Well I have over hundreds of idea's that Rockstar should see.
Bully 2 should keep the old games presentation and 3d scenery.
They should add all new cliques like the warriors to make it more
like a fighting game like they wanted it to be.
Allow most interiors to be acessable.
Have all new sports like lacross,basketball,football,soccer,baseball,swiming,
in school boxing, and rock climbing.
Make a new main character, Jimmy has been corrupted with power someone has
to stop him make Jimmy an atagnoist.
The main character has to shower,brush teeth, and sweat plus get tired.
Lots of activities like fight club,hockey,golf,cleaning cars or houses, shoveling snow for money,more errands, and search and rescue.
Better scenery for winter, fall summer and spring more animals and winter fun like snow boarding or skiing.
Moe weapons and moves for weapons
1.BB Gun
2.PaintBall Gun and Riot Gear.
3.Mini Paintball Nades
4.SnowBall Gun
5.FireCracker Nades and C4's
6.SpudGun Sniper
7.Custom Weapons
8.Brass Knuckles.
Better explenation of the games story, make it more revealing.
Climbing Fences
Riding MiniBikes
Custom Player Setup
Hidden Missions
Better Myths
I will add more soon