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Author Topic: How do you get preps full style and darby boss combo for Jimmy and MIX styles  (Read 15223 times)

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Offline Prosecute

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I'm completely lost as to what is done to enable a new animation for that slot, what about you? I've managed to disable attack moves by changing their name into something else but that's about it, the new move that I've loaded doesn't work it just appears to disable the one I've changed :hmm:, well on the bright side at least we know that some kind of a list is needed to tell people what animation is which, perhaps if someone can crack this before i move out then i would be more than happy to present a professionally done list, but its only a matter of time before I move out and this will probably put an end to my bully modding career at least for the for-seeable till i get settled.


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im not doing well either. So ur gonna quit bully modding. Also wat did u think of jimmy semi boxing style:D

Offline Prosecute

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Yea just till i get my priorities in order, plus everythings been done now anyway, and yea is that mod through ide or something? also what the hell is your computer running on!1? that fps is just poor! it looks like you've managed to get bully running on a windows 98 by the looks of things!, but yea descent stuff


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Yes i got jimmys boxingplayer in ide then i went in act and extracted boxingplayer to the desktop and disabled some attacks. Anyway hav a fun break thx for all ur help and bye. Also r u gonna ever mod bully again?

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probably yea, I wont be leaving fully just yet though, i was meant to be leaving before but i thought i masewell leave it till when i move now seen as this will just pass the time up to that moment


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Ok when exactly r u gonna quit and join again?

Offline Prosecute

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when the housing association get in touch which should be sometime this month, and i'll probs join aggain when i get settled which i'm insure about, anyway gd luck with this remix thing and keep it up


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Ok Steman happy new year bye.


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Deadpool how is it going?


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Steman wat about asking xf madman or anyone else?

Offline Prosecute

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Hmmm yea thats an idea i suppose i can ask him but i don't think he will comply, i'm just confused as to why the move doesn't change once iv'e replaced it, i would love to get to work on a list for this aswell to pass some time, any luck on your end? (btw iv'e moved onto other things now for the time being)


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1 out of like 5 tries was successfull. I changed the strafe from a fighting style but that isn't mixing fighting styles so I will keep trying.


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Steman could you explain the ped list you and xf madman made in madman and Stemans corner THX.

Offline Prosecute

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gd luck and wd dead, dbownzz read the whole topic and follow a couple of the tuts on one of the various pages

Offline King Cobra

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NOTE: This topic has been moved to the Questions/Help board.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2012, 10:27:58 PM by King Cobra »