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Author Topic: The Bullworth Never Ending Story  (Read 339255 times)

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Re: The Bullworth Never Ending Story
« Reply #1260 on: April 30, 2015, 07:16:18 PM »
Clint Henry was wandering the halls again at Happy Volts Asylum.  Since his Electroshock Treatment at the hands of those mysterious boys whose names he couldn’t quite remember, Clint just hadn’t been the same.  Something had further short-circuited in what was left of his addled brain, and since then he had become docile, almost Zombie-like in his demeanor and behavior.  Eventually, the Staff had allowed him out to the Rec Room during free time, and just recently had allowed him to free-roam during those times, a privilege given to the more docile Patients.  Along with that, he was largely ignored just like a Dog in a Pound, and spent his time ceaselessly walking about in a protracted daze.  He had no past and had no future, Clint Henry just....Existed.

So it was that bright day in early September as he roamed the halls as usual, winding  up back in 'C’ Block on his ceaseless travels.  The section of the Asylum had finally been cleaned up and refurbished, intended as use for those Patients whose Psychosis had finally rendered them incapable of looking after themselves in any humanistic way, marking time in their empty minds waiting for the end that they no longer knew was coming.  Clint reached the terminus of 'B’ Block and shuffled into the corridor that led to the Morgue.  There was a sound coming from there that drew him.

At the doorway to the Morgue, Clint hesitated as the source of the noise became apparent.  There he beheld a fearful sight, if only he had the awareness to know is as such.  A dark figure was bent over at the far wall, where the corpses were kept before being removed to their final destinations....The 12 ‘Meat Lockers’....Refrigerated Vaults where dead bodies were kept until they were buried or disposed of.  Clint Henry just stood there, neither fearful or curious, merely staring.

One of the Vault doors on the bottom row was stuck.  The figure had been pulling on it without success. Clint Henry walked further into the Morgue and stopped.  Then he saw that the figure was robed all in black, with a hood that covered the whole of It’s head.  There was just a slit where It’s face would be, and only the best angle to the light would have revealed the hawkish nose and red eyes set into the white death-mask of a face.  But the feature that could be seen the clearest was the large upside-down Cross the figure wore around it’s neck.  It’s dark blue light shimmered in the light as Clint stared at it.

The upside-down Cross on the Hooded Figure’s chest suddenly began to pulsate, literally shooting out the dark blue light in a strange circular pattern as the Figure appeared to be pulling on something.  One of the bottom Vault doors was open, the one that appeared to be damaged. Inside was the tray that Tony Calderone had struggled to pull out partway just a couple of months before.  Someone had shoved it back in, and it was stuck tightly.  After awhile, the blue light dimmed, and the pulsations slowed.  The figure stood up, sensing a presence, and turned toward where Clint Henry stood.

Clint stared at the figure in the black robe as a baby would stare at an object.  He was neither afraid or unafraid of this strange out-of-place figure.  The figure faced him and reached into what was left of his mind.  A voice boomed in Clint Henry’s head.  “COME HITHER, STRONG ONE, AND GIVE OF YOURSELF TO LOOSEN THIS !!”, the voice ordered him.  Clint shuffled forward, casting a look downward at the open Vault door.  Stopping in front of the Vaults, he sat down, bracing his feet and legs against the bottom of the Vault wall, grasping the tray within, and began to pull.

The tray came out slowly, making a low screeching sound as it did, like rusty nails on a chalkboard.  As Clint strained, more and more of the tray revealed itself, along with what was laying on it.  Clint pulled to the limit of his reach, until the tray, now halfway out, rested against his thighs.  He stared with a vapid look at what lay on the tray, drool running from his mouth. 

Another hooded figure lay on the tray, it’s black robe molded and torn.  Eyeless sockets stared out of what was left of the horrid white face with strips of peeling flesh revealing more more of the age-bleached skull beneath.  “THAT WILL DO”, the hooded figure intoned.  Clint pushed away and stood up.  The hooded figure extended a fish-white boney hand and pointed to the corpse on the tray.  “GIVE HIM TO ME”, he ordered.

Clint Henry obediently knelt and pulled the Monk corpse off of the tray, fragments of it’s black robe trailing like tentacles.  Dead for over two hundred years, the gruesome boney corpse was feather light.  Another person would have screamed in revulsion and terror holding such a gruesome object, but Clint’s circuits were fried, his connections shorted.  Impassively, he handed his bundle to the hooded figure, not even flinching as his arms came in contact with the Head Monks freezing fish-white hands.  “GO NOW”, the hooded figure ordered, “YOU WILL REMEMBER NONE OF THIS.”

The Monk’s last command was unnecessary, as Clint Henry couldn’t remember where he’d been five minutes ago, let alone what he had just seen and experienced.  Clint shuffled off in the direction from which he had come.  The hooded figure shifted his burden to one boney arm, and with the other grasped the pulsing upside-down Cross and held it out in front of him.  The bluish light pulsed faster and intensified into a blue-white beam that stretched out about three feet in front of the Cross.  A small vortex formed at the tip of the beam and began to swirl counter-clockwise, growing larger and larger as it swirled.   

The sound of crackling electricity made Clint Henry slow his steps.  This was a sound he DID remember from the painful Electro-Shock machine.  A finger of dread crept into his addled brain, and he turned around in slight apprehension, seeing the ever-growing vortex.  Within seconds, the vortex had grown to the height of a man.  The Head Monk, cradling the remains of the Founder of the Quantum Electi, stepped through the portal that would return him to the Mausoleum behind the Church in the woods of Bullworth Vale.

Before Clint’s eyes, the vortex collapsed with a BANG as the air pressure equalized.  Clint stared dumbly without comprehension at the sight he had just witnessed.  After a while, he turned and shuffled back out the doorway to the corridor.  By the time Clint reached the hallways of ‘B' Block, what he had seen and done in the Mortuary was already receding from his addled mind. 
« Last Edit: September 20, 2015, 07:03:58 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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Re: The Bullworth Never Ending Story
« Reply #1261 on: May 05, 2015, 03:30:33 AM »
“Gee, Coach, why do these new 'Roids make me feel so funny ?”, Kirby asked.

“They’ll do that sometimes”, Coach Sanders replied, “.  Here, try this one and we’ll see how it makes you feel.”

“Well, all right, Coach”, Kirby said, obediently swallowing down the pill and chasing it down with a drink from his Sports Jug.  “I really want to be the starting Running Back again.”

“You will be, M’boy”, Coach Sanders assured him, “You’re made great progress...You’ve healed up nicely, and all set to go for the opening game.”  He watched Kirby closely.  “I know you’ll be the Star of the Team.  Here, have another pill.”

Eavesdropping outside the Coach’s Bleachers Office, Mandy heard Kirby say, “I...Feel kinda funny....Coach...”

“That’s all right, M’boy, it’s just the side effects is all....Get to the showers, that’ll make you feel better”, the voice of Coach Sanders said.

Mandy snuck away.  It was just like the last time, Coach Sanders was luring Kirby to the showers.  But this time, she was prepared.  Running silently down to the Girl’s Locker Room, she grabbed her Cell Phone that she had gotten after the last time and called Ted, whom she had made get a Cell Phone also when she had gotten hers. 

Ted answered on the third ring.  “It’s happening right now”, Mandy told him.  “Sanders is luring him to the showers after giving him something, just like the last time.”

Mandy had told Ted all about the last time, with a naked Kirby in the shower, and a naked Coach Sanders heading for him.  At first, Ted didn’t want to believe her, seeing the new Coach as his ticket to a winning season at last and a chance for Recruiters to bestow him with Scholarship offers to a better place than some Podunk University in the deep South.  But as Mandy graphically described what was about to take place when she interrupted the scene in the Boy’s Locker Room shower, a sense of revulsion had overcome Ted.  And though he wasn’t used to thinking about such things, he did know in the dim, unspoken ways of the Jock culture that such sick shit did in fact occur at some Schools.  When Mandy further pointed out that those Pervert Coaches who got caught had their won-loss records negated, essentially wiping out all the Players whole seasons (and the Coach would eventually get caught), Tad could kiss his chances for offers from Recruiters goodbye.  This alone spurred Ted to take action, and he agreed to organize the other Jocks if such a repulsive thing was going to happen.

“Are you sure ?”, Ted asked, dreading her answer. 

“Yes, I hear them coming now”, Mandy whispered as she pressed against the wall in the Girl’s Locker Room.  “Hurry !!”

“Uhh..Ok, I’ll get the boys together”, Ted told her, “Be there as quick as we can."

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Re: The Bullworth Never Ending Story
« Reply #1262 on: May 05, 2015, 03:31:40 AM »
Back from his trip and now in the School Basement, Mr. Riddle pulled out the tiny microphone from the case and fiddled with the dials set inside the case.  When he was dialed into the frequency, he spoke into the mike. “BAL-7620, BAL-7620, Whiskey Victor Tango”, he intoned. “BAL-7620, This is CRB-3847, Do You Read, Copy ?”

A hiss of static issued from the speaker for awhile before an answer came back.  “CRB-3847, This Is BAL-7620. Copy five by five.”

“7620, Switch To Secure Frequency”, Mr. Riddle said.  He fiddled with the dials again, then spoke, “BAL-7620, CRB-3847, How Do You Read ?”

“Copy You Clear, 3847“, the voice responded.  “EarthNet Link Is Confirmed Secure.  What Is Your Report ?”

“Confirming pickup from the Courier of the package you had sent”, Mr. Riddle said.  “Safely transported to the School.”

“Roger, 3847“, the voice responded.  “Those ought to easily last for the next two years, and probably beyond.”

“I’m sure they will, 7620“, Mr. Riddle smiled as he patted the box of Listening Devices that lay on his cot next to him, “I’m sure they will.  Nothing further to report at this time. CRB-3847, Out.”

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Re: The Bullworth Never Ending Story
« Reply #1263 on: May 05, 2015, 04:50:58 AM »
It seemed like a real long time that Mandy waited for the Jock boys to show up.  Kirby had stumbled down to the Boy’s Locker Room and Coach Sanders had followed a few minutes later.  Squeezed up against the wall in the Girl’s Locker Room, Mandy had heard their footsteps on the tiled floor in the nighttime stillness, and had peeked around the wall just in time to see the back of the Coach entering the Boy’s Locker Room.  Soon after, there was the sounds of lockers opening and closing, echoing through the deserted  hallway, and a few minutes after that, the sound of a shower running. 

He had picked his time well, Coach Sanders thought.  Most all the School kids were gone, and only the Jocks remained, safely esconded in their Clubhouse after having already showered earlier in the evening after the day’s workout.  There would be no reason for anyone to be in the Gym-Pool Complex this late, unlike the last time.  Since Kirby didn’t shower with the others, the Coach had told him to meet up in his under-the-Bleachers Office before he took his own solitary shower to tell him he was going to be the starting Running Back.  It was the last weekend before the start of the new term, and his time had come at last.

Over the shower noise, Mandy peeked into the hall several times, looking for Ted and the others.  At last, she spotted them, making their way down the stairs from the Gym.  She silently moved out from the Girl’s Locker Room and went to meet them.  “Shhhh...!”, she said in a low voice, “They’re in there now !”

“Are you sure he’s in there, doing something to Kirby ?”, Ted asked, also in a low voice.  He was not looking forward to what they might find.  None of this kind of stuff had ever happened when Coach Burton was here, as he took no personal interest in the Jocks whatever, other than urging them to bully the other Students in Gym Class.  Although his perversions for the girls of Bullworth were a well-known secret, Coach Burton had never turned his attention to any of the boys of Bullworth, as he was satisfied to be just a watcher and panty-collector.

“Well...I didn’t look inside, like last time”, Mandy admitted, “But they’re in there, all right.  What else could be going on ?  A Coach and a boy, alone in the Shower Room ?  What do you think ?”

Ted set his jaw.  “Well, we will just have a look.  It’s probably nothing....Least, I hope.”  He motioned the others and they silently crept into the Boy’s Locker room.  Mandy followed in behind.

As they quietly entered the Locker Room, a shocking sight met their eyes, and their eyes bugged out in disbelief.

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Re: The Bullworth Never Ending Story
« Reply #1264 on: May 05, 2015, 07:40:37 PM »
At the Bullworth Town Clinic that evening, Mr. Galloway was visiting Ms. Phillips.  It would be the last visit, as she was being released the next day. “I sure will be glad to get out of here”, she sighed.  “Seems like I’ve been in here for months, even though it’s only been a few weeks.”

“Kind of empty in here”, Mr. Galloway observed, “Seems like there was more people here the last time.”

“That girl with the broken foot was taken out this morning”, Ms. Phillips said, “She was the last one left, poor little thing.”

“I think we are going to see a new era here, a less violent one”, Mr. Galloway told her. “It’s looking like that Agreement thing Tony Calderone put together is going to hold up.”

“Oh, I do hope so”, Ms. Phillips sighed.  “It would be so nice to have a normal School.  Maybe we should hire a Drama Teacher so the children could channel their aggression into something more constructive.”

“Well, that’s a idea we should look into”, Mr. Galloway mused.  “We are also going to need a new English Teacher, and...A new Art Teacher.”

“What ?”, Ms. Phillips exclaimed.  “But, I’m the Art Teacher !”

“Not for long”, Mr. Galloway told her, “You’re getting promoted to handle the School Office.”

“But...That’s now Christy Martin’s job....Isn’t it ?”, Ms. Phillips asked.

“Miss Martin just informed me that she is leaving to go on tour with that Lombardi girl”, Mr. Galloway told her.  “Seems like her talent on the Piano Keyboards is needed.  So, the Office job is yours, if you want it.”

“Well...Of course I do !”, Ms. Phillips exclaimed.  “Only....I still want to be able to fill in as Art Teacher, sometimes....Maybe a day or two a week ?”

“I think that can be arranged, my Dear”, Mr. Galloway smiled. “We can work something out, I’m sure.  After all, it’s our School now, the Crabblesnitch era is over.”

“I hope you don’t mind I’ll be on crutches for awhile”, Ms. Phillips said.  “You’ll have to get me up to the second floor somehow.”

“Not a problem”, Mr. Galloway told her, “The Workmen are also repairing the broken Elevator along with the third floor renovations....We’ll be able to zip you up and down with ease.”

“Oh, Lionel, I can’t wait”, Ms. Phillips gushed.  “It’s going to be so wonderful !”

Mr. Galloway smiled again.  “My Dear, it’s going to be glorious !”

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Re: The Bullworth Never Ending Story
« Reply #1265 on: May 05, 2015, 09:04:23 PM »
“HOLD IT RIGHT THERE !!!”, Ted’s voice echoed inside the Boy’s Locker Room.

Startled, Coach Sanders turned without thinking, forgetting the fact he was naked.  Beside him in the running shower, a dazed and naked Kirby slumped against the wall.  Warm clouds of steam billowed from the shower out into the room.

“What Are You Boys Doing Here ?”, Coach Sanders bellowed.  “This Is A...Private Training Session !  GET OUT !!”

“NO !!”, Ted responded.  “It’s You Who Should Get Out !!”  With a nod to the others, they all drew their Weapons.

Coach Sanders emerged from the shower.  It was quite obvious what he had been doing.  The sight repulsed and disgusted the Jocks, and they laid their fingers on the triggers of their Spud Guns.

“Now, Boys, Don’t Interfere Here....You Got Your Careers To Think Of !”, Coach Sanders said.  “A Winning Season !  Don’t You Want That ?”

Ted shook his head.  “Not Like This !”  He nodded to the other Jocks.  “Take Him Out !!”

Ten Jock fingers pulled on the triggers of their Weapons. 

The Spuds found their target, smashing into the Coach’s belly, chest, groin, and legs. 
“OOOOFFFF !!!!!”, Coach Sanders screamed, “THAT HURTS !!!!”
The sudden assault dropped him to the floor, withering in agony.  “You....Have...No Right !  All Of You...Are....Suspended !”, he gasped.

Mandy, a little less shocked and actually more angry than the others, said loudly, “I Don’t Think So....We’re All Going To The COPS In The Morning And Show Them What You Were Doing !!”  She held up her Cell Phone, which she had taken pictures with as she and the Jocks had entered the Boy’s Locker Room.  “You’re The One Who’s Suspended Here !”

The Jocks advanced on the groaning, withering, Coach.  “Now...Now, Boys...This Was....Harmless....Training....”

Bob, the largest Jock, grabbed the Coach by the short hairs of his head.  “BOB SMASH”, he said grimly, and planted his huge fist directly to the center of Coach Sanders’ horse-face, producing a crunching sound.  The Coach fell back, knocked out.

“Get Kirby Outta There”, Ted ordered.  Kirby had slumped to the floor of the shower, apparently unconscious.  “Take Him Back To The Clubhouse.”

Damon and Laurent went to collect Kirby, shutting off the shower as they did so.  The others got some towels and wrapped Kirby up in them, then carried him out of the Locker Room.  Taking a last look at Coach Sanders, Mandy, Ted, and the other Jocks filed out of the now-silent Locker Room.

The next morning, the Jocks all rode to the Bullworth Police Station and showed the pictures to Chief O’Rouke, telling him what had happened.  The Chief dispatched Officers to Bullworth Academy to arrest Coach Sanders.  But on their arrival, they found that his Under-Bleachers Office was cleaned out, his car missing from the Parking Lot.  Sometime overnight, Coach Sanders had disappeared, never to be seen at the School or the Vale Valley ever again.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2015, 07:04:38 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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Re: The Bullworth Never Ending Story
« Reply #1266 on: May 05, 2015, 11:49:49 PM »
Tony and Karen, along with Nick and Melody, returned to the Vale Valley on that final weekend before School was to start up again.  With a visit to the School Basement, Tony obtained the Listening Devices from Mr. Riddle, which would prove invaluable in the next couple of years.  On that Sunday night, he planted the Devices at the Observatory, the Library, the Autoshop, and inside the Boy’s Dorm, which was just getting finished having it’s second story added.  Tony placed one Device in the Rec Room, and another in the new upstairs Foyer.  Karen helped by planting Devices in the Girl’s Dorm and the Jock’s Clubhouse during a visit to see Mandy, who told her all about the showdown with Coach Sanders. 

After much discussion, Nick and Melody decided to return to the School Campus.  Melody would room with Karen as before, and Nick would room with Tony.  All agreed that it would be better for them to remain in close proximity to each other, in case the School should come under threat again from any future deranged Students.  Nick, now healed fully by the Head Monk, would provide the muscle for enforcement, and Tony would continue in his role as Mediator, and would sharpen his negotiating skills in the years to come. 

The way would be easy, for awhile.  The Criminal elements had been cleansed from the Vale Valley for the present, along with the controlling Rich.  But evil would seep back into Bullworth and the Valley eventually, it was just the way of things in this Gaming World, the constant battle of good versus evil.  Tony would still face many things in his last two years at Bullworth Academy.  Still, Tony would go on to Graduate in the Spring of 2010, and Karen in the Spring of 2011.  Tony would wait for Karen, staying around in the Vale Valley, getting a place and a job while doing College Credit work on-line.  Then together, they would go off to NYU, living the College life in the Big Apple, pursuing degrees in Criminal Law and Criminal Justice.  They would be married in the Summer of 2014, and Tony would start his career in Liberty City, eventually becoming a crack Detective. 

Though Nick and Melody also graduated from Bullworth Academy in the same time-frames as Tony and Karen, their lives took different pathways.  They wound up going to a Junior College in New Jersey, and also wound up in Liberty City, where Nick became the owner of a Fight Club.  The stakes were high, and Nick often participated in the fights himself, winning thousands in cash for his cut of the fights, and much more for the fights he did personally, sometimes fighting against two or three opponents at once himself.  All that money would allow Nick and Melody to live the finer life, even before they were married.  However, graft and corruption always abounded in the fight game, and Nick would often work with Tony to control the criminal element who threatened his livelihood.

But what of the other players in the Bullworth Drama ?  All in all, their lives would become their own Never Ending Stories, as it is with all of us for the time we have to live on Planet Earth. And quite a few of them would intersect with Tony Calderone in unexpected ways in the years to come.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2015, 11:53:08 PM by BloodChuckZ »

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Re: The Bullworth Never Ending Story
« Reply #1267 on: May 06, 2015, 03:24:26 AM »
Vance Medici and Gord Vendome would return to the Vale Valley, and with funding in hand, would build the Pirate Bay Resort on Pirate Island.  It would turn out to be a great success, as it would be the only resort area in the Vale Valley.  Vance and Gord would get rich in the process, becoming one of the new power players driving the Towns’ economy.

Johnny Vincent and Lola Lombardi would go on to successful music tours, along with Christy Martin and Bruce “Winkie” Waters; they would later be joined by the members of the old Rockers Clique on the road.  Both couples would be married within a couple of years, Lola and Johnny after she became pregnant.  She even started singing a funny song about it while out on tour......

I'm looking good today, I'm looking extra Hot,
Check out the Revlon wet and dry eyeliner that I just got,
Don't you wish you looked this good, Girlfriend you do, you know it too,
You only wish you could, look half as good....HA !

I'm looking good today, in fact I'm looking great,
I am the finest Sophomore girl in Carolina State,
Nothing's going to get to me now, whatever someone says or does,
I know they can't because, I'm looking good.

More Mascara....A little eyeliner,
And they're not gonna know, not gonna know, not gonna know,
I'm don't need them anyway, and I'm not gonna tell.
If I go ahead and speak out, my Mom and Dad would freak out,
And my Gram-Ma would say, I am going to Hell...

So they're not gonna know, not gonna know, not gonna know,
I can't tell them, not now.....not never,
Cause all my friends would shame me, and I know Johnny would blame me,
He'll say I should have made him use protection.....
And he'd break it off forever.....

More Mascara, I'm looking good, I'm looking good,
Yes, I'm looking good today, everyone can quit this,
I'm independent like Beyonce, take care of my own business,
So what if my tears run black, or my foundation starts to crack,
I've got more than enough, I'm looking good...and stuff...

But what'll I do, what'll I do, what'll I do,
How can I do this on my own?
But they wouldn't understand me, they just yell and repermand me,
So I better keep going on alone...

But what'll I do, what'll I do, what'll I do,
I can keep covering, but what happens when I have to buy new clothes,
Cause I'm starting to show, and then everyone knows, everyone knows Why.
And I can't bear to look them in the eye....
And I've run out of makeup...To apply.

What do I do, what do I do, is there someone I could talk to ?
Maybe they'd understand...Maybe I could....
How do I look today, do I look good, do I look good ?
Do I look....Good ?

Phoebe Strole - "Lookin' Good"

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Re: The Bullworth Never Ending Story
« Reply #1268 on: May 06, 2015, 03:26:36 AM »
As For Peanut Romero and Binky Rose, they became the premier leaders of the Greasers Clique, gaining lasting fame in the Greaser Culture.  They would go on to graduate at the same time as Tony, along with Lucky De Luca, who would live up to his name by becoming a marketer of Greaser-related items on-line and employing his friends Lefty Mancini and Norton Williams. 

Melvin  O’Connor and Jimmette Jumpers would also stay together, graduating with honors as was the case with most of the Nerd Clique...Fatty Johnson, Thad Carlson, Bucky Pasteur, Donald Anderson, and Cornelius Johnson.  Melvin and Fatty would build the Ultimate Spud Gun for their protection, and later start a Video-Game Corporation producing battle-oriented games, and hired their former Clique-Brothers as Developers.

Ted Thompson and Mandy Wiles would stay together and would go on to an upscale College in the Mid-West, after Ted had a stellar last Season at Bullworth Academy.  This was in part due to the hiring of a new Coach named Bryant right as the new term was to start, a no-nonsense sort of fellow who took the Bullworth Team to a 9-3 record for a winning season at last, even getting as far as the Quarterfinals of the State Championship.  Bo Jackson would take over as Quarterback the following year, and although less successful, all would get Scholarship offers to different Colleges...Damon West, Casey Harris, Luis Luna, Dan Wilson, Juri Karamazov, and Bob Southby. While Damon and Gloria Jackson stayed together, many of the others did not....Both Bob and Hannah Tauge, and Dan and Claire Sullivan, would break up at the end of their Senior years, and would most all would go off to different locations after graduation.  Bo’s brother, Lance Jackson, would go off to a College in Vermont.

The Bullies would fared less well, as could be expected.  Russell Northrop would continue to live at the house in Bullworth Vale, along with Amber Anderson.  He was only smart enough to work at the most menial jobs, and was often unemployed, but Amber helped keep him on the straight and narrow.  But the other Bullies would fall on hard times in their future. Only Trent Northwick, Paige Parsley, and Wade Martin would eventually graduate, Davis White, Troy Miller, Tom Gurney, and Ethan Robinson would not.  They would eventually become the core of a new breed of Townies in Blue Skies. 

Decimated as they were, the Preps would try to pull together as the new term would get underway.  Though they were undermanned, they would be bolstered by the addition of a couple of new Preps, Presley Pembroke and Preston Cox, plus some new girls, Chloie Parker, Jenna Busch, and Jill Von Crastenburg.  Bif Taylor would eventually recover from his beating at the hands of Mr. Martin, but was never again the same.  He would become Tad’s lackey, much as he had been Derby’s.  Tad Spencer would manage to hold off any takeovers during the next couple of years. and at the end of it all, was able to go off to a fine New England College, with the help of Vanessa Bouvier’s family.  Tad and Vanessa would eventually marry, and Tad would later take over the remains of his Father’s empire, becoming the only rich family to remain in the Vale Valley.  The other Preps, Justin Vandervelde, Parker Ogilvie, and Chad Morris, would go off to less-than-stellar Prep Colleges.  Bryce Montrose, however, would have to work his way through a College.  Derby Harrington, who’s family had been responsible for much of the imbalance in the Vale Valley for scores of years, would arrogantly step off a curb in London, expecting that traffic would stop for him, and be hit by a Double-Decker Bus.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2015, 03:58:59 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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Re: The Bullworth Never Ending Story
« Reply #1269 on: May 06, 2015, 03:39:02 AM »
Perhaps the most tragic of all the stories of Bullworth was Pinky Gauthier, who didn’t get her redemption in the Vale Valley.  Pinky would only attend the School for another semester, forced to leave when the money ran out.  Her Father went to Prison, taking much of the brunt of the Harrington Prep Scandal.  By then, Pinky’s Step-Mother had bled him dry in the divorce settlement, and whatever was left went to legal fees.  With no funds to pay tuition, Pinky would leave Rhode Island by Christmas, going to stay with a crotchety Aunt in New Haven, Connecticut.  But Public School life would not suit the former Prep Queen at all, and she would take off to pursue her money desires in the Big City as a high-price call girl.  New York would chew her up though, and Pinky would wind up in Liberty City, working as a common Prostitute.  Ironically, her Pimp would turn out to be Ricky Pucino, who would also abandon Bullworth for Liberty City after his breakup with Jessica Jamison.  Pinky’s chances on salvation would hinge on a surprise reunion with her lost flame, Kurt Fonzerelli, some years up the road.

The few heralded Non-Clique boys, Gordon Wakefield, Ivan Alexander, and Trevor Moore, would quietly disappear after their graduations, and would never return to the School afterwards, not even for any reunions.  They would be replaced by a score of other nameless, faceless, lonely boys, who had no desire for either the limelight or power, those who merely wanted to make it through High School and forget about it afterwards.  he Non-Clique girls would fare about the same, Misty Halter, Hayley Harper, Whitney Worth, Carla Harris, being never heard from again after leaving Bullworth, the latter three finally off probation at last.  Eunice Pound, however, would sign on as assistant Cook for the School, serving up slop to a whole new group of Students for most of her life. 

Sheldon Thopmson would return to Bullworth for each of the next four years, despite the fact that he couldn't ever stop snitching, which would earn him quite a few beatings.  Pedro De La Hoya would also return, and surprisingly to everybody, would be named the next Mediator after Tony's graduation.  Although not as effective a leader as Tony Calderone, he was nonetheless able to turn the tables on some of his past tormentors.

Laurent Loiselle would leave after another year to his native France to study, but the lure of Nina Boulanger would bring him back to America and eventually to Liberty City.  Constantinos Brakus and Tiffany Cartier would also show up in Liberty City, as would Jimmy Hopkins and Zoe Taylor.  Pete Kowalski would also appear there, as would Ray Hughes, Hal Esposito and Angie Ning.  Another former Bullworth Student who would show up at Liberty City was one whom Tony had never met, but had heard about and would have to deal with eventually, was Earnest Jones.  He would head up the largest Porno and Smut operation that had ever been seen in the area, still not cured of his sex addictions.

But all of this was far in the future, as Tony stood on the Patio in front of the School, watching the kids coming back to Bullworth the day before the new term was to start.  For the moment, all was in control and hopefully would be for this new next year.  Next to him stood Karen, who was his rock, his love, and his life.  Both looked forward to a more peaceful School Year than the last turbulent one, a year and then one more of normalcy for good measure.  Their future was unwritten, theirs to make, and they both vowed to make it so as they embraced each other and kissed.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2015, 11:17:16 PM by BloodChuckZ »

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Re: The Bullworth Never Ending Story
« Reply #1270 on: May 06, 2015, 04:04:34 AM »
The Old Man peered into the round Monitor that rose from the floor of the ship, which was set into a shielded geostationary orbit of 22,236 miles high over the World.  The Monitor gave off a eerie greenish glow that lit up his face in the otherwise darkened hold of the vessel. 

“Well, I’ll be Hogged”, he muttered, “So that’s how things worked out.”

"It appears to be so”, drifted a thought from one of the silent silverly beings gathered around him.  ”Are you not pleased, Grant ?”

“No tears being shed over that spineless weasel Crabblesnitch, that’s for sure”, Grant mused, “But I cana hardly kin to all them other happenings, what with all that evil being spread about down there.”

"Much evil is inherent in your race, is that not so ?”, drifted the thought from another of the silverly beings.

“Tis so”, Grant answered, “Seen a lot of that in the War.  But...There is some good, lika that boy I teached how to fight, and some o’ them that came after that.”

”They need proper guidance, from those who would teach them”, drifted the thought from yet a third one of the silvery beings, who appeared to be somewhat the Leader.  “You were a Teacher of them once, were you not ?”

“Aye, for awhile, till that cursed drink took me over”, Grant replied, his eyes watering just a bit.  “It was all too much despair, it was, that drove me to it....So much corruption, so much waste....Too much evil influences on them for me to be able to overcome...”

”You could go back now”, a thought drifted suddenly from a fourth silvery being, ”The Corrupt Ones have been vanquished for now, though others will arise to take their place without intervention.”

“Go Back ?”, Mr. Grant exclaimed. Startled, he lifted his gaze from the Monitor.  “Nah, I be too old...Besides that, I like bein’ with you fellows.  That’s why I built that Transmitter, so’s your Ship here would come beam me up, away from all that madness down there.”

“Age does not matter, Grant”, the thought from the fourth silvery being came, stronger this time. ”We can restore what you call your DNA to an earlier time in it’s cycle.  You can be whole again, at the peak of your corporeal strength.”

“But I wanna stay here”, Grant said, the thin whine of an old man showing through in his voice, a whine he hated.  “It’s safe here, and I don’t hafta get any older and don’t never hafta die, like you fellows.”

”That is not the way of the Universe, Grant”, the thought from third silverly being came. ”You are corporeal, we are not.  But everything dies in due time, even us.  The Universe itself will end in a cataclysm some trillions of years hence.”

“That doesn’t seem very fair”, Grant commented.  “Life is most Precious.”

”Indeed so”, the third silverly being’s thought replied, ”But everything comes to an end....Worlds, Stars, Galaxies....All are born and all will die.”

“I still wanna stay”, Grant said stubbornly, “Like them others you fellows told me about.  The ones you returned to the Earth.”

”Those were the enlightened ones we trained to help save your planet from extinction”, the thought drifted from the third silverly being. ”Many of them were with us for years as you count time, and were released at a high place called the Devil’s Tower in your year of 1978.”

The irony was not lost on Mr. Grant as to the location of the release of the Earth’s Saviors.  He had been, after all, a Teacher of such things.  “So long ago...”, he mused.  “Did they do any good ?”

”Your world has not yet destroyed itself”, the thought came from the first silvery being.  ”It is all we can hope for.  In your future, more evil will arise.”

“Exactly why I wanna stay here”, Mr. Grant answered.  “I’m done with all that nonsense.”

”It will not be possible for you to stay”, the thought from the third silvery being revealed. ”We must leave soon for our home.  What you know of as a wormhole, our way back, will close soon.”

“Then...Take me with you !”, exclaimed Mr. Grant.  “I won’t no trouble, honest !”

”That will not be possible”, a thought drifted from a fifth silverly being, deeper in the vast bowels of the ship.  Grant could not see this one in the darkness, but knew somehow that this being was akin to the Chief Engineer of the ship.  ”Inside the Event Horizon on the way to our home, this vessel will be stretched into a wire string many parsects in length.  Your corporeal form would not survive such a thing.”

"Gorr, that's too bad", Mr. Grant said dejectedly.  "You Sure 'bout that ?"

"Most definitely, Grant", the fifth silverly being drifted the thought, "You would be stretched like one of your worm-beings."

"Then...Why don't you fellow just hang around to the next Wormhole opens up ?", Mr. Grant said hopefully.

"Alas, we cannot", the thought from the third silvery bring drifted, "We are near the end of our mission here, nearly 62 of your years, as you count time....There is only one revolution of your world before we must leave, else we will not have enough blue fuel to power the long travel back.

“Blue Fuel ?”, Mr. Grant asked, “What is that ?”

”It is the Fuel of the Stars”, the thought drifted from the fifth silvery being.  ”It is how we power our Craft.  Behold !”

A shimmer appeared, and it was like Grant could see through the whole ship, as if it was translucent.  In one part, what resembled Blue Sapphire Gems pulsed brightly, their color going from dark blue to light blue and back again, over and over.

“Dilithium Crystals !”, Mr. Grant exclaimed, thinking of Star Trek.

”If that is what you wish to call them”, the first silvery being’s thought floated his way.  ”They are of Immense Power, and must be mined from the Blue Dwarfs themselves.”

“They glow !”, Mr. Grant said, fascinated.  “Are they hot ?”

”When they were Star-Matter, they were indeed very hot, as you know heat, millions of your degrees”, the thought from the fifth silvery being informed him.  "But cooled and condensed, they give off their power by Cold Fusion.  That is why they pulse.” 

”But as in everything, there are limits to their power”, a thought floated from the fourth silverly being. ”While they allow us to do many things, their power is not Immortal.”

“Could a fellow....Rule a Planet with one of them Rocks ?”, Mr. Grant asked.

”No, it would take much more than one”, the thought from the second silverly being answered, ”And they are very dense.  While in Space they weigh not much, but in gravity, they weigh very much, as their molecules are packed tightly together.”

“But...You fellows could carry some down there”, Mr. Grant speculated, “Mebby do some good for the World....End the Madness !”

”No, we could not survive long on your world”, the thought from fourth silverly being drifted in.  ”There is only one way, and that was already tried.”

“Tried ?”, Mr. Grant asked, “Tried how ?”

”About 400 of your years ago, some of ours went down to your Planet”, the thought answered him from the third silverly being.  ”They...Incorporated themselves into some of your being’s DNA, using the power from the Blue Fuel.  But by becoming mostly Human, they corrupted themselves. They were no longer us, they became....A Mutation.”

“What happened to them ?”, Mr. Grant asked, “Where did they go ?”

”We do not know what became of them”, floated the thought of the third silverly being.  ”They went down to a place you call England.  But since they were no longer us, but mostly Human, contact was lost after their forms....The bodies they inhabited....Ceased to live.”

“So...They Died ?”, Mr. Grant said, “I thought you fellers lived a long, long time ?”

”Yes, that is so, Grant”, the thought flowed from the third silverly being.  ”We are not corporeal as you are.  But by inserting their essence into your kind’s DNA, they became mortal.”

”And not only that, they changed from themselves, from their thinking”, floated the thought of the second silverly being.  ”Long before contact was lost, they had organized themselves into what your people refer to as a Cult.”

Mr. Grant sat considering.  “Well, I’ll be Hogged.  I suppose we are just way too different after all”, he mused.  “So, why take the effort with our World ?  What does that matter to your kind ?”

He could almost see the Alien smile as it answer floated to him, ”If properly guided, your Earth will gain enlightenment, and your people will ascend and leave their corporeal forms behind.  They will travel the Stars as we do, and nourish others along their way in this part of the Galaxy, as we do.  That is why we take and teach those of your kind, it is why we watch.  There are many who have come before us, and many will come after us, until your fellow beings are able to do as we do, for every World needs a Teacher.”

Mr. Grant understood then.  It was finally clear to him what he needed to do.  So it was in 2009, he was returned to the Earth as a young man, and in the year of Tony Calderone’s Graduation, he was hired as the new History Teacher at Bullworth Academy.

----{END OF CHAPTER 10}----


« Last Edit: May 06, 2015, 05:05:16 AM by BloodChuckZ »