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Messages - Hopking

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Modding Questions/Help Archives / Re: Full Custom Movements Controls
« on: June 09, 2012, 06:11:58 PM »
You can press R [grapple button] while not targeting anyone to headbutt charge,
You can do the same while targeting someone with Mouse2 to do Russell's low-health chase which makes him either do the leg-pull submission or his power-bomb grapple at random.

Modding Questions/Help Archives / Re: Hex Editing Properly?
« on: May 29, 2012, 05:03:28 PM »
Still no success unfortunately :/

I copy and paste Hal's style to Gord and Gord's style to Hal, and it still crashes. I really don't understand why, it is the same size and nothing has been mis-aligned, as far as I know, anything I may have missed?

EDIT: Nevermind, I got it, cheers.

Modding Questions/Help Archives / Hex Editing Properly?
« on: May 29, 2012, 12:40:43 PM »
Alright, I know there are millions of threads and videos explaining how to hex edit, I know, but, the one question that i've been dying to ask, for ages, how do I change someones fighting style when their fighting style is longer and has more characters than the current one?

e.g. Changing Punch1 to Punch, which is shorter, how would I do that without making the file size bigger/smaller and crashing the game?

Bully Modding Archives / Re: ENBSeries Graphics Hack for Bully
« on: March 12, 2012, 03:54:58 PM »
I wonder why Depth of Field will not work with Bully, though :/

Bully Modding Archives / Re: ENBSeries Graphics Hack for Bully
« on: March 12, 2012, 01:47:41 PM »
Your configuration is good :P ... I hate how people think bloom = good graphics, though, toning down was a good idea.

Bully Modding Archives / Re: MY VERY FIRST BULLY TO GTA MOD!!!
« on: March 12, 2012, 01:46:44 PM »
Oh wowww the voice mod is brilliant :D

Bully Modding Archives / ENBSeries Graphics Hack for Bully
« on: March 11, 2012, 07:49:28 PM »
So, after trying all of the versions of ENBSeries to see which one Bully will work with, I finally found which one it was.

Burnout: Paradise


Please note that this WILL make the game a bit laggier, but the graphics will be enhanced; if you want motion blur enabled you can turn your brightness to maximum.

For those that do not know what ENBSeries is, it is a graphical overhaul that will make motionblur, sky bloom and High Dynamic Range, the .ini file included will allow full customization so you can fit it to your PCs standards, here is a video of Bully with ENBSeries Enabled:

ENBSeries on Bully: Scholarship Edition (PC)


Depth of Field will not work, it just create a strange pattern on-screen; disable it
Motion blur is only noticable on Brightness >8
You need a PC Adequate to run this
The game will not look better until you configure it correctly through the ENB INI.

-- Installation --
Drag all files in the zip to the Bully directory, run the game, Press SHIFT + F12 to toggle.


The video is not the best configuration for Bully, I know the motion blur looks like time-travel but you can edit the Enbseries.ini and make it much better by changing parameters for each enhancement.

Mod Showroom Archives / More HD Textures and (HDR?)
« on: February 06, 2012, 11:43:09 AM »
I made a texture edit using TexMod, it changes mostly around the school, the indoor school area and the Boys' dorm.
[ I know there are inconsistencies but they may be fixed in the future ]
Bully: HD Textures and HDR
Please give feedback, it isn't finished yet and a download will only be supplied when it is.


Updated Textures Outdoors
Updated School Exterior textures
Updated School Interior textures
Updated Boys' Dorm texture (Extremely unfinished)
Bright white sky, bloomy.

Mod Releases Archive / Re: Everyone Spawns (Please Read)
« on: January 20, 2012, 04:04:04 PM »

Mod Releases Archive / Everyone Spawns (Please Read)
« on: January 20, 2012, 03:32:20 PM »
Okay, I know this has been done before where everyone spawns, but I dont know their method and if they used the same as me.

Basically, absoloutely every pedestrian in the game spawns, even ones from the Christmas pageant aswell as punching bags.

I don't know if this exact method has been done before, but I basically replaced every instance of "FF FF FF FF" to "01 00 00 00" and to my surprise, it didn't crash.

Also, note that there may be duplicate people spawning because of their halloween and winter costumes not being differentiated from their regular costumes, and some of them are just unrealistic but fun to beat up.

So here's a download link:

Bully 2 Discussion / Re: Bully 2 Online Ideas
« on: January 14, 2012, 07:10:15 PM »
Playing carnival games online over the Internet? :P

You have some very nice ideas, I seriously hope that by the off chance someone from Rockstar reads this thread and gets inspiration :]

Bully 1 Discussion / Re: 1000 things you have learnt from Bully
« on: December 30, 2011, 11:40:08 AM »
581. Jumping by people make them fight you
582. You can make itching powder at a chemisty set without having to get Mucuna pruriens
583. Zack normally doesn't believe in violence.
584. You can't use diplomacy to make the elf princess do that!

Requests Archive / Re: Shopkeepers dont kick you out
« on: December 26, 2011, 05:14:20 AM »
I nulled him out, he's gone from the store but when I hit someone he still yells at me while he's floating in some wierd dimension

Requests Archive / Re: Shopkeepers dont kick you out
« on: December 24, 2011, 01:50:24 AM »
I've actually edited scripts.img to make a kickme sign spawn in the dorm, but it replaces the eggs :/

Jocks: Damon, Kirby and Ron Weasley Dan
Girls: Angie, oh god, I punch her, run away, and she's where I ran off to, so annoying.. ." I REALLY LOVE BUNNIES; THEY'RE SO NICE!"
Nerds: Fatty and Algernon "I thought we were brother warriors!"
Generic: Constantinos, Ray and Gordon "If my asthma didn't play up I would've won..."
Prefects: Edward and Max.
Greasers: Hal
Preps: Gord
Dropouts: Jerry. "Urg... I'll never be able to piss again!"

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