Hi Michael. Never seen or heard of your before on here... but I probably joined after you left.
I have no idea when you left, so I can't tell you what's up but if you want a breif re-cap of the past.
-MadmaN released a LUA Compiler for bully modding, created by Fred Tetra.
-The LUA script modding community is born.
-A mod called the Player Selector is announced, made by MadmaN and Rise To Honor.
-I join Bully-Board, come up with the idea of a model selector, but see MadmaN has announced it. I do it anyway and outcame my mod "Super Mod"
-Player Selector mod still being developed, I am soon to be leaving Bully Board after publishing the 5th major update to my Super Mod series.
Too bad you come back right when I leave... (even though I never met you before xD)