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Author Topic: Bullworth Story Will's Story  (Read 3038 times)

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Offline Justin Vandervelde

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Bullworth Story Will's Story
« on: August 21, 2011, 02:37:31 PM »
''Have you packed your bags, sweetie?'' Will's mom asked. ''Almost done, mommy!'' Will replied, breathing heavily. ''Your going to LOVE Bullworth Academy Will I just know you will!'' Will's Mom said to Will. ''Uh-huh!'' Will replied, sitting on his suitcase. ''Come on, close you dumb suitcase!'' Will shouted to himself, agitated. ''Calm down dear I got this.'' His mom replied walking towards him. Will jumped off the suitcase and onto the carpet floor. His mom grabbed the suitcase and slammed it shut. ''Wow Mom thanks!'' Will thanked this Mom. ''No problem sweetie!'' His mom smiled. ''Now.... go to bed!'' His mom said to Will. ''OK Mom.'' Will turned the light off and jumped into bed. Tomorrow I'm going to Bullworth Academy. Will thought. He was excited. Maybe a bit too excited for something like this...

Offline Justin Vandervelde

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Re: Bullworth Story Will's Story
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2011, 02:50:31 PM »
''Rise and shine!'' A shrill voice appeared from the left. Will opened his eyes and shook his head. ''Aw man what time is it?'' Will asked, turning to his clock. ''Oh my... Half five in the morning!'' Will jumped up. ''Yes, we need to drive you down to Bullworth remember. Its a long way from here!'' His mom smiled, already dressed and ready to go. Will jumped out of bed and got his breakfast. Grabbed his suitcase and was driving to Bullworth.

''Are we there yet?'' Will moaned. ''No, its only been ten minutes.'' His dad replied in a low voice. Will groaned loudly and shrunk into his seat. ''I'm BORED!'' Will moaned, ''I'm HUNGRY!'' Will moaned again, ''I'm T...'' His mom interrupted. ''Sorry sweetie but you can do whatever you want to do when you get to Bullworth!'' His mom gave him two thumbs up. Will closed his eyes and a few hours later he heard his dad say, ''Wake up boy! Were here!'' Will woke up suddenly. It was raining. ''Ugh, it's RAINING!'' Will moaned. ''It's OK I have an umbrella!'' She handed him a rather dark umbrella. ''Come on sweetie, Ill help you with your bags.'' His mom said, jumping out the car. ''OK.'' Will said, undoing his seat belt. ''Boy.'' His father said, freezing his son. ''Be careful this place isn't has nice as you think it is.'' His father said, narrowing his eyes at Will. Will shuddered and got out the car. The rain poured onto his head while the other students walked into the school grounds, somewhat sad. Will grabbed his bags from the back of the car. ''Bye Mom, bye dad.'' Will waved to his parents. ''B...bye Will!'' His mom replied in tears. ''Bye son, and remember what I said to you.'' His father said to him giving him a wink at the end. Will nodded at his father. ''OK, Call us after your lessons!'' His dad said starting the engine. Soon, the car jetted off down the road.   

Offline Justin Vandervelde

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Re: Bullworth Story Will's Story
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2011, 03:01:19 PM »
Will walked into the school grounds, looking down at the puddles below him. ''Aw man, I don't bullied!'' Will whispered to himself. Will looked up to the school building, the lighting behind the building gave him a shudder. He hurried into the school building. It was nice and toasty in there with lots of students talking and laughing. Will noticed some other kids with suitcases around his age and ran up to them. ''Hey is this where the new, 11 year old students go?'' Will asked quickly to a young black boy. ''Yeah, were going into the auditorium at 8:30.'' The little black boy replied to Will. ''OK, anyways hi I'm Will.'' Will said to the boy. ''I'm Sheldon.'' The boy replied. ''There seems to be a lot of havoc going on around here.'' Sheldon whispered to Will. ''Well... I'm not sure what you mean becau...'' Will was interrupted by the sound of foot pounding, talking and suitcase rolling. ''Its 8:30!'' Sheldon said with joy in his voice. Will nodded his head and followed the kids into the warm Auditorium. He took a seat next to Sheldon. A small girl with red hair sat next him. She wore a name tag. It read, 'Olivia.' A loud crackle boomed from outside. ''Hello, young students. Welcome to Bullworth Academy!'' A women said into the microphone. ''I give to you the brilliant Dr. Crabblesnitch!'' She said. ''Hello new Bullworth Academy students! I'm Dr. Crabblesnitch, Headmaster of Bullworth Academy!'' A tall man boomed into the microphone.

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Re: Bullworth Story Will's Story
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2011, 03:13:10 PM »
"We have high expectations of all of you" boomed Dr. Crabblesnitch

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Re: Bullworth Story Will's Story
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2011, 04:13:08 AM »
Cool story, a few mispells, Don't worry though (I had some one my older version of my story)