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Author Topic: What mods are you working on?  (Read 20517 times)

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Offline JimmyWants2GetItIn

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Re: What mods are you working on?
« Reply #15 on: May 29, 2012, 12:15:46 PM »
You said you were working on a multiplayer mod ,
just wondering how far you are in this mod ?
thanks  :a-cheer:

Offline -мα∂нαттяι¢к-

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Re: What mods are you working on?
« Reply #16 on: May 29, 2012, 02:53:16 PM »
Well, GTA3's internet mod won't work, since it runs on a different engine than bully. However try the Skyrim Online Mod, skyrim also runs on Gamebryo. It most likely won't work, maybe with some edits. It's a long shot, but if you are going to try and get another games online into Bully, thats your best and pretty much only chance.

Offline MadmaN

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Re: What mods are you working on?
« Reply #17 on: May 29, 2012, 03:07:28 PM »
That most likely will not work unless you have full access to the entire source to that online setup.

I happen to have the entire source to the sa-mp multiplayer mod for gta for both the server and client and am more then able to try and port that over to bully. However I need to recruit a full team to help me with that since even I would be hard pressed to do all of this myself.


Just a FYI for ya m8.....a multiplayer mod for bully is not as easy or simple as you make it out to be. It will take a long time to get a full online system to work with bully and while I firmly believe it is in fact is too much for just one person to do....even I can't do this all on my own in a realistic time frame.

If you intend on doing this, you need several things:

1. gamebryo engine sdk ...which has the engine sources and some dev tools to get you started with it.
2. bully lua scripts fully decompiled - Which I have all of them down to lua source but not every script is usable just yet since several are missing portions of the source.....a couple scripts are missing rather large portions of code taht I need help from my team-mate Fred who is the only one I am working with on the lua scripts.
3. Extensive knowledge about programming, hidden settings in bully....and lots of knowledge about how bully is coded both in the lua scripting and the original visual c++ language that was used to code bully directly.
4. patience and a willingness to tackle somthing that is seemingly impossible and not only help code...but contribute to everyone involved in the project....and never to leak anything or claim credit that belongs to another person.
5. A lot of spare time on your hands of which I happen to have plenty.

I will not be trying to do any of this until end of summer since there are other things I want to tackle first.

Once I officially start things off for the multiplayer mod for bully....I will hold a team signup phase to see about recruiting some members to help with coding this project since it is somthing that I intend to take very serious and as a means to compete directly with gta since while gta is great.....I would like to see bully be even better because of what it's potential is.

Offline JimmyWants2GetItIn

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Re: What mods are you working on?
« Reply #18 on: May 29, 2012, 06:50:03 PM »
I'm not really of much help since i don't know the first thing on how  to mod, but I could do beta testing and look for bugs or somehting , whenever you decide to this , just tell me

Offline MadmaN

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Re: What mods are you working on?
« Reply #19 on: May 29, 2012, 09:33:06 PM »
Once I get to a beta will be  MASSIVE one and I will be looking for as many testers as possible. But I will however state that every beta version will have security code to prevent anyone leaking it to the general public before it is ready....if someone leaks it...I will know who did it and when. It also will have my own special timelock code to make it expire after so much time for the client and so forth but once beta testing is over with....I will then release the multiplayer mod. I will not release the sources to it for two reasons. First is the fact that if the source gets released...then there will be so many different versions of it out...that noone will really be able to enjoy teh game online...and for keep thieves away.

But I won't start recruiting for a team until at least this fall.

Offline Red Blaster

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Re: What mods are you working on?
« Reply #20 on: May 30, 2012, 10:40:19 AM »
I am literally in tears after reading this thread. Needed a good laugh today.

Mad knows why. :laugh:

Offline -мα∂нαттяι¢к-

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Re: What mods are you working on?
« Reply #21 on: May 30, 2012, 12:50:41 PM »
haha I know why

Offline MadmaN

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Re: What mods are you working on?
« Reply #22 on: May 30, 2012, 07:37:21 PM »

I won't comment on the above but I will however state that there are far more ppl then you realize that play bully and as more and more older veteran players come back to it and find this forum.....more and more will play it.

GTA had the same periods where not many played it...and all of a sudden there was a surge of players.....then a low tide again.

All in all...the best thing we can all do is to play to each of our unique strengths and just work together based off of those and just pretty much go from there. I have already proven the point over and over about the value of teamwork but with each person doing what they are best at rather then trying to tackle somthing right off that they are not so good at.....makes for a better experience for the person firsthand.  8)

Offline Rise

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Re: What mods are you working on?
« Reply #23 on: May 30, 2012, 08:15:34 PM »
rofl this made my day.

Offline UltimateGamer1

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Re: What mods are you working on?
« Reply #24 on: May 31, 2012, 10:40:31 AM »
Uh Uhm  :blush: oops. You didn't see that...

Offline UltimateGamer1

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Re: What mods are you working on?
« Reply #25 on: May 31, 2012, 02:20:49 PM »
The Preps hate the Greaser's
The Greaser's hate the Townies
The Nerds hate the Jocks
The Preps and the Jocks have an understanding some member's of the Prep want to be friends with jocks.
Most cliques hate each other when playing Townies attack Greaser's on sight.
I was thinking of the samething but most hate each other but the Preps and Jock's and what about the bullies?
If you want to do this just make everyone part of one big clique that's what Jimmy did. It's to many clique Rivalries to do this good idea though.

Offline -мα∂нαттяι¢к-

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Re: What mods are you working on?
« Reply #26 on: May 31, 2012, 02:51:49 PM »
It's a good idea, and it's super simple to do.

Offline UltimateGamer1

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Re: What mods are you working on?
« Reply #27 on: May 31, 2012, 03:01:05 PM »
This more than easy my little sist :laugh:er can swap cliques not hard even a cave man could do it  :laugh:

Offline MadmaN

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Re: What mods are you working on?
« Reply #28 on: May 31, 2012, 04:04:11 PM »
This can be done via scripting and I have a few ideas how to possibly go about it.

First off lets take a look at some lines of lua code. For now let's forget all about hex editing since hex editing is something that really is not a good way any longer since I have been readying much easier and more efficient ways to do teh same things.

First thing we will look at here is getting models into free roam such as beta characters or alternate costumed characters...whatever.

In lua it is simply one line that does this and for this example we will use jimmy. The line in lua would be: PedSetUniqueModelStatus(0, -1) in which the 0 is jimmy's model id and the -1 means not in freeroam. Changing the -1 to 1 will make it a freeroam model or changing it to say 2 would mean that two possible copies of the same model can appear in the same place at the same time...and vice versa.

Next is looking at how peds attitudes are against other peds or cliques. This example is a somewhat newer one I have been toying with and it has lots of possabilities.

like the above example it is one line of code and will read: PedSetPedToTypeAttitude(gHobo, 13, 3)

gHobo is a system name just like gPlayer and a few others. That system name can be changed to either the ped model id number itself or you can simply define a local at the start of the script like:
Code: [Select]
local l_0_0 = false
local l_0_1 = 0
local l_0_2 = false
local l_0_3 = nil
local l_0_4 = false
local l_0_5 = false
local l_0_6, l_0_7 = nil, nil
local l_0_8 = false

The locals are named as such and when using a local it actually makes things easier. If we are to use a local in our attitude example above then it will read like this: PedSetPedToTypeAttitude(l_0_1, 13, 3) with the local as listed above....just simply change the value after the = which in this case is 0 for jimmy...or whatever you wish it to be....and that will be used instead.

We can take the above stuff and make a mini mission where you can fight one or more peds and have bodyguards....tho having more then one bodyguard atm is very hard and somthing I am working to perfect....but it will be done soon enough...heh.

Lets take the following example that i quickly knocked together.....which may have a couple errors since I did bash it together rather fast... :biggrin:

Code: [Select]
local l_0_0 = {}
local l_0_1 = {}
local l_0_2 = 0
local l_0_3 = 0
local l_0_4 = 0
local l_0_5, l_0_6 = nil, nil
local l_0_7 = true
local l_0_8 = false
local l_0_9 = false
F_TableInit = function()
  local l_1_0 = {model = 45, point = POINTLIST._NEW_ENEMY01} = 0
  l_0_0 = l_1_0
  l_1_0 = {model = 46, point = POINTLIST._NEW_ENEMY02, id = 0}
  l_1_0.path = PATH._NEW_ENEMY02
  l_0_1 = l_1_0
F_CreateEnemies = function()
  PedRequestModel(l_0_1.model) = PedCreatePoint(l_0_0.model, l_0_0.point) = PedCreatePoint(l_0_1.model, l_0_1.point)
  AddBlipForChar(, 3, 2, 1)
  AddBlipForChar(, 3, 2, 4)
  PedSetActionNode(, "/Global/New/Animations/PlayAnimationCyclic", "Act/Conv/New.act")
  PedFollowPath(, l_0_1.path, 1, 1, cbRunningMan)
F_CheckGate = function()
  if not l_0_8 and PlayerIsInTrigger(TRIGGER._NEW_GATE) then
    l_0_8 = true
F_EnemiesAttackPlayer = function()
  PedAttack(, gPlayer, 3)
  PedSetActionNode(, "/Global/New/Animations/BreakCyclicAnimation", "Act/Conv/New.act")
  PedAttack(, gPlayer, 3)
  l_0_9 = true
  TextPrintString("Get to the marker to battle the preps.", 4, 1)
  TextPrintString("Prep: We are gonna send you back to the poorhouse!", 4, 2)
F_TellPlayerToGetToCenterOfGarden = function()
  if l_0_9 then
    l_0_4 = nil
    l_0_3 = nil
    if PlayerIsInAreaXYZ(l_0_2, l_0_3, l_0_4, 1.5, 7) then
      TextPrintString("KO all the Preppies to win", 4, 1)
      l_0_9 = false
F_CheckEnemiesDead = function()
  if PedIsDead( and PedIsDead( then
    bMissionComplete = true
    return true
  return false
cbRunningMan = function(l_7_0, l_7_1, l_7_2)
  if l_7_2 == 3 then
    TextPrintString("Prep: My Daddy can beat your Daddy!", 4, 2)
MissionSetup = function()
  DATLoad("NEW.DAT", 2)
  AreaTransitionPoint(0, POINTLIST._NEW_PLAYERSTART)
MissionCleanup = function()
main = function()
  TextPrintString("Go into the Fight Area", 4, 1)
  l_0_6 = BlipAddPoint(POINTLIST._NEW_GARDENCENTRE, 0)
  l_0_5 = PickupCreatePoint(300, POINTLIST._NEW_BAT, 1, 0, "PermanentMission")
    if F_CheckEnemiesDead() then
    until end
  if l_0_7 or bMissionComplete then
    TextPrint("M_PASS", 3, 0)
    TextPrint("M_FAIL", 3, 0)

An example like the above can be used for what you want Nais and if you want....and once you get your laptop back whenever that is......I can help you learn the basics of lua scripting so you can create custom missions.

The above example take's place in the garden area beside the preps house where teh dog is that attacks you. Same place where Gary gets the dog poop for the big prank during halloween.

Offline MikerBarba

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Re: What mods are you working on?
« Reply #29 on: June 26, 2012, 01:30:43 AM »
I'm remaking Jimmy's Beta Style...
I'm probably in a 45%/100%