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Re: The NES : Tony's Story
« Reply #270 on: July 06, 2010, 11:54:59 AM »
The Greasers arrived as a group at the Oil Spill Gas Station, squealing their tires and leaping off their bikes, only to find the big bay door open and the Station seemingly deserted.  They rushed into the bay and gathered around their car, looking for any sort of mischief or damage.  It was full-on dark now, and hard to see inside the bay.  Flicking their lighters and holding fast to their Weapons, they searched the bay for anybody who may be lurking.  Finding no one, the examined their car closely, finding no evidence of further vandalism.

Hal spoke first. ‘Don’t look-a-like they gots here yet.”

Norton was still looking over the car. “We shoulds lay here and wait for them.”

Vance looked toward the outside. “Sounds like a plan, echo-man…we oughtta close down da big door and whack them when they come in…..”

As if on cue, the big heavy bay door suddenly rumbled to life and began to quickly drop down on it’s tracks.  Lola, who had been standing just inside, close to the big door, had to jump out back of the way to avoid being smashed as the heavy bay door noisily rumbled down.  Unlike before, however, she wound up on the inside instead of the outside.  As the bottom of the door hit the pavement, the sound of an electronic locking mechanism could be heard.

The Greasers stood frozen for a minute. Then Vance said, “One of youse guys just close that door ?”

“Not nones of us, Vance….The switch is over by the Office door”, Ricky said, pointing at the door with the mesh-wire glass window that led to the Office area of the Station.

“Then hows….”, Vance started to say, then broke off.

“Oh, No….NO….”, Lola suddenly moaned. “It’s a trap…It’s a TRAP !!”

In the stillness, the sound of a loudspeaker being clicked on was heard somewhere above them.
Welcome, Gentlemen.”
« Last Edit: August 29, 2015, 07:08:54 PM by BloodChuckZ »

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Re: The NES : Tony's Story
« Reply #271 on: July 06, 2010, 03:33:32 PM »
The Greasers made their way in the dark to the big bay door, trying in vain to lift the heavy door, or to get the bar lock to turn.  Vance found the Office door, it was locked tight.

‘It’s no goods….”, puffed Lefty. “We can’t get it up !”
“What the Hell is the dirty deal here ?”, voiced Lucky.
“Yeah…What Gives ?”, said Norton.
“Them Damn Townies are behind dis…”, Ricky began.

The loudspeaker activated again. “I…have brought you here….Not the Townies. That was only the bait. You are all here to pay for your crimes against humanity.”

“Crimes ?  WHAT Crimes ?  We ain’t done nuttin’ to you…Who are you anyway ?”, shouted Norton.

Who I am is unimportant”, the mystery voice replied. “What is important is that you pay the penalty that is due.”

“What the HELL are you talking about ?”, shouted Vance. “What the FUCK do you want ?”

Justice”, The voice from the speaker said.

At once, the overhead bay lights came on, revealing the concrete walls of the work bay….and something else.  What appeared to be about 30 Stink Bombs were hanging from the ceiling.  As the assembled Greasers looked up at them, blinking their eyes in the sudden light, the first row of them fell and shattered, sending the Greasers running towards the back of the bay.  More rows followed, until the enclosed bay was filled with the stinking clouds of greenish foul choking stench.

“What’s…The Deal….Pinwheel…”, retched Vance.
“Shit…Gaaaww….SHIT !”, gagged Ricky.
“URRRGGHH….Bleeech….FUCK !”, sputtered Hal.
“Dammit….All to…Hell….”, choked Lefty.
“Pissass….ASSWIPE !”, coughed Lucky.
“Someone’s…Gonna…Pay…”, wheezed Norton.
“Oh-boo-hoo-hoo, boo-hoo-hoo…”, Lola was crying.

Soon the Greasers were puking their guts out all over the floor, on their car, and each other.  Some being unable to stand, they dropped to their knees and vomited the contents of their stomachs onto themselves, and when no more could come up, they gasped and retched anyway, growing weaker with each attempt.

The smoke cast a strange glow against the shop florescent lights above.  As it cleared somewhat, the Greasers tried to get to their feet, slipping and sliding in their vomit as they did so.  Looking over to the Office door with the mesh-glass, they could see only darkness beyond.

Near the Office door was a small window, equipped with the same mesh-glass and an order counter below. At the bottom of the window was an opening where the work orders could be passed from the Office area to the Shop area.  From this hole appeared the barrel of a Spud Gun, which began firing on the hapless Greasers.  The spuds shot out in the short space, targeted to each Greaser’s groin area in turn.


The Greasers were cut down where they stood.  The barrage continued until the boys nearer to the office window were knocked out.  Hal and Norton had managed to crawl for cover behind the car.  The Office door was suddenly unlocked and opened, and an arm appeared, throwing a half-dozen M-80 Firecrackers behind the vehicle.  Hal and Norton, who had been attempting to rise, went down again.  For extra good measure, more Firecrackers were thrown at the Greasers in the front of the car as well.

BLAM !!! BLAM !!! BLAM !!! BLAM !!! BLAM !!! BLAM !!! BLAM !!! BLAM !!! BLAM !!! BLAM !!! BLAM !!! BLAM !!!

An acrid-smelling smoke now filled the bay. Through eyes blurred by tears and the effects of the smoke, Lola, who was off in the far corner, saw the Office door open and a figure emerge that looked like some sort of alien spaceman.  The figure moved slowly behind the car and pumped more rounds from the spud gun to the two boys behind there.  The figure returned and fired more rounds into the boys laying unconscious in the front, shooting at their nuts.  Then the figure started towards her.

Lola propped herself up weakly on her side as the figure came closer. Not a spaceman, but a very large fat person dressed in some sort of black outfit with a weird-looking mask.

“Piff…?”, Lola whispered. “Are You….Piff ?”

“Slut Prick-Teasing BITCH !”, the figure said, and leveled the Spud Gun at her.
Lola raised her arms to shield her face as two Spuds were fired into her guts at close range.
“ARRRRUUUGGGHHH !!!!”, she screamed, and then she passed out.   

Algie slowly made his way back to the office area, where he picked up the microphone.

“Thus shall it be to all evildoers. Those who live by the sword...Shall DIE by the sword !”

Algie flicked off the bay lights and plunged the Oil Spill Gas Station into darkness once more, then exited the front door, locking it.  The Oil Spill Gas Station employees would find the Greaser boys and Lola in the morning.  Algie pulled off the gas mask, and breathed in the cold air. This part was done.  He only had to avenge himself on one more target…Tony and his fucked-up friends.

He began the short walk back to the Dragon’s Wing, where he could lay his plans.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2015, 07:39:25 PM by BloodChuckZ »

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Re: The NES : Tony's Story
« Reply #272 on: July 09, 2010, 01:38:50 PM »
Peanut, Tony, and Constantinos scoured New Coventry without finding a trace of Lola.  None of the people that knew her had seen her in several weeks, and none had any idea where she might have gone.  Finally, as it was getting late, the trio started making their way back to school.  Coming under the bridge that divided New Coventry from Bullworth Town, however, they spotted a bunch of Police Cars up the street, ringed around the old Bulworth Theater. Bringing their bikes to a halt, they surveyed the scene, and saw a visibly upset girl in the back of one of the Police vehicles.

“Hey, isn’t that…..?”, Tony said.
“That’s Angie !”, Constantinos exclaimed.
“Whoa…She in trouble or what ?”, Peanut said.

Tony approached an Officer, whose name was Monson, as Tony could tell from his name badge.  “Er…Pardon me, sir…What’s going on here ?”

“Buncha kids got attacked in the old theater, boy…Banged up pretty bad, like them Preppie kids was the other night…”  He narrowed his eyes and looked at Tony’s group.  “You wouldn’t happen to know anything about this, would’ja ?”

“Oh, No Sir”, Tony said hastily, “We’ve been over at New Coventry every since School let out.”

“So you say”, the Officer said suspiciously. “You kids look like you been up to something.”

"No, Sir, not us…We were just…Er…Looking for someone.  Say, we know that girl…She goes to our School.”  Tony pointed to Angie.

Officer Monson looked around. “Oh, you know her ?  She’s pretty upset.  Came and got us about the attack.”  The Officer looked back at Tony, sizing him up. After a minute, he said, “You boys think you can get her back to School ?  We’re gonna be tied up here awhile.”

“Sure thing, Officer, we can do that”, Tony said, eager to be away from this place.

The officer walked over and released a still visibly shaken Angie from the police car, leading her over to the group.

“You best be moving along, now”, Officer Monson said. “It’s almost curfew time.”

Tony didn’t need any further encouragement. He set Angie on the handlebars, and he and the others biked away from the scene.

The group split up at the front of the School, with Peanut and Constantinos heading towards the Parking Lot entrance and the Auroshop beyond, and Tony parking his bike and helping Angie off.  On a slow walk back to her dorm, Angie told Tony all of what had happened, including the letter from Piff the Skull that she had found earlier in the day. Reaching the top of the dorm steps, they paused and faced each other.

“Well, here you go”, said Tony.
“Thanks SO much for bringing me back”, Angie said fervently.
“Ah, shucks, that’s allright…You been a pretty brave girl through all this”, Tony replied.

Angie gazed deep into Tony’s eyes, and suddenly threw her arms around him, planting a long, deep French kiss on his surprised lips. Caught off guard, Tony automatically responded.  After a full minute, she broke the kiss, giggled shyly, and ducked in the door and was gone.  Tony looked around to see if anybody had seen them.

Man, Tony thought, I gotta stop doing this.

Peanut and Constantinos arrived back at the Autoshop area, only to find it deserted.  They looked high and low, but couldn’t find a single Greaser. 

“Where do’ya suppose those guys got off to ?”, Peanut said, exasperated.

Constantinos could only shrug his shoulders.  “Who Knows ?”

“I donts likes this one bit.  Something’s going on”, Said Peanut darkly.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2015, 09:18:03 PM by BloodChuckZ »

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Re: The NES : Tony's Story
« Reply #273 on: July 10, 2010, 03:14:23 PM »
The Greasers, along with Lola, were found the next morning, as Algie correctly surmised, by the Oil Spill workers arriving to open up the station for the day’s work.  Since the Clinic two blocks away was already full with another Clique, the Nerds, the Greasers were transported to the Clinic in New Coventry to recover from their wounds.

Pete was called to Dr. Crabblesnich’s Office in the afternoon and informed about the latest attacks. The mandate to find out who was responsible was even stronger now.  Dr. Crabblesnich ordered Pete to step up the investigation.

“We’ve got to find out who is responsible for this and fast.  If this gets out, the school’s reputation will be severely damaged”, Dr. Crabblesnitch was saying.

“I’ll do my best, sir”, Pete replied.

“Do better that that.  Find me the perpetrator.  Interview that girl when she wakes up.  She knows something, I’ll wager.  I think it’s worth a try.  That is all”, Dr. Crabblesnich said with a dismissive wave.

Pete left the School Office and went to Find Tony.  He finally tracked him down at the Autoshop, along with Constantinos and Laurent, who had joined him there.  There was also a pacing Peanut, who was becoming quite frantic about his missing Clique.  All of the boys had just returned after searching the various Towns without success for the Greasers. However, they hadn’t checked the Clinics, and now as Pete informed them of the latest attack, Tony smacked his forehead in frustration.

“Ohhh…Of course, we should’ve checked them first”, he groaned.

“I didn not think of that either”, Laurent said. “My fault, too”

“No, it’s my fault…I shoulda…”Constantinos started to say.

“Who cares who’s fault ?” interjected a visibly upset Peanut. “Youse don’t gets it ?   Somebody has attacked MY guys now.  And I bets I know who.  The only ones who ain't been touched in all this, dem Rocker freaks.  I’m gonna finds them and make their asses pay…Big !”

It suddenly occurred to Tony that he hadn’t seen Kurt or the Rocker boys since the aborted Concert that had ended in a melee late last week.  That hadn’t been to class, either.  In fact, damn few kids had been going to class lately, so it wasn’t as noticeable that they had been absent.

“Look, Peanut, we’ll get them.  We just have to focus, get some evidence….”, Pete began.

“Fuck that”, Peanut retorted.  “You’all hads your chances…It’s my turns now.  I’ll find dem bastards, and gets revenge the Greaser way !”

Peanut ran from the Shop, and swiftly mounted his bike.  The rest of the boys followed him outside.

“Peanut, listen….You can’t take them all on by yourself….Let us help you”, Tony called.

“Dont's need no help !  I can handle this myself.  Dont's worry about me”, Peanut said cryptically, “I’se gonna be well armed.”  And with that, he rode off.

The boys watched him leave.  Pete turned to Tony.  “Oh, one other thing I didn’t mention…Lola was brought in injured with the rest.  When she wakes up, we should question her.  She has to know something about all this, since she was involved in luring the other Cliques to the attacks.”

Tony was stunned.  “She was attacked ?  They never attacked girls before.  This is serious.  Even Angie was let go….”  A thought came to Tony.  “Wasn’t she….Hooked up with Kurt ?”

“Believe she was, yeah”, Constantinos said.  Laurent nodded agreement.

“Shit”, Tony said.  “Should’ve connected that.”  He straightened suddenly.  “Come on boys…We got work to do.”

“You guys go on ahead”, Pete said.  “I got stuff to check out.  I think Crabblesnich is holding back something….Something he’s not telling anybody.”

Tony, Constantinos, and Laurent got on their bikes, and bidding Pete farewell, they left.  Pete stood in thought for a few minutes in the empty Autoshop lot, then made a decision….He would have to break into Crabblesnich’s Office after hours.  There were some files he needed to see.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2015, 09:31:37 PM by BloodChuckZ »

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Re: The NES : Tony's Story
« Reply #274 on: July 13, 2010, 03:20:12 AM »
Pinky had moved back into the Girl’s Dorm. Since everyone else was already paired up, she had been given her own room on the second floor, at the top of the stairs.  It was alright, she had needed some alone time.  She hadn’t seen Tony since their night together, and she was worried she had pushed things too far and too fast.  She was also having second thoughts about leaving Derby.  As much as he treated her badly, he at least took care of her needs.  She reflected that she had, after all, cheated on Derby, with Tad (more than once), and now Tony, and as far as she knew Derby had never cheated on her.  She doubted that Derby would have any of the girls around here though…They were not rich.  They were all beneath his contempt.  And that was one thing Derby had in abundance more than money….Contempt.

She sighed and settled back on the bed.  Pinky was bored; there was nothing to do here.  She thought she might go over to the Carnival.  Some of the attractions were still open even though it was Winter now.  Sure beat laying around here doing nothing, driving herself crazy.  She bounced up off the bed and grabbed her fur coat, and left the Dorm.

Peanut entered the Souvenir Tent in a hurry.  “Hey, Dude-Man, I be needing something Big, and fast !”, he said.

Jake, aka Ace Adams, stood impassively behind the counter. “And, what might that be, I wonder?”, he said, a small smile playing around his mouth.

“A big power Weapon, somethings with a punch and a kick, you know what I be saying here, you follow my drift, Griff ?” Peanut said quickly.

“Slow down there fellow”, Jake, aka Ace, said, pushing his hands out. “Make me some sense.  Just what be doing with you all of a sudden ?”

“Man, my boys, dey got attacked, got mashed bad, got smashed !  I gotta get even, I gotta have protection, like right now, brown cow”, Peanut gestured animatedly.

“Ah…Then maybe, you should consider…This.”  Jake reached under the counter and brought up a weapon, which he then laid on the countertop.
“Whoa, Daddy-O, that there is just what I need”, Peanut said, his eyes lighting up. He bent a little closer and squinted.  “Just…What is that ?”

“The latest in Air Rifle technology, accurate to 400 yards”, Jake, aka Ace Adams, said. “Comes with a power scope for greater ease in correctly acquiring your target, and…”, here Jake threw two boxes on the counter…”A couple boxes of pellets, to get you started. It’s a real steal, Pinwheel”, Jake grinned, “at just $250 dollars.”

“Gots it covered”, Peanut said, digging some bills out of his pocket and he laid the money in Jake’s hand.  Scooping up the Weapon, he dry pointed it and chuckled. “Yeah…Dis is the ticket, Pickett.  Just the thing.”

“Yep”, Jake, aka Ace Adams said, “Perfect for any Rebel Without A Cause.”

Peanut looked over at Jake suddenly. “Huh ?”

Jake, aka Ace Adams, uttered a short laugh. “Nothing.  Before your time, I suppose.  Look, we’re closing up.  Winter hours, you know.  Best beat it.  Catch you next time for regular trade, Hey ?”

“Uhh…Sure”, Peanut said.  “Sure thing…Next time, yeah.”  With that, he exited the tent, in his excitement barely hearing Jake's low laughter as he was leaving.

Pinky got off the Merry-Go-Round as it slowly ground to a halt. It was nice to have the old Carousel working again, after having been down so long, in fact all last School year.  Still, riding the painted horse around and around just wasn’t getting it for her this time.  She had rode the Ferris Wheel also, the only other ride operating now, and all there was left to do was to see the Freaks at the Freakshow again.  Somehow, though, she just didn’t feel up to it, and being alone without a date made her think of the time Tony had brought her here. 

She sighed.  With the Carnival closing early these days, she would have to leave soon anyhow, so might as well be now.  As she walked slowly towards the midway, she was deep in thought about what she could do for some excitement now, anything to blot Derby and Tony from her mind.

The Midway was deserted as she made her way towards the exit.  Suddenly, a figure appeared coming from the direction of the Souvenir Tent, hurrying towards the exit.  Pinky recognized the figure as Peanut from the Greasers.  In fact, she had just seen him the other night, along with other Greasers, beating up Derby and Biff.  He was carrying something….Something that looked like a….Like a rifle ?   She squinted against the dull Carnival lights.  She couldn’t be sure….

Peanut never looked around, and quickly scampered through the Front Gates, mounted a bike, and disappeared from sight.  Pinky stood frozen.  What was he doing ?  If he had a Weapon, would he use it against Derby ?   Against…Tony ?
She resolved to move, to follow Peanut, to….Tail him, as the old time movies put it….And see what he was up to.  It would be easy on her bike, she thought.  And, most of all, it would be…Exciting.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2015, 10:17:45 PM by BloodChuckZ »

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Re: The NES : Tony's Story
« Reply #275 on: July 15, 2010, 02:39:35 AM »
Tony was sitting by the bedside of Lola, whom he had tracked down at the Coventry Boulevard Clinic, where the Greasers had been taken to recover.  He had asked Karen to accompany him there, partly out of guilt for what he had done with Pinky, and to a lesser extent, kissing Angie (Although he hadn't instigated that).  He reasond it might be safer if he had Karen with him than not, to keep any of his stray emotions at bay.  He hadn't told her about him and Pinky, but it was only a matter of time....Even if Pinky kept her mouth shut, she would still use their tryst to blackmail him into doing what she wanted, anytime she wanted.  That couldn't go on forever, he knew....The truth would come out sometime.

It was a couple of hours they had been there before Lola stirred and moaned her way into consciousness.  When she looked around, bleary-eyed, the first thing she saw was the somewhat familar face of Tony along with little Karen, who she remembered from School.  As her mind tried to focus, she became aware of a pain in her tummy, and the memories came flooding back about the attack.  She suddenly rose up and let out a small scream.


"Take it easy, Lola -- You're safe now", Said Karen, going over by the bedside. Tony silently joined her there.

"Ohh...Ohh....That....That....Mainiac....Attacked Us....", Lola said in a thin, shaky voice.

Tony bent down. "What Mainac, Lola ? Who was he ?"

"Uhh....It was...Piff....Piff the....Skull...", Lola managed to get out. "He...he was...Like a big...Fat...Alien looking....THING....."

Piff The Skull ? Tony thought. What the hell was THAT ?

He bent closer. "Look, Lola, we know you were luring those boys in the other cliques into traps, that you are working with this...This Piff....Who is he ? What does he want ?  Why is he doing this ?"

"Ohhhhhhhh.....I don't know....Don't....Know....Never saw him....But the one time...Always paid me....I ....I didn't mean....For anybody to...Get.....Ohhhhhh !" Lola appeared to have a stab of pain as she grabbed her belly.

Karen laid her hand on Tony's arm. "Let's let her rest. She doesn't know anything."

Tony reluctantly straightned up. "Maybe", he frowned. "Maybe not." Still, though, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to it than Lola was letting on. He turned to Karen. "One thing I do know....Man or Monster, we got to find this 'Piff the Skull'....and fast."

Tony and Karen left the Clinic.  In the darkness, they biked past the Blue Balls Bar, headed back to Bullworth Academy.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2015, 11:28:14 PM by BloodChuckZ »

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Re: The NES : Tony's Story
« Reply #276 on: July 18, 2010, 03:31:26 AM »
Pinky followed Peanut at a discrete distance while he rode from Vale Road and then connected with Main Street in Bullworth Town.  Peanut then made several stops, one of them being at the Oil Spill Gas Station.  Pinky patiently waited each time, but as the little adventure wore on, her initial excitement at the cloak-and-dagger aspect began to sour.  When Peanut rode under the bridge to New Coventry, Pinky brought her bike to a halt.  No way was she going into THAT Town, full of uncouth ruffians.  She sighed and turned her bike back towards the school, ending her short investigative adventure, still wondering about the weapon she thought she had seen.

Peanut wound up inside the Blue Balls Bar, where he got rip-roaring drunk.

Algie went to see his brother Nerds in the Bullworth Town Clinic the next Morning.  It would look suspicious if he did not do so.  He pretended not to know anything about what happened, saying that he had just heard about the attack.  He expressed surprise at the things that had happened, and seemed truly upset, especially over Fatty's broken leg.  Finally, Melvin had him come closer for a private talk.

"Listen, Algie", Melvin was saying. "There's something I need you to do."

"Anything, Esteemed Leader, you know that", Algie said. "What is it ?"

"I need you to go see a guy at the Carnival, in the Souvenir Tent", Melvin said in a low voice. "His name is Ace Adams. He has Weapons....We need more Weapons....Special Weapons......We have to be able to defend ourselves....And to take revenge.....We must have something....Powerful."  Here Melvin reached in to his pocket, wincing as he did so, and withdrew several bills.  "This should cover it....We have to have protection.....Can you do it ?"

"Sure, Brother Knight", Algie said. "I'll take care of it. You can count on me !"

For the next few days, Tony and Karen visited the Clinics and Infirmaries where the injured Clique members were being kept, asking questions and getting basically the same story....They were lured there by Lola, in the case of the Bullies, Preps, and Jocks, on the pretext of some hot playtime activity, and in the cases of the Nerds and Greasers, something that they treasured.  Each time, the attack was supposed to be in retaliation for some wrongs, real or imagined.  Each Clique related the use of a single word - "Justice."   It seemed to be the work of either a single person, or could have possibly have been the work of a group of individuals, seeing as how none of those whom Tony interviewed had actually seen their attacker.  Only Lola had gotten an actual look at the perpetrator.  But, as Tony learned, as soon as Lola had been able to stand and walk, she left the Clinic and disappeared.
Constantinos and Laurent drew the task of interviewing the Clique members who weren't attacked and were still at the School.  None of them appeared to know just who had attacked their comrades, but each was quick to blame it on one of the other Cliques.  They did not, however, interview Algie, since he wasn't at the School....In fact, they completely forgot all about him, assuming he had been attacked along with the rest of the Nerds.

Tony was sitting in the Common Room when the only other able resident Bully of the Boy's Dorm wandered in.

"Hey, wanna play...", Trent started to say.

"Can it, Trent, unless you want a fist in the face", Tony said. "I'm not in no mood for your shit."

"Whoa...No harm", Trent said, holding up his hands. He turned to leave.

Tony suddenly swiveled around. "Wait....I wanna ask you something."

Trent stopped at the doors. "Whazzat ?"

"Halloween night....When Jake had you stop anyone from entering this place", Tony said. "Why do you think he did that ?"

"Uhhh.....I donno....That is....Unless....", Trent stammered.

"Unless he had something to do with the bombings", Tony said.

"No Way !!", Trent exclaimed. "It wasn't him....It was those Terrorists !!"

"I've already heard that story, and I think it's crap", Tony's  eyes narrowed. "Just where did YOU hear that story, by the way ?"

"I, uh.....Can't tell you that....I Can't !!", Trent said fearfully.

Tony leapt up and was on Trent in a second.  "Spill it, Trent !! This is Important!!”

"I Can't !! I Can't", Trent howled. Tony knocked him to the floor and began punching him.

"Give it up !! Tell me what you know !!", Tony hissed, "Or I'll beat the life outta you !!"

"I can't tell !! I'm not supposed to !!  He said we had to keep it quiet !!", Trent hollered between blows.

"Who said ?", Tony yelled. "Who told you that ?"  Tony drew back to bust Trent a big one.

"The Carnival Guy !!!", Trent yelled back, shielding his head. "Ace Adams, the Carnival Guy !!!!!"

Tony stopped punching, and just sat there. This was news to him. Getting up, he hauled Trent up by his ears and dragged him to the couch, and threw him there.
"Tell me everything", Tony said, "And don't leave nothing out."
« Last Edit: August 29, 2015, 11:41:20 PM by BloodChuckZ »

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Re: The NES : Tony's Story
« Reply #277 on: July 20, 2010, 01:25:32 AM »
Jake, aka Ace Adams, looked over the new arrival in the Souvenir Tent.  Although he was surprised to see this particular person, he kept his face impassive.  "What can I do you for, Sonny-Boy ?"

"I...I have a message....From Melvin", Algie stammered.

"Yeah ? Why ain't the fat shit here himself ?", Jake, aka Ace, asked harshly.

"He...Got Attacked....All my friends got attacked....They're in the Clinic....", Algie stumbled on.

"Ain't my problem, Fatso", Jake, aka Ace, said. "Tell him to come by when he gets all better."

"Well....That's just it....He can't.....He sent me", Algie pressed on.

"So...He sends a seriously fucked-up fatass shit like you ?", Jake, aka  Ace, sneered.

"You...You don't have to be so mean !!", sputtered Algie.

"I can be whatever I want, doughboy", Laughed Jake, aka Ace. "Now, get the hell out."

"But...But...But...We need some Weapons !!!", Algie whined.

Jake looked at Algie sharply. "You Nerdos have plenty of Weapons."

Algie stammered, "We...We need...Special Weapons !!"

Jake considered this for a moment.  Then, he reached under his counter and pulled out a Weapon. "Something like this ?"

Algie's eyes were bulging almost out of his sockets.  "What...What is that ?"

"It's an Air Rifle, you stupid fat shit.  For a Nerd, you sure are a dumbass. Melvin wants this, it's gonna run you whimps $300 dollars", Jake, aka Ace, snorted. "Up Front."

Algie dug in his pockets. "I...I got it...Right here....See ?"  He held the cash out.

"Put it on the counter", Jake, aka Ace said. Algie did so.  Jake slammed the Weapon in Algie's chest, and then threw a couple boxes of pellets on the counter.
"Here, take these too.  Extra on the house.  Now, get your fat ass outta my tent afore I change my mind", Jake, aka Ace said. "Tell your friend Melvin to just send himself next time.  I don't like dealing with underlings."

Algie quickly left the Souvenir Tent, thinking as he did so that Ace Adams seemed just like another mean-assed kid he had known, not so long ago....In fact, he had almost called Ace Adams 'Jake'.....

Laughter bubbled up in Jake's throat as Algie scampered from the tent.  All the cliques were now armed.  As soon as everyone was out if the Clinics and Infirmaries, they would be ready to go to war.

All that was needed now was the Catalyst.......
« Last Edit: August 29, 2015, 11:52:33 PM by BloodChuckZ »


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Re: The NES : Tony's Story
« Reply #278 on: July 23, 2010, 11:47:28 PM »
It had been a typical cold winter morning as Donald Anderson awoke from his first good night’s sleep since the attack.  Although still hurt, Donald had slept well, but he soon remembered feeling very angry the night before.  Donald had so entranced by his dreams he had about Beatrice, his favorite girl while she had been at Bullworth, that he had a very difficult time thinking about his anger. This was not the regular anger, spawned by fear, that all Nerds carried towards many other bullying Students, this was much more personal…..He remembered about Fatty's broken leg, and the attacks on each Clique, but more specifically himself and his beloved Nerd friends.  He had walking by a group of Students who were talking with Christy, a notorious rumor-spreader, when he could have sworn he heard the name "Tony" come up in a conversation about the attacks.

This made Donald tremble with anger.  Being his normal self, he was going to jump to conclusions before getting the facts, after all, it was Christy who brought up the name in conversation.  He was just tired of himself and fellow Nerds always getting the shit end of the stick.  This time, Donald was going to make sure he would score a point for Team Nerd.  How was he to do it though ?  Donald had to think for a moment and then decided he would set Tony up.  He figured that he would need help from a Prefect, who else would stick up for a weak Nerd ?

It was now Noon.  Everyone who was back at School, those who had recovered enough from their injuries, was at Lunch break.  Students stood around talking in the Quad in front of the School.  Donald emerged from the front doors to see Tony having a few words with some of the Non-Clique Students.  Evidently, Constantinos and Laurent had gone to the Cafeteria to grab a bite to eat and Tony thought he would nose around and possibly dig up some information.  Donald cautiously walked down the stairs to position himself behind the stone railing and a younger boy named Sheldon.  Donald then picked up a good-sized stone and hurled it at Tony.

"OW !! Son-of-a-Bitch !!" yelled Tony.  Tony looked over towards the direction where the stone came from. With Donald cleverly hidden behind the railing, Sheldon looked like the prime suspect.

"Hey, you little snot !", called Tony, "You want me to kick your ass !?"  Sheldon's skin almost turned pale as he squeaked, "Please, I didn't do anything, honest !!"

"You better start telling the truth before I knock it out of you", Tony growled. "I've had a long week and I don't need any more of this crap !”

Sheldon then nodded his head in fear and gulped. "I’m going to tell on you, violence is not allowed !", and then proceeded to scamper off towards the nearest Prefect he could find.

"That's it, I've had it, kid !" Tony yelled as he then charged at Sheldon, pushing him to the ground.  Sheldon then began to scream bloody murder, causing Prefects to swarm towards the School's steps from the Front Quad.

Oh Shit ! Tony thought to himself, I shouldn't have done that !

Donald then emerged from behind the railing and announced, "Look everyone, first he attacks our friends, now he's after the little kids !"   

Now everyone turned and looked at Tony, and how could they not believe Donald ?  He was really convincing.  Tony had been mysteriously out of sight whenever these attacks happened, and to make matters worse, Tony now attacked Sheldon in plain sight.  Seemingly out of nowhere, Karl the Prefect lunged for Tony.  Tony jumped out of the way, but just then, Donald whipped out a bottle rocket launcher and fired at Tony, stopping him in his tracks as he was consumed by the noise and slight concussion from the blast.

"It's off to Crabblesnitch for you, boy !", barked Karl, getting a power hold on Tony and dragging him away.

« Last Edit: August 30, 2015, 04:29:45 PM by BloodChuckZ »


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Re: The NES : Tony's Story
« Reply #279 on: July 24, 2010, 12:09:06 AM »
Tony soon found himself sitting in front of the large desk in Dr. Crabblesnich's Office. This was a first, for Tony had never been dragged to the Office by a Prefect before. Tony suddenly felt a burning rage.  What happened to his promised protection from being busted ?  More lies, he supposed, from the Headmaster he now had to face.

"So, what seems to be the issue, Tony ?" said Dr. Crabblesnitch. "Are you feeling particularly invincible today ?"

"You don't understand, sir", Tony explained. "That kid Sheldon flung a rock at me and then pretended to play innocent......"

But Tony was cut off.  "Sheldon is a good boy", Dr. Crabblesnitch said firmly. "A little annoying, but very well behaved.  How am I supposed to believe he assaulted you ?"

"But...But...", Tony stammered.

"That's enough young man, you shall not be assaulting young, defenseless children at this School !" Crabblesnitch said sternly. "I'm afraid I will have to assign you to wall cleaning duty -- rules are rules, even for a first time offender. That is all."

Tony found himself spending an hour scrubbing tags off of the walls in the School hallway.

Damn, Tony thought, Isn't this supposed to be Mr. Luntz’s job?  What do they pay him for, anyway ?

As Tony finished up, he could hear Students talking in a nearby Bathroom.  It sounded like the Students were beginning to suspect him for the recent attacks.  Of course Constantinos, Laurent, and Tony's other close friends knew this wasn't possible, but the other Students were almost brainwashed by what ever they heard from the latest gossip mill, which was running rampant in the wake of all the attacks.

That's it, Tony thought, overwhelmed.  I can't stay here at the School right now, I'll get my ass blamed for no reason at all.   I have to find a way to leave without being noticed.

« Last Edit: August 30, 2015, 04:37:01 PM by BloodChuckZ »

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Re: The NES : Tony's Story
« Reply #280 on: July 24, 2010, 05:08:13 PM »
Pete closed the file and sighed.  It was worse than he thought, all right.  As Constantinos was fond of saying, this school really was rotten to the core.  The file that he had been able to swipe from Dr. Crabblesnich's Office had revealed far more than he had known before.  Maybe...Too Much.  He hadn't been able to find the file he had been looking for, that of Kurt, but instead had come across this one...Far more damaging information than he had suspected, and far more dangerous to those who knew it's contents.

He secreted the file deep within his heavily-chained and paddocked File Cabinet, and left the his office, heading out of the School building and down the main steps.  On his way to the Boy's Dorm, he noticed that quite a few of the Clique members were back, having been released in the past few days from the Clinics and Infirmaries....Most of the Bullies and the Jocks, some of the Preps, a few Greasers, and surprisingly, almost all of the Nerds, with the exception of Fatty, who had a broken leg.
A looming problem, he could tell, was the sharp increase in hostility and suspicion in the newly-returned Clique members toward the others.  Pete and his crew of Tony, Constantinos, and Laurent, had so far failed to find those responsible for the attacks on the Cliques, and the natives, as they say, were getting restless.  Already, he had seen some small fights break out here and there, on the School grounds and even a few in the hallways between classes.  The Prefects had been having a busy day, all right.......

It seemed most everyone was pissed...and scared.  The whole place was beginning to resemble a powder keg, just waiting for the spark to set it off.  All Christmas leaves had been cancelled, and the School was under lock-down, under orders from the administration, who were no doubt were taking THEIR orders from higher up.  The power elite were taking no chances that word got out about the attacks, cancelling outside access, and any through phones and computers at the School itself.  Pete suspected that the Towns around the school were facing similar restrictions.

The atmosphere has altered drastically over the past few days, Pete reflected, as he entered the dorm.  His mission was the same...To seek out and interview the Clique members who had been attacked.  He had already talked to a lot already without making much progress, but he had to keep trying.  He had already spoken to the Clique leaders, who were blaming each other for the attacks, although clearly many were out of commission by the time the final two attacks occurred.  The nagging things that didn't make sense, though, swirled in Pete's head.  A couple of those involved the Nerds, whose Clique was only attacked lightly in comparison to the others, and was the only Clique whose Leader was attacked along with the rest.  Something was quirky about that, it just didn't sit right.  Why let them off that easy ?

Pete checked the common room, and found it empty.  Someone had left the lone TV on, however, so they were nearby, Pete knew....Probably hiding out in their rooms like scared Rabbits.  Time to start knocking on the Nerd's doors.  He needed answers. Pete went down the hallway, towards the rooms.

Unnoticed as he left the Common Room, was the television, where a Weather Alert had just flashed on the screen.  Had anyone been around to see it, a large map of the area then appeared.  A Forecaster's voice could be thinly heard, also....

".....A massive winter storm has been forming during the past 24 hours just over the Canadian border, and is moving towards the Quad-State area, predicted to arrive in our area by tomorrow afternoon.  This is a very large system that is expected to spawn blizzard-like conditions, with winds in the 60-70 mile-per-hour range and perhaps as much as 30 inches of snow.  Those of you who have travel plans for Christmas Eve or Christmas Day are advised to alter or cancel those plans, for it is expected that all roads will be closed during that period if this storm develops as predicted......"
« Last Edit: August 30, 2015, 04:48:51 PM by BloodChuckZ »


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Re: The NES : Tony's Story
« Reply #281 on: July 24, 2010, 07:53:35 PM »
Tony wandered back out to the Front Quad, heading towards the wide path by the Dorms, thinking of a plan.  A few minutes later, the 3:30 bell rang and Students began to filter out of the School.  Hastily trying to come up with an escape plan, he figured he would need a diversion, something to distract any Prefects away from the Front Gates and path to them.  After all, he could see the Prefect Karl was watching the Front Gates, and certainly would not trust Tony for leaving the School grounds after his little run in with Sheldon.  Just then, Tony noticed Troy standing a few feet away in the pathway leading to the Boy‘s Dorm, holding a carton of eggs.

Yes, that's perfect, thought Tony.

Tony walked up to Troy. "Hey dumbass, want to make five bucks ?"

Troy turned around and said, "Huh ?  What-do-you-mean ?"

"What I mean is, that you take those eggs you got there and chuck 'em at that stuck up prick, Karl", Tony said.

"Uhh, I was going to use these to throw at Pedro...Ha-Ha-Ha !", laughed Troy, always several bricks short of a full load.

"Fine, make it ten bucks", interjected Tony.

"Hot damn, you-got-it, man !" shouted Troy.

Tony watched as Troy jogged down the path near the School Gates. "I'm going to enjoy this" snickered Tony.

As Tony followed, keeping his distance, he heard a big ‘SPLAT !!’, followed by "I'M GOING TO HAVE TO SHOW YOU THE FORCE OF MY WILL!!!"  Tony burst out laughing as he watched Karl sprint after a frantic Troy.

The best part,  Tony thought to himself, Is the Dumbass didn't even ask for the money up front.  Tony then began to think more seriously…Here was his chance to make a break for it…It was now or never.  Tony sprinted out through the Front Gates, and spying a bicycle left on the rack,  he jumped on it and raced toward the Bullworth Town as fast as he could.

Upon reaching the Town, Tony had to make a decision...Which way would he go ?  There were many things he had to factor in, the most important being the significance of staying completely under-cover.  Regretfully, he hadn’t thought to let Karen in on his sudden decision, but maybe it was best that she didn’t know right now.  That ruled out staying at the Chef’s Restaurant over in the Vale.

The whole School was on edge and the hectic mood was starting to rub off on the Townspeople.  It was also winter, and Tony knew that he had to find some place indoors, for it got quite cold around these parts, and sleeping outside was not an option.  After spending a few moments thinking, Tony decided to head off again towards New Coventry.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2015, 04:53:20 PM by BloodChuckZ »


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Re: The NES : Tony's Story
« Reply #282 on: July 24, 2010, 08:06:41 PM »
Tony hated New Coventry. The place just seemed so depressing with a clearly visible crime-ridden side to it.  Tony had rode slowly on his bike under what was known as ‘The Railroad Overpass‘.  He wanted to blend in, he didn't want to look too conspicuous.  Tony hoped that he could figure a way to lay low in to this place with no incident.  But just then, seemingly out of nowhere, a guy in a bright orange jacket pounced on Tony, knocking him off his bike.  "Give me the bike you Little Shit !", the culprit shouted a gruff voice.

"Hey, you can't rob me you Fuckin' Idiot !", Tony called after the thief.  It was too late, the mystery robber sped off on the bike, headed into the heart of the Ghetto.

Although Tony had been to New Coventry before, he didn't have the slightest idea where he was really going.  He had come here before with Peanut, and, lately, Karen.  This time, he was all alone.  Dusk was approaching, and Tony had to find some shelter quickly.  As Tony wandered about for some time until dusk came, only to find he had wandered in a circle.  Going East, again on the main drag, Coventry Boulevard,  he saw the neon lights begin to flick on, and also saw the night life in New Coventry was low-end, nothing but Night Clubs and some glitzy run-down Bars.  Walking now, Tony finally came to a depilated area of buildings known only as the ’Tennements’.  Doing his best to remain inconspicuous, Tony walked partway through the area and watched as a Hobo shuffled over to a dark gray, non-descript building on the left.  A battered sign outside indicated that it was a ‘Halfway House‘, just the sort of place that wouldn't be first on Tony's list.  However, Tony did not want to stay out in the open much longer, he had already been robbed of a bike, and he was alone and on foot in a strange and possibly dangerous area.  The Halfway House would have to do for tonight. 

Just as Tony was about to walk in, a few snowflakes began falling outside.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2015, 04:56:21 PM by BloodChuckZ »

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Re: The NES : Tony's Story
« Reply #283 on: July 25, 2010, 03:00:49 AM »
Jake had thought long and hard about what he wanted to do.  In the end, the Catylst proved to be easy.  Jake just took a page from his own book....Notebook, rather.  By the light of the single bulb in the Souviner Tent, Jake composed Five identical notes.  They read.....

"Hey, you Fuckups, We got you Good this time !  You Jackoffs sure looked funny, rolling around in your own puke, and getting the shit shot outta yourselves.  In fact, it was so much fun to watch you assholes squirm that we'd like to kick your sorry limp peckers all over again !  No more bushwhacking, we wanna knock your dicks in the dirt mano-el-mano this time.  You Chickenshits meet us in the Quad in back of the School at 11 PM tonight so's we can stomp your nuts into the ground, you fucking morons.  Unless you're afraid, in which case we will come looking for you bastard whimp dickless asswipes."

Having finished, Jake folded and set those aside. Now, for the final touch....Those who he hadn't invited to the Terrorist party a couple months ago, mostly because they didn't have a place to bomb, and frankly because Jake considered them a fake Clique.  But they were going to have an invite to THIS party, all right....They might even be the ace in the hole.  Jake laughed to himself, and began to write....

"Hey, you Queer Motherfuckers, if you wanna get some cool licks on the Cliques, show up at the School Parking Lot at 11 PM tonight for some blasting action.  Bring your new Weapons and put on a good show for those worthless bastards, and claim a spot in the new world order.  Unless, of course, you pricks are really the human cockbite pussysuckers everybody says you are."

There, that should get Kurt and his queerass buddies interested in attending.  Nothing like a few vile insults to get the pain train on the right track.  Jake started snickering, then cut loose in full out belly laughter at the funny he just made. A few minutes later, still suppressing small bouts of the giggles, he rifled through his clothing stock, finally finding what he was looking for.  He stripped out of his clothes, and donned the black Ninja outfit.  He had some notes to secretly deliver tonight, it seemed.

Tony was able to get a room for the night by claiming he was homeless. He was directed to room upstairs.  As he was treading down an upstairs hallway, Tony suddenly spotted a familiar face peeking out of a door at him, a shocked look on the person's face.  The face abruptly disappeared and the door slammed. Tony took several huge steps and forced open the door before it could be locked.  As he pushed into the tiny room, he confronted the person he had seen.  It was.....

"Lola ?!?! What are you doing here ??"

"Please", Lola breathed heavily. "Don't tell anyone I'm here..."

Tony grabbed Lola by the shoulders. "I've been looking for you. You have to tell me...I have to know.....Who is this Piff ?"

"I Don't know...I told you....I never had any direct contact....He just sent mail, notes....He just paid me to lure the others....I never meant any harm, it was just in fun....."  Lola begin sobbing. "Then, that monster attacked me....My Clique...." Tony relaxed his grip, and pulled Lola close, meaning to comfort her.  As the girl continued to cry, Tony reflected that she too was probably a victim of the events that had transpired. Tony felt his feelings stirring stronger as the minutes stretched out.  Feelings of pity...Feelings of....Affection....Feelings of.....Desire.

Still upset, Lola looked up at Tony. "I need your help...I have to leave....There's somewhere I have to go....Far away...."  Lola brushed her lips close to Tony's face. "Everyone is going to hate me now....But....I like you....."

Tony's breathing was suddenly short and heavy.  His desire for this beautiful girl overtook him quickly, as he lowered his head.  As he did, Lola wrapped her arms around him and gave him a deep, sensual French kiss. Tony could control himself no longer. Lola reached for his belt buckle, and Tony grabbed onto her leather jeans. They both fell onto the bed in the tiny room, and soon were doing it like they did on the Discovery Channel.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2015, 05:11:11 PM by BloodChuckZ »

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Re: The NES : Tony's Story
« Reply #284 on: July 25, 2010, 06:06:34 AM »
Jake left the Carnival grounds at Midnight, making a quick trip via bicycle to Hatrick's old house where he knew the Rockers had been staying. Seeing the box stuffed with mail, he didn't know weather the boys would even get his message, but he climbed the porch and tacked it on the door anyway. Then, it was off to Bullworth. The time was close to 1 AM.

Jake easily breached the wall into Bullworth at his favorite spot, the pile of junk behind the Greaser's Autoshop. Easily avoiding the patrolling Prefects, he placed the notes at the Auto Shop, the Boy's Dorm, the Library, Harrington House, and the Jock Clubhouse.  Basically, he would ease open the door and tack the notes on the inside where the Cliques were sure to see them if they were to leave.  Finishing quickly, he reflected that this had taken far less time to do this bit of trickery than it took to plant the bombs in the first place.  Hauling himself up the back of the Scoreboard at the Football Field, he jumped the fence and went around the back way to retrieve his bike.  He was back at the Carnival in less than two hours after he started to get a good night's sleep.  Tomorrow night was gonna be a big night.  Quite possibly, he thought, he could step in this time and save the school from itself.....And become the Ultimate Fixer.

By chance, Kurt and the Rockers did return to the Hattrick house that night, missing Jake by barely an hour.  Tibo was first to the door, and pulled the short note off the door.  Kurt unlocked the door, and the group piled in slowly, checking the house for any signs of intruders. It was, in fact, just the way they had left it....With only one exception.  Lola was gone.

"All clear, Boss", Tibo said. "And it don't look like Lola's been here in a week or more."

"To Hell with that Bitch", Kurt said. "I was getting tired of that whiny slut anyways. Turn on some lights."

The front room lights were flicked on. All appeared to be in order, just as they had left it. The Rockers had been hiding out at the Chem Plant over in Blue Skies for nearly a week and a half, doing occasional forays out at night for food and supplies.  The plant was on a month-long shutdown, due to the economy, so they pretty much had the run of the place.  But, no work meant no heat, and it had been steadily getting colder.  Even the Townies who usually hung around the place had been nowhere to be seen.  Finally, realizing Crabblesnich hadn't ratted them out to the Cops, Kurt decided to go back to the house in the Vale.  After all, he was holding the cards now....Or rather, the file.  Kurt felt confident that he could call the shots now.

"Make sure to secure our Weapons, Tibo", Kurt said.  "And Benny, check out the kitchen for some grub. I'm starving."

But Tibo was scanning the paper he had taken off the door. "Hey Boss, get a load of this...."

Kurt grabbed the paper from Tibo and read it.  His face broke into a huge smile.
"Boys, looks like we been invited to a little game somebody's running. And it seems like, we're gonna be the Stars...Again."  He passed the paper around to the others.
"Um...Boss ?", Benny spoke up. "Think this could be a trap or something ?"

"I don't think so", Kurt said, hefting the Air Rifle. "Nobody's gonna be trapping us while we got this baby along.  Shit", he smirked, "We're practically bulletproof."

He began laughing, and the others joined in. "Now, cut the shit", Kurt finally said, "Seriously....Benny, find us some food. We're running on empty here."
Tony awoke late the next morning after a restless sleep. At first, he didn't remember where he was at...Until he turned and saw Lola sleeping beside him.  Then, it all came crashing down on him.  He had done it again.  He cursed those damn puberty hormones that made him always seem to lose control.  His guilt began to rise anew.  How could he have done this again ?  What was wrong with him ?  If he was only going to let his animal instincts control him, then he sure didn't deserve a super girl like Karen.
Abruptly, he got out of the bed and got dressed.  Lola awoke as he was doing so.

"Com'on", Tony said, somewhat roughly. "Get up. We've got to get a move on."

Lola sat up on the bed.  "Where to ?", she asked in a sleepy voice.

"You need to get away from here, right ?", Tony said.  Lola nodded. "Then I just might know who could get you out. So let's go...Get dressed, and warmly...It's gonna be cold outside."
« Last Edit: August 30, 2015, 05:56:41 PM by BloodChuckZ »