I'm gonna repost what I said earlier then so people can see it.
So this may be the biggest cop out PETA has ever tried to pull....
http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2011-11-17-peta-anti-mario-campaign-just-a-jokeAnimal rights group PETA has admitted its campaign condemning Super Mario 3D Land's furry Tanooki suit was not a serious attack on Nintendo's moustachioed mascot.
"Mario fans: Relax!", a statement from PETA passed to Eurogamer reads. "PETA's game was meant to be tongue-in-cheek, a fun way to call attention to a serious issue, that raccoon dogs are skinned alive for their fur."
PETA has been known to piss and whine about some really stupid shit. Whether it's getting butthurt about Obama killing a fly, being able to kill rats in Battlefield, or Mario wearing fur. I'm willing to bet that they got such a backlash from this due to Mario remaining one of the most popular gaming franchises today, they tried to weasel there way out of it by playing it off as some kind of joke. This is a complete cop out attitude and a sign that they are unwilling to take responsibility for there stupidity. I don't buy it for a second.
Mario fans: Relax!
That alone gives it away as a cop out.
Let's just assume for a second that this was nothing more then a simple joke, like the sheep they want us to be. All this time and energy spent cracking jokes and poking fun at a video game could have been used protecting real animals that are in danger right now. PETA was nowhere to be found when that guy in Ohio had all those exotic animals let loose and the authorities massacred all of them, even when some where trying to run back into there cages.