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Author Topic: Story: How Lucky Joined The Greasers  (Read 2919 times)

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Story: How Lucky Joined The Greasers
« on: December 19, 2011, 05:57:30 PM »
Lucky is a member of the Greasers. Lucky has done some valuable things for his clique. And he is important within Johnny’s clique; He has stolen bikes for Johnny, does some errands and still helps his fellow friends.
                          Here is how Lucky joined.
                        3 Months before joining the Greaser clique.

Lucky was a nice kid, but would fight back if that’s what was necessary. Lucky lived in a small house with his Mom and Dad, but they would only come home every 3 weeks. Leaving Lucky by himself. Lucky lived in a rough neighbourhood near New Coventry. Although not exactly in New Coventry since he was not in a clique at the time. He usually tried to evade the cliques but sometimes this was not possible.

Lucky got on his bike and drove to Bullworth Academy. As he entered the gate he walked to the Main school building. He heard Miss Danvers voice on the loud microphone.

“Everybody, get to English class! And don’t be late.”

Lucky thought to himself “I guess I have to go to English class then...”

Lucky had finished and he got the results. Unfortunately he had got most of the questions wrong.

“Damn! Lucky thought”
He then proceeded to walk out the English class door; he went into the Boys toilets upstairs. After doing a piss in the urinal he turned around and saw Bif there.

“Hello Lucky, I heard you attacked Gord last night, you’re going to pay for that.” Said Bif
“What are you talking about Bif? I avoid things like that, I didn’t attack Gord, now if you’ll excuse me.” Lucky then tried to get out but Bif pushed him back against the wall.

“I’m not letting you off that easy!” said Bif as he proceeded to punch Lucky in the face.

Lucky groaned in pain and pushed Bif off, he then kicked Bif in the hip, then spat in Bifs face.
“You’re dead NOW!!” Bif then grabbed Lucky and threw him into the Wall; he then grabbed his head and put Lucky’s face in the urinal toilet.
“No DON’T!!” yelled Lucky. But Bif then flushed the toilet and Lucky couldn’t breathe. Bif then laughed and said “That was just the beginning...” Then he walked off.

Lucky was in pain. His Jaw was bruised, and he just got dunked.
Lucky lay on the floor and was shredding a tear “Why can’t I just go to a normal school...” Lucky said crying.

Ricky went into the Toilets and saw Lucky lying down on the floor.

“Holy crap, are you okay kid?” Ricky said
“Well, I just got dunked by Bif, and I got beaten up, but besides that, I’m great..”
“Yeah well, I should take you to the nurse, okay kid?”
Ricky then grabbed Lucky and took him to the nurse.

“We’re at the nurse now; the nurse will take care of you.” Ricky said

“Okay thanks... What clique are you in anyway?” Lucky said

“Oh, I’m with the Greasers.. But don’t tell Johnny that I helped you. Okay? And umm, don’t go to the Auto shop and talk to me when others Greasers are there.”

“But why? I mean you just saved my ass back there and you don’t want me to talk to you?”
“Well its complicated.. I mean Johnny doesn’t just let people join us ya know? And I don’t want the other Greasers knowing I helped you cause they might not trust you.. Sorry.”

“Well Okay then... Can I at least know what you’re name is then?” Lucky said

“Sure, My names Ricky. And by the way before I leave, why did Bif attack you? Did you insult him or anything?”

“NO! I honestly don’t know why the hell he attacked me! I turned around and he said that I attacked Gord or something.. But I didn’t! If Gord was attacked someone set me up or something”

“Whoa, well Gord did get attacked, so someone attacked him.. If it wasn’t you who did it?.. Well anyway, I better leave and you better go to the nurse.”
“Okay Lucky said. Bye”
Ricky then ran off into the distance and then Lucky went into the Nurse.

“Uhh, hi.. I need some help..”
“Oh my! What happened to you young man” Nurse McRae said

“I fell down the stairs; can I have some help now please?”

“Sure my boy, But you will need to stay overnight since you need some help, it’s not serious but it needs healing!”

                     10 hours later

“Well you can go now. Be careful next time!”

“Thanks for your help. And yes I’ll be careful next time bye!” Lucky said as he walked outside the door.

It was 9:00 AM, and Lucky decided to skip class.
Lucky was infuriated at Bif for dunking him. But he was also mad that he might have been set up.
Lucky walked into the Boys dorm. Everyone had a roommate, and ironically Lucky was put with Ricky since Lucky didn't get along with his last roomate "Gordon" and Ricky was with no one so they put Lucky with Ricky.

Lucky walked into the room and saw Ricky texting on his phone.
“Well this is weird; I’m with the guy who helped me..” Lucky said smiling.
Ricky saw Lucky and was surprised.
“Wow, I wasn’t expecting that.” Ricky said
“Me either”
“Well just remember what I said a day ago okay”
“Sure Ricky”
“Anyway I have some news for you.” Ricky said
“What would that be?” Lucky said
“Well I think I found out who set you up”
“Really? Who was it, I’m going to beat the crap out of em!”
“Well, it was Damon and Juri”
“The Jocks???? Why would they set me up? I did nothing to them! How do you know it was them?”
“I was going out after curfew and heard Damon and Juri, they said “Hahaha he got beat up, they don’t know it’s us!” I hate those Jocks.” Ricky said
“I do now to...” Lucky said.

Lucky walked out of the room and was going to exit, but Ricky said “Where are you going?”
“I’m going to the field to beat those roid monkeys up.”
He then opened the door but before he completely exited Ricky stopped him “Are you insane man?!?!? There are about 7 Jocks on the field and like 5 around the Gym area, you’ll get seriously injured!”
“I guess you’re right.. I’ll get him when the times right.”
“Good” Ricky said
Ricky and Lucky walked to where the T.V. was. They were sitting down watching movies.
After 2 hours passed of watching movies, Ethan and Wade went in front of the T.V.
“Hey, um can you 2 get out of the way?” Ricky said
Wade replied “No we sit here, GET OFF!”

“Do you want me to kick your ass or what? Get out of here you 2 clowns!” Lucky said

Wade then said “Ethan! Do the crane!”
Ethan then punched Lucky in the face and pushed him over the couch.
Ricky jumped up and did a kick to the mid-section to Wade knocking him back into a wall. Lucky was a little bit dazed, but he got back up. Ethan then kicked Ricky in his waist. Ricky was holding onto it in pain, and then Ethan did a clumsy Right punch, Due to the poor punch, Ricky dodged the punch and did an knee to the face knocking Ethan out.
Wade got back up and grabbed Ricky, but then Lucky grabbed Wade and did a punch to the hips. This made Wade wounded. Ricky and Lucky then through them out of the Boys dorm.
                    3 Hours later
It was 10:00PM and Lucky wanted revenge.
“I’m going to get my football from outside; I’ll be back in a few mins...” Lucky said
“Okay, be back soon though.” Ricky said
Lucky then exited the Boys Dorm.
He was walking to the field.
But Lucky first got a slingshot.
He arrived at the field. But he had to be sneaky.
Lucky sprinted through the main entrance of where the Jocks hang out and went to the field. He turned left and went to the Tree.
He climbed up it and sat there.
“So Juri, I did great right?”
“Yeah, hahaha”
The 2 laughed but then Lucky used his slingshot on Juri. It knocked him out cold.
“JURI?!?!” Damon yelled
Damon then got knocked down from a slingshot.
Lucky jumped off the tree and started beating a defenceless Damon up.
Lucky then punched him in the face, kicked him in the balls then spat on his face. He then ran off.
He got back to the Boys Dorm.
“Where have you been L? You defiantly weren’t getting a Ball!”
“I taught Damon and Juri a lesson. Hahahah”
“Damn man.. Did other Jocks see you?”
“Cool, now let’s just get some sleep okay Lucky?”

                 2 Days later

Lucky was happy with himself that Damon and Juri had to stay in the infirmary for 5 days.
Lucky was walking past the Auto shop and saw Justin ambush Johnny from behind, he punched him in the ribs and hips then did a 3 punch combo.
Lucky decided to get his slingshot out and use it on Justin. But he decided to use it on his legs.
“OWWW!!! What the bloody hell?!?!?” Justin said. He then ran off.
“What the.. Who just helped me?” Johnny said. Lucky then ran off.

Now let’s go back to Ricky and see what he’s up to.

Ricky was quite the good bike racer. So he challenged the Preps to a race. Obviously Ricky won. After doing so the Preps ambushed him. Parker punched him in the face then Chad kicked him in face.
Ricky was injured but still conscious.
They decided to Leave Ricky on the beach.
10 minutes after laying on the floor, he went back to the Boys dorm.
“What happened to you Ricky?!?”
“Prep scum beat me up after I beat them in a race..”
“Anyway lets get back to you..”
“Sure what about me?”
“I saw you attack Justin with your slingshot and you didn’t tell Johnny you helped him..”
“What? I never helped Johnny it must of been someone else!”
“No need to lie, its good you helped him I’ll tell him.”
“Ummm okay.”
     1 Day later.
It was now 9:00AM and Ricky told Johnny.
“I told Johnny you’re the one who helped him. He was quite happy and surprised”
“Cool, anyway I better go to Maths; I’ve missed a few classes haha”
“Cool cya later then L”
Lucky was then walking to class but got ambushed by Justin.
“Take that pissant” Justin said as he attacked Lucky from the side.
Lucky fell back onto the lockers. Justin then punched him in the waist and Lucky was to hurt to fight back, but he tried.
Lucky pushed Justin back with all his might and then punched him in the face.
Justin was dazed for a few seconds but recovered; he then grabbed Lucky and punched him in the face again.
He then threw Lucky to the ground and started kicking him.
Johnny was walking to his locker and saw Lucky being beaten up.
Johnny got behind Justin and kicked him in the back. The force of Johnny’s kick pushed Justin into the locker flat faced.
Justin got back up but then Johnny did a haymaker and smashed him to the floor.
Justin was out cold.
“You all right kid?”
“Now I am...”
“Ricky told me you’re the one who helped me, so I thought I’d return the favour.”
“Yeah... Well I better go now. Thanks anyway Johnny.”
     5 Days later.

Damon and Juri had recovered and left the Infirmary. Damon knew Lucky did it.
Damon then walked to the area where the fountain is and saw Lucky there.
Damon punched Lucky in the face, then did an elbow knocking him into the Green Slime that was in the “Fountain” Lucky was furious. He then got a handful of the green water that was about 4 years old and threw it in Damon’s face. “YOU SON OF A BITCH!” Damon said as he then jumped into the fountain and started punching him.
                           The 2 Were Fighting In The Fountain And Had A Crowd.
Lucky kicked Damon in the hips then threw him into the water on the floor.
Casey was going to go in there and help Damon but then he said “STAY OUT OF THIS CASEY, I’LL TAKE HIM!”
Casey then stood back.
Damon jumped up and did a bodyslam knocking Lucky to the floor.

                    Lucky now had bruised Ribs
Damon then turned his back on Lucky he was saying “I rule, I just took out this clown! I can take down anyone! Now poor Lucky is going to be a joke for the rest of his stay in Bullworth! HAHAHHAH”
Lucky barley got up by holding onto the Mascot statue.

Damon turned around then Lucky jumped up and did a kick to the face.
Damon then fell off the fountain and fell onto the pavement, but luckily he covered his head with his arm, but because he did this he now had a broken arm.
Lucky jumped off and spat on Damon.
Damon then said “No, I don’t hear you.. ASSHOLE”
Lucky then stepped on Damon’s broken arm.
“Okay okay!!! I agree man just let me go!!!”
“Now say to me you’re a wannabe roid monkey who has no life!”
“Man, I already said yes to the agreement, just let me go!!!”
Lucky then stepped on his arm harder than before.
“Good monkey. I’ll let you go now.”
                    Lucky then got off his arm
“Oh yeah by the way Damon, tell Juri I said
Don’t mess with Lucky or else you’ll end up like me”
Lucky then walked off into the distance knowing he injured Damon again right after he got out of the Infirmary. And that about 10 people were watching. And he knew everyone would spread it around.
                Lucky knew Damon and Juri would not touch him after this incident.

Lucky then was walking towards the Boys dorm, on the way some people gave Lucky a piece of their mind (In a good way)
“Want to be my friend?” Ray said
“Nice job owning that Jock, man!” Trevor said
“Nice one hahaha” Norton said
“You completely squashed Damon!” Hal said
“Good job kid, you took out one of those Jock clowns. I never liked Damon.” Johnny said
“Thanks J, I’ll cya later yeah?”
“Sure kid” Johnny replied
Lucky then was walking towards the Boys dorm.
“Whoa kid! I heard you took Damon out!” Ricky said
“Yep, I did. You know I don’t want to brag or anything but Damon was quite an easy guy to beat”
“Haha sure L, anyway I’m sorry I wasn’t there to help, I was just calling my ex... But I don’t want to talk about her.. Anyway want to stay over at Blue Balls tonight? Vance, Lefty, Norton and I will be there. You’re welcome to come.”
“Thanks, I think I’ll do that! What time is it at?”
“Well let’s see.. Its 5:00PM now.. So come in about 3 hours which will then be 8:00PM we’ll have a blast! We can drink, watch T.V. and just talk about stuff.. It will be pretty fun!”
“Okay, I’ll see you then, bye Ricky
                                    3 Hours later
Lucky entered Blue Balls at New Coventry.

“Eyyy' Lucky!” Vance said
“Hey Vance, how’s the hair?”
“It’s doing pretty good...” Vance said smiling.
“Hey Lefty, how are ya?”
“I’m pretty good, just kissing chicks ya know?”
“Yeah haha”
“So Lucky, what should we do?”
“Well, do we have beer and a Xbox 360 and a Kinect here?”
“We sure do bro” Ricky said
“Great.. Well what are we waiting for? Let’s have some fun!”
  Lefty was doing a 1 v 1 match on Xbox Kinect with Lucky.
The game was pretty realistic.
“I’m going to punch you’re guy Lucky!!” Lefty said as his character threw a punch to Lucky’s character.
Luckys guy was knocked out.
“Good match friend!” Lefty said
“I let you win but whatever, good match haha” Lucky said
Norton then came out of the Bathroom.
“Hey you started playing games without me? Wassup with that?!”
“Well if you weren’t constipated you could have joined earlier but it’s too late now!” Lefty said
“Whatever.. Anyway you guys want to have some drinks?”
“Yes I think we all want to... RIGHT guys?!” Ricky said
Everyone replied “YES!”
  10 minutes later
Lefty, Norton and Vance were all drunk now and were jumping all over the place.
Ricky and Lucky were the only ones who were just a little bit tipsy.
 Lucky and the rest of the crew were passed out.
Norton was asleep on the toilet.
Lefty was lying on the couch.
And Vance was on a pillow and blanket that was on the floor.
Ricky was on the floor.
And Lucky was on the Bed sleeping.
                      12 Hours later
It was now 9:00AM and Ricky was the first to get up.
He walked towards the bathroom and was half asleep. He then did a leak then after he finished he opened his eyes fully and realized he just pissed on Norton.
“Uh ohhh” Ricky thought
Ricky then tried to tip-toe out but then Norton woke up.
“Hey Rick, what’s goin-“
Norton then realized something smelled
“You smell that Rick?”
“Ummm No!! What does this smell.. Smell of?”
“Well it sort of smells of-“
Norton then looked down on his pants and saw yellow pee there.
“Well.. I was half asleep then I went to the toilet and didn’t see you where there then I umm.. You know...”
“AHHHHHHHH” Norton said running out of the bathroom.
Lefty then woke up.
“Norton what the hell are you doing?”
“AHHHHH” Norton continued
Lefty then saw the piss on his pants and Jacket.
“HAHAHAHAHAHAH OH MY GOD HAHAHA” Lefty said as he fell off the couch laughing.
Lucky then fell off the bed and saw the Drama “What’s going on here?...” Lucky said
“Rick pissed on his outfit, hahahaha!!!!!” Lefty said
Vance then got up and said “Thank god that’s not my hair!!!”

                  1 Hour later
It took 1 Hour for Norton to finally calm down.
“Well Norton, I’m afraid we can’t wash that or get a new Jacket for 2 days. Here’s a cloth to wash up since I know you won’t take that Jacket off and I’m sorry for pissing on you by the way.”

Lucky and the rest of the guys now have arrived at Bullworth, they walked past the Harrington House and see all of the Greasers fighting the Preps.
“Shit we better help them out!” Norton said
“Yeah, let’s do that!” Said Lefty
Ricky and the rest of them ran towards the Harrington house.

There were 6 Preps and 6 Greasers.

Both cliques are very strong and both cliques had strong members.
The Preps had

And the Greasers had
Hal Lucky and Lefty.
Johnny and Peanut where already fighting and they were hugely outnumbered.
But Ricky and the crew came just in time.

Hal ran towards Tad and bear hugged him and threw him to the floor.
Then Peanut was fighting Bryce and Lucky and Lefty were fighting Derby.

Peanut did a punch to Bryce’s face but then Bryce did a punch to his face then a punch to the stomach. He then grabbed Peanut and did a knee to the face. Knocking Peanut down.
Lefty and Lucky were fighting Derby but it was very hard to fight a man who was so advanced in the boxing status.
Lefty kicked Derby in the hips, and then Lucky did a knee to his face. Lefty then tried to punch him but then Derby blocked then did an uppercut to Lefty’s face knocking him into the wall. Lucky then did a kick to his face. Derby yelled “Preps! Come and pulverize this Grease ball!”
Justin and Gord then ran towards Lucky. Justin punched Lucky in the stomach, then Gord did a punch to Luckys face knocking him down.
Norton came to Lucky’s rescue; he did a bear hug to Gord then threw him to the floor wounding him.
“Preps! Stand Down! I want to show this scum his proper place!” Derby said
“Want it that way huh? 1 on 1?”
“You pretty much nailed it there pauper”
“Fine you trust fund turd! Greasers stand down! Don’t interfere in this fight! I’ll just have to show this turd what happens when you mess with Johnny Vincent! You ain’t go no one to hide behind now”
“Bring it on!” Derby said

Derby and Johnny then started to fight.

Derby then threw a punch to Johnny’s face, it hit him, Johnny stumbled back but then quickly re-covered, and he did a 3 punch combo then kicked Derby in the hip wounding him. Johnny then kicked him in the face, Derby then said “YOU PIECE OF SCUM!”

Johnny then threw a punch but Derby blocked and then punched him in the hip, he then did a 5 move combo punching him in the face with his left and right fists then hitting him in the hips on both sides then did an uppercut to him knocking him down.
“You see what happens when you mess with the preps huh? You going to go back to that slut now back in the ghetto? Huh? Hahaha!”
Johnny was on the floor injured but then said “Nobody talks trash about my queen!!!”
Johnny then got up and did a haymaker too Derby knocking him to the floor. Derby then punched Johnny but it seemed Johnny was to mad to even feel a punch. Johnny then punched him in the face then he put his leg up and smashed it to Derby’s head, because of the force, he fell to the floor. Johnny then spat on his head. “Scum!” Johnny said

 “This is what you get when you mess with Johnny Vincent!”
“Derby! Are you okay?!” Justin said
“Of course he’s not you idiot! Let’s go back to Old Bullworth Vale, Let’s get out of here!” Bif said
The Preps then scrammed and ran away.

“Well Johnny it seems you took him out..”
“Yeah haha, we own them, they won’t be giving us trouble anymore”

They kept on talking but then Gord came back sneakily.
Gord ran up to Johnny behind his back but then got stopped by a kick to the face by Lucky
“Get outta’ here you turd!” Lucky said as Gord then ran away

“Well I better get going since I’m not officially apart of this clique, so I’ll see you around”

Lucky then walked away but then got stopped in his tracks
“Wait kid, you are a part of this group now”
“Wait.. Really?” Lucky said smiling
“Yeah I’ll go get you’re jacket from Blue Balls, and umm Norton what happened to you're jacket? It smells of.. Ugh.."
"Ricky pissed on my jacket!!"
"We'll get you a new one too haha" Johnny said
“Welcome to the group Lucky” Ricky said smiling

  I hope you enjoyed my story, this took more then a few weeks to complete and I just finished now.

 Give me feedback on what you think and maybe rate it out of 10 :)

 This is my longest story ever and this took me over a few weeks to comeplete :)

 Thanks for reading this (if you did) :D

 I think this was a huge improvment from my Jensen story. Tell me what you thought.. Did you like it better then the Jensen story or did you like the Jensen story better?

And tell me why :)

 Thank You
« Last Edit: December 21, 2011, 08:33:06 PM by Greasers »

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Re: Story: How Lucky Joined The Greasers
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2012, 10:54:36 PM »
Lol wow interesting story... I thought his was real at first. I think Johnny, Peanut and Norton were really the first of the Greasers just saying because all 3 of them run the clique with a iron fist rather than the other greasers. I wonder why Rockstar never had peanut as a boss fight or peanut to do anything major to Jimmy it's weird because Norton has a boss fight and many lines but Peanut doesn't strange. My favorite Greaser is Peanut.

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Re: Story: How Lucky Joined The Greasers
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2012, 10:57:07 PM »

I'm shocked that someone actually replied to this story after all this time, lol.