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Author Topic: [Bully: Scholarship Edition]: Essential Fixes & Improvements  (Read 240 times)

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Offline Razc01na

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[Bully: Scholarship Edition]: Essential Fixes & Improvements
« on: March 21, 2025, 05:40:28 PM »
Bully: SE - Essential Fixes & Improvements

Since the source of all he scripts in the game have been published recently, I've taken it upon myself to fix as many bugs, inconsistencies and other small details that could use improvement in the game.

This mod aims to fix as many bugs as possible, as well as improving the game experience for everyone. Some things are just not possible to fix (or I just don't know how to), regardless, if you find any issues, please feel free to report them in this topic.

For instructions on how to install, please refer to readme.txt in the download archive.

This mod also includes a fix for music not looping in specific mini-games and missions. I called this the MusicWatcher. Refer to readme.txt for instructions.

Version 1:;sa=view;down=262


Included an optional (but highly recommended) ide.img, Cloths.dat, PedPop.dat and Pedstats.dat:
* Fixed inconsistencies in ide.img (exemple: The music and geography teachers were called "T_Temp")
* Fixed some pedstats to make more sense (exemple: Running distance is now higher for different peds, vision ranges, health, damage, weapons, etc...)
* Added custom pedstats for specific characters such as Bif, Norton, Omar
* Added all gangs to the boys' dorm, added teachers to inside the school, and other tweeks to ped spawns by location
* Fixed watches and bracelets being visible when wearing the MusicShirt (it was considered shortsleeve, when it is in fact longsleeve)

* Added code to detect the framerate limit (30 or 60). Displays a warning if the framerate is set to higher than 60FPS
* Fixed a bug where if the player loads a save while on a mission that disables speech, speech would remain permanently disabled
* Fixed a bug where if the player loads a save while on a mission that alters attitudes, the changed values would persist after loading
* Added function call to F_UnlockModelChanges when detecting a completed mission, ensuring unique model status integrity
* Fixed "Endless Halloween glitch" and other related glitches
* Fixed glitch that would allow a permanent carnival ticket to the player inventory if the player saved and loaded
* Fixed inconsistency where "The Collector" (3-R07) could be completed before "Mailbox Armageddon" (3-S08)
* Include Island3 and TestArea in the area scripts with area codes 22 and 31 respectively

* Fixed a glitch where bullies would not attack the player if 'The Big Prank' was skipped
* Fixed repeating character models
* Clique leaders and Pete are now present in free roam after completing the main story
* Mr. Burton can no longer be seen in the world after completing the main story

* Fixed error in functions RandomIndex and RandomTableElement
* Fixed repeating halloween characters
* Added functions to fix music looping issues (MusicWatcher)
* Added overrides for speed related functions to fix high framerate related issues

* Added global variables for the MusicWatcher

* Gregory now appears inside the asylum as an orderly
* Orderlies vision range is now 15 meters instead of 8

* Little Kids now spawn in the boy's dorm
* Added pajama versions of Pedro, Sheldon and Constantinos to the boy's dorm
* Fixed flawed logic for deciding between regular clothes and pajamas
* Fixed a bug where if the player enters the dorm at a time when pajama models should be used, they were not applied correctly

* Fixed flawed logic for deciding between regular clothes and pajamas
* Fixed a bug where if the player enters the dorm at a time when pajama models should be used, they were not applied correctly
* Fixed long loading screen after leaving the dorm
* Fixed F_DisableTeacherModels and F_EnableTeacherModels not including Edna and the Music Teacher

* Fixed oddity with door on the side of the library that leads to the observatory, now peds can pass through it
* Gregory now appears around the retirement home as an orderly

* Disable the school shop if shared.lockClothingManager is true

* The super slingshot is now properly removed from the inventory if the mission is failed

* Include Pedro when activating Halloween costumes

* Don't include Pedro twice

* Set Russell's block frequency to 75%

* Remove eggs from the player's inventory to force a visit to the shop (story logic)

* Fixed bug where the player would be permanently locked on to Pinky after the mission ended

* Fix oddity where the Tad and Justin in the second floor wouldn't play their voice lines
* Made the cutscene where Bryce locks the door and Chad threatens the player always play
* Fixed softlock when playing at 60fps
* Fixed bug that allowed the player to carry the poison gun outside Harrington House

* Set Darby's Health to match custom pedstats

* Fixed bug that disabled interactive music after completing the mission

* Fixed oddity that returns normal weather in chapter 6 (should be always sunny)

* Made mission fail if Johnny gets knocked out
* Reduced time to force Jimmy out of a bike at the ent of the mission to avoid a softlock

* Fixed for 60fps: added delay before player can get a new snowball

* Fixed a bug where the player would lose the digital camera if photography 4 was completed before the mission Rudy the Red Nosed Santa

* Made mission fail if the player has 0 health after the cutscene with Algie, Chad and Lola

* Set Johnny's Health to match custom pedstats

* Made Donald wander immediately after handing the package to Jimmy, making it harder for him to steal Jimmy's bike
* Donald becomes vulnerable to damage after handing the package to Jimmy
* Fixed bug where the player would be permanently locked on to Donald after getting the package from him
* Fixed bug where the player would be permanently locked on to the customers after delivering their package

* Fixed Jimmy's T-pose at the beginning of the Prep Challenge

* Fixed oddity with door on the side of the library that leads to the observatory, now peds can pass through it

* Force the player to unequip his weapon when using the scythes to prevent softlock
* Force the Jocks to attack the player if the miner controls were switched off before beating the Jock operating them
* Set the nerd's health to their default values at the end of the mission

* Fixed cutscene where Jimmy is supposed to walk to the knocked out mascot to steal the costume

* Fixed oddity where the value for bJustLeft was swapped
* Fixed a timer override glitch that would allow Jimmy to leave the school during the mission
* Fixed a softlock where if the player somehow lost the rigged ball without starting the timer, the game would freeze when trying to progress
* Made it impossible to threaten/insult Thad to prevent softlock
* Fixed teleporting peds if the mission is failed

* Decreased the chance of an occasional crash ('loud crash'); the actual reason behind it is unknown
* Fixed bug where if Jimmy fails by knockout, he will just stay on the floor forever
* Ted and his defenders are now able to see Jimmy wherever he goes on the field
* Fixed logic related issues, mostly in setting up the various phases
* Fixed Ted's defenders freezing (60fps specific)
* Fixed oddity where the reinforcements would retaliate against Ted if one of the rigged balls damaged him
* Set Ted's health to match custom pedstats
* Made Ted fight Jimmy properly during the final phase of the mission
* Made Ted invulnerable until the 1vs1 with Jimmy
* Adapted script to work with MusicWatcher

* Added an unused effect during the cutscene

* Balanced stealth difficulty: Give townies inside the warehouse a vision range of 15 meters

* Remove orderly uniform from the player's inventory when playing the mission - this fixes 95% of the bugs in this mission
* Fixed a bug where the player gets accidentally deleted by adding a check before deleting gBlockBOrderly01 (Control Theo glitch)
* Balanced stealth difficulty: Give orderlies a vision range and yaw that actually make sense

* Set Omar's Health to match custom pedstats

* Added credits for this mod

* Reduce police sprint distance to 60 meters (game balance)
* After the ending mini-cutscene, keep player controls disabled until the end of the mission

* Locked window at the back of the school to prevent a softlock
* Locked door on the side of the library that leads to the observatory, preventing players from leaving the school entirely
* Fixed an issue where the camera clipped inside Russell at the start of the mission
* Fixed bug where defeated faction leaders inside buildings would remain frozen if the player left and re-entered
* The townies in the game now match those in the cutscene
* Fixed aggressive townies; they will no longer be hostile toward the player
* Russell's health is now three times his regular health instead of seven (Seriously, how did that even make sense?)

* Set Gary's Health to match custom pedstats

* Lock player controls during final cutscene of Gym class 5

* Gregory now appears outside the asylum as an orderly

* Fixed oddity that returns normal weather in chapter 6 (should be always sunny)

* Removed redundant code to set Melvin's unique model status to -1 (handled in SFaction.lua)
* Fixed a bug where if the player exits the mission, Bullies would be hostile to Jimmy regardless of their standing, and Nerds would have 100% respect
* Fixed for 60FPS: It now takes 10 button presses to get back up when kicked in the nuts
* Fixed oddity that returns normal weather in chapter 6 (should be always sunny)

* Fixed oddity that returns normal weather in chapter 6 (should be always sunny)

* Balanced stealth difficulty: Give orderlies a vision range and yaw that actually make sense

* Adapted script to work with MusicWatcher

* After completing Geography 2 and 3, the player will recieve the race car hat and panda outfit, just as intended

* Adapted script to work with MusicWatcher

* Adapted script to work with MusicWatcher

* Adapted script to work with MusicWatcher

Cannot fix:
Weed Killer: AcidPool effect is generated when the VenusFlytrap is being damaged
  • Effect is caused by the action tree

Jock Boss Fight: Chance of crashing is lower but not completely fixed
  • I could not figure out what causes this. I suspect the thread T_TedGetBalls is to blame, but I have no proof or explanation, just hours upon hours of testing and ruling out possibilities
  • The following changes have reduced the chance of this crash occurring:
  • Set the player's coordinated to XYZ instead of getting coordinates from the POINTLIST
  • Fix improper use of function CameraAllowChange, which might break the game if trying to change camera settings after setting this to true
  • Reset camera properties before setting special fightshot (cool panoramic effect during this mission)
« Last Edit: March 22, 2025, 06:55:30 AM by Razc01na »

Offline Hayley

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Re: [Bully: Scholarship Edition]: Essential Fixes & Improvements
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2025, 05:48:44 PM »
Amazing work 🫡

Reading through the changes is fascinating to me because goddamn I didn't know there were that many softlocks and glitches.