Mr. Galloway marries Ms. Phillips, then falls of the wagon once he discovers what a weird bitch she really is. In a fit of drunken depression, he leaps off of the school clock tower.
Ms. Phillips, after Galloway‘s death, starts having sex with her male students, gets caught, and winds up in a sensational trial at Bullworth Courthouse, is found guilty, but is released, because nobody ever goes to jail in Bullworth.
Mr. Burton finally gets up the nerve to sneak into the Girl‘s dorm himself to swipe some more underwear, And contracts an STD from licking Lola’s underwear, Thereby losing his tongue to a rampaging Infection.
Miss Danvers wound up having Dr. Crabblesnich’s love child, and was forced to leave Bullworth after it was found she had been “cooking the books” for several years.
Mr. Hattrick, after being fired, lost his mansion in Bullworh Vale through foreclosure, had his car repossessed, and spent the rest of his days panhandling on the streets of New Coventry.