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Author Topic: So... who won the election?  (Read 6884 times)

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Offline Hayley

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So... who won the election?
« on: November 03, 2014, 11:08:19 PM »
Starting The Candidate for the first time I thought whoa, this shit sounds pretty serious. What would happen if Ted won? What about if Earnest wins?

Of course (/unfortunately), there's absolutely no choice but to help Earnest out so after failing three times, I finally help the bastard and beat the fucking mission and get a neat slingshot. Okay cool. Now to wait for voting to finish up, I guess.

So Halloween passes. Then Russell in the Hole. Then chapter 2. Then chapter 5.

What. The. Fuck. Why does this mission exist if after you complete it it's never touched upon again? There could have been a mission after it where you persuaded or forced people to vote for whomever YOU choose (not the damn game forcing you to absolutely help out Earnest, and later on, anyone else who asks for help) and then the winner could have brought something new to game (such as unique weapons or activities, with the loser's stuff being unlock when you beat the game).
But no, this bit of plot and "what could be" is dropped five minutes after it begins.

Bleh, why is this mission even a thing :|
Just to piss people off? That's what it looks like to me.

My questions for you B-B:
- Who do you think won the election?
- Would you have liked to see anything new based on who is victorious or just have it be a thing that exists but have absolutely no impact on the game? What would you have liked to see?

The obvious answer as to who the winner is is nobody since it's never stated... but if I have to choose a winner I'm just going to assume Ted won since nerds are at the bottom of the social hierarchy...

I don't think I've ever seen this discussed before so here ya go. :euro:

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Re: So... who won the election?
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2014, 12:21:51 AM »
You know, you are right.  At least they could have been courteous enough to at least announce it on the intercom. 
But beyond that, Jimmy (or anyone else ?) is never afforded an opportunity to vote.  Where were the ballots ?  Election rigged ?

But I digress.  I would think that Ted was the 'winner', for who is going to vote for perv Ernest ?  Except his brother Nerds.
I didn't see anyone hassling Ted during his speech.  Fact, I missed the speech altogether.  Might have been absent that day.

LKF (little known fact) - I lost in the election for 'student council' in the 10th grade. 
Don't even know who I was running against - Probably a whole lotta Nerds.
I never tried to do that anymore.  Like I could make a difference in anything.
Student Councils are just mouthpieces for the Administration anyway.

LNF#2 - I DID win a schoolwide election in the 7th grade, however, for Newspaper Editor.
I beat my opponent(s) by 45-36.  Got carried around in a victory parade in the lunchroom.
Highlight of my school career.  I ran the Paper through the end of 8th grade.
I was writing shit even back then.

Offline scg25

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Re: So... who won the election?
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2014, 01:16:19 AM »
Ted probably won it in a landslide of an election. Earnest may have been his only opposition, but by technicality of the more popular figure Ted would just completely and utterly demolish Earnest by this standing.

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Re: So... who won the election?
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2014, 06:31:13 AM »
I think Ted won, at least judging from the supposed high security that he had (jocks with lots of eggs).
I also think that there are more jocks than nerds, so he would probably get more support from fellow clique members.

Earnest also had an anti-academic viewpoint.
Where he wanted to get rid of art, music and gym class. If he actually won, we wouldn't have these things.
So my guess is that Ted won.

LKF (little known fact) - I lost in the election for 'student council' in the 10th grade. 
Don't even know who I was running against - Probably a whole lotta Nerds.
I never tried to do that anymore.  Like I could make a difference in anything.
Student Councils are just mouthpieces for the Administration anyway.

Motherfucker always trying to keep a playa' down!

Offline Hayley

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Re: So... who won the election?
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2014, 12:41:36 PM »
I didn't see anyone hassling Ted during his speech.  Fact, I missed the speech altogether.  Might have been absent that day.
Because it never happened, or at least we never saw it. Consider it another thing to add to the That Happen Off-Screen Pile.
Also you don't write "shit" Chuck :)

Ted probably won it in a landslide of an election. Earnest may have been his only opposition, but by technicality of the more popular figure Ted would just completely and utterly demolish Earnest by this standing.
Pretty much my thoughts... when I said that nerds are at the bottom of the social hierarchy I mean that their group is hated by everybody while nobody bothers to question (read: mess with/repress) the jocks' power... which is another thing that baffles me about the game. You'd think preps would be top dog due to their family's influence/connections to the school/whatever...

Earnest also had an anti-academic viewpoint.
Where he wanted to get rid of art, music and gym class. If he actually won, we wouldn't have these things.
So my guess is that Ted won.
I... doubt class presidents can actually cancel classes. I mean, being head boy seems like it wields great powers (that are again never really elaborated on) so who knows how much power class presidents have in the game... but it still seems unlikely to me they'd be able to get rid of those classes. That's something Crabblesnitch would have to decide and even if he was approach with the proposal I think he'd reject it.

Offline BloodChuckZ

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Re: So... who won the election?
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2014, 03:09:42 PM »
Jocks are hierarchy at certain schools where the sport(s) programs excel, as name recognition brings in $$$ for the school from 'Boosters' and well-off Alumni of said school.  If the school's team(s) compete successfully on a state level, they will receive more publicity and name-recognition.  Colleges do the same thing, just on a bigger scale, since their recruits come from a much wider talent pool (the entire country) as opposed to High Schools (just the school district).  Technically, these are public institutions (mostly), but there is still money to be made on Sports Programs at whatever level, often millions of dollars. Private Schools, if they are big enough, also join in on the money train.

So being a 'Jock' in such high-powered schools draws extra perks and favored treatment by the administration, and that's the model that Bullworth draws from, placing the Jocks at the top of the social heap, just like the big schools do (and even smaller one do also).....But it is here the similarities end as far as Bullworth Academy goes.  All we see of any team's prominence at the school is some old pennants in the Clubhouse, no actual games are ever played, and no other sports are even mentioned.  In order to show actual competition, another set of characters from the outside world would have to be brought into the place to play.  Added to that fact is that the Bullworth Jocks do not even have enough players to comprise a full US Football Team (11 players), let alone a bench.

The only instance of extra Football players is in the Defender of the Castle mission, where they just keep on spawning.  What I don't get is why there wasn't at least a "Game Night Mission", where an opposing team could at least be shown in a cutscene, or there could be a 'Homecoming', complete with crowning a King (Ted) and Queen (Mandy).  Instead, they gloss over the whole thing and everything is presumed to happen 'off-screen'.

Preps should have a higher standing in the game, due to the money, power, and Influence thing (and after all, Bullworth is a private Prep school, is it not ?), but the one telling thing here is the statue at the fountain is NOT the statue of the Founder or a benefactor, rather that of an unknown Player.

And no, Class Presidents & Student Councils have no power to do jack shit as far as school policy or curriculum is concerned.         

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Re: So... who won the election?
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2014, 01:15:28 AM »
I actually always thought that the Bullworth football team would probably have a few of the non-jocks in the team - specifically either the bullies or the greasers.  After all, they've got members of other cliques on the cheerleading squad.

As for the election, we only really saw 2 candidates - granted, that's probably a reflection of the US government system, but I would've expected to see each clique (apart from maybe the preppies and bullies) have a candidate.

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Re: So... who won the election?
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2014, 02:45:06 AM »
That's because they're all a bunch of Loosers.   :laugh:  :laugh:

Offline Hayley

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Re: So... who won the election?
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2014, 08:28:25 PM »
True enough... never thought of it that way. And school athletes do seem to be the popular kids, huh?

[ramble] I remember the last school I went to was very sports focused... really hated the days where the entire school was forced to watch pep rallies. Not wanting to be shoved in a packed gym filled with strangers going nuts over shit I didn't care about, I hid in the hallway and was often scolded for it... how dare I not have school spirit and have crippling social anxiety :rolleyes: [/ramble]

Still, in the world of Bully I think it'd be scary to mess with preps... if they really do come from powerful families can you imagine what kind of hot water one would be in if the rich kid were seriously injured in a fight or something?
(Hell, I bet there's instances like this in the real world...)
So with this idea, the preps would be, in a way, "invincible"... nobody can mess with them without severe consequences. "My daddy's gonna sue you!" etc. etc....

Of course NONE of this shit matters because it doesn't happen so meh.

Preps should have a higher standing in the game, due to the money, power, and Influence thing (and after all, Bullworth is a private Prep school, is it not ?), but the one telling thing here is the statue at the fountain is NOT the statue of the Founder or a benefactor, rather that of an unknown Player.     
Bullworth is a private Prep school that was actually funded by (or most of the funding came from) Derby's father.
Preps at least get Harrington House... a super useless building that they don't bother residing in @_@

I actually always thought that the Bullworth football team would probably have a few of the non-jocks in the team - specifically either the bullies or the greasers.
I know that Justin is very interested in sports or at least Ted lol... so yeah, I can see him on the team... but other than that nah, the cloning machine works its magic to provide enough members to make a team x)

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Re: So... who won the election?
« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2014, 09:59:33 PM »
For being 'founded' by the rich, their entrance standards must be awfully low, just look at all the rif-raff they let in.
And who the hell is paying that high-dollar Prep School tuition for the Greasers & Bullies ?  They're Poor, couldn't be them.

Really, there's damn few Preps for it being a Prep School, don'cha think ?  And since when does a New England Prep School take in a 7-time looser like Jimmy anyway ?
Could it be his once-seen Step-Daddy's big bucks ?  It would probably been cheaper to send James to an Institution. 

Offline Hayley

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Re: So... who won the election?
« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2014, 10:26:19 PM »
Yep yep yep... another thing that baffles me...

Logic has no place in the game... or the writers or whoever just didn't give a shit...

Offline alontzedaka

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Re: So... who won the election?
« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2014, 12:37:46 AM »
I also found it kinda funny how Earnest tends to have this "Hitlerish" policy against Jocks and Bullies in particular. Literally making the school nerd exlucive basically.

In here class presidency is in a "parlament system" Basically multipule classes with a representing member from each class...Won like 3 years in a row from 7th grade-9th grade  8) 

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Re: So... who won the election?
« Reply #12 on: November 06, 2014, 02:23:59 PM »
For being 'founded' by the rich, their entrance standards must be awfully low, just look at all the rif-raff they let in.
And who the hell is paying that high-dollar Prep School tuition for the Greasers & Bullies ?  They're Poor, couldn't be them.

Really, there's damn few Preps for it being a Prep School, don'cha think ?  And since when does a New England Prep School take in a 7-time looser like Jimmy anyway ?
Could it be his once-seen Step-Daddy's big bucks ?  It would probably been cheaper to send James to an Institution. 

For me,it's like rich scumbags trow their troublemaking offsprings in Bulworth to get them trough school without hawing problems or maybe media sniffing around those troublemakers-

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Re: So... who won the election?
« Reply #13 on: November 08, 2014, 06:11:56 AM »
What Bullworth needs is a great leader......

The Chipmunks-Alvin for President

Offline Peachrocks

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Re: So... who won the election?
« Reply #14 on: November 12, 2014, 02:25:07 PM »
Yup, playing this again, it has been more than two years since I last played apparently. I'm sure you missed my walls of text. Here have one.

Because it never happened, or at least we never saw it. Consider it another thing to add to the That Happen Off-Screen Pile.

Do you have this pile somewhere?


Pretty much my thoughts... when I said that nerds are at the bottom of the social hierarchy I mean that their group is hated by everybody while nobody bothers to question (read: mess with/repress) the jocks' power... which is another thing that baffles me about the game. You'd think preps would be top dog due to their family's influence/connections to the school/whatever...

I think the Preps would consider the whole thing beneath them. Derby's father already has his strings firmly attached to Crabblesnitch. It's really hard to get a read on 'exactly' where they really stand. It's either a passive control thing or it's no control at all but merely pretending they do. Sure they pretend to be rolling in it but there's varying levels of 'rolling' in it. Maybe Bryce isn't the only fraud ;). Remember what was said once about why the Preps were obsessed with eggs.


I... doubt class presidents can actually cancel classes. I mean, being head boy seems like it wields great powers (that are again never really elaborated on) so who knows how much power class presidents have in the game... but it still seems unlikely to me they'd be able to get rid of those classes. That's something Crabblesnitch would have to decide and even if he was approach with the proposal I think he'd reject it.

In games and shows, 'overpowered student councils' are a big thing. The fact Crabblesnitch is so easily manipulated might make this a thing regardless of how powerful the Head Boy or Class President actually is.

I think it's clear Ted won a landslide election. Earnest winning would break the status quo and would definitely raise a few eyebrows.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2014, 02:27:50 PM by Peachrocks »