So you would rather that they just rush out something that is half baked and extremely buggy? Just because you want it asap?
Waiting a year or three is not as bad as you might think....just for something that is good in the end.
Movies take about that long to make....and people seem to wait just fine for those....well...sorta (a lot seem to get leaked before they even reach the theaters)
I dont mean to sound as if I am coming down hard on you....because in all reality I am not.
But, if you are having such a difficult time waiting....then why not occupy your time with something else until GTA V if you have it or another game to tide you over and just occasionally check the thread here. Otherwise you just might drive yourself stir crazy with waiting for something you want right now.
You may want to also consider the time and effort that has to go into a project like this.... I have said before in the past. You can just attempt to do your own version of this mod if you think you can rush it out faster and better..
Besides, the intense pressure that the impatient people put on modders is why absolutely no-one here will ever see another mod release from me again for Bully...unless I actually start to see a little patience rather than seeing useless posts from members complaining about something taking too long to complete and release.
I am going to give you a small history lesson...whether you want one or not
Let's go back about 15 years. 15 years ago, gamers and modders and fans alike were willing to wait as long as it took for something they really wanted to see actually get created and released. It was common for a project (mods) to take anywhere from 6 months to a couple years to complete. Very very few if any complained and yet...the ones back then that actually did...were just simply kids that didn't want to wait even a second. Kids have absolutely no patience....hell...most cannot even sit still for any length of time.
Flash forward 10 years from that point in the past.The game developers started noticing that if they announced something too early....the fans would want it yesterday. So, they started speeding up the process of creating their games in order to make the fans happy. Companies like 3dRealms or id Software are among the last 'greats' that actually built their games on THEIR own time and to hell with what the fans thought. They still do that today.
Tho, 3dRealms ended up losing a nice chunk of their fanbase due to the above mentioned Duke Nukem Forever taking slightly over a decade to complete. While yes....that may be a slight bit extreme for developing a game, since by the time it gets is already very outdated in terms of its technology/game engine and may be seen by everyone as 'a dinosaur' just because they are now using systems that far outstrip the requirements that the game originally had.
Flash forward to today...Game developers now will just rush out something that is half baked and sometimes ill-conceived just to make everyone happy. What usually ends up is they alienate nearly everyone from their fanbase and as a result the released game becomes critically panned by everyone and it doesn't last a couple months before everyone moves on. Even if the company rushes out big fixes to address any major is too late by that point as the damage is already done.
This is starting to become the industry standard sadly and the last thing I want is to see any game modders (not just developers) start caving in to the pressure their fans are giving them to rush something out because they want it now and will hammer them until they get what they want.
Shrimp...I actually fully understand the whole point of your posts up until me....I am definitely NOT an idiot by any stretch of the imagination. I do however find it totally useless to post more than one or two times when complaining about something like...a mod or game taking way too long and so and so is sick and tired of waiting. I understand that it can be very difficult to wait for something that you want so badly that you can taste it. But please try to understand...the development team for this particular mod have their own unique way of working on it and if they choose to only release screenshots rather than live videos to showcase gameplay...then that is their choice and they are doing it for whatever reasons they think are best.If you are doubting the authenticity of those screenshots and starting to think that they are 'photoshopped'
well...let me put your mind at ease by saying that not a single screenshot they have posted thus far is fake in any way shape or form. I happen to be a master level photoshop user and I can always spot a fake picture.
When I talked with p3ti in the very beginning as well as Pablo, the information that they chose to share with me at that time could not have been 'just made up' and being a programmer myself, I know full well what they are attempting and doing..and I also know how much of a challenge all of this is. It is not like just anyone can slap themselves on the side of the head and say "Well DUH! This is so freakin' easy!" and just crack out a fully working game mod of this magnitude.
Unless you attempt something like really will have no real understanding of just how hard something like this can be.
and in closing....let me just say two things....
patience IS a virtue. 
any further posts that I see that are just complaining about how long this is taking....complaining about 'proof' or just generally being useless to the developers of this mod....will be deleted. All posts like this do is just clog up the thread and make it a crap ton of pages and anyone else that is wanting to read anything useful about the mod is gonna have to sift through all those useless posts and in doing so...might miss something actually informative and useful.
Please keep this in mind.