300 Hundred more :/
700: If you get hit by a car, and the police is right there, nothing will happen to the driver.
701: But if you hit the person, they come running at you.
702: It is okay for hobo's to slap you in the face
703: ^ But when you defend yourself you get sent to jail
704: The black cop is crooked, but once of the nicest
705: Ghosts are in Bullworth
706: There is a pool in Bullworth!
707" ^ To bad it is empty
708: Gary may be the wolf (old news)
709: Edgar May be the wolf
710: The Janitor is a killer
711: A hobo can make a alien device out of a few transistors
712: If you insult a townsfolk, they will punch you.
713: Bully had no choice in it, what so ever
714: Gary has a scar
715: Jimmy is a ginger with no soul
716: Boxing bags can be the target of 10 preps if provoked
717: Darby is a bum
718: It would of been cool if you could play as Gary (with a story role :'D)