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Author Topic: Payback quotes  (Read 10881 times)

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Offline Hayley

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Payback quotes
« on: July 19, 2011, 11:14:39 AM »
Algernon: He makes me really, really, really angry!
Beatrice: I would enjoy watching him experience pain! … I think.
Bucky: I need him taken care of! As in hurt! Or at least bruised!
Cornelius: Ooh, I’d really like to see him get hurt.
Donald: That guy should get the chair. He’s evil.
Earnest: Ooo, I must be avenged!
Fatty: I’m gonna stick a bottle rocket in his pants. You just watch me!
Melvin: That guy is going to get a vicious  payback one day!
Thad: That fellow shall suffer.

Davis: I’m going to ruin the little runt.
Ethan: Rawr! I could snap him in two, and I’m gonna!
Russell: Russell. Will have. VENGEANCE!
Tom: I’m gonna make his life my nightmare! His nightmare! My- he’s dead!
Troy: I am going to smash that guy’s nose at the back of his skull!
Wade: That little puke! He’s gonna get his ass handed to him on a platter, and he’s gonna like it! I swear it! He’ll get it BAD!
* Trent doesn't have a quote.

Bif: I can’t wait to hit that guy!
Bryce: Indigent scum like that should be made to suffer!
Chad:  Somebody’s going to be limping until summer.
Derby: He isn’t acting like a proper young adult! I want him taken out; taken care of. Understand?
Gord: I hate him! He has to pay!
Justin: That reject needs to be taught a lesson!
Parker: It’s time for revenge!
Pinky: That guy so deservers to get hurt!
Tad: I am ready to have that feather plucked!

Hal: That guy is goin’ down!
Johnny: We gotta teach him not to mess with Johnny!
Lefty: Someone should lay the beats on that stupid bastard.
Lola: He can’t get away with that!
Lucky: Ahhh, I’ll destroy him!
Norton: I’m gonna pound that guy’s face in!
Peanut: Someday that piece of dirt is going down.
Ricky: I want him bloodied up, Hopkins. I’m sure it’s his fault I lost her. I know it!
Vance: He’s gonna be bleedin’ from his ears!

Bo: I’m gonna kill the bastard!
Casey: He’s gotta pay!
Damon: Man, I’m gonna hurt that guy.
Dan: Man, I’m gonna beat him so bad.
Juri: I wish someone would break every bone in his body!
- They’re gonna eat pound cake.
- He’s gonna eat pound cake.
Luis: That little retard’s gotta pay big time for that!
Mandy: Someone should like, totally demolish that little jerk!
Ted: I want him laid out on a stretcher!

Angie: Ooh, he really upset me!
Christy: I hope he’ll be humiliated before his friends!
Constantinos: I really do wanna hurt ‘im!
Eunice: I’m gonna rip his bag off!
- I wanna hurt that kid.
- I wanna see him suffer.
Gloria: My ancient grudge calls for his blood!
Gordon: That chump had better get what’s coming to him! He deservers it and he’s gonna pay!
Ivan: That kid’s gonna get in a horrible accident.
Karen: I gotta get back at him someway!
Lance: I’m not one for teaching lessons or whatever, but this dude’s gotta go down.
Melody: One of these days I’m going to get him!
Pedro: I want that guy to feel my pain just once!
Pete: I wanna teach him a lesson.
Ray: I hope someone puts him in his place one day.
Sheldon: Gosh, that guy makes me very a.ngry!
Trevor: I’m gonna make that guy’s life hell! Grrr!

Clint: They’re gonna be ruing the day, that’s for sure!
Duncan: I’m gonna hurt that kid so bad!
Edgar: We’re gonna mess him up!
Gurney: I wanna see that jerk beg for his life!
Jerry: That boy is gonna get gut!
Leon:  Ooo! That bastard’s got to pay! For real!
Omar: I am so going to kill that guy, bury him, and jump on his grave!
Otto: They won’t know what hit them!
Zoe: That arrogant bastard is going down!

Edward: I will chase that dill hole to the ends of the Earth!
Karl: I’ve had it with that boy! He is going to taste my wrath!
Max: That scofflaw is worth every abuse of authority I can think of!
Seth: I have a very special trashing in mind for that jerk.

Bob: Argh, I could do with an arm bar or a figure four! But then he’d know it was me. I need him taken care of, ya’know?

Abby: I’m going to get him!
Bambillo: I’m gonna get that little jerk!
Bethany: Oh, I’d rip the life out of his heart if I could; I swear I would!
Betty: I’ll kill the little runt! And if I don’t, I’ll get someone else to!
Brandy: I wanna see him suffer! He’s worse than those dwarf throwers when I was a kid.
Breckindale: That low class serf is going back to the mud trench he crawled out of!
Bubas: He needs to be gone, so you should get a place ready for him.
Buckingham: That stuck-up bastard! Who does he think he is?!
Burton: We’ve got to make him pay! Pay, I tell you!
Carmich: Ooo, he really makes me mad! I dearly want to punish him!
Carvin: I want him to get to know pain! Will!
Castillo: It’ll happen; that dude’s gonna get his lights punched right out. But I can’t do it because they’ll expect it.
Chuck: I’ll ruin the little snot!
Crabblesnitch: That little monster needs to be taught an object lesson!
Crystal: I’m gonna grab that jerk by the balls and twist, twsit, twsit!
Danvers: He must be punished!
Denny: I totally wanna hit that loser!
Doolin: Now in my opinion, after a lot of consideration, I’m thinking buddy needs to get his knobs tinkered with a bit. Maybe broken. Your choice.
Dorsey: That no good cheating son of a bitch needs to be taught a lesson.
Edna: I would like to see that guy taken down a notch or two, I’ll tell ya that!
Fenwick: I will hurt him! Forever!
Floyd: It just makes me wanna beat him down, man!
Freeley: I am going to see that scumbag ground down to mess hall chuck and fed to the dogs!
Galloway: I’m not a violent man but if I were I’d punch that little son of a gun.
Gregory: He makes me lose my cool! I wanna take him out back and work him over.
Handy: If I see him again I’ll hit ‘im!
Hattrick: He should suffer for his insolence!
Hector: That little bastard deservers to have his head ripped off his figured body, and it’s gonna happen!
Hobo: That little weasel needs to be put in a shallow grave!
Huntingdon: It just ain’t right! They deserve to be dealt with, if you catch my drift.
Ian: Yo, I want him hit, son, straight gangsta style!
Isaacs: Someone should break every bone in his body.
Ivanovich: That bastard needs to be brutalized.
Johnson: I’ll rip his legs off with my bare hand!
Kopke: I’m gonna date ‘im, I’m gonna lead him on for three years, then I’m gonna dump him for no reason!
Krakauer: I won’t be happy until that renegade is drawn and quartered!
Lisburn: I just don’t trust him. He’s crossed me too many times. I’ll tell ya, he deservers what’s comin’ to him.
Luntz: That sneaky, little, filthy mongrel. He has to suffer.
Maria: I’m gonna slap him so hard, his mama’s teeth gonna get knocked out.
Matthews: I want him to pay like no one’s paid before.
McInnis: So I figure that guy deservers it. He should be taken care of; he’s got what’s comin’ to ‘im, ya’know?
McRae: I wish him a very slow death.
Mihailovich: I will make his [??] scream for mercy!
Miss Peters: I have half a mind to put a hex on that no good son of a-! MMMM!
Monson: That punk is cruisin’ for a bruisin’!
Maratti: This guy my [??], he makin’ me so a.ngry! I dunno what to do!
Morrison: He needs a little taste of justice!
Mr. Gordon: That obnoxious twerp needs a real object lesson!
Nate: I’d be real happy hurtin’ him.
Neil: If I ever see that darn boy I swear I’ll make him regret it!
Nicky: I’ll hit him so hard he’s mama’s gonna go crossed eyed!
Oh: How can his parents have raised a punk like that? Aren’t they ashamed?
O’Rourke: Ahh, he’s gonna get it!
Osbourne: I just wanna hang him from the goal post just like he did to all those wimps back in high school!
Peabody: I feel exhilarated when I think of ways to cause him pain!
Philips: I hate him more than all my ex-husbands combined!
Ramirez: Jimmy, someone should teach him a-something.
Rudy: I’d take him out myself, but sometimes the rage don’t stop! Ya’know? I ain’t goin’ back to jail for no one, ya’hear?
Rushinski: I want to give him paper cuts all over his body!
Salvatore: That little weasel is gonna pay.
Slawter: That little worm as plotted against me, and I won’t stand for it!
Smith: If I still had it my way, I’d do him in myself. But the doctor said no activity, that’s why I need it done.
Stan: Revenge is a dish that I’m gonna serve up to him BIG TIME!
Sullivan: I wanna take forty-two years of frustration out on that bastard!
Svenson: Ya’know, he just rubs me the wrong way, and I gotta say I want something down about it.
Theo: Yeah. That dude deservers a huge waling. Like, hardcore to the max.
Tobias: I’m too old to whop ‘im, but I would love to!
Watts: He must pay!
Wiggins: That little robed Pierre is going to face my guillotine.
Williams: I’ll get the bugger!
Zach: Curse him, that pesky nuisance!
« Last Edit: November 03, 2012, 11:56:27 AM by Doctor Red »

Offline Bully1337

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Re: Payback quotes
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2011, 04:56:59 PM »
How do you get people to say payback quotes?


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Re: Payback quotes
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2011, 05:01:20 PM »
I'm not entirely sure. I've heard them a few times and it's mostly when I see a member of a clique wander into the territory of an enemy clique.

Offline Red Blaster

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Re: Payback quotes
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2011, 05:20:59 PM »
Not quite. A clique girl has to rat the aggressor out to one of her boys.


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Re: Payback quotes
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2011, 05:21:59 PM »
Really? haha, that's funny!

Offline Hayley

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Re: Payback quotes
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2011, 05:31:41 PM »
Not quite. A clique girl has to rat the aggressor out to one of her boys.

OH! 'Cause I did see Pinky run away from Hal at Harrington House and Tad come out of nowhere saying his quote before getting his ass handed to him.

Thanks for the info!

Offline Rock Johnson

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Re: Payback quotes
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2012, 04:49:31 AM »
hmm.. does
"Your about to get a Hopkins Treatment" count?

Offline Red Blaster

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Re: Payback quotes
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2012, 05:20:26 AM »
No...that's a fighting line for Jimmy.

These lines occur when a clique girl rats out an enemy to one of her clique's members, and the guy then attacks the aggressor.

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Re: Payback quotes
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2012, 06:45:20 AM »
He forgot Ivan

Offline Red Blaster

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Re: Payback quotes
« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2012, 07:51:01 AM »
^ You might want to check again.

Offline Red Blaster

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Re: Payback quotes
« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2012, 03:20:26 PM »
You can hear it around 0:11.

Payback quote

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Re: Payback quotes
« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2012, 02:03:22 AM »
What about Ted the Jock Broham?

Offline Red Blaster

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Re: Payback quotes
« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2012, 11:56:44 AM »
Added, also Hayley isn't a "bro".

Offline Hayley

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Re: Payback quotes
« Reply #13 on: November 03, 2012, 12:09:47 PM »
Wait what Ted has a quote?

Also idgaf if I'm called a "bro." ;)
« Last Edit: November 03, 2012, 12:19:46 PM by Hayley »

Offline WhenLifeGivesYouLemons

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Re: Payback quotes
« Reply #14 on: November 04, 2012, 12:20:18 AM »
Added, also Hayley isn't a "bro".
Haha  :biggrin: I know it's just everytime I think about Ted in bully thats like the one quote that comes to my mind sorry if i offended  :innocent: