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Re: The Bullworth Never Ending Story
« Reply #1110 on: June 25, 2014, 02:56:09 PM »
He was almost back.  It had been a long trip, but now there wasn’t far to go.  He had walked a great deal, had gotten a few rides.  For food, he had done a few ‘eat and dashes’, leaving the Roadside Diners without paying and running off down the road.  He had done much the same on the way up, first to Providence and then to Boston.

He’d had a lot of time to think.  Think about what he was going to do.  When he had first wandered down the road and away from the Vale Valley, there was no real direction, no plan.  The Helicopter was from Providence, he saw that on the side of it, so that was the way he went.  But, arriving in Providence, he found Tiffany had been transported to Boston, even further away.  He set out after her, prodded on by his guilt and recrimination, accompanied on the way by the ever cruel and diversive Voice of Reason. 

But the Voice was silent now, silent since he was set on his mission.  He knew exactly what he must do, exact revenge for Tiffany.  Just how, where, and when would be determined after he returned.  But first, he would make amends.  Pretend to have come to his senses, and act normally....For his mission he would need no help.  It was something he must do alone.

“This is the road”, he indicated to the latest driver of his hitch-hiking trail, “Right here.”

Alighting from the car, he thanked the driver, who then sped away.  Alone on the highway in the late afternoon sun, Constantinos walked to the other side where the road that led to Bullworth began and started the final walk down the 5-mile stretch towards the Vale Valley.

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Re: The Bullworth Never Ending Story
« Reply #1111 on: June 30, 2014, 05:13:46 AM »
Peanut was just finishing getting his clothes back on as Tony and Karen entered.  Binky trailed in behind and walked past them to pass the beer to Peanut.  “Thought you said you were ready”, she said, smirkingly.  “Whatsmatter, get your zipper stuck ?”

In the dimly lighted back room, it wasn’t easy for Tony to see whether or not Peanut’s face got red, as he suddenly stopped fooling with his clothing and took the beer from Binky.  “Just weren’t expectin’ company, is all”, he muttered as he took a swig from the bottle.  Motioning Tony and Karen to a couple of ratty-looking chairs in the small room, he said “What brings youse all around heres on dis foine day ?”

“There’s something I gotta talk to you about, and I want you to discuss it with your Clique guys”, Tony began, as he an Karen sat in the rickety chairs.  “It’s a new way for all Cliques to interact at Bullworth, a way to control fighting and deal with any violence that crops up.”

“Yeah ?  What’s in it fer us ?”, Peanut asked, taking another swig of beer.

“Replacement Weapons”, Tony answered, “Free and clear.  It’ll be Parity again, like before, but with new agreements on handling disputes, trades between Cliques, everyone’s exclusive territorial rights, Protection and Defense, and a whole lot more.”

Peanut’s eyes lit up at the mention of Weapons, which the Greasers would surly need soon. “So’s, if’n we agrees to all dis youse talkin’ about, we gets free Weapons ?”

“That, and much more”, Tony told him.  “Let me explain the points of the Agreement to you, part by part, and you’ll have a clearer picture of what I’m talking about here.”

Peanut flipped up his hand, indicating Tony to continue.  For the next 20 minutes, Tony went through the points on the Binding Agreement while Peanut listened intently.  Having been put back in charge of the Greasers was something he intended to take seriously this time around.  Binky stood, leaning against the wall by the door, taking it all in without comment, puffing slowly on a ciggy.

Winding up, Tony gazed at Peanut as he digested what had been said.  “What do you think of all that ?”

“Sounds....Pretty good”, Peanut shrugged, “If, and I means IF, youse cans gets everybodys to agree.”

“Those who don’t agree won’t get the protections that I’ve outlined”, Tony said, “They’ll be fair game for attacks from the others.  Look, this way, everybody wins, and we can turn this place into a real school instead of it sinking back into a dump.”

From her spot against the wall, silent until now, Binky spoke up.  “What about Girls ?  How’s this going to protects us ?”

“There’ll be a place in the Protection and Defense section about that”, Tony assured her.  “We want to emphasize that part to everyone.”

“After what happened to me, and Melody, I made sure that was to be included”, Karen spoke up, “and it will apply to all the girls, not just Clique girls.”

Binky said nothing, but just turned her head towards Peanut and gave a slight nod.  Peanut eyed her for a moment, and turned his attention back to Tony.  “All rights....I’sle talk to the boys abouts it.”

“You do that”, Tony said.  “Get their thoughts and see what concessions they might want, and I’ll be back to negotiate a deal.  When you sign, you’ll all get your weapons.”

“Ey, sounds fines to me”, Peanut said, and added, “You wants to sick arounds a while ?  We coulds use some help finishin’ the stage out there.”

“Um...Sure”, Tony replied.  “Just give a hammer and some nails, we’ll get it done in no time at all !”

As it turned out, it was to take a few more hours and a couple six-packs more before enough progress was made finishing off the stage.  Worked in among that was the story of Lola’s upcoming singing debut with Winkie and Christy being a backup sort of band.  It came as an amusement to Karen, but the worm of unease still wiggled about in Tony’s mind that Lola would accidentally someday let slip about their two encounters.  But, as there was nothing he could do about that, he pushed the mental worm back in it’s hole and carried on.

After leaving Blue Balls, Tony and Karen went down the street to the Golden Horseshoe and got them to hang some WPIG Posters there.  Then they biked to a number of other places in New Coventry and Bullworth Town, doing the same thing. 

The Sun had set by the time Tony and Karen mounted their borrowed bikes after the last stop and headed back to Bullworth Academy.  They were both a little tipsy, but tomorrow was Monday and classes were on.  Just three more weeks, and then what remained of the rest of the summer would be theirs.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2014, 11:33:49 PM by BloodChuckZ »

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Re: The Bullworth Never Ending Story
« Reply #1112 on: July 05, 2014, 05:08:08 PM »
Just as the sun set, Constantinos returned to Bullworth, walking through the front gates.  There was no one apparently about, but he didn't care.  He went directly to the Boy's Dorm.  While inside passing the Common Room, a glance told him it was also empty of anyone. Since he didn't want to deal with talking with anyone, that suited him just fine.  Wearily slowing his steps, he shambled down the hall and opened the door to his room.

It was here his bit of luck ran out at not having to deal with anyone, as Ivan was lounging on his bed with an open book, apparently studying.  Ivan looked up in surprise to see Constantinous back.  He had gotten rather used to having the room to himself without the moody and depressing Constantinos about.

"So...You're back", Ivan said.  It wasn't as much a question as it was an dissapointed observation.

Constantinos stood in the doorway like a Zombie, unmoving.  At length, he walked into the room a few steps and stopped again.  Looking at Ivan but appearing to look through him, he simply said, "Get Out."

"What..?", Ivan responded.  "But...I gotta test tomorrow, I gotta study..."

"Get Out", Constantinos repeated, a hollow look in his eyes.  "I want to be alone."

Ivan sat up on the edge of his bed.  "Hey...This is my room, too.  You just can't come back from wherever and order me around...."

"Get Out", Constantinos repeated again, cutting Ivan off. "Now."

Ivan started to reply, but seeing Constantinos gastly-looking face stopped him, plus the fact that Constantinos' fists were now balled at his side. It seemed he was willing to fight Ivan to get him to leave.

Ivan was having none of that.  Gathering up his books, he grumbled, "Next term I'm rooming with someone who isn't a nut job."  He sidestepped Constantinos and left the room.  Constantinos moved to close the door, and then locked it.  He slupmed against it wearily.

He was exhausted.  He had been walking and riding a long time, but it was more that that.  The guilt and turmoil in his mind over Tiffany had sapped his strength just as much as the lack of food and phyisical deprivations had.  Constantinos staggered over to his still-unkempt bed and fell onto it.  He badly needed rest and sleep, but feared it at the same time.  None-the-less, his eyelids fluttered and closed and he was powerless to fight off the oncoming sleep. 

Just before he dropped off, the Vioce of Reason came to him once more, cruel and malicious.  "Finally drug our scrawny ass back here, did'ja ?  You better get stout real quick, boy....We got lots to do."

"No-o-o-o-o", Constantinos moaned, bitter tears leaking from his closed eyes he was now unable to open.  "I need....To rest..."

"Fine then...You rest", the Voice of Reason soothed,  "But when we awake, you got much to do." Constantinos funneled down into the depths of sleep then, and the Voice of Reason followed, telling him just what had to be done.

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Re: The Bullworth Never Ending Story
« Reply #1113 on: July 08, 2014, 04:29:09 PM »
Tony and Karen returned to Bullworth not long after, stashing their borrowed bikes back in front where they had found them.  Instead of just going to their Dorms, they decided to go to the Mediator Office.  There was just a few of the other students about, some returning from a day at the pool.  They didn't talk to anyone as they made their way into the darkened school.

After some time discussing the Agreement, Karen asked Tony, "What about the Preps ?  You haven't talked to them yet."

Tony sighed. "Not quite sure just who to talk to.  Tad's still the Leader....But there's only two other Preps left there with him at Harrington House.  Everyone knows Bryce and the rest are staying at the Beach House.  So...Who do I pick ?  It's a dilemma."

"Not really", Karen said.  "Isn't Tad the 'Legal' leader ?  I mean, even though they're split, nobody claimed a change of leadership, right ?  So, Tad is still the leader, and he will be the one you will have to get to agree."

Tony thought, and finally had to concede.  "I guess you're right...Tad has to be the one, as distasteful as that's gonna be.  Tad's a Chamelion, no better than Derby was."

"So...Are you going to go see him tonight ?", Karen asked.

"No", Tony said, "It's getting late, and I'll be at a disadvantage meeting him in his own lair.  What I need to do is talk to him on some neutral ground, alone."

"Alone ?", Karen asked.  "Why Alone ?"

Because", Tony replied, "There's something I know that might just convince him to sign the Agreement, something that would wreck what reputation the Preps have left around here for good."

"What is it ?", Karen asked, fascinated.  "What have you got on him ?"

"It has something to do with Gary", Tony answered, "Something Jimmy told me about...I wasn't here then, but a lot of kids were, and if it ever gets out, I think it would spell curtains for the Preps."

"If it was that bad", Karen wondered, "Why didn't Jimmy ever say something ?"

"It would have sparked a war against the Preps, Dr. Crabblesnitch's protected Clique, is why", Tony related.  "Jimmy knew that, and so did Pete.  This whole place would have turned into a War Zone, even worse that the Riot that happened right before Jimmy defeated Gary.  They didn't know enough then, that was before Jimmy had the File, before before Gary got out of the Clinic and teamed up with Big Darrell to take over the Townies.  Jimmy didn't want the whole place to erupt in mayhem then, especially since his Mother had never returned to pick him up that summer and he had to stay here.  Then Gary and Omar got killed, Jimmy was arrested, and Pete was too afraid to say anything to anybody...There was no one he could trust."

"Pete didn't ever say anything to anybody either...did he ?", Karen asked.

"No....Pete didn't really tell me anything much until right near the end, before he got shot", Tony revealed. "Only then, I guess he felt he might be able to trust me, but then it became too late.  He never told me anything about Tad though, Jimmy's the one who mentioned it, said it might come in handy if I ever had trouble with the Preps."

"And you think...This is the time ?", Karen asked.

"This is the time", Tony agreed. "A most splendid time."
« Last Edit: July 08, 2014, 04:44:26 PM by BloodChuckZ »

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Re: The Bullworth Never Ending Story
« Reply #1114 on: July 11, 2014, 05:57:15 PM »
Neither Tony or Karen wanted to go back to their separate Dorms, so they just stayed in the Mediator Office for the night.  Snuggling on the narrow couch became a hot makeout session, which led to the shedding of clothes and groping and panting.  Karen turned the aggressor, having Tony do things to her he never would have thought she would.  For her part, Karen was still needing to cleanse herself of what the Townies had done to her, and the more that she could have of Tony served to wash the feel and taste of them away from her. 

Monday morning dawned, and they hurriedly got ready in order to get to class.  At lunch, they elected to eat in the School Cafeteria, as the fare had been a bit better lately.  Still, nobody would eat the perpetual Stew, no matter how much better the rest of the food had gotten.

While they were eating, Ivan approached their table.  "Hey, can I talk to you a minute ?", Ivan practically begged.

"Um...Sure", Tony responded.  "What's on your mind ?"

Ivan sat down in the chair Tony offered.  "Constantinos is back", he began, "He come in last night."

"Well...We were wondering what happened to him", Tony said, and Karen nodded assent. "So, did he seem...All right ?"

"No, he looked like shit", Ivan responded, "But that's not all...The twerp made me leave our room, then he locked himself in.  I hadda go stay in one of the Nerd's old vacant rooms for the night.  He was still locked in this morning, I couldn't get in to get my stuff !"

Tony glanced at Karen.  "Maybe...I should go check on him."

"Somebody should", Ivan said.  "He seemed...I don't know...Ghastly, or something.  I don't want no dead body in there, I just want my room back."

Tony rose.  "I should go check it out."  To Karen, he said, "You stay here...If I'm not back, get Ray or Laurent to escort you to class, Ok ?"

"I'll be alright", Karen said, "You go ahead."

Tony left the Cafeteria and headed off to the Boy' Dorm.

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Re: The Bullworth Never Ending Story
« Reply #1115 on: July 15, 2014, 01:02:36 AM »
The Preps rarely ate in the Cafeteria these days, despite the improved fare.  Now, they normally went back to Harrington House to have lunch, which now had it's own little kitchen.  Since the split, only Tad's bunch...Himself, Biff, Chad, and of course Vanessa...Were the only ones to go back to Harrington House for lunch.  But today, Tad didn't go to to the Prep stronghold with the others.  Making the excuse that he had a family matter to attend to for his Mother at Spencer Estates, he had slipped away after the morning classes. 

Now, he stood in front of the Nerd's gate next to the Library, leaning over the keypad to punch in the code that nearly everyone knew about and that the Nerds had inexplicably neglected to ever change...1-1-3-8.  The lock released, and Tad was on his way, through the Nerd's play yard that led to the Observatory.  But that was not his destination today.  Tad came to the tunnel that led out to the old Rail Line, the same place where less that two weeks ago a multitude of students, including four Preps, had traveled through on their way to the assault on the Chem Plant.  Now Tad traveled through that same tunnel on an mission of his own, but not with the intention of rescuing anyone. 

Over the wooden footbridge to the small tunnel underpass he went, winding up on the Blue Skies street that wound up to the Save Warehouse.  That was his first destination.  The side entrance door was locked, but that presented no problem.  Tad withdrew a ring of keys from his pocket and selected one, sticking it into the lock and unlocking the door.  Sticking the keys back in his pocket, many of which went to several places in the Industrial Area, he entered the Save Warehouse.

The interior hadn't changed much since the last time he had been in here, long ago.  Tad went directly to the clothes Wardrobe, which was still in the same place.  Rummaging around, he found the outfit he wanted, stuffing it into a cloth sack that was also in the Wardrobe.  Then he closed the Wardrobe and left the Save Warehouse, walking North to the nearby Spencer Shipping Warehouse.

Even though Tad had keys to this building as well, since it was his Father's building, Tad wasn't going to get in here.  The back of the building had been blown out from the office explosion his Father had remotely triggered, and was all boarded up.  Tad knew that his Father had set off this explosion, and why.  All of the shipping and business records had been destroyed in the blast, eliminating much of the potential evidence against his Father.  The Feds had assumed it was just another of the Punk's bombing targets, but Tad knew better.  As a point in fact, Tad knew a lot about his Father's business affairs, much more that Mr. Spencer ever realized.

Likewise, the front entrances to the Warehouse had been chained off and secured.  It mattered little to Tad today, there would be time for Spencer Warehouse later, much later when all the heat died down.  Time would be the great reliever until it was time for Tad to take the reins of the Spencer Empire.  This was not his destination today at any rate.  Tad continued West on the street in front of the Warehouse, going beneath the Railroad Underpass, and headed for the Docks.

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Re: The Bullworth Never Ending Story
« Reply #1116 on: July 15, 2014, 06:51:57 AM »
The door to Constantinos' room was still locked.  Tony began knocking, softly at first, then louder.  "Hey...Constantinos ?  You In There ?  Open Up !!"

Nothing.  Tony tried again, knocking harder.  "Hey...Open Up, Constantinos !  It's Tony, Man !!"  Tony was literally pounding by now. 

Still nothing.  Tony stopped, trying to think of something to do.  Should he try and break down the door ?  Ivan had said Constantinos had returned last night, and that he looked 'like shit'....Maybe something was really wrong.  Tony decided to try once more, and raised his fist to pound on the door.

But before he could strike the door, Tony heard the lock being unlocked.  The knob turned and the door swung slowly open.  Constantinos stood there, staring.  "Hullo, Boss", he said shortly, "Com'on in."

Constantinos turned and walked back into the room and Tony followed.  "Um...Glad to see you back.  Just where you been ?"

"Away", Constantinos said dully.  He went and flopped down on his bed.  Tony noticed then in the weak light that his clothing was dirty and wrinkled badly. 

"Where did you go ?", Tony asked, "Where have you been ?"

"Far away", Constantinos said wearily.  "I came back though...No where else to go.  Anyway...I need your help."

Tony pulled up a desk chair next to Constantinos' bed and sat down.  "Well, sure, if I can.  What is it that you need ?"

Instead of directly answering, Constantinos stared at the ceiling and asked another question.  "Tell me....Who's in charge of the school now ?"

"Why...Mr. Galloway, of course", Tony answered.  "He's all better now, and seems to have gotten over his...Um...Illness."

Constantinos nodded.  "Good....It was Ms. Phillips who suspended me.  Maybe..."  He shook his head.  "It doesn't matter though."

"What are you talking about ?", Tony asked. "What doesn't matter ?  What is it you want me to help you with ?"

Constantinos sighed, a low mournful sound it seemed to Tony.  "I want to....Confess", he said, "I need to...Come clean."

"Confess ?", Tony asked.  "About what, exactly ?"

"The stolen Library Books", Constantinos muttered. 

"But...You already got caught for that", Tony said, confused.  "That's what got you suspended, right ?"

"I got caught with a backpack full", Constantinos said in an almost inaudible tone, "There's....Hundreds more."

"Hundreds ?", Tony repeated, astounded.  "You stole Hundreds of books...For Tiffany ?"

"Yes", Constantinos whispered, "She...Wanted me to.  But...If they're found, she'll get the blame...Because of where they are."

"Just where are they ?", Tony asked, almost knowing the answer.

"In the Girl's Dorm", Constantinos answered.  Tony's eyes sort of bulged out a little at that.  "Don't you understand ?  I've got to tell them it was me.  If I don't, they'll blame her, and she'll get sent back to the Girl's Reformatory...If...If she lives.  I'll never see her again..."

"But...Maybe, we could sneak them back to the Library", Tony said earnestly.  "It wouldn't take that long, I wouldn't think..."

"No", Constantinos interrupted.  "It took me nearly two weeks to steal that many.  There's no way.  I'm surprised they haven't been found already."  He shook his head.  "No...I have to confess.  That way, I take all the blame."

Tony had to admit to himself that returning that many books without being seen would be highly risky, even at night...Rather several nights, it would seem.  "So...What is it you want me to do ?"

"Take me to Mr. Galloway", Constantinos answered, "And stay with me, so I don't lose my nerve."

"But...What if you get expelled for good ?", Tony asked.

"I don't care what happens to me". Constantinos said.  "Tiffany is the important one.  It's my fault she was down there in the Chem Plant and got shot...I gave her the Spud Gun."

Tony understood now.  He could see that guilt was eating Constantinos to pieces.  Tony knew all about guilt, he lived with it every day.  But even though Karen's life had been in jeopardy, she hadn't gotten shot, as Tiffany had. Tony could only imagine what kind of agony that would have brought him.

Tony agreed then to escort Constantinos to see Mr. Galloway.  He did insist that Constantinos change into some clean clothes, to which he reluctantly complied.  Then together, they set off towards the School and to whatever fate awaited Constantinos.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2014, 07:02:09 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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Re: The Bullworth Never Ending Story
« Reply #1117 on: July 19, 2014, 08:09:52 AM »
Tad walked out from under the Rail Overpass and took a right turn, going a little ways while looking about.  Spotting somebody he knew who appeared to be taking a smoke break, he put on a grim look and approached him.

"Hullo, Mr. Buckingham", Tad said. "Working hard today, are we ?"

"Naw, hardly working", Mr. Buckingham responded, and then he realized just who it was.  "Er...Just taking a break, Master Spencer...Totin' them crates is hard work, y'see..."

Tad's lips curved up in a smirky smile.  Technically, the Dock Workers were employees of Spencer Enterprises, and Tad was the Boss' Son.  "It's all right, Buckingham, I am not here to appraise you work ethics....There is someone I must see.  Maybe you could direct me to him ?"

"Why, of course", Mr. Buckingham said hastily, dropping his ciggy to the pavement and grinding it out.  "Who is it you want to see ?"

"I've heard that Mr. Martin is now working here", Tad said.  "I need to speak to him on an important matter."

"Martin ?", Mr. Buckingham repeated, scratching his chin. "Oh, yeah, he just started here last week....He's back in the open area, burning some of the rubbish.  It's through that gate there, I'll get somebody to buzz you through." 

Tad knew well what area Mr. Buckingham meant, and how to get there.  More than any other Prep, Tad knew the Docks area well. He followed along after as Mr. Buckingham approached the gate and spotted another worker on the other side. "Hey, McInnis, buzz that gate, would'ja ?"

Mr. McInnis grumbled a bit under his breath, but went over to a switch button and pushed it.  A BUZZZZ sounded and the gate popped open.  Tad walked past the both of them without another word and headed out beside the nearby building towards the open area.

"What's that all about ?", Mr. McInnis asked as they both watched Tad walk away. 

"Search me", Mr. Buckingham said, "Maybe he's lookin' to get some Crabs off him."  Both men laughed at the joke, as neither one of them liked the Spencers.

As Tad came around to the other side of the long building, he saw Mr. Martin was indeed in the open area, tossing some torn cardboard and splintered crate pieces into a burn barrel.  He approached slowly and stopped.  "Mr. Martin, I need to speak with you."

Mr. Martin looked around and saw Tad.  "Um...Sure, Kid, what do you want ?"

"Since you are working for my Family now, there's a mission I want you to do."

Mr. Martin tossed another splintered piece of wood into the burn barrel, and turned to face Tad.  "Yeah ?  What kind of mission ?"

"Here is what I want you to do...", Tad began, and explained as the fire in the burn barrel blazed behind them.  When he had finished outlining the plan, Mr. Martin shuddered. "Boy, I can't do that !!", He exclaimed loudly.

"Keep your voice down", Tad said coldly, "And I'm to be addressed as 'Master Spencer' in case you forgot just who I am."  Tad fished in his pocket and withdrew a envelope.  "There's compensation for this task, of course....Half now and half later."  Tad handed Mr. Martin the envelope. 

Mr. Martin took the envelope with suddenly-numbed fingers and looked inside it.  "500 dollars ?", he said. "That means...A Thousand for the job..."

"All for a few minutes work, if you're up for it", Tad said coolly.

"I..I don't know...", Mr. Martin said.  "What you're asking"

"Violent", Tad finished for him.  "Yes,I know. But I have my reasons, which are none of your concern."  Tad saw the indecision in Mr. Martin, and decided to tip the balance.  "By the way, I can see this job doesn't suit you very well....You're a Businessman, not a common Laborer.  How would you like to have the the Crab Shack back ?  I can arrange that, you know...Buy up the Mortgage, and then turn the place over to you.  All fixed up, of course."

Mr. Martin raised his eyes to Tad. "But...Your family's in trouble...Everyone knows that.  How would you be able to..."

Tad laughed.  "We Spencers have really deep pockets", he said.  "Buying up a burned-out Crab Shop is just chump change, I assure you.  What about it ?  How badly do you want it back ?"

Tad kept a straight face, but inside he was laughing as he watched the man struggle with his decision.  In the end, Mr. Martin's greed won out, as Tad knew it would.  "All...All right, I'll do it...", Mr. Martin said.  "When, and where ?"

"Saturday night", Tad said promptly, "Just after 11 O'clock. Sneak into the school and wait in the dark by the back South-East entrance.  The School isn't much patrolled on weekends."  Tad gave him the sack of clothing he had gotten from the Save Warehouse.  "Wear this disguise...But leave the hat behind."

Mr. Martin looked into the bag.  It contained black leather pants and a jacket, plus what looked like a Biker Hat.  "And, use this", Tad said, withdrawing an object from under his clothing.  Mr. Martin took it.  It looked like a Police Nightstick.

"Attack from behind, and just keep laying it on", Tad continued.  "But don't kill...The subject is to be beaten badly."

"But..Uh, how will you be sure this 'subject' will be there ?", Mr. Martin asked.

"He'll be there", Tad said, "Let me worry about that...You just carry it out, and that money and the Crab Shack will be all yours...Deal ?"

Mr. Martin nodded numbly.  "Good. Saturday then, and don't be late", Tad said, then turned and walked away, leaving Mr. Martin holding the bag.

Mr. Martin watched Tad turn the corner and disappear.  Then he looked at the Nightstick and the bag in his hands.  He shook his head, thinking, "And I thought I was a loser! But this guy..."

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Re: The Bullworth Never Ending Story
« Reply #1118 on: July 23, 2014, 11:36:06 AM »
"Mr. Galloway in ?", Tony asked Christy in the School Office.

"Sure", Christy replied, "You want to see him ?"

"Yeah...Um...Me, and Constantinos here", Tony said.

"K, I'll go tell him", Christy said, and disappeared into the inner Office.  In half a minute she was back, giving them a breezy smile.  "You can go in, he's not busy with anything."

Tony and Constantinos went into Mr. Galloway's office, Tony closing the door.

"Well, hello there Tony !", Mr. Galloway exclaimed, "Good to see you again !  What brings you fellows in today ?"

"Well...It's about Constantinos here", Tony began, "He has something he wants to tell you."

"Oh ?", Mr. Galloway inquired, looking at Constantinos.  "It's, um, Bakus, isn't it ?  Weren't you...Suspended or something ?"

"It's Brakus", Constantinos replied dully. "And, I want to confess."

"Well, umm...By all means", Mr. Galloway said.  "Confess to what ?'

"It's about the stolen Library books", Constantinos said.

"Oh, Yes !", Mr. Galloway exclaimed, "Ms. Phillips told me something about that.  You were caught with those books sneaking them out of the Library one night."  Here he stopped and frowned. "But...Those books got returned, right ?"

Constantinos shook his head.  "Not all of them...There's more.  I stashed them all in the attic of the Girl's Dorm."

"The Girl's Dorm attic ?", Mr. Galloway questioned.  "Why did you put them there ?"

"I was taking them for a girl who liked to read", Constantinos said, "She was too...Shy to get them herself. I, um, took them over several nights....She had nothing to do with it, I took them all myself. There's nobody but me who's to blame."

There was silence for a moment, then Mr. Galloway asked, "Just...How many more books did you take ?"

"Oh..About a thousand", Constantinos answered in a low tone.

"A...Thousand ?", Mr. Galloway repeated, his eyes widening. It occurred to him at that moment that he hadn't had a Staff Meeting since he'd returned, something he made a mental note to do real soon.  Maybe he should get to know what was going on at the School Campus, instead of getting blindsided with things like this.

"Yeah, about that many", Constantinos said hollowly. It did seem like a lot, now that he thought about it.

Well, Now", Mr. Galloway said.  He rose and turned towards the window that overlooked the Back Quad.  He knew that sooner or later, he would have to handle problems like this.  He had missed the whole kids-being-out-after-cerfew-and-attacking-the-Chem-Plant thing, but he couldn't duck his responsibilities forever.  Thinking, he decided to temper justice with mercy, and returned to his chair.

"Since you came to me and owned up to this, I'm not going to expel you", he said to Constantinos.  "Somebody being truthful at this school is a pleasant change.  So....Your suspension will remain in effect for the remainder of the term, which is...Only a couple more weeks anyway.  For you punishment, you must gather and return all the books from the Girl's Dorm, under the escort of a Prefect."

"I would suggest Edward", Tony spoke up.  Edward, in Tony's view, was the least objectionable Prefect on campus.

Mr. Galloway eyed him.  "Edward it is then.  Further", he said to Constantinos, "You will be on probation for the next term, which starts in September.  Keep you nose clean, and this incident will be wiped from your record."

Unlike his predecessor, Mr. Galloway did not add "That Is All" to the end of his speech, but the boys understood and made to leave.  "Um...Thanks, Mr. Galloway", Tony added as they left.

Out in front of the school, Constantinos said, "Uh...Thanks for helping there.  That's one load off of things."

"I'd say you got off easy", Tony observed, "Real easy."

A small smile played around Constantinos' mouth.  "Maybe so...Guess I'll have the rest of the summer off to do whatever.  I'll see you, Ok ?"

Tony watched Constantinos walk off, back towards the Boy's Dorm, and wondered just what the hell he meant by that last remark.

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Re: The Bullworth Never Ending Story
« Reply #1119 on: July 27, 2014, 12:25:14 PM »
A group of Soldiers entered the large ward room at the Blue Skies Clinic, weapons at the ready.  The whole group of them marched across the room to the bed where Gurney was laying and stopped.  Two Soldiers in the lead went to the foot of the bed and unshackled Gurney's legs from the bed. 

"Get Up", the one who seemed to be in charge ordered.

Gurney slowly sat up and swung his legs off the bed.  Although he had obviously been here for some time, he had not been allowed to leave the bed or even stand up.  As he attempted to stand, his injured head suddenly felt woozy, and he sank back down onto the bed. "Um...Just gimmie a minute...", he mumbled.

"No Talking", said the Soldier.  "Scum like you are to keep quiet at all times."  He took something from another Soldier behind him.  Gurney saw it was an orange Jail outfit.  The Soldier thrust it at him and said, "Put this on, and hurry up.  We haven't got all day."

Gurney would have said something, but the Military Rifles being pointed at him by the remaining Soldiers were enough to convince him to hold his tongue.  He struggled to a standing position and was able to pull off the ratty green clinic 'gown' he was wearing.  His underwear was dirty and slightly soiled, but the Solders gave no indication that there was any clean underwear for him.  He struggled to get the orange pants on, and then the orange shirt.  The word JAIL was stenciled on the back in large letters.  The Soldier then told him to sit back on the bed, the bent to attach a Leg Chain to both ankles.  He then motioned Gurney to stand up, and attached a Waist Chain, similar to the ones the Townies had used on their captives, around his waist.  Then, he cuffed Gurney's hands at the wrists and attached them to the Waist Chain.

Two of the Soldiers approached then, grabbing Gurney and hustling him forward.  Instead of going directly toward the exit however, the went to another bed, where Otto lay.  The process was repeated, Otto was unshackled, made to change into the orange Jail clothing, and then he was shackled in a similar manner as Gurney.  Otto said nothing, but even if he had tried to it would be difficult...Gurney saw that his face was grossly swollen, with his lips looking larger that Mick Jagger's.

As they were being herded from the Clinic, Gurney cast a look around the big ward.  He spotted Duncan, Leon, and Jerry shackled in other widely-separated beds.  Duncan was the only one who didn't have his head or face bandaged.  Apparently, they were not being brought along.  Gurney didn't see the younger Townies of Floyd, Nate, Sam, or Ian, and had no idea what had happened to them.  Nor did he see Omar.  As they were going out, another contingent of Soldiers entered the Clinic to take up guard duty.

Out in the bright sunshine, Gurney and Otto were loaded into a Humvee, and driven the one block to the Blue Skies Jail, just down the street from the Clinic.  There, they were off-loaded and marched into the building, past the offices and to the cells in the rear.

Gurney knew this Jail well...He had spent a fair share of time here in the past.  Since he was the oldest of the Townies, probably more time than the others.  Unlike the other Jails in the Valley, it was a windowless building.  The only way that a breakout was possible was back out through the way they came in.  Gurney had done that only once, when the Station was left deserted by Officers out on calls in the under-manned Police Force, and only because one of them had been lax about locking his cell properly.

Otto and Gurney were taken to separate cells and shoved in.  It was only after the cell door had been closed and firmly locked did Gurney break his silence, asking, "Hey...I want a Lawyer, y'hear ?"

The Soldier eyed him through the bars with an icy stare.  "You'll get one when it's time, you Rapist Fuck", he said coldly, then walked away. 

"I know my rights !", Gurney called after him.  "You people can't hold us without bein' charged !"

The Soldier who appeared to be in charge walked past his cell, and stopped briefly.  "You lot have already been charged.  Now shut the hell up, unless you'd rather be sedated."  The Soldier continued down the hall and took up a guard position along with another Soldier.  It appeared that they were to be watched over here as they had been in the Clinic.

Gurney sat down on the single bunk in the barren cell, lit only by a single light bulb too high to reach.  Something was not right here.  Kidnapping, Federal crime, sure.  Confinement, Rape, State crimes, all right.  That he understood.  So why were they being guarded by Soldiers ?  Why weren't they being given a hearing ?  And...Where the hell was Omar ?
« Last Edit: July 27, 2014, 12:36:22 PM by BloodChuckZ »

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Re: The Bullworth Never Ending Story
« Reply #1120 on: July 31, 2014, 05:30:04 AM »
It was too late for Tony to go to a class that afternoon, so he just hung around in front of the school for awhile, thinking things over.  He was a little worried about Constantinos.  His cryptic remark might mean nothing, or might mean anything at all.  That was the trouble around a place like this, it seemed like someone was always scheming about something or other. 

Ironically, Tony's thoughts turned to his own scheme of the Binding Agreement, although he didn't think of it as such.  To his mind, it was a way to end the schemes at Bullworth Academy.  His main dilemma was how to arrange a private meeting with Tad.  It was pretty clear to him that he probably wasn't welcome at Harrington House these days...The split of the Preps that Tad blamed on Bryce would also be blamed on him, even though he had nothing to do with some of the Preps joining in on the assault on the Chem Plant.   

Tony decided to head down to the Football Field.  The Jocks would probably be out practicing their moves for the upcoming season.  Tony wondered where they went when they actually played other schools.  He would have to ask Laurent about that sometime.

On the way down, he passed the old Fountain.  It had been re-built, but there had been no statue erected as yet to replace the one that had been blown up.  Tony looked left to Harrington House and briefly considered waiting for Tad on the Quad there, but rejected that idea as soon he thought it.  He needed to speak to Tad alone, without any other Preps around.

Tony found a spot in the empty bleachers, and idly watcher the Jocks go through their paces.  Over by the West Goalposts, he noticed Coach Sanders calling plays and blowing his whistle.  Kirby was also standing there, next to the Coach.  Every once in a while, Coach Sanders would lay his arm across Kirby's shoulders, Tony noticed, but not when anyone appeared to be looking. He wondered, suddenly, if Coach Sanders was a Pervo like his predecessor, Coach Burton, but maybe in a different way.

Tony watched on for quite awhile, watching but not really looking, his thoughts busy with the problem of the Preps.  He could more easily take the Agreement proposal to Bryce, he knew...But that would mean having to be around Pinky once more, something he definitely did not want. Besides, cutting Tad and the rest out of the Agreement would likely spark trouble up the line that could potentially wreck the whole thing.

The only way to corner Tad by himself, Tony concluded, was to catch him coming out of a class without any other Preps.  For that, he would need to find out what class, if any, that Tad was the only Prep at....And Tony knew just where to get that information.  He hopped off the bleachers and headed back to the school.

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Re: The Bullworth Never Ending Story
« Reply #1121 on: August 01, 2014, 07:43:14 AM »

"Nicky, you're getting stronger", Melody observed, as she walked with him in the hallways of the Vale Clinic.

And he was.  Nick had been suffering with bouts of dizziness and Vertigo for a few days, but it appeared that was clearing up.  He no longer had to grip the handrail when they were taking their daily walks, although he still gripped Melody's hand tightly.  So tight that his grip actually hurt her sometimes....But she didn't mind.  It was far, far better than not having Nick at all, which had come real close to happening.  Where would she have been then ?

In truth though, Melody was still suffering.  The repressed memories from her near-Cationic state were filtering back into her conciseness, little by little.  The horrible rapes, the shackles, the lonely captivity....Worst of all, that poor dead animal in that cage.  Barely, she had kept it together, for she had to take care of Nick, MUST take care of Nick.  He was her only salvation, her only chance at redemption from all those evil and twisted things she had to bear.  He must recover, and recover back to what he was before....Her strong, able Man.  There was no other way.

Even though she knew better, Melody still harbored some resentment.  On her visits, Karen seemed to positively glow now.  And why shouldn't she ?  Karen HAD her Man.  Tony had been unscathed and uninjured, while Nick had been nearly killed.  Karen and Tony had obviously re-bonded after their terrifying experiences, while Melody could only long for her much-needed intimacy with Nick.  It just wasn't fair at all. 

Still, Karen had been her rock while they had been held prisoners.  She would probably be in Happy Volts Asylum right now, or someplace like it, without her.  And both Karen and Tony visited them daily, always bringing food for her, since she didn't feel safe in going out alone as yet.  She had to remind herself that if it hadn't been for all of them....Nick, Tony, and Karen....She would most likely have still been a captive of the Townies, probably in some far-away place where they intended to take her.  There, they would have used her until she was completely broken, and discarded her like yesterday's garbage.  Melody kept that uppermost in her thoughts, what could have been, and tampered her resentment down. 

"GEETTIN STONGER", Nick responded, breaking into Melody's thoughts.  "OUTTA HERR SOOOO.."

"End of the week", Melody said, returning to the present.  "You keep improving, and that'll come real soon."

Nick gave her a lopsided smile and pulled her closer to him as they continued down the hall.

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Re: The Bullworth Never Ending Story
« Reply #1122 on: August 03, 2014, 06:13:03 AM »
Tony went back to the School Office, where he asked Christy if she could find out what he wanted to know about Tad's schedule.

"Sure, no problem !", Christy replied brightly.  She didn't ask what Tony wanted the information for.  Christy had no respect for the Preps, especially after being played by Bif, and figured Tony had some sort of scheme afoot.  She went to her desk and started fiddling with something that Tony hadn't noticed in the Office before.

"Is that a....Computer ?", Tony inquired curiously.

"Yeah, we just got it in last week", Christy replied.  "It sure makes things easier to find....All the Student files are in here now."  She made a few keystrokes, and in less time it would have taken to even open a file, she said, "Here it is....Tad is at Dr. Watt's class right now...And he's the only Prep there."

Tony thanked her and headed off down to the first-floor location of the Chemistry class, where he stationed himself against the wall by the door, as not to be seen by those leaving.  When the bell rang, students flowed out of the room.  Tony spotted Tad and fell into step behind him.  When Tad turned the corner and was away from any stray students, Tony said, "Tad...I need to talk to you."

Startled, Tad swung around. "What the...Oh, it you.  What do you want, Calderone ?"

"I just need a private meeting with you", Tony said, "It's important."

"Oh, it's important, is it ?", Tad sneered.  "What is it this time, Mr. Hero ?   Want to rescue some stray Dogs ?  Or maybe some more lost Pussy Cats ?"

Tony held his temper over the obvious reference to Karen and Melody.  Instead, he said, "Nothing like that.  It's about...Security, for your Clique."

"Security ?", Tad jeered.  "Security ?  So, we're outnumbered right now, so what ?  That won't last for long, I can assure you, if that's what you're on about."

"It's about an...Agreement, between all the Cliques", Tony said, "That's all."

"Agreement, hey ?", Tad laughed harshly.  "What's in it for us ?"

"Weapons", Tony told him.  "Free replacement Weapons.  I'm sure you probably need some, don't you ?"

Tad considered.  They still had some Weapons, but having some more wouldn't hurt, particularly for what he was planning.  "All right Calderone, I'll have a meeting with you."

"It has to be private, and off-campus", Tony told him.

"Fine", Tad said, "Meet me at the Glass Jaw at 8 O'clock tonight."

"I was, umm....Thinking of some more neutral territory", Tony said with some hesitation.

"Don't be a boor, Calderone", Tad said. "I'll be in the big upstairs Bar Room, and all alone.  Take it or leave it."

Tony considered, then relented.  "All right then...It's a deal."

Tad walked away without another word.  Tony watched him go, and set to thinking, concluding that there wasn't any way he was walking unarmed into the Glass Jaw Boxing Gym that evening.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2014, 03:36:51 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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Re: The Bullworth Never Ending Story
« Reply #1123 on: August 05, 2014, 06:08:37 AM »
Ricky left Biology class.  Normally, he hated dissecting dead Animals, the smell of Formaldehyde always reminded him of death and dead things.  But today, he hardly paid that any attention, since his mind was on Jessica. 

Their date had gone off very well.  Ricky had squired Jessica to the Movie Theater over in the Vale to see the suspense movie, 'Who Murdered The Janitor ?' that was playing there.  It was a good movie, so far as Ricky had heard, but he really hadn't paid attention to it much after the opening credits and the first scary scene, whereupon Jessica had gripped his hand tight.  Ricky nearly passed out himself from the sweet smell and nearness of her.  Halfway through the movie, she had grabbed him tightly during another scary scene, and that eventually led to a hot make-out session which lasted until the closing credits rolled and the lights came up.

Afterwards, he had taken her to the Shea Lewis for a great dinner (Thanks to Peanut, who had loaned him the money for such a ritzy place).  They had talked then, between bites of delicious food, about themselves to each other.  It had all gone so well, and upon their return to the School, Jessica had laid the sexiest French Kiss on him in front of the Girl's Dorm he had ever known, while rubbing herself seductively against the bulge in his crotch. 

"Save that big boy for later", she had giggled, before running up the steps and into the Dorm.  A promise of things to come ?  Ricky wasn't definitely for sure, but he intended to find out.  Right after school today, he was going to take her over to the Blue Balls Bar bar and introduce her to the gang.  Maybe even later on, the back room would be empty, and maybe....Well, just anything could happen, now couldn't it ?  Ricky hurried off to find Jessica.

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Re: The Bullworth Never Ending Story
« Reply #1124 on: August 09, 2014, 07:27:53 PM »
Come 8 O'clock, Tony was outside the Glass Jaw Gym building, the exclusive stronghold of the Preps.  Though the Preps were seeing tough times of late, the building and all the stuff in it...The Workout & Weightlifting Equipment, and the Boxing Ring itself...Were held in a Legal Trust in perpetuity.  No matter what, the Preps would always have the Glass Jaw.

Karen had wanted to come along, but Tony told her to stay at the Dorm instead.  It was just too dangerous, he told her.  Tad might have a sneak attack in store for him, he said.  In reality, Tony didn't want Karen anywhere around Tad, in case he might bring up any suspicions he had concerning Tony ever being with Pinky. 

But Tony wasn't a dumbo, either.  What he told Karen was partly true.  He didn't trust Tad at all, just as he had never trusted Derby before him.  Tony was fully armed with a fully loaded Spud Gun, with a Super Slingshot in his back pocket.  He would be ready for trouble, he hoped.  Normally, he would have had Nick come along, but that was just not possible yet.

Tony entered the Glass Jaw.  Going forward in the foyer, he could see into the ground floor.  There was no one in the Workout areas directly ahead.  Hearing noise, he peeked to the right and glanced towards the Boxing Ring.  There, he saw Bif and Chad in the ring, apparently Sparring.  Tony backed up, drew his Spud Gun, and took the stairs to the left up the second floor, moving quietly.  There, at the door that led to the Prep's combination Bar and Observation Room, he cautiously turned the knob and opened the door.  Leading in with his Spud Gun at the ready, he entered.

"I say, is that really necessary ?", a frosty voice spoke up.

Tony whirled to his left.  Tad was behind the Bar, mixing himself up a drink.  Even though his voice was cold, a smirk was across his face.  He appeared to be unarmed.

"It is if you're laying a trap", Tony replied, looking around the large room.  "Can't be too careful, you know."

Tad laughed harshly.  "So, you think we would attack the Hero of Bullworth who came to pay us a little visit ?  You're really losing it, old man."

"Crossed my mind, yeah", Tony said.  He walked over to the large observation window which looked down on the first floor and the Boxing Ring. Bif and Chad were still sparring. "So where's the rest of them ?"

Tad came out from behind the bar, drink in hand.  "They're at the Beach House...But you know that, don't you ?"

Tony turned to face Tad.  He was unarmed.  "Heard something about it", he said.

"I'll just bet you did", Tad said, a crude smile working about his face.  "But not to worry, our Clique will be reunited soon enough, perhaps even before the summer is over."

"That's...Um, good to know", Tony said, lowering his weapon.  "That's why I've come to you instead of going to Bryce and the others with this."

"And...Just what would 'this' be ?", Tad asked condescendingly.  "Would it by chance be having to to do with this talk I've been hearing about something you've been cooking up ?"

"Matter of fact, yes", Tony said.  "How did you know ?"

"I keep an ear out for things", Tad said, turning towards the Bar.  "Come and tell me about over a drink.  It should all be rather amusing."

The last thing that Tony would have ever expected was to be having a drink with Tad Spencer, but that was just what he did, as he explained the points of the Binding Agreement to him.  Tad listened, mostly with an amused look on his face.  When Tony had finished, Tad just sat there, brooding over his drink. 

"Well, what do you think ?", Tony asked.  "It's a reasonable Agreement for the benefit of everyone.  I'd like for you boys to get on board. Everyone else is signing up for this."

Tad was silent for a moment as he drained his drink.  He set the empty glass on the Bar.  "You kill me, Calderone.  You've only been here a year and you think you know everything.  Big Man, save the School, save the Towns, be a big Hero, get all the girls.  It's all been done before...Just last year, in fact...Chap named Jimmy Hopkins.  But you know all about that, don't you ?"

"Yes", Tony said. "I do know all about that, and more...I know about you too."

"Just what do mean by that crack, Calderone ?", Tad asked, somewhat aggressively.  "You don't know anything about me, you Fucking Pauper.  I've been here for years and you haven't."

Tony drained his own glass and set it down before answering.  "That's just it, Tad.  You've been here for years, and you've known just about everybody.  People like....Oh, say, Gary Smith, who as it so happened, you were good pals with."

Tad blanched.  "How could you know something like that ?", he scoffed.  "That Chap Gary was a Psychopathic Ass.  He very nearly destroyed the School by tricking all the Clique Leaders into sparking a huge riot...."

"Which was your plan all along, now wasn't it ?", Tony interrupted.  "You knew Derby would get the blame for all that, since he was at Harrington House in a Smoking Jacket, looking for all the world like he was in charge of the entire Complete Mayhem.  Once the Riot was over, the finger of guilt would have been pointed at Derby.  Dr. Crabblesnitch would have been forced to expel him and his sidekick Bif, and you would have been able to take over the Preps, which you felt had been unfairly denied you to began with."  Tony didn't add that Tad would also been able to take over Pinky, but he felt it best he didn't mention her.

Tad suddenly looked absolutely ashen now, and sputtered, "But...But Gary Smith double-crossed me !  We were going to run the School together, with the Preps as the most powerful Clique, and he...."  Tad stopped suddenly, knowing he'd gone too far and revealed his own complicity.  "How...How can you know any of this anyway, Calderone ?  You weren't here !"

"Simple...Jimmy Hopkins told me", Tony replied.  "He told me everything..."

"How...How in the Hell was that ?", Tad Interjected.  "You didn't even know Hopkins, he was in Jail, and...."  Tad stopped there, remembering just then at seeing Tony talking to Jimmy in the crowd on the day Jake was defeated, after it was all over.

"I was in contact with Jimmy for months, after he made his Jailbreak", Tony said, not adding that he was a part of that Jailbreak.  "He told me lots of things about you, including your dealings with Jake and the Clothing Scams."

Tad looked absolutely white now.  "Lies !  All Lies !", he sputtered.  "You have no proof of any of this !"

"Who needs proof ?", Tony asked.  "All that has to be done is reveal this to the other Cliques, on the word of Jimmy Hopkins.  They will turn on you, and the other Preps too.  You have pretty low respect right now, you're just a laughingstock.  Can you imagine just what it will be like once this gets known ?  You all will be Outcasts, everyone will bully you.  And without Weapons, none of you will stand a chance.  Your own Clique will turn you out...Some have already abandoned you.  If you don't become a part of this Agreement, it gonna be curtains for you."

Tad hefted the bottle and poured himself another large drink.  "This is Blackmail, Calderone", he muttered.  "There's things about you I can tell also."

"I don't think you want to do that", Tony said smoothly.  He was prepared for this.  "It would only make you look foolish if what you're thinking happened ever got out, now wouldn't it ?"

They both knew what that meant, Tony having sex with Pinky while she was supposed to be Tad's Girlfriend.  Tad stewed on that awhile, but had to concede that Tony was right.  "All Right, Calderone...You Win.  I'll join the Preps up to your Fucking Agreement.  But I want to read the whole thing first, on paper, before I sign anything."

"You'll have a copy tomorrow, after Chem Class", Tony told him.  "If there's anything you want negotiated with the other Cliques, let me know."  Tony rose to leave.  "I'll be around Friday night to get the final signatures."

"Fine, whatever", Tad said, taking a big swig of his drink.

Tony stopped at the door and added, "This will make everything better for ALL the Cliques, including the Preps.  You'll see."

Tad didn't answer, and Tony left the Glass Jaw.  Dwelling on the matter for a long while after, Tad decided that maybe the Binding Agreement could work to his advantage after all, considering what he had planned.  In fact, it might work out smashingly well.