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Author Topic: The Bullworth Never Ending Story  (Read 339064 times)

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #105 on: January 10, 2010, 03:18:03 PM »
Karen had told Tony about what she had seen at the old School Bus in the parking lot. Tony decided to check it out that evening, after confabing with the Greasers and making his peace with them. The place was right next to the Greasers’ area.  Getting the flashlight from his stash, and fully arming himself with his remaining M-80 Firecrackers, Tony left the dorm after 2 AM.  Avoiding the patrolling Prefects, Tony snuck out to the old Bus and quickly wormed his way in.  Flicking the flashlight on, he soon discovered the hole that led out the other side of the old Bus, and went through it into the first small yard. To his left, he saw a gate set into a wall.

Tony had heard stories about this place. Most were vague allusions to an old Hobo named Grant that used to live there who had been some kind of fighter, and that he had disappeared under mysterious circumstances…..Fear that his ghost or something still haunted the place. Well, fuck that. Tony wasn’t afraid of Ghosts.

Getting ready to Parkour over the gate, he noticed that it was slightly ajar. He eased it open slowly, and stepped inside. Not hearing any sounds, he cautiously shined the flashlight around. He saw some assorted junk, what looked like oil barrels, and a small tent with an empty cot inside. Walking closer, he noticed a bunch of flat boxes stacked to the side of the tent. Boxes he remembered, because he had helped steal them not so long ago.

Karen must have been right. It WAS Jake she spotted, for here was his stash. Tony already knew that it had been moved. He had checked behind the dorm right after the big fight, and had found the loose bricks and the empty space. Jake had moved the remains of his stash, and here it was.

Tony had no idea where Jake had gone, but he was going to be in for a big surprise when he returned. Tony scooped up the remaining boxes, and tied them together with a scrap piece of rope he found laying on the ground. Then, exiting the yard and the old Bus, avoiding the Prefects, made his way over to the Nerd’s gate by the Library. Punching in the code, he headed through the gate and down the trail, still carrying Jake’s stash.

Instead of heading to the Observatory, however, Tony went to an apparently abandoned tunnel a little off the trail he had found earlier in the week, after he had confronted Melvin about things he had heard about the Nerds making an outside deal with Kurt and his Rocker clique after the big fight.  Melvin had admitted that he had given in, under pressure, to Kurt’s threats of violence unless the Nerds paid him ‘protection’ money. Tony had let Melvin know that the Greasers had pretty much taken out the Rockers.

“Yeah, but how about Kurt ?”, Melvin asked. “He’s still around, threatening us and beating us up if we don’t pay. He’s scary !!”

Tony had thought for a moment. “Play along with him’, he said.

“What ? Play along ? How’s that gonna help us ?” Melvin asked.

“For being brainy, you guys are sure dumbasses”, Tony said. “You need to string him along until I can find a way to knock him down permanently”.

Melvin had reluctantly agreed, but Tony had decided then and there to move his stash somewhere else. When he found the boarded-up tunnel, he was able to remove a couple of the boards with ease and squeeze through. Seems the Nerds weren’t very good with using tools, either. What he found at the end of the short tunnel was an area that looked like the remains of an old spur rail line that had come around the outside of the school walls. There was another tunnel entrance here too, but this one was barred with banded steel plates that was riveted into the side of the hill. That would take work with some serious tools to unbar that one.

Tony had searched South and West of the area until he found a low-laying area under some rock shelving that would be a perfect hiding spot, so one night he and Laurant had gone to the observatory and removed the remaining stash from there and had taken it to the new spot Tony had found. Each time, they had replaced the loose boards at the entrance to the tunnel. He wasn’t going to trust any longer that the wishy-washy Nerds wouldn’t find his hiding place in the Observatory.

So it was here that Tony took Jake’s stash to hide. Now that Jake was robbed of his way to get any kind of control over the cliques, he would be finished as any kind of threat to Tony’s operations. And since most everyone knew Jake had gotten paranoid and crazy without his Meds, they wouldn’t be striking any new deals with him anytime soon.

Tony snickered as he grabbed a skirt out of his stash for Pinky. That deal was back on, according to Derby, set for tonight while the Preps would once again off-campus.  Now, all that remained was to bring those dumbass Bullies under control. Which meant his next target would have to be their De Facto leader, Trent.

Russell, as Tony had learned used to be the Bullies leader, but had gone to pieces when that Jimmy boy had left Bullworth. Now all Russell did was stand around going “SMASH !! DESTROY !!”, and had almost no rational mind left. The bullies still used him as their muscle, but looked to Trent for their leadership, which just showed how stupid they really were. Tony had to come up with a plan for taking them down, and getting them under his control. Tony suspected they were still helping Jake.

It would be easy to find out. Tony would just have to beat the shit out of Trent. Not a problem.

Tony headed off to the Girl's Dorm to deliver Pinky's Skirt.  Tony couldn’t help smiling.  Now there was one fine looking babe.

« Last Edit: August 14, 2015, 08:46:08 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #106 on: January 10, 2010, 05:43:23 PM »
Tony walked all around the Girl's Dorm.  He was brainstorming... The main entry would be too risky.  The entry by the side too.  And then he recognized a wooden trellis on the North side of the Dorm where the plants could grow on.  It seemed to go up to a little hole at the top at the peak of the Dorm.  Tony didn't hesitate.  He put his hands on the improvised ladder, and climbed.

In the cold attic, everything was made out of wood.  Some lean pillars were supporting the ceiling, as the walls didn't seem to be in perfect state.  Most of the attic was dark, but with the help of his flashlight, he recognized a stairway.  There was no other way down, so he decided to take it, and arrived in a small room.  Before continuing, he paid some attention to the shelves on one side of the room.  There were several boxes on it, and Tony had a little time to sneak a peek in them.  The first one he saw had Eunice written on it, with a child’s writing... And it contained a box of chocolates.

Tony thought,Wait... This name tells me something... Whatever. This chocolates will surely be appreciated by this Pinky, right ?

Another box, another name. Christy. Tony recognized the name of the girl Steve talked about. It contained a small book, 50 Erotic Stories, by an unknown author... Good stuff to create gossip.  Anyway, time to deliver the stuff and beat it. Tony put the book back in the box and made his way to the door. He opened it slowly and saw a deserted corridor, so he decided to go on.  Now it was time to be smooth. He placed his ear on every door and tried to recognize the voices, or at least the expressions, from the girls he knew a bit.

"Give it back ! This is MY diary !", he heard a cow-like voice say.
"Why should I ?", a more domineering female voice said.  Tony hadn’t heard that one before, and it definitely wasn't the one that girl Pinky.

The two next doors didn't give out any sound, for the simple reason that the rooms were empty.  The next door didn't give the wanted result, either…Some child-like voice badly singing along to some song.  That meant that Pinky's room was downstairs, where there was surely some adult matron patrolling... But Tony had to do this.  He gently made his way down the winding stairs, and peeked around a corner.  He saw quite obviously there was Ms. Phillips, walking away from him past a Lounge area and towards the end of a long hallway. He snuck behind her and quickly into the nearest room, which was fortunately empty of anyone at the moment.

"Huh ?  I think I heard something moving there”, Ms. Phillips said, seemingly to herself.  Then louder, “Please undress and go to bed, girls !  I'll be right back to turn off the lights."

Tony was brainstorming again.  A place to hide, and fast.  He heard the steps coming closer and closer.  If the Teacher saw him, he'll never have access to Art class again, and will be considered as a Perv for the rest of the year.  He opened a wardrobe, jumped in, closed the small door, and waited, nearly having a heart attack.  So close.…The Art Teacher entered the room, and made a few steps in.  Seeing no one was there, she made her way back to out to the hallway.  Tony came out and waited until she was down the corridor.  Peeking out, he saw her start up the stairs.  Tony went out to the hallway and resumed listening.  Passing near the next door, he heard a familiar voice.

"Oh my god, I can't stand this skirt anymore... It's all ripped !", he heard.

No answer.  Of course.  Rich girls prefer be alone.  Tony turned the knob, and opened the door slowly.  Pinky was undressing.  Her Aquaberry vest was still on, but her old skirt was half down, at her knees, which made her tight blue panties appear.  She looked up with alarm as Tony entered, then said angrily, "Couldn't you knock at the door ?  It's the minimum of politeness, you know !"

"I didn't want to make too much noise, I'm sorry”, apologized Tony.

"Have you even got the clothing I need ?", She demanded.

"I do... Here's the premium quality skirt”, Tony offered. “Very gentle, you'll see."

"Couldn't you turn around ?”, Pinky said, then reconsidered. “Oh, no, now you've seen me like this... No matter."

She finished taking off her old skirt, threw it to Tony, and bent her nice legs to put the new one on.  With little fast movements of the hip, she pulled it up and fit exactly in it.

"Perfect !”, Pinky said, looking at Tony. “But tell me, what are you hiding behind your back ?"

"Oh, this ?”, Tony said, as he withdrew the little box. “A little present for you, a sign of respect from me....Chocolates"

Pinky took the offered Chocolates, giving him that odd, appraising look, like she had done before when he first met her.  Then she whirled around to look at herself in the mirror. 

"This is so cute !“, Pinky exclaimed. Looking at her image in the mirror, she stifled a yawn. “I would like to talk a bit more with you, but I have got to get to sleep.  For now, here's some money." She passed Tony some bills.  Their fingers touched for a moment.
"Thanks. If you need another service, don't hesitate to call me !", Tony said, and exited into the hallway after looking to see if the coast was clear.

Tony decided to go out at the first exit door he saw, the door that allowed exit to the side yard of the Dorm by the dumpster where he usually met Karen when she would sneak out to see him.  Always locked at night from the outside, the door would have provided easier access to Pinky’s room.  As he walked to the door, he unknowingly passed Karen’s room. Her door opened a crack as he passed by.

Outside, on the way back to his Dorm, he realized that he still had Pinky's old skirt in his hand.  In a reflex, he turned around to look the windows of the Girl’s Dorm, and one of them was still lit, downstairs and to the left.  Behind the glass he saw Karen, looking at him…..Disappointed.

« Last Edit: August 14, 2015, 09:24:41 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #107 on: January 11, 2010, 12:12:23 AM »
Holding Pinky's torn skirt in his hand, Tony stared back at Karen for a moment, then shouted, "NO, KAREN...NO, IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK...KAREN, WAIT...!!!", as she turned and ran from the window. "AW, DAMN, DAMN, DAMN..."

Tony was suddenly grabbed in a headlock from behind and thrown violently to the ground.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUT OF BED, YOU LITTLE PERV..?.....WHY AREN'T YOU ASLEEP ?" Yelled the Prefect who had just busted him. "I'VE JUST BEEN WAITING TO BEAT SOMEONE". The Prefect straddled Tony and begin raining down blows. Tony attempted to fight him off, but the Prefect had gotten the best of him, and he soon became senseless as the Prefect dragged him back to the Boy's Dorm.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2015, 09:28:23 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #108 on: January 11, 2010, 07:24:04 AM »
After been taken back to his Dorm room by the Prefect, Tony recovered his senses.  Peering out into the hall, he smelled faint tobacco smoke coming from the Common Room.  Investigating, he found an injured Constantinos, who stood there, smoking.

"Christ, Dude, are you OK ??" asked Tony, shocked.

"What does it look like ?  Do you think I'm okay ?", replied Constantinos dully.

"Crap Constantinos, I'm only wondering what happened", said Tony.

"That Bastard Kurt whacked me with a baseball bat", replied Constantinos.

Tony examined Constantinos.  Other than a large lump on his forehead and a bit of blood, Tony didn’t think he would be on the critical list anytime soon.

"Constantinos, I need your help", said Tony.

"No shit, but how can I help you when I'm like this ?" said Constantinos, simpering.

“Where's Russell ?”, Tony asked, ignoring Constantinos’ whining.  “I think I have enough money to persuade him to help me on my hunt for that asshole, Kurt.”

"I think I saw him and Trent leaving for the Autoshop", sighed Constantinos.

"Thanks”, Tony said.  “Let’s get you to your room.  Look Constantinos,  everything is messed up here... I lost Karen, I got busted by a damn Prefect, and I'm feeling like the goddam Lone Ranger”.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2015, 09:33:46 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #109 on: January 11, 2010, 09:37:06 AM »
Helping Constantinos to his room, Tony got the rest of the story. Constantinos had been returning to the dorm a couple of hours ago, hopping the shortcut at the wall into the dorm yard. As soon as he dropped down from the wall, he was hit from behind twice with a bat by Kurt, who said, “Take a message to your Boss....He’s Next !!”, before running off. Laying on the ground injured, Constantinos couldn’t see which way Kurt went.

Tony shook his head to clear it. He wasn’t getting any sleep tonight, it looked like. Leaving the Boy’s dorm, he headed towards the Girl’s dorm. The whole building was dark, all the inside lights were out. Tony would have to explain things to Karen later. Bypassing the dorm, he took the shortcut and headed to the parking lot. Passing by the school bus and the wall of Jake’s Hobo hideout, he entered the back of the Greaser’s territory. Moving carefully, he rounded the blind corner, and found the area empty. Moving through the back deserted garage, and still seeing no one out, he decided to climb the ladder set into the side of the building to the Autoshop roof.

Sneaking across the roof, Tony could see nearly all of the Greaser’s asphalt yard area. Four figures were standing by an old couch near the far wall. There was Peanut, who Tony knew had taken over as the Greaser’s leader after the departure of Johnny Vincent. There was another Greaser who Tony knew as Ricky.  Bigger than life, Russell was standing there also, and the fourth one there was Trent.

Trent was holding open a box, showing the Greasers the contents. Making the deal, Tony thought. He must have not gotten all of Jake’s stash. Trent closed the box, and handed it to Peanut. In turn, Peanut handed Trent a wad of money.

Raising his Spud Gun and taking careful aim, Tony fired off two quick shots in secession, hitting Trent in the nuts with both shots.  Trent fell withering to the ground, dropping the money.  The two Greasers backed away, both whipping out their Slingshots, Peanut dropping the box of clothes.  Russell suddenly bellowed,  “ARRAGH...DOUBLE CROSSERS !!!!....ATTACK !!!! DESTROY !!!!”, and reaching out with his massive hands, picked up both Peanut and Ricky, then smashed them both together before slamming them to the ground.

The door to the Autoshop burst open, and out poured the rest of the Greasers, heading quickly at Russell. They attempted to swarm him, but Russell kept swatting them, picking them off like flies. The Greasers backed up and started pelting Russell with their Slingshots with no effect. One Greaser pulled out a Firecracker, lit it and tossed it at Russell.

“BOOM !!!!” The blast just staggered Russell.  Now more enraged than ever, Russell begin picking up the downed Greasers and started throwing them into the pack of the still attacking Greasers, bowling them over.

“AUGHHHH.....RUSSELL SMASH !!!!” He bellowed.  The badly depleted Greasers retreated back to the much safer confines of the Autoshop.  Left standing alone, Russell dropped the last Greaser he had been preparing to throw on the ground, then reached down and scooped up Trent, and began lumbering back up the path toward the Fountain.

Won’t be any talking to Russell tonight, Tony thought.  He climbed back down off the roof, and, unseen, made his way back out of the Autoshop area and headed back to the Dorm.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2015, 09:37:02 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #110 on: January 11, 2010, 10:31:45 AM »
Leaving the Girl’s dorm the next morning, Karen spotted what Tony had been holding when she saw him last night laying on the ground. She reached down and picked it up.

She knew what it was. Only one girl in the dorm wore that kind of skirt. Pinky.

Karen turned and looked back toward the dorm, and spotted Pinky coming down the steps with some of the other girls. Walking quickly to her, she angrily confronted Pinky, saying, “What’s This About, Pinky ??”

“Oh, it’s nothing....Your boyfriend just brought me a new skirt”, Pinky said. “See ?” Pinky indicated the new skirt she was wearing. Karen looked down at the skirt she was holding, and noticed the small rips and tears. So, Tony had just been making a delivery ?  Still....

“Why was Tony bringing that to you at 3 in the morning ?”, Karen asked her.

“I told him I wanted it as soon as possible. I don’t know..” she smirked at Karen. “Maybe he just wanted to see me undress. I’ve got a killer bod, you know”. She continued snootily, “He’s really too handsome for you, you know. I think I’ll give him a shot. I like Bad Boys. If you don’t like it, maybe you should learn how to control your boyfriend better”.

Angrily Karen threw the ripped skirt into Pinky’s face, and reached out and grabbed the other girl by the hair. Likewise, Pinky grabbed Karen’s hair, and the two girls took to fighting. Back and forth they drug each other across the yard, but the more athletic Karen had the clear advantage. She pulled Pinky near the edge of the yard and viciously slammed her against the wall. Pinky slid down the wall in a heap.

“STAY AWAY FROM MY MAN, BITCH !!!” She yelled down at the crumpled Pinky. Giving her victim two hard kicks to the ribs, Karen backed away. For a minute she felt triumph, then....Realizing what had just happened, she suddenly became uneasy.

Oh Shit.....What Have I Done ??
« Last Edit: August 14, 2015, 09:41:06 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #111 on: January 11, 2010, 12:27:10 PM »
The Girls Dorm only had one bathroom, divided into two open rooms - one was full of badly cleaned showers, while the other contained toilets and several sinks.  Over these sinks, there were mirrors, and in one of them, Pinky's reflection appeared.  Her hair was tousled, and she had a red mark on her right cheek.  While trying to erase it with water, she saw a figure coming up behind her back.  The nice, made-up face with red hair came over to the next sink, opened the hot water tap, and began to talk.

"Hey, Pinky, what the hell happened to you ?", Christy asked.

"You don't have to know.  Even if it's just only to start gossip”, Pinky steamed.

"Come on, I'm your friend, you know”, Christy said.  She came closer, and put her hand on Pinky's shoulder.

"You've been fighting, haven't you !?”, Christy exclaimed.

"With that... Karen”, Pinky said angrily.

"Don't tell me you've been fighting for that guy, there... Tony... ?", Christy asked.

"I wasn't.  He just... Oh, it's just none of your business”, Pinky retorted.

"Anyway, if you're attracted to that guy... I see it”, Christy observed.

"So what ?" Pinky stopped washing, took a towel, and wiped.

"So... If you can't beat that girl, your only way to take a little revenge is.….Seduce that guy !", Christy exclaimed.

"Enough with your advice, Christy, I want to go rest now." Pinky quickly exited the bathroom.

"Did he see your......", Christy had started, but end of the question was cut off by the slamming of  the door.

« Last Edit: August 14, 2015, 09:47:25 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #112 on: January 11, 2010, 02:35:40 PM »
Jake had followed Trent and Russell to their deal with the Greasers. he wanted to make sure that dumb fuck didn't screw up. He had hid in the shadows on the pathway from the Fountain, watching the deal go down. Then he watched in disbelief when all hell had broke loose. Jake couldn't tell just who had popped Trent in the nuts, but he had pretty good idea. It had to be that fuck Tony. No one else had the balls to attack someone standing right next to Russell from long range.

Jake beat it out of there before the Prefects came swarming. He couldn't afford to get caught, not just now. He had some heavy scores to settle. He would collect the cash from Trent later. Moving quickly to the Harrington House side yard, he scaled the wall to the small pathway to the library, then hopped over the other wall. He would hide out here for awhile, until the commotion died down.

All kinds of things were running through his paranoid mind. He knew he was so much worse off now, without his Meds....For how long now ?  He didn’t know. Pacing around he came to the Nerd’s gate. For the first time since he had been here, Jake stopped and really looked at the gate lock. He saw a nine-digit keypad connected to a large sliding bolt. Playing around with the numbers for awhile without success, he wondered what those weak, puny, fatass Nerds were keeping back there. Maybe...Spud Guns ?  Yeah, he could use one of those right about now.

Close to daybreak, Jake stole out of hiding, and returned unseen to his Hobo hiding place. Pushing open the gate, he headed to the small tent. The cot awaited. He was very tired. But...Wait. At the side of the tent was a limp, discarded towel...The towel that he had used to cover what remained of his stash. 

He grabbed the towel away. There was just bare ground. The stash was gone.


Tony had gotten back to the Boy's Dorm quickly. In his room, with the door cracked, he watched as Russell came in, carrying Trent to his room. Good. He closed and locked his door, and stuck a chair under it for good measure. The window had been fixed last week, so he should be safe enough. Tony fell down in bed, exhausted.

Problems...Gotta make up with Karen, explain...Just making a delivery...But watching Pinky undress...Whoa.....He found his passion stirring.

Another problem had also kinda popped up tonight....He was running out of ammo for the Spud Gun....He hated the thought of begging any more potatoes off of the Nerds...Little brainfuckers would want something in return....Where could he get more potatoes ?

Let’s see, he thought sleepily...Where was there potatoes ?  Edna used them in her “Stews” all the time....Tony never saw any piles in the small kitchen area, though...So where would she keep them.....Let’s see....A potato could last a long time in a dark place...Remembered seeing them in Bins at his Grandma’s place...Bins down in......

Then it hit him.  The Potatoes Were Stored In the School Basement !!
« Last Edit: August 14, 2015, 09:54:41 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #113 on: January 11, 2010, 05:03:56 PM »
Dear Diary,
Today, I had a "rendezvous" with Derby.  Once again, he came late, and I was tired of his annoying excuses.  I just threw his miserable blue roses in his face.  Our families want us to get married, but if he doesn't make any effort to get my love, it will just doesn't work.  I dream of a gentleman, someone that will really take care of me, someone different as the people that are around me everyday.  The other night, I've met Tony, pretty violent, to be honest.  But I loved his confused face, his shy mumbling, as he saw me almost undressed... He's real.  And I've got the feeling that he has ambition, the real ambition, that can lead him really high - Which is not the case of my ‘friends‘, if you understand why.  They already have money, money, money... Why should they do something ?  They just have to ask.  Tony is different.  A sort of bad boy, that isn't afraid to get his hands dirty to get what he wants.  I've heard that he was in love with that disgraceful girl Karen.  Really, I can't defeat her physically.  But I already have some ideas... Tony wants me, and I know it…..

Pinky shook her pen, tried to write more, but it was definitely empty.  Never mind !
She closed the book that was before her, hid it in her bedside table, and lay down on her bed, sighing.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2015, 10:09:27 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #114 on: January 11, 2010, 05:05:54 PM »
Mr. Neil finally got the lock to open and rolled up the Garage door.  Somebody had been fooling with it, all right.  He made a mental note to put a new lock in, maybe with a deadbolt this time.  He focused his gaze on his prize creation, the re-built Go-Kart he had so lovingly restored.

Mr. Neil was the Autoshop Teacher, but it wasn’t only cars that were his passion…It was almost anything that moved….Bikes, Karts, Mowers, Forklifts, BobCats….If it could move, Mr. Neil was the best at making it go.  Mr. Neil had been hired to teach shop because he was the best in the Vale Valley at what he did, for he was a true Motorhead.  Unlike most of the other teachers at the school, he was respected by the students he taught, mostly Greasers, and rarely had any trouble with them.  He knew all about their Cliques, and stayed out of their business when they weren’t in class.  In return, the Greasers guarded the Autoshop area zealously, keeping the place clean and driving out unwanted vandals and thieves.

Which made the apparent break-in all the more puzzling.  True, the bank of these three garage doors faced the Parking Lot, on the very edge of the Greaser territory, but still…...Mr. Neal bent to examine his Go-Kart.  He had been able to buy it from that skinflint, Billy Bob Crane, the Carnival owner, for a song, because it was beat up and the 25 HP Briggs & Stratton motor had blown a head gasket.  Mr. Neal had straightened the frame, repaired the broken suspension, and rebuilt the motor.  In fact, he had souped up the motor to such a degree that it was just about the fastest vehicle in the Vale Valley, faster than most any cars around here.  Mr. Neil saw everything in perfect order, nothing was broken.  Opening the cap off the gas tank, he saw that it was only half full.  That confirmed that someone had been running the Go-Kart, for he always topped off the tank after every one of his irregular late-night forays. 

Mr. Neil went over to retrieve a gas can from a corner of the bay.  While topping off the tank, he reflected he would never be able to find out who the culprit or culprits were, let alone prove that any student had been taking his Go-Kart for a joyride.  He resolved that the only thing he could do was to install a tamper-proof lock on the bay door to discourage any more nocturnal late-night joyrides.

Little did he know that it wasn’t any male student who lock-picked their way into a free ride on his dime…It was the best girl lock-picking artist the school had ever seen…Karen Johnson.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2015, 10:12:21 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #115 on: January 11, 2010, 05:14:24 PM »
The word spread around School the next day….As a result of the big fight at Harrington House, the administrative ax had fallen on the new Clique.  Kurt and his Rocker buddies had been banished from the Campus, but strangely not expelled from the School itself.  They would still be allowed to ride the School Bus into school in the morning, and had to leave once classes were over for the day.  It was unknown right away just where they would be staying, but it was strongly rumored that Kurt’s violent actions had been the biggest reason for the Clique’s banishment.

But just as it was possible to sneak off Campus, it was also just as easy to sneak back on, as Tony was soon to discover.  Kurt and his Rockers were far from done being a thorn in anybody’s side, and Tony would still have to deal with Kurt, one way or another, soon.

Dr. Crabblesnich put down the phone, having completed arrangements to rent out a run-down house over in Blue Skies, the Town next to New Coventry.  It was a temporary fix to an immediate problem, and presented a way to still look after that rouge boy and his friends.  Not a perfect solution, but it would have to do.  He made a notation in Kurt’s Student File and then closed it.  Sighing, he rose and returned the file to the cabinet in his office. 
« Last Edit: August 14, 2015, 01:37:08 PM by BloodChuckZ »

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« Reply #116 on: January 11, 2010, 06:23:24 PM »
Getting off campus hadn’t been easy. Once he did, Tony had followed the old Rail Spur line all around Bullworth Academy, past his new hiding spot, and to his surprise, discovered that it led out to the driveway to the parking lot. Tony now carried a Skateboard, given to him by the grateful Greasers for his help in beating the Rockers. It was a collapsible model, so handy he could fold it up and hang it off his belt. It was only good on solid surfaces, like asphalt, concrete, wood, or brick, but it gave him a new level of mobility he didn’t have before. 

Tony had been able to find out that many others went off campus, too.  The Preps, who had special privileges due to their moneyed status, were able to have the Prefects let them in and out almost at will. The Greasers had built a sort of reverse barricade over the wall behind the Autoshop to get out. The Nerds could sometimes bribe the Prefects to let them out.  They were too fat or out of shape to take the long way around, so the boarding up of the tunnel was their attempt to keep others from getting in from the outside.  The Jocks didn’t appear to leave the campus much, although with their elite status, the Lettermen among them apparently had the same privileges as the Preps.  Only the Bullies didn’t have a way off Campus, likely because they  were too dumb or worthless to bother with. And, as Tony found out, the Rockers had been thrown off Campus, but not expelled...And had wound up over here, along with the Townies, older dropouts who didn’t attend Bullworth at all.

The few Non-Clique kids, such as himself, were also left out of the pecking order. Most of the Non-Clique students were little kids, loners, losers, or ones like himself, who chose not to affiliate themselves with any Clique. There was almost no provisions made for them by the school administrators, because frankly, who gave a shit ?  Who the hell were they going to complain to ?

Tony also discovered that besides the Rockers, the Nerds hung out in the basement of a Comic Store called “The Dragon’s Wing”, run by a grown-up fat Nerd guy, the Greasers hung around a Pool Hall, and the Preps had not only their own Boxing Gym in town, but a Beach House at the base of a Lighthouse. These places had, for a brief time, been taken over by that Jimmy kid that Tony kept hearing about, but the cliques had re-claimed them after Jimmy had been locked up.

The Rockers now hung out around  New Coventry, staying around The Final Cut, and whenever they saw a Greaser they were sure to battle.  Tony had walked down there just to see if any Greasers were out and about.  There he saw Kurt, playing guitar on the street, collecting a few bucks from any by-passers. Tony laughed at the sight of this.

"Need money for a new life?" Tony insulted.  Bad idea.  Kurt came after him with the Guitar upraised.  Tony would have loved to kick his ass again, but spotted some of the other Rockers running to his aid.  Instead, he hopped on his Skate Board and rolled away, laughing.  There would be other times, of that he was sure.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2015, 12:52:38 PM by BloodChuckZ »

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« Reply #117 on: January 11, 2010, 09:49:42 PM »

Being that Tony was one who had barely seen outside of school, he decided to take a walk through Bullworth Town.  Before he had gone a block out of  New Coventry, he got chased and busted by a Cop for truancy.

"Hey, what the fuck man ! What did I do ?!", Protested Tony

"I saw you”, the Cop said harshly. “You are a truant and you left the school grounds without permission."

"This is Bull Shit !!" fumed Tony. The Cop hauled him to the Bullworth Town Jail and put him in a cell.  After a while in the Jail cell, Tony heard a voice say, "Hey kid ?  What are you in for ?"

"Truancy" said Tony "What about you ?"

"Accessory to Murder”, the boy said.

Tony looked at this kid for a minute.  Shaved head, a scar on his eye, an ear ring on his left ear.  Accessory to Murder ?  Could the rumors of the school be true ?  Could this really be…?

“Are you….”, Tony began.

"Jimmy Hopkins" said the kid.  “I’m kinda here for a hearing on my case, which will be denied, of course.”

"I've heard many things about you" said Tony "I kind of have the same situation.  How did you do it?"

"Do what ?", Jimmy asked.

"Take over the School ?", Tony ventured.

"Well, I'll first tell you that you can't do it by yourself”, Jimmy laughed. “You need the brains and the brawn.  For me I had a good friend named Pete.  He was the brain."

"Hey, I know Pete !" said Tony. "I see him now and then at the School."

"Well, you should ask him for further help”, said Jimmy as the main cellblock door buzzed open.  “I'd rather not talk about the past right now." said Jimmy, seeing the approaching Cop.

“All right, Calderone ! You’re being released”, the Officer said. “We’re transporting you back to School.  Don’t let us catch you out truant again !”

As Tony was walking out the cell door, Jimmy said, "If you got somebody that won’t leave you alone, beat them publicly."

"Thanks for the help", said Tony as he was walking out the door.

That's it, thought Tony. To get Kurt off my back, I will have to humiliate him publicly.

« Last Edit: August 14, 2015, 10:53:31 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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« Reply #118 on: January 11, 2010, 11:39:35 PM »
Tony had returned to the School Campus before darkness came. He had a plan to hide in the broken stall in the Boy’s bathroom on the first floor before 7 PM, and then sneak down in the basement after the School closed for the day and find those potatoes. With him, he had taken two large cloth sacks that he had swiped from the Kitchen storage area when Edna wasn’t looking.

Tony went to the School, hid out in the stall, and successfully gained the Basement after it was unlocked by Mr. Lintz, the School Janitor. Evading the patrolling Perfects, Tony had slipped in the door. There he found two different stairways leading down to the Basement. Taking the left one, he went down and wound up in the Furnace Room.  Investigating farther, Tony discovered a whole bunch of rooms, each leading to another. He finally came to a outside door, up a small ramp near an alcove that had a small bed.

This must be where the Janitor hangs out, Thought Tony. And here’s the outside door, and the vent where we passed the boxes of clothes through.....

Making his way back, he wondered how Constantinos had kept from getting lost down here. The rooms wound around like a maze, and Tony could see how easy it would be to get disoriented. Going past a wire meshed-off area, Tony noticed a few empty white boxes inside. Must have been where the Prefects had stashed the clothing, and where Constantinos had found them. That particular theft had still not been discovered, but Tony thought that it wouldn’t be long now before the Prefects began wondering why the Preps weren’t asking to get some clothes on the down low, and would come back down here looking.

Arriving back in the Furnace Room, Tony went back up the stairs.  He had to try the other set of stairs. At he started down,  he heard a noise. Sounded like glass breaking. Tony eased slowly down the stairs, and there, about 25 feet away, was Mr. Lintz. His back was to Tony, and he was busy throwing some weird-shaped glass bottles filled with green stuff at the floor, where there were several Rats scurrying around. When each glass hit the floor and broke, a plume of noxious-looking greenish smoke burst out, obscuring the area. The Rats breathing the fumes keeled over and died on the spot.

The potatoes must be down this way, Tony thought. I’ve got to take him out without being seen.

Tony raised his Spud Gun. he had never shot an adult before. He knew that one shot could usually take out a kid (except those like Russell). How many for an Adult ?  Tony checked his loads. Only three left. He hoped it would be enough.

Tony’s first shot hit Mr. Luntz in the back. He staggered forward, and began to turn around. Tony fired a second shot the hit Mr. Luntz in the temple, and he went down. Tony lowered the Spud Gun, but suddenly, Mr. Luntz began to get up. Tony raised the Gun and nailed him in the back of the head with his last potato. This time Mr. Luntz went down for good and stayed there. Tony approached the prone figure.

He heard a groan escape Mr. Luntz. “ for this...” Then he fell silent.

Tony traveled along down a long corridor. He came to a huge round sunken area, with a drain in the middle. Edging around the wall, he soon came to another corridor that took a small turn and led to an open wire-enclosed Elevator. There, piled on the floor in huge heaps, were a couple of tons of potatoes.

Tony gave the Elevator a quick once-over. there was recent weld marks on some of the metal, and it appeared to be operated from a control panel which contained a key-slot. It appeared that the Elevator had been used to transport the potatoes to the basement. Tony didn’t have much time to investigate the Elevator. Filling up both bags with as much as he could fit in them, and quickly made his way back to the stairway, passing the unconscious Janitor along the way. At the Basement door, Tony eased it open, and finding the area clear of Prefects, made his way quietly out of the School.

Tony made his way to the Nerd’s gate, and down the trail. About halfway to the Observatory, he stashed the bags behind some large rocks in a secluded area off the trail. After re-filling his Spud Gun, he then made his way back to the Boy's Dorm.

Mission Accomplished.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2015, 11:11:55 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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« Reply #119 on: January 12, 2010, 12:55:32 PM »
Kurt had a daunting task to travel from Bullworth Town through New Coventry, where many of the Greasers hung out, to Blue Skies, where he and his group were bunking with the Townies there.  Usually, he could just steal a bike somewhere, a common thing over on the end of town, he found out. Then just ride like a Bat Out Of Hell through Greaser territory to his destination. The fastest route to take was through the Southern part of New Coventry, by the warehouses, and that was precisely where Kurt was when the incident happened that would change his future.

Riding the other way toward him was a girl dressed all in black. While Kurt watched, thinking how fine she looked, a car appeared on the curve behind her and rammed her, knocking her to the ground. Kurt immediately jumped off his bike, and ran towards the fallen girl, who was struggling to get up. Unbelievably, the car started forward, hitting her again, and knocking her to the pavement once more. Kurt grabbed a piece of wood laying by the side of the road, ran to the car, and smashed out the driver side window.

Immediately, an old fart in a black suit began to exit the vehicle. Kurt didn't give him the chance to get out. He started wailing on him with the piece of wood. after four hits to the head, the man went down, rolling around in pain. Kurt ran around to the girl and helped her up.

"Are you hurt ?....Are you alright ?" Kurt asked her.

I'm....Okay....I think..." the girl said, shakily. “What’s wrong with that...Asshole...”

“Here, let’s get you off the road....”, Kurt said.

“You...need to get out of here”, the girl said. “The cops will be coming”.

Sure enough, a cop on a motorcycle was roaring up from behind the car. Kurt went and picked up his bike, got on and started to ride the other way. But just then, a cop car came screeching down the road towards him, siren on and lights flashing. Kurt attempted to avoid him, but the cop car rammed him and knocked him off his bike.

“What’s up with this, you Fucks ? .....GET OFF !!!” Kurt screamed as the cops swarmed around and subdued him, smashing him with their nightsticks.


Much later, Kurt was released from Jail on bond. As he walked out of the Police Station, he saw the girl in black, waiting on him.

“Did you...put up my bail ?” Kurt asked her.

“Oh, Yes...It was the least I could do...And I wanted to thank you for saving me back there....That Moron was trying to run me over.  And....I need to really thank you properly...”

The girl moved forward, wrapped her arms around Kurt, and gave him a deep, wet, French kiss that seemed to go on for several minutes. She finally pulled back, breathless.

“I’m Lola”, the girl said. “I’m a Greaser Girl....But nobody pays any attention to me, now that Johnny went off to Detroit....They would have just stood there and watch me get run over, those slick bastards. But You.....”. She looked up into Kurt’s eyes, “You’re My Hero”. And with that, she planted another sexy French kiss on Kurt’s mouth.

Kurt’s head was spinning. “Well....I’m Kurt”, he said, as Lola broke the kiss. “I, uh...”

“I know who you are. I hear things, you know.  But that doesn’t matter....You saved me. And besides...” She smiled up at him, “I like Bad Boys”.

Kurt could only gape at her. Lola continued, “It’s not very private here....Meet me tonight at the Bike Park”. She giggled, “It’s in that building over by where I got hit. There’s nobody there past Midnight.....Come and meet me there, and we’ll get to know each other better....OK ?”

Kurt nodded. “Uh....Er....Yeah, I....I’d like that....Meet you there...”

“Good”, Lola said. “Here’s something to remember me by...”, and she French kissed him once more, long and deep. Breaking away, she mounted her bike. “Bye for now”, she said, and rode away.

Kurt stood there for a moment, stunned. Shook his head, and then shook it again.

WOW....Whatta Girl....Hell....Whatta Woman....!!!
« Last Edit: August 14, 2015, 11:16:09 AM by BloodChuckZ »