I am proud to present to you the Bully LUA Compiler that Red and I have been keeping under tight wraps for a long time. Now it is being released to the community for use in compiling custom Bully scripits.
This compiler is basicly a custom compiler that works for the custom version of LUA that Bully uses and is the only one that will work for the game. The standard LUA compiler will not work unless you have a compiler binary that is the exact same version as the LUA version used for bully which is LUA 5.0.2 for which no downloadable windows binaries exist for that compiler.
I included a ReadMe file in the archive along with the web installer of the visual studio 2008 runtimes that are needed to run this compiler since the compiler was compiled with the debug flag attached to it and as such will not run unless you either have a version of visual studio 2008 installed that provides the proper .dll files needed....or you install the proper version of the visual studio 2008 runtime. Failure to do either properly will give you a side-by-side error which will frusterate most people.
I recieved a copy of this compiler from my silent modding partner Fred Tetra (Starwars KOTOR modder) and have kept the compiler just between Red and myself due to how big this is...and because I have been slowly rewriting the incompletely decompiled LUA scripts that are used in BULLY. I will be providing a bare handful of working rewritten script sources to start everyone off with to see how things go...and will release more a bit later once people start familierizing themselves with LUA scripting.
I also am releasing my First issue of the Bully Modding Magazine which is a companion to this because it focuses pretty heavily on LUA modding to give modders a idea what LUA scripting is all about for Bully.
The script sources will be posted in the scripting section and I must ask everyone that posts there to keep the topics to help or questions or whatever to LUA scripting and nothing else...also any requests...etc need to go to the proper forum as usual to keep things here nicely organized.
Download the fixed version here - This version should have every bug fixed and should work proper now. Please redownload the package from this link.