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Author Topic: The Grudge  (Read 2131 times)

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Offline Unknownsoldier

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The Grudge
« on: March 08, 2015, 04:07:43 AM »
• Keep adding onto the story •


Jimmy walked down streets of Bullworth Town, where he met Gary. Jimmy gives Gary a dirty look, then Gary, being the evil villain he is, refuses and throw punch to Jimmy causing him to fall. He smacked his  head on the concrete, now he have to go to hospital. there is no hospital in the game so he go to drug store. he asks for pain killers, and something to wrap his skull in. With a severe concussion, he could not attend classes, therefore he had to miss a day. Being that he lives in a dormitory in the same campus. Jimmy not realising his injury so severe, attends the first period class, experiencing severe headaches. During that class, Gary went inside the bike store, which was located in the area where the incident took place. Checking all the security camera footage, realizing where Jimmy had came from. Gary had no idea Jimmy was coming from Mr Hattrick's house. Gary then came up with the theory Jimmy had bought tests from Hattrick.

Jimmy was then excused from his class, to pay a visit to the nurse. The nurse had discovered a trauma. Gary made his way over to the school from Shiny Bikes near the Carnival. Not knowing which class Jimmy was in, he decided to take it to the principal, to call Jimmy up to the office for a talk. Gary had already notified the owner of the bike shop to delete all security camera recordings from that week. With no evidence to back it up, Gary reported Jimmy playing hooky as he had been absent prior to this day. Miss Danvers calls Jimmy up from the nurse, to get his side of the story.