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Author Topic: Official Bully User-Review Thread *All must read*  (Read 15041 times)

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Offline thebullykid

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Official Bully User-Review Thread *All must read*
« Reply #15 on: October 20, 2006, 11:36:14 AM »
Quote from: DGAF;15682
Come on guys i dont see no user-reviews appearing, i no they are a bore to type and that but it does give people who don't yet have the game a different insight.

I would write one but im having too much fun with the game:lol:

Offline Manbearpig

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Official Bully User-Review Thread *All must read*
« Reply #16 on: October 21, 2006, 01:19:50 PM »
So wait, your telling me you can't play nfl in this game?? But i thought you called, even when we saw jimmy tackling??

No, you can do that move from the beginning.

No NFL. =(

Offline chiller2k6

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Official Bully User-Review Thread *All must read*
« Reply #17 on: October 21, 2006, 02:02:23 PM »
playign soccer woudl be good

Offline djrussell

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Official Bully User-Review Thread *All must read*
« Reply #18 on: October 21, 2006, 10:37:54 PM »
I agree with DGAF.. where are the reviews? I think we should just delete all posts that come in here that arent reviews.. cause so far theres only like 1-2.. out of 2 pages worth of posts.

Offline BloodArtist

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Official Bully User-Review Thread *All must read*
« Reply #19 on: October 21, 2006, 11:02:24 PM »
ok, heres my review, Super detailed

The name:

Bully is actually a really good name for this game, its what you do half the time. its actually more fighting than expected!

Chapter 1

chapter one is by far one of the better ones, i really like the fall weather. you learn most of the basic mechanics of the game here.

The bullies:

the bullies are annoying in chapter one, they keep on chasing and fighting, relally anoying, but after first chpter youll never have to deal with them again!

Nerds: not much to ssay except that they are the part of the focus in this chapter.

just as annoying as bullies, but not as easily found around the place. their mostly at football field (duh)


their just there, not doin much.

preps, same as greasers.

halloween is really fun, mostly because this is the only itme ive used the volcano 4000 its like a high powered firecracker.

lots of em here, the slingshot is upgraded way to quicklybut the super slingy is 10 times faster, wich really helps!

no bikes yet, just a skateboard,pretty handy when running away! kinda weird on handling

 you can pretty much beat the first 4 classes in a week gametime. english is kinda difficult (get out a paper pen, and get used to pressin start!) art is kinda fun, i couldnt beat it till after i was done with the darn game! lol

missions: easy, boring, gary is an ass, any questions?

Chapter 2: first part of town introduced. 4 in total. cool, i like the missions.

after you beat russel, theyll leave you alone for good.  preps and jocks are getting annoying!

cool, boxing is fun! races are cool too. rubber bands and G&G collecting time baby!

it snows at some point, kinda cool.

bikes are available

chapter 3:
dont remember much, except snow is done, and greasers turn.

their cool, easy to beat.

not much new introduced really.

chapter 4:
jocks turn.


THERE IS NO FOoTBALL!! :'( yea it sucks, but what can ya do, ei?

cool, mascot mission is kinda fuynny, but jocks wont leave ya alone!

chappter 5: fall and rise of jimmy hopkins, aged 15

that explains it, everyone hates him at one point, then gets respect back. ending cutscenes with gary are frikin awesome!!

 all about townies and gary.

forgot to mention photgraphy and shop classes, shop gives ya bikes, photo gives ya ability to take pics, pics for yearbook, and doubel tickets!!

Chapter 6: endless summer

you just do whatever you want, just go around and do whats left!

Rubber bands:

These little buggers are annoyingm, im trying to find em all but im only up to 51 of 75, im hoping for that rubber band ball!

G&G cards:

dont know what they, but i have 24 of 40, so im gettin there.

Green ninja: i was smashing plants at harrington house when all the sudden i get green ninja outfit!

dunce: fail classes to many times and you get this cap.

well there is alot more but itl be reviewed in well the Strategy guide!

Final verdict: less than what i thought, but none the less fun!

Offline Nazz

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Official Bully User-Review Thread *All must read*
« Reply #20 on: October 21, 2006, 11:31:10 PM »
Nice review man

Offline narutonut123

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This is my first actual review on a game so I'm not good at this kind of thing.

So here we are, finally at the release week for Bully, after almost a year and a half of knowing about it, and there is still one question to be answered..... is it good? YES IT IS! After all the controversy following this game it comes out just a endearing look at school. From the first steps into the school gates and beating up your first bully to giving a certain person what a certain person deserves (like i said trying to avoid spoilers) on a rainy rooftop, this game never stops being fun and just plain kick-ass. It only takes like 30 minutes at most to learn everything you need to know about the controls, which is always a problem with games (the playablility I mean). Then there's the missions, which vary in fun. Some can be pretty cool like Halloween Night (surprise surprise) but some are just fetch quests like the lunch lady's first one. We all know that there are a host of different minigames from arcade to classes and they are all pretty fun, nice deversions from the fighting. Ah, the fighting, which is surprisingly the biggest part of the game, is very easy to learn and cool at the same time (I've left some pretty badass scenes behind me after a big fight). Like stated in previous news the fighting is just simple taps and holds for combos, with square as the attack button and triangle as the grapple. Then theres the now famous humiliation moves (involving the stop hitting yourelf and the ear pinch :D). This game has a great musical score that perfectly complements what you are doing and the overall feeling of school. Big props to Shawn Lee. However, there are a few small problems. For one, classes end too quickly (I was done with them all by halfway through chapter 2). Then there are these long periods of time that takes for a mission to pop up because some appear at night. This leaves you with long periods of time waiting for the time to go by. This game, however, is probably one of the best, maybe the best, PS2 game I have ever played.
Final Score: 9.5 out of 10 :cool:

Offline 2gud4u

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Official Bully User-Review Thread *All must read*
« Reply #22 on: October 23, 2006, 01:50:55 AM »
Yeh man, kool and also they dont have to be full review's they could even just be a small paragraph or you just saying the game is mad, or even just a rating out of 10, cause so far theere has been alot of that, in other threads.

Offline givinpropstomahoecoshefly

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Official Bully User-Review Thread *All must read*
« Reply #23 on: October 23, 2006, 02:37:38 AM »
lads someone explain how hard or easy it is to make money its a kinda vital part of the game

Offline 2gud4u

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Official Bully User-Review Thread *All must read*
« Reply #24 on: October 23, 2006, 02:42:16 AM »
Ye, money rotation?

Offline narutonut123

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« Reply #25 on: October 23, 2006, 09:10:09 AM »
money is pretty easy to make by the time i was done with story i had done about 25 errands (side-missions) and a couple of bigger jobs/activities (like paper route and bike races) and i had made 1700 dollars (not kidding) payouts for mishes can be quite high for a 15-year-old :D

Offline DGAF

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Official Bully User-Review Thread *All must read*
« Reply #26 on: October 23, 2006, 11:15:40 AM »
Thanks for the reviews guys

Offline chiller2k6

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Official Bully User-Review Thread *All must read*
« Reply #27 on: October 23, 2006, 11:18:44 AM »
its not easy 2 make money like gta ....... u cant get money by killing people remember u do missions and sub missions to earn money and its good cos it will be challenging

Offline ZanyD

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Official Bully User-Review Thread *All must read*
« Reply #28 on: October 23, 2006, 11:21:07 AM »
I don't know if I'd use the word ''challenging''. I'd definitely say fun but there's nothing hard about the game.....

Offline chiller2k6

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Official Bully User-Review Thread *All must read*
« Reply #29 on: October 23, 2006, 11:32:33 AM »
lol welll its beter to look for money that way game will last longer lol