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Messages - PainTrain

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Bully 1 Questions / Re: Should Hattrick really have been fired?
« on: March 14, 2014, 09:30:25 AM »
I think Matthews was the only good teacher. Even though his character textures make him look cartoon-ish (though this was probably just R* rushing to have him be made into one of the 8 new characters).

Perharps being rushed is the only reason why he is a good teacher. Rockstar didn't had the time to think of a way of making him sick or creepy.

Bully 1 Discussion / Re: what you find annoying in bully
« on: March 14, 2014, 09:28:01 AM »
Another very annoying thing is that when you mod the game, the characters glitch and they keep repeating the same line for every situation over and over again until your brain can not take it anymore.

"I'm just toying with you, kid! I'm just toying with you, kid! I'm just toying with you, kid! I'm just toying with you, kid! I'm just toying with you, kid! I'm just toying with you, kid! I'm just toying with you, kid! I'm just toying with you, kid! I'm just toying with you, kid! I'm just toying with you, kid! I'm just toying with you, kid! I'm just toying with you, kid! I'm just toying with you, kid! I'm just toying with you, kid! I'm just toying with you, kid! I'm just toying with you, kid! I'm just toying with you, kid!"

Auditory Experiences / Re: Unused audio
« on: March 12, 2014, 09:24:46 PM »
Man, it's so weird seeing Trent flirting with Angie after seeing him mercilessly bullying her almost every day for years.

And it's also weird seeing Angie acting all stuck up when she's supposed to be shy and get nervous around boys and not know what to do when they talk to her.

I heard of a glitch in the PS2 version that causes Gary to sometimes appear in the School and in Blue Skies, but in all my years of playing the PS2 version, I never saw this glitch occur.

Maybe translate it for us?

Hey, you asshole!
Are you talking to me?
No, cupcake. I'm talking to the bitch who whelped you.
Glad. See you later.
Wait a moment, friend!
Tell me what you fucking want.
What do you have in this coffin?
A lot of shit.
And who were the chickenshit?
I bet it wasn't the ass of your mother.
You speak too much, friend. I just get angry.

I think I can translate a little better:

Hey, wimp!
You talking to me?
No, smartass, I'm talking to the bitch who whelped you.
Glad. See you later.
Just a moment, pal.
Tell me what you fucking want.
What are you carrying on that casket?
A pile of shit.
And who was the chickenshit?
I bet it wasn't your momma's ass.
You talk too much, pal. I just got angry.

Very good, indeed. Is this your first video?

Not my very first video, but yes, my first Bully video.

Great video and great idea.
Hopefully you'll continue making video. But watch out for copyright claims, as they can be a real pain.

Thanks, I'm currently working in more Bully videos. And I know very well how painful copyright claims are.  :(

Requests Archive / Re: bully kiss mod
« on: March 07, 2014, 03:58:57 PM »
I was going to request that myself, a mod that allows you to hold hands with anyone.

Perharps a modder can find out how it works by looking at the files of missions that involve holding hands, such as Movie Tickets or Carnival Date, or errands that envolve this.

What I know so far is that the other person acts like someone you recruited. When you find two people holding hands, one of them will not respond to you when interacted with, and will cover and scream for help when attacked. Also, while using the Super Mod, I tried to recruit the person that was unresponsive while holding hands and I couldn't.

Perharps holding hands is just a different type of recruiting.

Introduce Yourself / A little late, but anyway...
« on: March 06, 2014, 09:01:08 PM »
Well, I joined this forum in 2012, but I only posted like twice back then and I don't remember if I introduced myself, so...

I'm from Brazil and I've been playing Bully since 2007. I have completed the game 100% somewhere in early 2009 (maybe 2008) and I've been just messing around while playing ever since then. I took a few breaks from the game, some as long as almost 1 year, but I always return eventually. My 100% save game is the same from when I first played the game, so it has quite a history.  :D

Back in 2007-2009, in a social network that you guys probably never heard of it and it was only popular here in Brazil, I used to be a moderator in a little "community" where we used to play a "RPG" of Bully. We created fake accounts of the characters and roleplayed as them, resulting in some pretty crazy and hilarious stories. :laugh: Nowadays the community is completely abandoned, and so is said social network, just like MySpace.

I joined this forum to share all the knowledge and crazy experiences from all those years of playing Bully with fellow players.  :biggrin:

I felt kind of bad about the girl's reactions to tell the truth, even though it's just their reaction to Jimmy being in the dorm and they even say "pervert" and "it's a boy" sometimes.

Also, I found a new, much more simple way to make the second twin appear.

Using the Super Mod, choose Delilah's skin and then warp to the Freak Show. Inside, change your style to TO_Siamese and Jezebel will appear. Then just warp to any place outside, and she'll be there. She will be glitched, so just choose the TO_Siamese style again and they will be normal.

But I'm still curious about what caused her to appear in the other occasions I didn't do this. I was just playing normaly, without ever going to the Freak Show or playing as Delilah previously. It's weird because I chose Delilah and the TO_Siamese style many times before, and this never happened except in the Freak Show tent. I was messing with the mods for a while before it happened.

I wonder if it's possible to find out what causes her to appear in the game files?

Bully 1 Questions / Re: Should Hattrick really have been fired?
« on: March 05, 2014, 09:26:57 PM »
Hattrick was a massive dick to everyone and I don't doubt even Crabblesnitch was looking for a opportunity to fire him. He's the main cause of Galloway's drinking problem and I'm sure he was aware of it, so he kept harassing him to make things even worse.

As for the fired teachers still being there, Rockstar just overlooked because they very rarely appear on campus anyway. But they really should had put another teacher in SE for the math classes after Hattrick was fired, there's no excuse for that. But what happens during gameplay doesn't matter to the story anyway.

Anti-Bully / Re: No Room At The Dorm
« on: March 03, 2014, 11:57:41 AM »
Well, the dorm is probably for students that live far away from Bullworth and have nowhere to sleep only, like Jimmy.

Tad and Russell live in Old Bullworth Vale, so there's no reason for then to use the dorm. It's probably the same for most students.

I'm not even considering the fact that if you pull the fire alarm, clique students appear, because that doesn't make any sense. Gameplay mechanics are not considered as canon information.

I was messing around with DaBoss' super mod, until this suddendly happened.

Of the siamese sisters, only Delilah is a actual character and Jezebel is just a "acessory". If you choose Delilah's skin and then the style "TO_Siamese", she starts talking and doing the same poses she does in the Freak Show tent, but alone. Jezebel only appears if you do this inside the tent.

Well, I somehow managed to make Jezebel appear outside. It was a glitch, not sure how it happened. So far I have managed to do it three times. After the glitch is triggered, this also happens if I spawn Delilah and then give her the TO_Siamese style.

Bully SE Delilah and Jezebel visit the girls dorm

Any modder knows what causes Jezebel to appear?

Bully 1 Discussion / Re: what you find annoying in bully
« on: February 28, 2014, 07:19:49 PM »
How the game spawns the same people over and over as you walk through areas.

Here is Angie near the fountain, now I'm walking past the library and here's Angie again, now I'm in front of the school entrance and oh, there she is again.

It's like that when video games give everyone in the game a distinctive look and feel. Ever played Shenmue or Shenmue II? It's a dreamcast/Xbox brand game( GREAT ASS GAME ) every character has a voice file so it would be hard to not have them repeat. Only problem is Sega put everyone in Shenmue on a routine, meaning that what they do at 1:00 pm is what they are going to be doing at 1:00 pm everyday as long as you play the game. Bully didn't do all that except for like classmates running inside the building when the bell rings. So all in all, I'm guessing they didn't want all their characters to feel robotic, but at the end of the day, they wound up doing something that frustrates a load of players-CONSTANT RESPAWN-. But, I'd rather have the constant respawn over 200+ characters who have absolutely nothing to do with anything, like GTA.

This could had been avoided if only the game kept track of who they spawned, and avoided spawning the same people two times in a row. Or at least taking a while to respawn a ped after despawning.

Also, it would have been sick if there was a bigger  "spawn range", so that there are people doing things in places where Jimmy is not. For example, people fighting in the library and near the fountain while Jimmy is standing near the front gates.

Tech limitations of the time didn't allowed this, but I hope Rockstart implement this in Bully II, if they ever make it.

Bully 1 Discussion / Re: what you find annoying in bully
« on: February 28, 2014, 09:54:29 AM »
How the game spawns the same people over and over as you walk through areas.

Here is Angie near the fountain, now I'm walking past the library and here's Angie again, now I'm in front of the school entrance and oh, there she is again.

Bully 1 Discussion / Re: B-B's 100% Completion Club
« on: February 23, 2014, 08:58:44 PM »
So, am I part of the club now?  :biggrin:

Visual Experiences / Re: Girls sleeping and in pajamas
« on: February 22, 2014, 10:18:25 PM »
Mods were involved, but...

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