For the lazy people out there Action 52 was a game for the nes that had 52 games in 1. All of them were shit because they had a lot of bugs, in some of them you could never win or loose, poor sprites and ideas (most of the games were the same but with a different theme and sprites) and it was hard to control the characters. If you pressed the jump button while moving, then your character stopped moving in mid-air unless you pressed it again.
2 of the games never worked, unless you play a fixed rom of it.
The game makers offered $104,000 to anyone who could complete level 5 of the game called "Ooze". The game crashed after beating level 2 making it impossible to win.
The game creators focused on the game number 52 called "Cheetahmen". It was a complete rip-off of battletoads and teenage mutant ninja turtles. 3 cheetahs that fight against an evil doctor with their martial arts and weapons. The story was awfull too.
The game was nearly impossible to beat because the enemies appeared suddenly.
They even released a commercial and some action figures that were never sold.
If that wasn't bad enough, they released "Cheetahmen II", which was even worse than the first one. When you beat the second boss, the next level never loads.