Before you think that this is nothing but trolling, let me clarify that it's not.
Bullshit (Working Title), is a software for Lua coders. It let's them browse open-source and public sourcecodes for scripting purpouses.
Sources for Machinima Maker MOD,
maybe even Zombie Edition and so on.
You can send in your scripts if you'd like to have them as tools/help for people who are either new to coding or want to learn about something specific.
If you send in your codes, feel free to let me know if you'd like the codes to be private, premium or public.
Private = User has to type in a specific number in a textbox in order to find the script (For example: 105325)
Premium = Only users with a specific serial number can see your script
Public = Anyone can see your script
It's basicly a big database of script templates/sources that people can use for their own mods or just for learning.
* As you can see, I'm using VB.NET to code it. Very simple and basic (pardon the pun), but it will have to do.
Strings for each script, as Ultimate Pasta copied text from labels (very foolish now that I look back on it).
More info coming soon...