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Author Topic: New Bully Roleplay!!  (Read 125207 times)

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Offline Greavesy

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« Reply #360 on: March 08, 2007, 03:24:50 PM »
Quote from: GarySmith;40669
Maestro the mouse.
Little gray mouse, resides in the boys' dorm.

-Maestro cautiously pokes his head out of the burrow in which he resides. The hall is bustling with converse and boot covered feet discussing lessons, gossip, who is going to get beaten up next and other random babble. Maestro dodges between students, causing the occasional fat kid in green to start screeching like a banshee. Maestro then heads to the boys' rec area, where he spots the mother load. Some chips and Cheeto's are lying on the floor near the couch. Maestro makes a mad dash towards the couch, missing the white sneaker by inches. Since Maestro couldn't carry all of the food in his mouth, he nibbles at the chips, until his little belly is full. Maestro grabs the Cheeto, and makes a mad dash back to the burrow. Behold the mighty Cheeto, a feast for a king. King Maestro.-

lol I'm gonna get my fat naked guy to crush/have sex with your mouse LOL

Offline jimmysgirl

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« Reply #361 on: March 08, 2007, 04:11:44 PM »
Quote from: GarySmith;40669
Maestro the mouse.
Little gray mouse, resides in the boys' dorm.

-Maestro cautiously pokes his head out of the burrow in which he resides. The hall is bustling with converse and boot covered feet discussing lessons, gossip, who is going to get beaten up next and other random babble. Maestro dodges between students, causing the occasional fat kid in green to start screeching like a banshee. Maestro then heads to the boys' rec area, where he spots the mother load. Some chips and Cheeto's are lying on the floor near the couch. Maestro makes a mad dash towards the couch, missing the white sneaker by inches. Since Maestro couldn't carry all of the food in his mouth, he nibbles at the chips, until his little belly is full. Maestro grabs the Cheeto, and makes a mad dash back to the burrow. Behold the mighty Cheeto, a feast for a king. King Maestro.-

*Kay walks in and frowns* one of my cheetos are gone.... *Looks at algie*

Offline The_Werewolf

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« Reply #362 on: March 08, 2007, 05:40:32 PM »

Offline dan_the_man

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« Reply #363 on: March 08, 2007, 05:43:46 PM »
Jermaine is sitting watching TV still not noticing his friends are about.

Jermaine:Man this sucks.

Jermaine gets up and turns it off.

Jermaine walks into the boys dorm hallway and fills up a water balloon with water.

Jermaine:Now who should i hit with this.

Jermaine sees Richie and Kay with a new kid.

Jermaine:Hey guys,who is the new meat then?

Jermaine can hear voices from one of the dorm rooms.


Jermaine runs to the dorm room door and opens it and throws the water bomb at someone inside the room.

Jermaine:HAHAHAHA suck on that you little wimp

Jermaine walks back to Kay,Richie and the new kid.

Jermaine:Little punk deserved that for being a snitch

Offline Manbearpig

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« Reply #364 on: March 08, 2007, 06:00:33 PM »
(This board has gone to the dogs.... and Michael Myers)


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« Reply #365 on: March 09, 2007, 06:18:46 AM »
Score one for Michael Myers...and random mousefiction...and other incredibly disproportionate situations...yayz0rz.

(Jamie Lee Curtis suddenly apparates out of nowhere, looks at Derby's body and merely shrugs. Then sees Maestro and gasps in horror, leaps into the same closet, and drowns the dorm in hysterical shrieks).

Offline jimmysgirl

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« Reply #366 on: March 09, 2007, 11:47:45 AM »
Kay: Hey Jermaine, this is Dean, im showing him around!

Richie: Torturing him more like....

Kay: Quiet you. He's gonna be sharing that olddorm at the end with me.

Richie: But you don't even really live there!

Kay: My cloths are in there. I live there.

Jermaine: But this is the boy's dorm...

Kay: Again, when has that ever stopped me? And have you two noticed that people seem to be gruesomely dying, like derby? He's pinned to the door!

Dean: Peple die here?

Ka: Occasionally charachters frm horror movies squat here. This time im thinking either jason or Michael Myres. It's sliding more to the Mike side though, bcause Jason is more prominent than this. Just be careful, don't go anywere alone, and don't walk towards strange noises! See? We would survive in a horror movie!

Richie: Yah... what she said.


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« Reply #367 on: March 09, 2007, 01:40:28 PM »
Score one for Michael Myers, random mousefiction and other incredibly bizarre situations...yaz0rz.

(Jamie Lee Curtis suddenly apparates out of nowhere, looks at Derby's body and merely shrugs. She then sees Maestro scurry past her feet, and she gasps in horror, leaps into the same closet and drowns the dorm with hysterical shrieks).

Offline deanvalefor_johnnyrules

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« Reply #368 on: March 10, 2007, 12:04:09 AM »
Dean: B-but my cousin said that this was a safe place!

Kay: Then he's lying.

Dean: But he went here!

Richie: Who's he anyway?

Dean: Ted Sinclair. Although he might've tricked me yet again. He's the reason I'm wearing glasses.

Kay: What did that assshat do to you?

Dean: *face grows dark* It involved a fat, gay and ugly stripper dunked in chocolate. I'm suppose to blind now, actually.

Offline jimmysgirl

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« Reply #369 on: March 10, 2007, 05:57:54 AM »
Kay: Want me to hit him?

Dean: But your a girl. Te says the girls are wimps!

Kay: Yeahhhhhh about that.... Im not your usual girl. I sleep in the guys dorm and beat people up. I thought you would have guessed that by now.
Was the male stripper eunice?

Dean: Eunice?

Kay: Never mind my boy, you have much to learn.... Anyways want me to got beat Ted?

Dean: Um...

Kay: Okay then! He's usually my friend, and i've made out with him a few times, but I'll hit him!

Dean: What?!?!?!?!

Kay: C'mon!

*Drags Dean out the dorm, leaving his cases in her room*

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« Reply #370 on: March 28, 2007, 02:38:24 AM »
Marcus walks into bullworth. He pulls down his pants and has a wank.

he quickly leaves soon after.

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« Reply #371 on: March 28, 2007, 02:44:51 AM »
He notices some chick who thinks she tough, he runs up to her, slaps her, and runs off giggling.

He sits down and wonders why he loves nina.

Offline The_Werewolf

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« Reply #372 on: March 28, 2007, 02:45:21 AM »
ricky takes some C4 out of his ear and blows up the main school building creating a massive fireball and completely demolishing the building. Bullworth now smelled of charred bodys and fire.

ricky: heh...heheh...hehehehhehe....ahahhahahahahahah!!!!! heh....burn...

after that shadow sits down next to marcus watching the the inferno

ricky: behold marcus...hehe....HAHHAHAH!!!

ricky runs off  to  watch the blaze closer.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2007, 02:48:31 AM by The_Werewolf »

Offline Manbearpig

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« Reply #373 on: March 28, 2007, 06:32:03 AM »
North Korea bombs Bullworth with 10 nuclear bombs.

Bush denies the fact that the whole area is devastated and contaminated by nuclear radiation.

Offline Bully_Nut

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« Reply #374 on: March 28, 2007, 07:37:27 AM »
=O thats god modding!!!!

Marcus beats up everyone in bullworth, PC's and NPC's.