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Author Topic: New Bully Roleplay!!  (Read 124742 times)

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Offline Nazz

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New Bully Roleplay!!
« on: December 16, 2006, 08:06:31 AM »
There should be created characters in it, and maybe they run occasionly into Jimmy and other main characters.

So: You guys will have to make up your characters:You wouldnt play as Jimmy or Gary etc

Also remember this roleplay runs at the same time as the game, so your character could overhear certain conversations and stuff.
If you need a idea of how a RP like this works go here PM me, or Mchaggis.

This is what you must fill out at the start of your post.

Remember its a storyline so each post advances the story of thier characters perspective.

Clique:this can be changed during the RP- But must invole a change of storyline eg you leave the nerds and join the greasers)

If you have any questions feel free to PM me.

Put speaking in quotes and highlight it in bold.

Offline Nazz

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« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2006, 08:17:18 AM »
By the way, im going for a different character this time, kudos for anyone who knows who it is.

Name: Johhny Fontaine
Age: 16
Clique:None yet,
Look: Untidy overall look,has medium length messy black hair,usually wears jeans,black t-shirt,zipped dark red hoody over the t-shirt.

Biography:Brought up in Little Italy (NY) by his poor family, he and his brother was sent away so that they could avoid getting in trouble in New York. He was living with his uncle but was sent to Bullworth after getting into a number of fights with preppies. Hes a quiet, well natured guy but has a temper. This is his and his brothers first year.

Johhny was sitting on the fountain, staring into the water. A couple of Bullys approached him. "Hey Fontaine!, sing us a song!!" Johnny looked up and saw Trent with a few of his crew."Back off, guys, im not in the mood" Johnny sits up, grabs his backpack and begins to walk away. Trent pushes him, as the other Bullys start laughing, Johnny punches Trent, knocking him down. The other Bullys stare in shock as Johnny walks away with a grin.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2006, 09:07:24 AM by Nazz »

Offline Sheldon

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« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2006, 09:16:23 AM »
Name: Kate Armstrong
Age: 15
Clique: None.
Looks: Auburn hair that goes to shoulders. Brown/Green hazel eyes (more often looks brown). Medium-light skin. 5'4. Wears navy sweater vest, pleated skirt, knee-high socks. Good looking, but not 'hot' or as acceptably datable as Mandy or Pinky or whoever.

Biorgaphy: Not popular, not a loser. She's in the indifferent middle when it comes to social stature. She has her own friends in the cliqueless group of people. Not a girly girl and not a tomboy. She minds her own business most of the time, however she's not afraid to speak up if something isn't right. She thinks bullying is childish and thinks all the constant fighting is very unecessary. She's more practical than emotional and is probably the least romantic girl you'll meet at Bullworth. Kate also enjoys running and is considering joining track (If Bullworth even has track).

Since she does do fairly well in school the teachers occasionally ask her to help a few of the jocks and greasers with tutoring and such. They would ask a nerd to do it (seeing as their grades are far more superior), but even the teachers are aware of the clique wars and fear that the nerds will most certainly be pummeled to the ground.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2007, 05:05:14 PM by Sheldon »

Offline Bully Freak 24

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« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2006, 09:40:12 AM »
NameRichie spencer


CliqueNone(for now...)

LooksDark brown spiked hair,messy leather jacket ,scar over left eye

BiographyBieng expelled from every school he has been to,Richie just seems to love fighting and can't go any where without his penknife to threaten people with.Old buddy of Johnny vincent.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2007, 02:25:24 PM by Bully Freak 24 »

Offline Bully Freak 24

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« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2006, 09:46:23 AM »
Richie sees a kid punch trent in the face and says to him:
Richie:[B]Hey we could use a guy like u on the greasers so waddaya say.

Johhny:Ill think about it loser.

Richie:o by the way my name is richie and dont call me a loser.

Johhny:my name is Johhny

Offline Nazz

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« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2006, 10:01:08 AM »
Johnny stared at the Greaser. He didnt like the look of him. He didnt really want to end up in any gang,he had been in trouble for that before. Plus, his Brother was in the Greasers. "I gotta go" Johhny said. "Ok man, think about what i said" Richie replied. Johnny made his way to class, when he saw a girl getting picked on by a preppie. Johnny hated preppies, with a passion. Due to his tough upbringing he hated the way the Preppies rubbed thier wealth in everyones faces. He dropped his backpack and charged towards the preppie,he pushed him into the ground."What the hell?!" the Preppie shouted. The girl ran away."You dirtbag!" Johnny said, he kicked the preppie in the gut. The preppie groaned. "Yeah thats enough, for know" Johnny said. He gathered his backpack and was getting ready to leave when two prefects grabbed him."Hey, what the hell!" Johnny shouted. "We saw you kid, beating up that prep for no reason" Johnny gasped, then looked down at the ground."He was bullying that chick" Johnny said finally. The prefects looked at each other, then said"Well we didnt see that..come on kid, your coming to the principals office"

Offline McHaggis

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« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2006, 01:10:34 PM »
Name: Axel Rönn
Age: 14
Clique: None.
Looks: Short hair, tall, white T-shirt, black jeans, canvas shoes, his beloved backpack.
Biorgaphy: Axel was sent to Bullyworth because of him being such a smartass against all teachers and didn't like to obey the rules. Axel rarely fights he mostly chooses to run away or hide, but that doesn't mean he's a wimp. He can put up a pretty good fight when trapped or with a group.

Axel had taken the bus to Bullworth and when he got off and saw Bullworth's giant iron gates he sighed, the gates were open but school hadn't started yet so Axel sat down in the grass and grabbed a coke from his backpack. There he sat in the grass drink his coke when he heard something behind him but all he saw before everything turned black was a shoe and some baldheaded kids running away with his wallet and all of the stuff in his backpack. There he lied bloody and unconsius in the grass.

Offline Bully Freak 24

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« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2006, 03:59:36 PM »
Richie saw what the prefects did to Johhny so he went to the local ''Rocket in my Pocket'',and bought a bottle rocket launcher and beat Earnest up until he modefied it so it had fireworks that exploded on impact.Then he put one  launcher in every prefects room with a timer for them to go off at 2am.
Then in the middle of the night he took Johhny outside the prefect dorm

Johhny:Why are we here?

Richie:You'll see in 5,4,3,2,1!
Then the whole school woke up to a Very loud Bang!!!!

Richie:Now will u join?
JohhnyThat was awesome! But ill think about it.

Offline Nazz

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« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2006, 09:52:19 PM »
Johnny was impressed by Richies firework show, but still didnt want to join the Greasers. After he finished with Richie, he went back into the dorm. He went to get a soda, he put his money in and bent down to collect his drink. Suddenly someone grabbed his back and threw him towards the table. He got up to see Trent, who had a black eye. "Think i'd let ya get away with what ya did?!" He screamed. Johnny laughed, "Come on then, Trent" Trent charged at Johnny but Johnny dodged and stuck out his foot. Trent tripped over and crashed into the table. "Now dont mess with me again!" Johnny screamed at Trent. Johnny continued to his bedroom. He closed the door and threw off his hoody. He climbed into bed, thinking about how messed up Bullworth is. He soon fell asleep.

Offline Acolyte

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« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2006, 11:24:04 PM »
Name:  Joey Zaza
Age: 15
Clique: None yet
Look: white collard shirt with denim jacket over. light blue jeans.

Bio: Joey was kicked out of his other school for telling his teacher he was going to kill her in her sleep with a switch blade. Joey is very fond of his switchblade which he got by robbing an outdoor store.

Joey got out of the cab that brought him to Bullworth Academy. He already hated it from the start. He looked over the school. It was in the morning, and he had to unpack
He walked down the halls looked around for his dorm, when a fat nerd came up to him.
Hey! You must be the new kid. Do you play Grottos and Gremlins?said Fatty

You mean that gay ass game that nerds play..can't say I haveJoey replied

Well you're more then welcome to come and-

Buzz off nerdinturupted Joey.

Joey then walked into his room and closed the door to unpack.

Offline McHaggis

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« Reply #10 on: December 17, 2006, 07:48:32 AM »
Axel awoke several hours from the sound of people talking he got up and he saw a kid talking to a fat guy with a green vest. Axel picked up his backpack and started walking to the gate but the fat kid spotted him and started screaming. "What the hells your problem? Stop screaming!" Axel yelled to the fat kid. "There's a spider on your shoulder." the fat kid replied with tears in his eyes. Axel caught the tiny spider and threw it away. "You happy now, fatass?" Axel said. "My name is not fatass it's Fatty." Fatty answered with a sad face. "Do you think it's better being called Fatty then fatass?""Yes as a matter of fact I do" Fatty said looking proud. "Well to me your fatass, fatass. Good bye" Axel said and hurried to the main building. Axel knew that he was late for class but the robbers had also taken his schedule. He walked around in the school looking for his class when two big guys grabbed him and said "Skipping class huh? Well it's my job to get troublemakers like you to class and stay out of trouble" The man said taking a stronger hold of Axel. "Who are you guys? Some kids stole my schedule and I'm running late" Axel's arm was turning numb. "So, you're new here? Too bad for you that everyone in my eyes are equally bad, even new kids." The man said grinning. "We're prefects and you are nothing" The other prefect said and they both dragged him to a door that said "Art class" on, then they both threw him, head first into the door and left him there. Axel's first day started with a broken nose and truancy. He sat down in the only vacant chair. It was after Art class when he understood that he had missed a whole day lying in the grass.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2006, 07:52:17 AM by McHaggis »

Offline Bully Freak 24

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« Reply #11 on: December 17, 2006, 08:52:52 AM »
Richie was on the look out for new greasers when he sees a new kid backtalk a nerd and saw the switchblade in his back pocket so he goes over to him.

Richie:Hey nice switchblade slashed anyone yet.

Suddenly Richie was thrown to the wall by Joey and had a switchblade held up to his neck.

Joey:If you tell anyone that i have one in school i will seriously hurt u,
and he slashed his arm so Richie slashed his face and called some friends with baseball bats and Joey was left on the floor coughing up blood and begging for mercy.But he got up and slashed Richie in the back so they were both there knocked out.

Offline dan_the_man

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« Reply #12 on: December 17, 2006, 12:04:38 PM »
Name:Jermaine Jones



Look: 5 ft 8 tal Medium built African American boy with shaved head who comes to Bullworth wearing a white wife beaters shirt,jeans and white sneakers.

Bio:Jermaine is arrogant and is tough as nails.
His favourite hobbies are Boxing and flirting with girls.
His childhood was filled with violence as he grew up in a tough neighbourhood in LA,His father left the family home when he was 10 and this deep down angers him so he takes out his anger on anyone weaker then him.
He has been expelled from 3 schools before and this is why he was sent to Bullworth.His mother and him moved to the east coast 3 years ago.

Jermaine arrives outside the gates of Bullworth and waves goodbye to his mother as she drives away,He turns around and looks through the open gates of Bullworth and thinks to himself this place looks cool.
Jermaine starts to walk through the gates of Bullworth when all of a sudden a skinny guy with red hair in glasses dressed in a green vest bumps into him.

Jermaine pushes him and says............

Jermaine:Watch it fool
Thad:Im sorry i wont do it again
Jermaine:Better not otherwise im gonna beat yo ass and what the hell you running for?

Ethan Robinson a black bully arrives.
Thad:Oh no
Ethan:Thad you idiot im gonna hurt you now
Thad:New kid please help me?
Jermaine:Erm let me see........HELL NO

Jermaine grabs Thad and gets him in a headlock and rubs his knuckles across his head,Ethan laughs.
Jermaine:Dont ever make another brother want to kick your ass
Thad runs away screaming.
Jermaine turns to Ethan.
Jermaine:Now who the hell was that skinny punk?
Ethan:Thats Thad,one of the nerds
Jermaine:Im Jermaine by the way and i hate nerds
Ethan:I hate them too,Im Ethan and welcome Bullworth
Jermaine:Hey thanks,now wheres this boys dorm my mother told me to go check out?
Ethan:Follow me man

Ethan leads Jermaine to the boys dorm and shows him his new room,Jermaine checks out his new bed and changes into his school uniform.
There is a knock at the door,Jermaine opens it and see a massive hulking giant figure.

Russell:My names Russell and my friend tells me you bully nerd
Jermaine:Man i bullied him cause he deserved it,plus it was fun
Russell:Russell like to smash people and bully them too,I have group of friends who bully people here,you want to join Russell's crew?
Jermaine:Damn right i do
Russell:Russell think you cool,but first you need to prove yourself to Russell by doing a little job for me
Jermaine:Sure and whats that
Russell:Give nerd a swirlie,Ethan go with you to witness,After you finish you come see Russell at car park
Jermaine:Hell yeah ok man cool,By the way my name is Jermaine
Russell:Ok Jermaine,Russell see you later
Jermaine:Ok buddy see you later

Offline Gaunty

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« Reply #13 on: December 17, 2006, 12:40:12 PM »
Name:James Carter



Look: James has long brown hair and blue eyes. He wears a bullworth polo shirt, some jeans, biking gloves and some trainers.

Bio: James was brought up in a normal life with his two brothers, Kent and Hade. Kent is in with the Jocks, while Hade is in the bullies crew. They both get along despite their clique differences, and occansionally fall out. This is James' second year at Bullworth, and he hates it. he has not joined a clique as he feels he doesn't fit to any of them. He recently fell out with the bullies, as he hit his older brother Hade infront of them. They havn't got him back yet, but he keeps watching his back.

James walked around the school, he was bored and was tired of all the clique fights. As he entered the lower-floor boys toilets, he saw a nerd smoking behind the door. He noticed this nerd was Algie, and held back a laugh as he began to cough from the smoke he was inhaling. Whats so funny!? Algie said trying to act tough. James looked at him, shook his head and went into a cubicle. As he closed the door he heard Algie mutter something under his breath which sounded alot like Loseer-head. Smiling to himself, he did what he had to, then left the toilets to wander around indoors.

Offline McHaggis

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« Reply #14 on: December 17, 2006, 12:44:44 PM »
When Art class was over Axel headed for the cafeteria where he saw two boys talking about the different cliques. One of them was a bald kid wearing the school uniform and the other one was also wearing the uniform except it was in a slightly different color. Axel overheard their conversation and now he knows of the five different cliques, he wasn't planning on joining any of them but they might be useful in the future. Axel grabbed a banan, he was surprised by the fact that the only food you could get at Bullworth was bananas, apples and soda. He exited the main building and headed for the boy's dorm. On his way there he saw two boys lying bloody at the gates, he didn't want to get in trouble so he hurried away from there. When he look over his shoulder he saw two prefects dragging away the two boys. "What dumbasses" Axel thought and entered the boy's dorm. There he bumped into a big boy and fell to the ground. "ME RUSSEL!" Russel shouted but he didn't have the chance to hurt Axel because a prefect looked into the boy's dorm and Russel walked away. Axel was looking for a room but it seemed all were occupied, he saw a slightly open door and he peeked in, there he saw a black boy sitting on a bed so Axel kept on looking for a room. At last he found one, at the end of the corridor. He unpacked his remaining stuff (which wasn't a lot) and went to the room that had a TV and a videogame. There he saw a bully lying on a broken table. Axel sat down in the sofa and started watching TV.