... Okay but that is the only problem his full boss style still isn't available yet it's maybe 90% done now. It is great that we have this style now and we can use it in free roam on Darby but I still hate that it won't be 100% full just not like Johnny's boss style. Hopefully you can find the full boss style nothing missing. When you block the doors with those yellows bars, the game commands Darby's uppercut to shut down and he can't use it again.
Even so after you find Darby's complete style, we have allot more to go like the Mascot,Gary,Russell,Norton,Jimmy,Bif,Gord,Earnest,Crazies, and the Jocks. Their are a few more boss style's or mission based styles we haven't found yet some of these aren't even available in the game. It's good that Madman unlocked many things for us but something tells me we are just begging.