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Author Topic: How to have some mods...  (Read 2905 times)

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Offline Cenation

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How to have some mods...
« on: April 08, 2013, 06:16:05 PM »
Hello there... im new on this web site but not new on the game.

I would like to ask if there is any mod so i can enter the other rooms at boy's dorm and some animations mod like sitting anywhere or smoking, also a mod so teachers stop running me when i do something bad.

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Re: How to have some mods...
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2013, 06:53:58 PM »
Hello John Cena Fan.

Check this thread for a bunch of modding tutorials, we also have gotten LUA (Which enables you to do a load of stuff) just go check them out for yourself.

Anyways, here is the ultimate modding thread. CHECK TEH LINK.

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Re: How to have some mods...
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2013, 09:35:26 PM »
The animations for smoking and such have been done before. Red Blaster and I have both done those successfully and as for the prefects and authority....I can show you how to disable them completely with lua scripting...but keep in mind, they will only stay disabled while the modified script is running...since unless you modify by hand every single lua script you will have some issues since each script has overrides built in to reactivate punishments and busting.

As to the boys dorm...the only person that has successfully gotten the doors working along with being able to walk in without being reset back to jimmy's room is myself. Others though have likely gotten the doors working to where the doors are actually removed...but walking into a dorm room will simply make you instantly respawn back in jimmy's room  and that is because of a setting in the bdorm.lua file that creates alarms for each room...blocks sex generation routines (this controls whether boys or girls spawn in there) among other things and I will release the full source to the boys dorm script as soon as I finish fixing problems with the script.

The boys dorm rooms have a limited area you can walk around in though when alarms and other things are disabled since they were never intended to be explored and as such we would have to edit a couple files in the game to fix the overall explorable area in the dorm but that is something I will have to make a very detailed tutorial on since I currently am the only one that knows anything about how this works but if someone else knows anything about it they are more then welcome to do this in my place since I do have quite a lot on my plate atm as a senior modder and such.

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Re: How to have some mods...
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2013, 05:13:26 AM »
NOTE: This topic is being moved to the "Questions/Help" board.

Offline Cenation

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Re: How to have some mods...
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2013, 07:14:15 AM »
There is any way so someone can install them for me ?  :)

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Re: How to have some mods...
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2013, 07:15:47 AM »
No, I'm afraid not Mr John Cena fan.

You'll have to do put these on your game yourself. (It's not hard...)

Offline Cenation

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Re: How to have some mods...
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2013, 10:58:23 AM »
Any video tutorial ? -_-

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Re: How to have some mods...
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2013, 08:38:41 PM »

Dude, check the link I put on the first post... There are a shit load of tutorials... -_-


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Re: How to have some mods...
« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2013, 09:33:50 PM »
Dude... Check some modding threads instead of just asking. You wil end finding a lot of tutorials.

Offline MadmaN

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Re: How to have some mods...
« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2013, 09:48:42 PM »
You can't be afraid to just dive in and get your hands dirty now and then.

Expecting everyone to hand you all the answers everytime you ask will eventually cause people to brand you a lazy leecher and then people will ignore your questions.

I suggest very highly thinking carefully about what I said above and go check out the existing tutorials which you can find in the Ultimate Modding thread which is located here:

If you can't figure out anything based on these tutorials then i can't do anything to help since in the have to try hard to learn something new rather then have it just handed to you. That is just the lazy way and just like life.....will get you nowhere really fast......where if you do what most of the modders here have done since the start...and actually try hard to learn and ask intelligent questions about a certain problem.....while providing proof that you are at least trying to learn....then you will get people willing to help you.

This is the same for nearly every forum out there and most forums would instantly flame you in a painful manner till you left...where here I am trying to impart some friendly advice to someone that might find it useful.  :cool:

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Re: How to have some mods...
« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2013, 09:53:19 PM »
I completely agree with Madman.

Don't expect everything to be handed to you on a silver platter... Asking is fine, but relying completely on others to do all the work for you is what makes you a leech.