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Author Topic: Bullworth of the DEAD - story info and renders (WIP)  (Read 33171 times)

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Bullworth of the DEAD - story info and renders (WIP)
« on: January 26, 2015, 05:19:54 PM »
Alright....As some of you know I am in the process of writing a book of which I have put the info and some renders in a different thread. This story however that THIS thread is about is not related to the book in any way other then the fact I have popped a few characters from the book over to this story in a sort of crossover to the Bully universe. Couple names changed and some other things changed to prevent them from being confused with the book.

Anyways, I will be posting information here about the story and what it is about....along with wip renders (non final) to show what renders for the story will look like as this is a bully fanfic.

This story is based off of a dream I wrote about in the weird dreams thread quite a long time ago and seeing as ppl really liked reading about that dream of mine, I decided to just write a full fanfic based on that dream for all of you here on BB. Think of this as my gift to all of you for being there for me and quickly accepting me as part of the family back when I joined a few years ago.

I will release the story here in the form of a pdf and done up like a archival ebook. This will be a exclusive BB story and I am doing this for fun while I work on my other projects. I hope everyone likes this and I look forward to hearing comments from everyone as well as everyone's thoughts about the plot..characters..etc.

Now...on to the juicy stuff.
Bullworth of the DEAD
Characters List This is for the main characters only and I will add a second list as I complete if for the other characters in the story.

Wolf - Wolf is a character representing myself in personality. He is 19 almost ready to turn 20 and is the main protagonist of the story. He is the boyfriend of Meiyo and is always cool. calm and collected no matter the situation. He can however be pushed too far to where he goes into a full blood lust mode and will at that point attack his enemies in a savage way. He happens to be a skilled kenjutsu practitioner and is skilled in a wide variety of firearms due to his family having several members who served in the military that taught him everything they knew about guns, explosives, and various military only vehicles.

Meiyo - She is the same age as Wolf and shares many of the same skills that he does. She also happens to be part human and part fox (decided to alter the Bully universe to include anthromorphic characters) and has not only a deep love of Wolf, but also is loyal to him and will gladly give her life to save him if the situation arises where she would have to do that. She, like Wolf is a final year student at Bullworth Academy and would have graduated (along with Wolf) if both had not been held back a couple years and with the exception of Russell, happen to be the oldest Bullworth students. She also has a little sister who also goes to Bullworth Academy and is very very protective of her since both of their parents were killed in the zombie apocalypse and as such she and Wolf look after her.

Makoto - She is the 9 year old sister to Meiyo and is generally fun loving and more then a bit obnoxious at times. She does have hand to hand fighting skill and some kenjutsu skills but generally doesn't take part in any direct fights with the zombies for the most part since unlike her older sister Meiyo, she isn't physically strong enough to take on a full grown zombie by herself without help. She is good friends with Karen and is in all of her classes.

Karen - You all know who she is. I retained her personality for this story as best as I could and her already existing background also applies here. I won't bother repeating what everyone likely already knows on her...other then I will state that she does have a bit of a temper and won't hesitate to curse out any adult or student that gets on her bad side. She takes a similar role regarding the zombies that Makoto takes. She was originally going to be a zombie that gets killed in the upper level girl's bathroom like in the dream I wrote about...but decided to not have her as a zombie so Makoto could have at least a couple friends of her own and not just be extra baggage to the group.

Damon - As with Karen I kept him much like his game counterpart. However, he has a tense peace between Russell and Johnny and other Bully characters due to his being a jock and his being very territorial. In this story he is a final year student at Bullworth and is hoping to earn a football scholarship so he can play with the pros.

Johnny - He is much like his game counterpart however I changed his fighting style to modern kung fu with only a couple street fighting moves/stances instead of the style he used in the game which was a mix of street fighting/brawling and several martial arts.

Derby - He is like his game counterpart and very very snobby towards everyone that is NOT in his tax bracket. He still has an obsession with money and power even though money no longer has any meaning during a zombie apocalypse when survival is more important then money or following the laws of the land.

Russell - He also is like his game counterpart and I gave him a backstory as well. In this story he is actually older then Wolf...he is 20 and is STILL far from graduating from Bullworth Academy due to his poor intelligence and grades. He is extremely loyal to Wolf and Meiyo and is loyal to the group due to being saved from certain death by Wolf and Meiyo very early in the story. While the majority of the main characters have no driver's license they all still drive various vehicles anyways since the law for driving without a license does not apply here due to the fact that most of the population is dead or turned into zombies. He has basic knowledge of firearms and prefers hand to hand combat. He also happens to be rather strong and is one of the strongest characters in the group with the exception of Wolf who is far stronger then him due to being in exceptionally great physical shape. His temper is even shorter now and when enraged he goes on a total rampage shouting his trademark "Russell SMASH!" and doesn't stop until his enemy is defeated or dead.

Seth - He is the only prefect/staff member to survive the initial stages of the zombie apocalypse and has an even nastier attitude. He is very power hungry and considers himself above everyone else and plays a big part in this story. He also now has no qualms about killing another person to assert his authority over the situation. He has an immense hatred for both Wolf and Meiyo.

Jack - He is a character created solely for this story. He is a old friend of Wolf's and has provided him with the means to access some of the military bases (all abandoned) to get supplies and weapons. He also is a former 1 star general in the army and now like the rest is fighting to survive. He is in his early 40's.

Earnest - He is the leader of the nerds clique in the game and is among some of the surviving students in this story. He is afraid of Meiyo due to accidently pissing her off one day and ended up being stuck head first in a very dirty toilet with a trashcan over him.

Algie - Same personality as his game counterpart and pisses himself even more now due to his morbid fear of the zombies. He is a natural coward who would rather run then face his deepest fears head on and defeat them.

Beatrice - She is among the nerds that survived the initial start of the apocalypse and is attracted to Wolf due to his being the leader of the group and his laid back personality. She is jealous of Meiyo and wants to replace her as Wolf's lover.

Mandy - She also has an attraction to Wolf but only because she absolutely hates Meiyo. She also prevented Meiyo (like with Beatrice) from being on the cheerleading team out of jealousy over Meiyo being more athletic then she is. She also refuses to fight any zombies and constantly orders everyone else to do it for her.

Trent - He is one of the bullys that survived the start of the apocalypse and is loyal to the group like Russell is. He finds that he loves fighting the zombies and thinks that it is much more fun and rewarding then bullying the students and so finds a new hobby.

Bif - He survives the initial apocalypse along with the rest of the preps due to their being holed up in harrington house the whole time. He has a rivalry with Wolf and Russell and wishes to fight both in a even up fight. He loses some of his feelings for ppl that are not in his tax bracket (unlike Derby) as he realizes there are more important things then money and status. He doesn't much like Meiyo due to her half human and half fox appearance and as such is always rude to her when he gets the chance.

Lola - She is still Johnny's girl and now is fiercly loyal to him and he to her. She will eagerly fight the zombies and even seems to enjoy doing so as a way of getting back at the people she hates.

Kim - She is a 11 year old exchange student from japan. Her only friends so far are Makoto and Karen and she follows them around a lot. She is a quiet reserved girl who has a surprising amount of skill in karate due to her family having their own private dojo which is overseen by her father who is also her teacher. She has a excellent grasp of english due to taking lots of english classes at her school back home and has little trouble fitting in here at Bullworth Academy.

Troy - He manages to survive the initial apocalypse because he was down in the basement bullying fatty at the time and

Zoe - She has a bitter rivalry with Meiyo and while she doesn't have affection for Wolf as a potential girlfriend, her rivalry with Meiyo is based on her thoughts that Meiyo is both prettier then she is and is a better fighter. Zoe tries to start random fights with Meiyo most of the time that they are in the same room. She is missing Jimmy very badly due to the fact that she considers Jimmy to be the only guy that actually did like her for who she was rather then just thinking of her as another pretty face.

Melody - She was in her dorm room sick in bed and was spared the initial start of the apocalypse. She happens to like Makoto a lot and tries to be a friend to her. She however

Pinky - Like the rest of the preps, she survives and is holed up at Harrington House with the rest of them. She is in denial about the apocalypse and thinks the zombies are just people who refuse to believe that it isn't halloween yet. She also doesn't like Meiyo at all and considers her a freak of nature.

Zack - He is among some of the towns people that have survived and thinks this zombie apocalypse is wicked. He constantly refers to his large stash of zombie invasion comics for hints on what to do next.

Gary - He is using the apocalypse to gather followers so he can get revenge on Bullworth Academy and all of the surviving students for being kicked out the year previously. He has taken a big dislike in particular to Wolf and will do whatever it takes to take him down even if it means going after Meiyo or her sister. He has developed a psychotic personality by this point and considers himself to be the next hitler.

more characters will follow soon
Story Plot
Basic plot for now

This story takes place one year after the game Bully: Scholarship Edition. Jimmy Hopkins has moved on to another school because his work here was done. Petey also moved to a new school where he didn't have to worry about being bullied all the time and is now doing pretty well for himself. Gary however was kicked out of Bullworth Academy and has since developed a psychotic personality and wants revenge against the school for being kicked out. Wolf and Meiyo are in the school gym training with one another when the apocalypse starts. They try to gather survivors from the school and plan to locate other survivors as well as try to find the families of some of the surviving students. Can their group survive against the zombies? Will their group tear itself apart?


Here is the girl's dorm attic as it looks now with my tender loving care

Here is a custom laptop that Wolf uses which comes in handy in several situations in the story


to be added soon


to be added soon
« Last Edit: June 13, 2015, 09:11:27 PM by |XF|-MadmaN[AR] »

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Re: Bullworth of the DEAD - story info and renders (WIP)
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2015, 05:43:42 PM »
Holy sheet.  Nice work Mad.

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Re: Bullworth of the DEAD - story info and renders (WIP)
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2015, 05:55:32 PM »
This looks badass, Mad!
Looking forward to it! :)

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Re: Bullworth of the DEAD - story info and renders (WIP)
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2015, 06:03:30 PM »
Interesting Plot Lines.  Is Wolf a Werewolf ?  Assuming so.  That him in the Render with Meiyo ?

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Re: Bullworth of the DEAD - story info and renders (WIP)
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2015, 07:18:32 PM »
no werewolf and yes that is him. His build does seem a bit over large but that was intentional since he is the only one able to wield that massive minigun.

Watch this space since I will be making a lot more updates tonite to the main post with more renders and more story information. Figured I would attempt something different that has not been done for bully fanfics well as have the art for it too...heh.

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Re: Bullworth of the DEAD - story info and renders (WIP)
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2015, 07:25:09 PM »
Yes, the Story Art always enhances a story....An art in books seemingly long lost somewhere along the line. 
Real old books used to include StoryArt panels in them, both B&W and in color. 

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Re: Bullworth of the DEAD - story info and renders (WIP)
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2015, 09:19:25 PM »
looking good

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Re: Bullworth of the DEAD - story info and renders (WIP)
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2015, 10:31:02 PM »
It is looking quite awesome.

Even Gary is going to have a part in this story xD

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Re: Bullworth of the DEAD - story info and renders (WIP)
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2015, 10:36:30 PM »
That Laptop looks really funky.
Complex City.

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Re: Bullworth of the DEAD - story info and renders (WIP)
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2015, 03:17:20 AM »
A complex laptop for all of your complex needs (porn, porn, porn and porn)!

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Re: Bullworth of the DEAD - story info and renders (WIP)
« Reply #10 on: May 23, 2015, 11:22:45 PM »
Amazing Work! 8)
Any release date?

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Re: Bullworth of the DEAD - story info and renders (WIP)
« Reply #11 on: May 24, 2015, 03:07:39 AM »
Good to see this update, and with so much info. Glad to see some more work Mad.