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Author Topic: Do you think Gary could be a good guy?  (Read 7283 times)

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Do you think Gary could be a good guy?
« on: December 19, 2011, 11:13:41 PM »
(btw check out my new story in community stories, you'll be impressed. I hope :P )

Do you think Gary has the potential to be a good guy?

 I think Gary is a great character and even though he is a "Sociopath" and has ADD there is just something about him.

 If there was a bully 2 it would be really cool if we played as Gary or someone like him or maybe play as multiple characters?

 So anyway the main question is, do you think Gary has the potential to be a good guy?

  And don't say things like "NO, HE IS AN ASSWIPE BUM WHO IS A MOTHER SON OF A BUM!"

If you say "No" give me a reason why besides the obvious (if possible) And if you say "Yes" tell me why :)

In my opinion I think he would think that "He could change" And maybe even do good things but naturally he would still do bad things because of his condition and he might try to even "Convince" himself that he is good by doing good things but like I said before the condition would take over and make him do bad things as well as good things.

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« Last Edit: December 20, 2011, 03:28:04 AM by Greasers »

Offline Peachrocks

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Re: Do you think Gary could be a good guy?
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2011, 12:13:42 AM »
Simple answer? No way. He does not show one inch of honestly wanting to be a 'good guy', I just don't see it happening. I like stretching the truth minorly or trying to see things and taking a handful of things the character says and attempting to understand them through that and painting a picture (See Jerry's quote in my signature) but Gary does not give me any of this to work with against what we already know or 'believe'.

As much as Gary is popular (undeserverdly in my opinion as you well know), I really don't want him coming back, there were too many plotholes regarding him to make him workable in a sequel and there's just no way to fix them without it looking silly.

I know some like his personality and he had 'potential' to be a great character and that's a fair reason to like him, but I think this could be done again with a totally new character making the new nemesis either...

A) Influncial and evil. The character is known to be evil but has 'good publicity' and is generally popular in a corrupt system. The protaganist dare not go after them directly else they'll feel the wrath of everybody else, they simply must bide their time and deal with other problems first or weaken the inflence progressively.

B) Appear non threatning until they think the plan is going to work. This is how I plan to make Gary in the restructure which I'll put up soon hopefully

Both give the protaganist a real reason not to go straight after the nemesis.

His disorders might be a good excuse to blame on his evil acts but the fact he does not once show any remorse, regret or any sort of wish to do good, even from any point of view. He doesn't even make any attempts to try justify his 'evil' acts, he full well knows what he's doing is evil and he simply doesn't care. This is due to his personality and character make up, not his disorders.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2011, 12:38:52 AM by Peachrocks »

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Re: Do you think Gary could be a good guy?
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2011, 12:24:12 AM »
 Very True. Silly me :P

Offline Peachrocks

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Re: Do you think Gary could be a good guy?
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2011, 12:38:03 AM »
Nah it's fine. I actually enjoy your topics and seeing how other people think and see things. Like I said, I don't have to agree with people and people don't have to agree with me, I just like to understand their opinion.

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Re: Do you think Gary could be a good guy?
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2011, 12:39:41 AM »
True, but you're opinions don't seem bias and most of them are true..

I'll try to be the "Political" guy around here haha

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Re: Do you think Gary could be a good guy?
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2011, 03:36:23 AM »
A 'reformed' Gary ?  I'm with Peach, that ain't gonna work.  The thing that 'grinds my gears' is that there was never a real reason advanced as to WHY Gary wanted to take over the school.  Just being a psycho isn't really enough, there's millions of them. 

I don't believe a person, any person, ever "changes"....A person is still the essential person they have always been, and ever will be.  A wife-beater doesn't suddenly stop beating the wife (or GF), a child-molester doesn't suddenly stop molesting children, a rapist dosen't just suddenly stop raping.  These are life traits that will be with these people as long as they live.  Ditto for crazy people.  I've known quite a few, as kids and adults.  Know where the crazy adults came from ?  They were crazy kids !!!!

3 million prisoners in US jails and penitentiaries can't be wrong.  Gary as a 'good guy'? 

Man, you gotta be crazy !!!!!   

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Re: Do you think Gary could be a good guy?
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2011, 07:28:11 AM »
I wouldn't go as far as to say people don't change EVER but its not common. People try learn ways to deal with their flaws and while they are ultimately still there, they still come to terms with it. Some people do 'change' but generally in this case there are traits in said person to support that.

Gary however is not shown to have any of these traits, so... yeah.

Everyone has their vices though, its a measure of a person how they choose to deal with them once they know a problem exists (or whether they even admit there is one).

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Re: Do you think Gary could be a good guy?
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2011, 05:02:46 PM »
Yes. Of course he had potential to be a good guy, just like every other person does. He simply chooses not to be.

Also, being that he is a sociopath, which basically means he will never feel any guilt about anything he does, adds another dimension to his character. To put that into perspective, ask yourself "What could I do if I would never feel bad about it?"

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Re: Do you think Gary could be a good guy?
« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2011, 12:58:36 PM »
Yeah, Gary being a good guy is impossible.

But Gary being the main character is what I want in Bully 2. I really want to see the same scenario trough the eyes of the antagonist. To see how exactly how he convinced everyone in believing him. And I hope the 'story mode' is longer, like from the end of the summer to the middle of the summer or something. I could go on with my useless ranting, but I'm too lazy.

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Re: Do you think Gary could be a good guy?
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2011, 01:05:12 PM »
Nah bro Gary's nuts.


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Re: Do you think Gary could be a good guy?
« Reply #10 on: December 29, 2011, 02:42:51 PM »
Yeah, Gary being a good guy is impossible.

But Gary being the main character is what I want in Bully 2. I really want to see the same scenario trough the eyes of the antagonist. To see how exactly how he convinced everyone in believing him. And I hope the 'story mode' is longer, like from the end of the summer to the middle of the summer or something. I could go on with my useless ranting, but I'm too lazy.

The problem is that because they established him to be a sociopath early and the fact they made him a bad liar meaning that there is really no convincing way he could do it without breaking the character they established. This is really my whole problem with Gary, that most of his 'devious crimes' are just not believeable.

Also he's never respected by the three major clique leaders (Ted, Derby, Johnny) and insulted by two of them. Gary simply does not give off the vibe or presence of a good manupilator.

There's a reason why every time Gary manupilates someone or does something 'clever' (i.e hands the other character an idiot ball) it happens off screen because there's no way it could be presented in a believeable fashion.

I know what you want from Gary and truth be told I want the same but its just impossible without changing the order of events and Gary himself slightly. I'll present this idea soon enough.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2011, 02:45:12 PM by Peachrocks »

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Re: Do you think Gary could be a good guy?
« Reply #11 on: June 20, 2012, 08:31:57 AM »
I think that 99%, Gary will always be a crazy sociopath, but 1% he would change, if he took his medicatiins and got out of the asylum, maybe Jimmy and Petey could convince him to being a good guy.Maybe, that is a part of the plot of bully 2

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Re: Do you think Gary could be a good guy?
« Reply #12 on: June 21, 2012, 12:55:57 PM »
Yes, I think before Jimmy, he was.

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Re: Do you think Gary could be a good guy?
« Reply #13 on: June 29, 2012, 11:28:21 PM »
I'm just so torn that Rockstar didn't use the original BETA story.. :(

And if they did do the original story Bully would of be a longer, and it seemed x10 better.

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Re: Do you think Gary could be a good guy?
« Reply #14 on: June 29, 2012, 11:48:12 PM »
What was the original story like?