well, we better go take a target practice. Let’s start at the Football Field.  I hear the Football Team has practice today", Jake said.

"I wanna know how you know this stuff ?", asked Tony.

"Nothing escapes my attention", Jake grinned evilly.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2015, 05:10:46 PM by BloodChuckZ »

Offline Miss Ordered

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« Reply #11 on: November 15, 2009, 10:43:05 PM »
Jake was a hell of a runner, and yet again, Tony struggled to catch up to him as they made their way all around the School and past the Fountain.  Jake made a gigantic leap down the stairs and onto the Football Field, and Tony imitated him.  The Jocks would've pulverized them for being on their turf if they weren't being drilled by the coach at the moment.

"Climb up that tree and wait for practice," advised Jake.  "I'll be sitting on the Bleachers.  Oh, and don't forget the Coach while you're at it !"

"Are you sure about this ?" asked Tony, who had the worn-looking Slingshot in his hand.

"Don't be a girl," crowed Jake.  "You'll just have to do this one thing, and then we'll go to Galloway's class."

"Aren't we going to be late ?", Tony asked.

"Not to worry," explained Jake.  "Attendance is kind of....Lax around here.  Besides, ever since Jim… I mean that guy left, the poor bastard's been back on the bottle."

"Whatever, man", said Tony, and he off towards a tree.

Tony clawed his way up the tall tree and carefully sat himself on a jutting branch.  The top of the branch was smoothed over, as if someone had sat on it many times before.

Then there came the "Bullworth Bullhorns", spreading out on the Football Field in hilariously predictable formations.  Tony looked over at Jake, who was staring intently from the Bleachers, and realized what Jake wanted him to do.

Carefully, Tony loaded up a stray Acorn against the launcher pad, pulled back, and let go.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2015, 05:16:45 PM by BloodChuckZ »

Offline T-Bone

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #12 on: November 15, 2009, 11:07:43 PM »
The shot nailed one of the jocks right between the eyes. "Damn I'm good" exclaimed Tony.

"Lucky shot !!" Yelled Jake from the Bleachers.

Tony did not let up. He continued to drop the Jocks one at a time until only Mr. Burton was standing there. Tony pulled back on last time... WHACK!!! right at the nose.  Tony jumped with excitement and fell right out of the tree.  At the same time Mr. Burton and about four Prefects came running at him.  Before Tony could get up, he was already being surrounded by Prefects and one ANGRY Gym Teacher. Before the the Prefects laid a hand on him he heard a low, old mans voice. "Stop!!" Tony looked behind him and saw the man behind the Prefects.  It was the Headmaster, Dr. Crabblesnitch.  Behind him was Pete.

The Headmaster said "Peter and I were just talking about you, Boy.  Come with me to my Office."

Tony was worried as hell, but when he got to the Principal’s Office, he saw Pete walk in the doors behind him and he didn’t feel quite as worried anymore.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2015, 05:21:50 PM by BloodChuckZ »

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #13 on: November 16, 2009, 11:29:58 AM »
"So, Tony, how was you first day here since we saw each other ?", Dr. Crabblesnich asked.

"Umm…To be honest, sir..." Tony started.

"You liked it ?“ Crabblesnitch interrupted. “Aha, I was sure you were going to feel comfortable here.  But can you tell me what you were doing in that tree ?"

"I...Uh… Wanted to look how the Bullhorns trained, to maybe join them..." lied Tony.

"Oh, fantastic ! Another student to join our Sport Team !  I knew that you were going to integrate yourself well !", the Headmaster exclaimed, then called,  "Oh, Mr. BURTON ?"

"Yes, Dr. Crabblesnitch ?" asked the fat Gym Teacher, who had just arrived at the Office.

"You must have been wrong. This boy is a Pearl !”, Dr. Crabblesnitch said loudly. “Please allow him to join your Wrestling Class so that he could learn to become a Bullhorn !  And you, Tony, remember for next time, that climbing up the trees is forbidden.  Any more offenses and you will have to see the Punishment Prefect.  That is all. "

Mr. Burton frowned. He wanted this little prick to be punished, not integrated. Well, he thought, I know the Jocks are gonna make him pay anyway. I just have to look elsewhere during that time.

"Yes, Sir, it's a pleasure to get a new member !" he said, with a false smile.

Tony walked with a silent Mr. Burton to the gym.  He was lucky that Dr. Crabblesnitch seemed so naive.  But he thought Coach Burton wasn’t so sure.  And now, he had to do Wrestling for the first time of his whole life. Against Gorillas. Great.

As they arrived at the Gym, the voice of the Gym Teacher took him out of his thoughts.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2015, 05:29:02 PM by BloodChuckZ »

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #14 on: November 16, 2009, 10:57:41 PM »
"Look boy", said Mr.Burton."I Don't like you but...the Head says I have to."

"Yeah, about that...I was really talking more about Football when I said joining the Bullhorns", said Tony.

Coach Burton chuckled under his breath.” Kid, you ain't nowhere near getting a spot on the Football Team."

"Well then, If its alright with you I’d rather just not get into sports. The only reason I mentioned joining the Bullhorns was really just an excuse.", said Tony.

"Kid, I wouldn’t care if you got hit by a semi-truck right now. I don't really want you here”, Coach Burton hissed.

"Well then, see you later then Fatass !.",exclaimed Tony, turning around and walking the other way.

"Hey, you little piece of crap ! I'm not gonna take that from you.  You'd best get a better attitude or get outta this School !", Coach Burton screeched.

"Whatever.....", replied Tony, and took off on a run.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2015, 05:31:31 PM by BloodChuckZ »