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Offline jimmysgirl

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New Bully Roleplay!!
« Reply #345 on: March 06, 2007, 12:11:35 PM »
Kay: I dunno. *Turns to the guy who decked it* Who are ya anyways?

Dean: Ehhh Dean...?

Kay: His name's Dean. New kid. He's gonna get pretty much killed, like we all did. Anyways, see ya laters, Richie.

Dean: Who was that? And battle? What was he talking about?

Kay: Oh... eh, just a fight we were in. *Laughs* So, how about i show you to the guy's dorm?

Dean: But you can't go in

Kay: Belive me, that's never stopped me before. C'mon.

Offline Greavesy

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« Reply #346 on: March 06, 2007, 12:17:02 PM »
The drunkard got up without the barrel and realised he had passed out in his own sick, he began to laugh crazily then stopped instantly. He ran down the street and was clipped by a car, he got up slowly and sat on the cars bumper. He then decided to release last nights vindaloo all over it. The woman screamed in the car as crazed man ran off.
He climbed up the roof and found a townie, who challenged him to throw water baloons at three people. The nude man kicked the boy as hard as he could in the nuts before pushing him off the building.
He wiped his stained behind with the baloons and dropped them on the possibly dead townie.

He fell unconscious on the very edge of the roof. He began to wee off the side onto the public below. He was dreaming about seabiscuit.

Offline Bully Freak 24

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« Reply #347 on: March 06, 2007, 01:31:17 PM »
Richie walks in the boys dorm and sees Kay seeing Dean around so he decides to welcome him

Kay:Oh hey Richie im showin round this new guy who got beat up.

Richie:It happens to all of us.Anyway Kay im bored wona take dean and show him what goes on in this school that the prefects dont know about?

Offline blue ninja costume

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« Reply #348 on: March 06, 2007, 07:11:36 PM »
name: blue ninja
age: unknown
Clique: most likely preps
look: hides his disfigered face from being imbread
biography: once a bully himself the blue ninja vows to fight all bullys for a greater good. the police and prefects however have a different plan when one of prefects tells jimmy to get rid of the blue ninja jimmy reluctently accepts........

Offline The_Werewolf

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« Reply #349 on: March 07, 2007, 01:01:23 AM »
Crabblesnitch:TELL ME WHO THEY WERE!!!

ricky gazes out the window to witness a MASSIVE clique fight.

Offline Bully_Nut

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« Reply #350 on: March 07, 2007, 01:17:50 AM »
Marcus walks into the school. with a knife in hand, he walks upstairs to crabblesnitches office. barging past Ms Danvers besides her cries of protest.

he opens the door and screams at the principal.


Marcus puts the knife to his throat, slitting cleanly across. he falls down... dead.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2007, 01:21:32 AM by Bully_Nut »

Offline The_Werewolf

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« Reply #351 on: March 07, 2007, 01:21:18 AM »
 ricky grabs marcus's corpse throws him over his shoulder and runs out of Crabblesnitches Office and Bullworth Academy to the Hospital and checked marcus in... then he left without finding out his condition.

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« Reply #352 on: March 07, 2007, 01:23:14 AM »
marcus awoke in the infirmary,

"aye what the fuck is this aye, i fuckn go to kill maself and im fuckn saved by some cunt. fucks sake can't do anything round here."

marcus got out of bed and went back to bullworth

Offline The_Werewolf

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« Reply #353 on: March 07, 2007, 01:28:07 AM »
ricky was sitting by the bullworth entrance when marcus came walking up

ricky:marcus? damn your Ok?

Offline Bully_Nut

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« Reply #354 on: March 07, 2007, 01:36:43 AM »
marcus saw rikky and walked up to him.

"what the fuck did ya save me for you thick cunt, fucks sake, anyway lets do something in this cunt school, fuckn rape some lass, smash some kid, i don't fuckn care aye,.......... fuckn cunts"

Offline jimmysgirl

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« Reply #355 on: March 07, 2007, 12:59:39 PM »
Kay: Yeah! C'mon Dean! *grabs the poor boy and forcefully drags him towards the guy's Dorm with Richie's hnad in her other.*

Richie: Uhhhh Kay, you're uh, holding my hand

Kay: Duh!

Dean: Your holding my hand too....

Kay: Double duh!

*they get to the boy's dorm.  To the two boy's surprise, she marches staright in and no one says anything to her.  The boys merely wave*

Richie: How the-?

Kay: I sleep in that empty dorm at the end there sometimes!

Dean: But that's my dorm now i think...

Kay: Well, we're partially room mates now huh?

Richie: Man, i wish i could just walk into the girl's dorm...

Offline dan_the_man

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« Reply #356 on: March 07, 2007, 08:44:10 PM »
Jermaine walks into the boys dorm and see's Ray take a soda out of the soda machine.

Jermaine grabs it and drinks it himself.

Jermaine:Thank you fat boy

Jermaine see's Gordon the non clique boy who thinks he is cool.

Jermaine:You suck
Gordon:Calm down dude im cool
Jermaine:No i said you suck boy understand?
Gordon:I dont suck

Jermaine grabs Gordon and rubs his knuckles across his head.

Jermaine:WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOO do you understand me now

Gordon runs away.

Jermaine sits and watches TV while not noticing his friends Richie and Kay are in the dorm.

Offline jimmysgirl

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« Reply #357 on: March 08, 2007, 12:21:52 PM »
Kay: *Who is aimlessly babbling on to Dean, who is stuggling totake it all in* That was Jermaine, he's pretty awesome in a fight, He IS kinda harsh, and youshouldn't get one the wrong side of him because he'll kick your ass! But he doesn't kick my ass coz I'd kick him in the nuts! Hahahhahaha just kidding!
But anyways, that's the soda machine-

Richie: KAY! SHUT UP!

Kay: Calm down!

Richie: Sorry, your just talking a load of rubbish, and Dea doesn't seem to have a clue what about!

Dean: Sorry, but he's right... i don't have a clue!

Kay: Sorry about that!


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« Reply #358 on: March 08, 2007, 02:00:34 PM »
Maestro the mouse.
Little gray mouse, resides in the boys' dorm.

-Maestro cautiously pokes his head out of the burrow in which he resides. The hall is bustling with converse and boot covered feet discussing lessons, gossip, who is going to get beaten up next and other random babble. Maestro dodges between students, causing the occasional fat kid in green to start screeching like a banshee. Maestro then heads to the boys' rec area, where he spots the mother load. Some chips and Cheeto's are lying on the floor near the couch. Maestro makes a mad dash towards the couch, missing the white sneaker by inches. Since Maestro couldn't carry all of the food in his mouth, he nibbles at the chips, until his little belly is full. Maestro grabs the Cheeto, and makes a mad dash back to the burrow. Behold the mighty Cheeto, a feast for a king. King Maestro.-
« Last Edit: March 08, 2007, 02:02:48 PM by Chrissy »

Offline Bully Freak 24

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« Reply #359 on: March 08, 2007, 02:29:03 PM »
Quote from: GarySmith;40669
Maestro the mouse.
Little gray mouse, resides in the boys' dorm.

-Maestro cautiously pokes his head out of the burrow in which he resides. The hall is bustling with converse and boot covered feet discussing lessons, gossip, who is going to get beaten up next and other random babble. Maestro dodges between students, causing the occasional fat kid in green to start screeching like a banshee. Maestro then heads to the boys' rec area, where he spots the mother load. Some chips and Cheeto's are lying on the floor near the couch. Maestro makes a mad dash towards the couch, missing the white sneaker by inches. Since Maestro couldn't carry all of the food in his mouth, he nibbles at the chips, until his little belly is full. Maestro grabs the Cheeto, and makes a mad dash back to the burrow. Behold the mighty Cheeto, a feast for a king. King Maestro.-

Dude ur rping about a mouse?