It's simple, and has nothing to do with the script. Trevor (like every other ped) has a separate model for his halloween outfit. His halloween model uses that different style. Why? Maybe R* wanted to make halloween night scarier, or they were rushing through and just gave him some generic style.
You can see them both in /Objects/default.ide:
73 GN_Boy02 GN_Boy02_W 0 Large STUDENT STAT_GS_MALE_A Straf_Male null null null 1 /Global/GS_Male_A Act/Anim/GS_Male_A.act /Global/AI Act/AI/AI.act N_Trevor
171 GN_Boy02_Ween GN_Boy02_Ween 0 Medium STUDENT STAT_B_STRIKER_B Straf_Male B_Striker F_BULLY null -1 /Global/B_Striker_A Act/Anim/B_Striker_A.act /Global/AI Act/AI/AI.act N_Trevor