Hii Simon Bestia, so recently I tried to import all Node Types into derpy's Node-O-Matic Mod that you suggested, but when I tried it, it was no different from the Node-O-Matic Mod I made, because All the Node Types are exactly the same.
and here I am trying to find nodes Entering Car and Holding Umbrella, but as a result I only found nodes like this...
for nodes entering vehicles = "/Global/Vehicles/Cars", "Act/Vehicles.act"
and for umbrella nodes = "/Global/Umbrella/Default_KEY", "Act/???"
only nodes like this I found, and these nodes are very useless because they don't work..
btw it seems i'm lacking ACT in my Node-O-Matic Mod, so some ACTs can't be detected, can you help me to fix this Node-O-Matic mod and find the required ACT!!