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Author Topic: Random Convo's  (Read 11080 times)

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Offline dan_the_man

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Random Convo's
« on: March 12, 2007, 06:13:52 AM »
Post Random convo's you've heard from students in here.

Some of them can be funny.

Offline Fezie

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« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2007, 11:29:11 AM »
Yeah, it would be pretty cool if we could make a big list of people talking. Sometimes they say pretty useful and interesting stuff about other kids.


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« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2007, 01:18:27 PM »
All I remember is that Christy [I think it was her] wants to set the school on fire.

Offline jimmysgirl

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Random Convo's
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2007, 01:29:10 PM »
Me and Bully-nut talk about some wierd shit. Some of it too uncensored to post here through.

Offline Dark Drifter

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« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2007, 02:53:14 PM »
I hear Hal (from the Greasers) is going to start up a club, like a fight club, only instead of fighting, the members will eat cheeseburgers.:lol:

Offline LadyLuckDoubt

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« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2007, 12:08:33 AM »
Christy- "Did you hear Mandy making herself sick in the bathrooms again?" (Not so much as funny, but eye-opening.)

"I have to go- some girl just got breast implants and I have to go gossip" (I wonder who it was?)

I haven't heard the one about Christy wanting to set the school on fire. *cackles* I've just heard her say gossipy stuff, usually about other girls.

I like some of the makeout talk, too. "Did you know if you kiss ten times or more a day, you live longer?"

Offline Karen

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« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2007, 02:48:45 PM »
Ivan amuses me everytime I hear him say, 'Why'd she leave me? Why??'

I think he also says, 'Why would she ask that? Of course I'm the center of my universe! Sheeeez.'

And something about him not getting aroused because she didn't know what she was doing...

He just can't seem to figure out why she dumped him. :roll:

And Troy...

I am not confused!! I am so not confuuuused!!! (i.e., he's very confused...)

Offline jimmysgirl

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« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2007, 04:21:11 PM »
My favourite is Bucky when you bump him:
"Bump me if you will, don't bothr me none!"
Or when he says something about girls liking his sense of timekeeping because he has three watches on.

He's so cute.
My mate, Zoe is in love with Trent and spent yesterday when we were tobogonning saying "Yor hot, im hot, let's make out,"
It was awesome..... XDDDDDDDDDD

Offline Woodnote

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« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2007, 04:27:48 PM »
Quote from: LadyLuckDoubt;43527

"I have to go- some girl just got breast implants and I have to go gossip" (I wonder who it was?)

Lola, I bet.

Offline jimmysgirl

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« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2007, 04:41:35 PM »
Quote from: Woodnote;44006
Lola, I bet.

I dunno.. i was thinking mandy or pinky. Lola wouldn't have the money.

Offline dan_the_man

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« Reply #10 on: March 29, 2007, 05:39:58 PM »
Quote from: jimmysgirl;44009
I dunno.. i was thinking mandy or pinky. Lola wouldn't have the money.

Id say Mandy too.


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« Reply #11 on: March 29, 2007, 10:36:18 PM »
I'd say Christy. Pretty sure she's the one who loves to gossip most.

Offline Bully_Nut

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Random Convo's
« Reply #12 on: March 30, 2007, 02:52:40 AM »
Quote from: jimmysgirl;41375
Me and Bully-nut talk about some wierd shit. Some of it too uncensored to post here through.

please, call me marcus

Offline jimmysgirl

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« Reply #13 on: March 30, 2007, 04:09:29 AM »
Quote from: Bully_Nut;44122
please, call me marcus

I posted that ages ago marcus.


Here's a random convobetween me and my cuz. (I change my screen name in it.
Everyone wants a piece of the joshy and Xx_ChelseaFuckenTe_xX are both me.)

Everyone wants a piece of the Joshy! says:
hay gayboy

Liam says:
Hey whore

Everyone wants a piece of the Joshy! says:
I haven't talked to you in ages, how things going?

Liam says:

Xx_ChelseaFuckenTee_xX says:
Tell me.... >.>

Liam says:
Well things arent going to well, L-J's being an idiot again

Xx_ChelseaFuckenTee_xX says:
I could have guessed taht much myself

Liam says:

Xx_ChelseaFuckenTee_xX says:

Liam says:
She hit our aunt dorreen with a vase

Xx_ChelseaFuckenTee_xX says:

Liam says:
yeah, i know

Xx_ChelseaFuckenTee_xX says:

Xx_ChelseaFuckenTee_xX says:
did aunt doreen hit her back

Liam says:
Hell yeah she did

Liam says:
she totally fucking OWNED her

Xx_ChelseaFuckenTee_xX says:
What do you mean?

Liam says:
I mean she threw a frikkentable at her!

Xx_ChelseaFuckenTee_xX says:
What did kath do?

Liam says:
Mom pinned L-J down while uncle edgar kicked Aunt Doreen out the hyouse

Xx_ChelseaFuckenTee_xX says:
What did she hit Doreen for in the first place?

Liam says:
Because Doreen said taht she would have aids by the time she was 15

Xx_ChelseaFuckenTee_xX says:
Man... I don't blame Laura-Jane for hitting her.... imagine saying that to your own niece

Liam says:
I know. I was pretty mad myself

Liam says:
But i've ben mad at L-J over the whole J-D thing

Xx_ChelseaFuckenTee_xX says:
Is J-D still fighting with her?

Liam says:

Liam says:
They were having a screaming match the other day

Liam says:
but i was annoyed because B side were coming down to kill us if she said one more thing about J-D's mom

Xx_ChelseaFuckenTee_xX says:
So much for an Ex girlfriend

Liam says:
Ex's can be annoying. That's why i just Kiss and Tell.

Xx_ChelseaFuckenTee_xX says:
Still not had a girlfriend?

Liam says:
Don't want one. I'm the school's hottest guy, apparently

Xx_ChelseaFuckenTee_xX says:

Liam says:
yeah, tell me about it

Liam says: :D
Xx_ChelseaFuckenTee_xX says:
I guess your happey then?

Liam says:
Chelsea, i have neon green hair, i have money now that i work at Samm's, im the hottest guy in school and i've got off with Claire Dades.

Liam says:
Im officially the happiest guy on the planet

Xx_ChelseaFuckenTee_xX says:
So clair finally said yes?

Liam says:
Hell yeah, she could no longer reesist the charm of the Liam-miester

Xx_ChelseaFuckenTee_xX says:
Can it Cassanova, i gotta go to the shops for mom

Liam says:
right, right, I'll shut up then!

Liam says:
Cya Chelse

Xx_ChelseaFuckenTee_xX says:
Buh Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Offline Bully_Nut

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Random Convo's
« Reply #14 on: March 30, 2007, 08:38:45 AM »

can you say, up himself