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Author Topic: New Bully Roleplay!!  (Read 131102 times)

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Offline McHaggis

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New Bully Roleplay!!
« Reply #240 on: January 07, 2007, 03:28:20 PM »
Yeah, this is one crazy school. Some of those people used to be my friends but now they pretty much don't give a shit about me. But I guess I'll be out of trouble for a while since they like to stirr it up. I mean fighting with a girl? That's just bad business." Axel responded to Kate. "It's been getting quite cold lately, strange that some people still go around in T-shirts. But then again it's normal compared to what other stuff happens around here." They entered the library, as usual it was full of nerds. Axel looked at the cart full of books Kate was pushing around. "Have you read all of those books? How long has school been a month? And you've read all of them?" Axel said looking suprised at Kate.

Offline Sheldon

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« Reply #241 on: January 07, 2007, 11:37:11 PM »
"Ugh it's like they have an ego more delicate than a diva" she said agreeing to how beating up girls was bad business. "Well, thats weather in New England for you" She wasn't quite sure what he meant about the water, but then he asked her about the books she was pushing. "What? Oh, god no.. Well, I did some. But, they weren't from this year. I was just asked to get these books from the school to the library..

"Why'd those guys stop being friends with you? If you don't mind me asking that is."

Offline The_Werewolf

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« Reply #242 on: January 07, 2007, 11:56:06 PM »
as ricky was running a leg shot out from behind a corner
ricky fell on his face and rolled to a halt looking up at a prefect

ricky:LEAVE ME!!! GO!!!
prefect:your coming with me evildoer!

the prefect takes ricky to crabblesnitches office where the prep girl was sitting.

Dr.Crabblesnitch:Well well well... Mr. Ferral... Fighting with girls!?!?!
Penelope:Dont Forget There were 2 more!
crabblesnitch:yes. Who were the two other boys?
ricky:Fuck You! im not ratting!
Crabblesnitch:WHAT!?!?! WATCH YOUR TONE BOY! Heres what im going to do... you will stay here all day and all night til you will eat here do your classwork here and even sleep here in my office until you tell who the other two were.
ricky(thinking):shit....i need to get out of here...

Offline McHaggis

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« Reply #243 on: January 08, 2007, 09:48:43 AM »
"I didn't trust one of their old friends from last year and they probably liked him more than me. But maybe it's better this way, they'll probably end up in the gutter." Axel said helping Kate putting the books in different bookcases. "Everyone here take everything so personal and they overeact for the smallest things. Well, except the nerds." Axel said, his point was proven since there was nerd right behind him and he seemed to take it hard but still didn't say anything. "I don't like the situation at the school, soon someone will be killed. The cliques are going to start a war, I know it. They're not smart enough to reason with eachother."

Offline Gaunty

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« Reply #244 on: January 08, 2007, 01:25:32 PM »
James walked aimlessly around the school, looking for something to do. Sighing, he began to walk the hallways of the Academy. Nerds were cowering, Bullies were beating them up, Jocks were trying to get some money off some small child.
 James stood by his locker and tried to get his combination in before anyone noticed him.

Offline dan_the_man

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« Reply #245 on: January 12, 2007, 03:24:43 AM »
Jermaine walked into Library after afternoon class and saw Ray and Eunice kissing.
It made him feel ill and he wasnt gonna keep quiet about it.

Jermaine:OH GOD DAYUM man thats just disgusting,watching two fatties try and swallow each others head is nasty,im gonna puke

They stop kissing.

Eunice:You know your not a nice person
Jermaine:Did i ask you to speak to me fat girl,Get lost before i slap your boy silly.
Ray:Ignore him he is being stupid
Jermaine:What you say fat boy?
Ray:I said your being stupid

Jermaine slaps Ray and gives him a wedgie.

Sheldon see's this.

Sheldon:Im telling on you
Jermaine:Whatever little man,Punishment makes me worse

Ray and Eunice run out of the library.


Jermaine walks into main Library area and see Russell holding a nerd in the air with one hand.

Jermaine:Russell smash that dork

Russell drops the nerd who is Bucky and pushes him away.

Offline Bully_Nut

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« Reply #246 on: January 13, 2007, 07:03:18 AM »
"johnny we gotta go get ricky" marcus said out of breath

"so.. whats the plan"

Offline Stabbo

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« Reply #247 on: January 13, 2007, 12:02:33 PM »
Name:Henry Largeone



Look: Tall, Attractive, Dark hair, Blue eyes, tiki shirt, 3/4 shorts, skate shoes, one arm.

Bio: A cool guy, but only has one arm from an accident when he was 8.  Most people tease him and call him names like "one arm" and "dick face" but most of his friends are really cool and there to support him all the time.  He also has a way with the ladies and has a prosthetic limb (robot arm) that works perfectly and no-one can tell it's not a real arm.


Jermaine: "yo wassup one arm"
Henry: Dont call me that, Jermaine you bastard.  Or i'll bash you good.
Jermaine: whatever homeboy
Henry: That's it. *pulls back slingshot as hard as he can* *LETS GO flinging high powered sling shot into jermaines face sconning him hard causing him to fall back a few steps*  *HENRY GETS READY FOR THE RESPONSE OF ALL*

Offline nicsson

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« Reply #248 on: January 15, 2007, 03:22:42 PM »
Nicolai, Melvin and Algie are on their way to the library when Algie suddenly is hit by a slingshot. They turn around and see three bullies running after them. The nerds try to escape but gets caught. One of the bullies grabs Algie and pushes him to the ground. Nicolai sees his opportunity and kicks the bully in the head. The bully rolls over and covers his face in his hands. A bully grabs Nicolai from behind while another bully starts to punch him in the stomach. Soon Nicolai starts to cough and begs for mercy. The bullies leave him on the ground and walk away.

Offline dan_the_man

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« Reply #249 on: January 16, 2007, 10:35:35 AM »
Jermaine was lying on his bed and then heard Ms Danvers voice insisting he come to the office to see Dr Crabblesnitch.
He walks from the boys dorm into the main school building.

On his way to the main building he pushes a nerd over.


He walks into the office.

Dr Crabblesnitch:Jermaine there has been complaints from a certain student about you bullying them,Now i wont say who it is however i see from your record in past schools your a known bully,Now consider this a friendly warning and anymore complaints like this and you will be punished,You may leave now boy

Jermaine walks out of the office and then it hits his mind who snitched on him.

Offline Stabbo

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« Reply #250 on: January 18, 2007, 01:06:16 AM »
Henry starts belting the shit out of Jermaine.

Henry grabs Jermaine, throws him on the ground and presses :squ: Kneeing him in the balls hurting him REALLY badly.

Henry laughs then goes and pinches a girls ass 3 times in a row.

Then henry kisses a guy (eww) and then belts the shit out of him.

Offline Bully_Nut

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« Reply #251 on: January 18, 2007, 04:26:24 AM »
dude the game isnt real...

you dnt need to write press square

Offline Stabbo

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« Reply #252 on: January 18, 2007, 05:25:34 AM »
Oh yeah sorry.  Oh well, just ignore the Square bit, and the rest is the same ( I still knee'd him in the balls REALLY hard hurting him bad)! lol! :)

Offline Bully Freak 24

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« Reply #253 on: January 19, 2007, 04:28:59 PM »
Richie was just walking down the corridor when he saw Henry beating the crap out of Jermaine and even though he didnt like Jermaine he needed a new friend so he stepped in.

Richie:Hey wat the fuck are u doin 1 arm!

Henry:U wona calll me that to my face?!

Richie:Yeh but my fist wants to say tha rest!

Then Richie started beating up Henry even though he was two years older and as soon a Henry was floored he stepped on his head twice.Then as soon as he saw a prefect he picked up Jermaine and headed to the boys dorm.

As soon as they were there Jermaine woke up....

Waiting for responce

Offline bu!!y

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« Reply #254 on: January 19, 2007, 05:57:14 PM »
name:jack brown