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Offline 57 PixeLz

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Tutorial needed (desperately)
« on: March 04, 2016, 06:40:30 PM »
Okay so here is the deal, If someone with experience could explain me how to use MADMAN's IMG TOOL I would be very grateful. Since I am new to modding I could use some help...

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Re: Tutorial needed (desperately)
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2016, 06:57:09 PM »
First thing you should do is read the readme that comes with the tool. I know it is very basic and doesn't tell a whole lot but....I was kinda pressed for time when I released that tool as it was very in a hurry.

Here soon I will release an updated version of it with a bunch of customized batch files to handle everything for you.

I will post a detailed writeup a bit later tonight for you to explain exactly how to use it.

Please keep in mind, this tool was created with the intentions of being used by more advanced modders and as such, is not the most user friendly since I did this to replace my old gui version of the img editor that I released a long time ago.

This tool is command line only (it does have a shell but that is command line too) and it doesn't use any gui since gui's slow things down and is good to have a tool that does exactly what you want when you need it to...and this does exactly that. I did consider making a drag & drop feature but that would be a little bit of a pain in the butt to make work correctly and so....I did it this way instead. ;)

Anyway, I will post a detailed writeup in this thread later on tonight and I will see about updating the tool and archive so that it is a lot more user friendly. I will also hide all of the advanced features as most of those were beta only and I never intended for those to be made you can do damage to your game by using those options incorrectly.

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Re: Tutorial needed (desperately)
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2016, 07:44:02 PM »
Ok, thanks Madman I appreciate your "care" for your buddies, thank you and btw when I export my world.img I I open .bat file and then the whole program crashes (Stopped WOrking)

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Re: Tutorial needed (desperately)
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2016, 10:08:29 PM »
I'll try to run ya through the basics of what I know.

1. EXTRACT: MadmaN includes a bunch of batch files and folders with the release, but mostly the BullyImgConsole.exe is all you'll need. So just extract that executable and put it somewhere, perhaps in Bully's root (/steamapps/Bully Scholarship Edition/(here)).

2. SETUP: Add the directory that you extracted it in to your system's path. I'll explain how to do this on Windows 7 but it may vary based on your operating system. Open Window's control panel and navigate to your system's settings (Control Panel\System and Security\System). Click "Change settings", go to "Advanced", click "Environment Variables", scroll down the "System Variables" until you find "Path", select it and click "Edit...", in "Variable value" add a semicolon (;) to separate what you're about to put from the last entry, then add the directory that you extracted BullyImgConsole.exe to (this is mine: F:\Steam\steamapps\common\Bully Scholarship Edition). Now that you have done this, you will be able to use BullyImgConsole.exe from any directory using Windows' command prompt.

3. OPEN COMMAND PROMPT: Open your command prompt (C:/Windows/System32/cmd.exe). If Bully is installed on another storage device other than your C drive, simply type it in the command prompt (for example type F: and press enter to switch to the F drive). Now set the current working directory to where the IMG you want to work with resides. This is done by using the 'CD' command. Here's an example of it's usage (type it in your command prompt and press enter): cd F:\Steam\steamapps\common\Bully Scholarship Edition\Scripts. Now the command prompt and any applications you use (such as BullyImgConsole.exe) will be able to find files relative to this directory.

4. START BULLY IMG CONSOLE: Start BullyImgConsole.exe by simply typing BullyImgConsole in your command prompt and pressing enter (the .exe on the end is assumed by the command prompt since it is an executable file). The command prompt is able to find it despite the fact it is in another directory because we added where it is to the system's path variable. Now BullyImgConsole.exe will be running in your command prompt, and you can start giving it commands. Type -help and press enter for a list of commands.

5. OPEN YOUR IMG ARCHIVE: Use the -open command to open an IMG archive. Here is an example of it's usage: -open "Scripts.img". Make sure to wrap the file name in double quotes. Now that your archive is open, there are multiple commands you'll be most likely to use, and you can use the help command to see all of them.

6. EXAMPLE USAGE: Here is an example of how you could use this tool to make a texture mod. First switch your working directory to the "Stream" folder (where the game's models and textures reside). Now use the open command to open "World.img": -open "World.img".
Now create a folder called "World" (or whatever you'd like) to extract the game's original files into, then use the exportAll command to extract them: -exportAll "World". This may be a while.
Find one from the "World" folder that you'd like to mod (.NIF files are models, .NFT files are textures), copy it somewhere else (like to a "Mods" folder), and make some tweaks to it using NifSkope or whatever other software you'd like. Once you do this, use the import command to import the modded file back into the archive: -import "moddedfilename.nft".
Now you can optionally rebuild your archive. This isn't always needed (I usually don't do it), but if you don't there may be glitches or unstability. If you experience this, try to rebuild the archive later using the rebuild command: -rebuild. Or just do it now if you want to be safe.
Finally, close the archive and exit the application: -close and then -exit.

Offline 57 PixeLz

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Re: Tutorial needed (desperately)
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2016, 11:16:15 AM »
I'll try to run ya through the basics of what I know.

1. EXTRACT: MadmaN includes a bunch of batch files and folders with the release, but mostly the BullyImgConsole.exe is all you'll need. So just extract that executable and put it somewhere, perhaps in Bully's root (/steamapps/Bully Scholarship Edition/(here)).

2. SETUP: Add the directory that you extracted it in to your system's path. I'll explain how to do this on Windows 7 but it may vary based on your operating system. Open Window's control panel and navigate to your system's settings (Control Panel\System and Security\System). Click "Change settings", go to "Advanced", click "Environment Variables", scroll down the "System Variables" until you find "Path", select it and click "Edit...", in "Variable value" add a semicolon (;) to separate what you're about to put from the last entry, then add the directory that you extracted BullyImgConsole.exe to (this is mine: F:\Steam\steamapps\common\Bully Scholarship Edition). Now that you have done this, you will be able to use BullyImgConsole.exe from any directory using Windows' command prompt.

3. OPEN COMMAND PROMPT: Open your command prompt (C:/Windows/System32/cmd.exe). If Bully is installed on another storage device other than your C drive, simply type it in the command prompt (for example type F: and press enter to switch to the F drive). Now set the current working directory to where the IMG you want to work with resides. This is done by using the 'CD' command. Here's an example of it's usage (type it in your command prompt and press enter): cd F:\Steam\steamapps\common\Bully Scholarship Edition\Scripts. Now the command prompt and any applications you use (such as BullyImgConsole.exe) will be able to find files relative to this directory.

4. START BULLY IMG CONSOLE: Start BullyImgConsole.exe by simply typing BullyImgConsole in your command prompt and pressing enter (the .exe on the end is assumed by the command prompt since it is an executable file). The command prompt is able to find it despite the fact it is in another directory because we added where it is to the system's path variable. Now BullyImgConsole.exe will be running in your command prompt, and you can start giving it commands. Type -help and press enter for a list of commands.

5. OPEN YOUR IMG ARCHIVE: Use the -open command to open an IMG archive. Here is an example of it's usage: -open "Scripts.img". Make sure to wrap the file name in double quotes. Now that your archive is open, there are multiple commands you'll be most likely to use, and you can use the help command to see all of them.

6. EXAMPLE USAGE: Here is an example of how you could use this tool to make a texture mod. First switch your working directory to the "Stream" folder (where the game's models and textures reside). Now use the open command to open "World.img": -open "World.img".
Now create a folder called "World" (or whatever you'd like) to extract the game's original files into, then use the exportAll command to extract them: -exportAll "World". This may be a while.
Find one from the "World" folder that you'd like to mod (.NIF files are models, .NFT files are textures), copy it somewhere else (like to a "Mods" folder), and make some tweaks to it using NifSkope or whatever other software you'd like. Once you do this, use the import command to import the modded file back into the archive: -import "moddedfilename.nft".
Now you can optionally rebuild your archive. This isn't always needed (I usually don't do it), but if you don't there may be glitches or unstability. If you experience this, try to rebuild the archive later using the rebuild command: -rebuild. Or just do it now if you want to be safe.
Finally, close the archive and exit the application: -close and then -exit.