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Author Topic: Prefect Quotes  (Read 5064 times)

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Prefect Quotes
« on: April 07, 2011, 02:16:08 PM »
Seth Quotes From Wikiquotes....


Hopkins, that is the wrong way !

Why are you wearing those pants ?!

What is that in your hand ?

You're an evildoer !

You have it coming !

Hopkins, why are you not in class ?

You could do a little public service, it'll do you good. Go mow the lawn.

Time to pay the faculty for their kindness !


Weapons are for Prefects ONLY !

I'll beat you later Hopkins !

Those clothes says "PLEASE BEAT ME"!

I can't wait for someone to break a rule, so I can beat them.

Is that shirt some sort of a joke, Hopkins ?

No need for complex reasons when simple beating will do !



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Re: Prefect Quotes
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2011, 10:49:57 PM »
Don't forget: "Hopkins, just lose the damn shoes!"
                  "What are you DOING HERE?!" (says it with 2 inflections)
                  "Students are not allowed here!"
                  "Are you looking for a beating!"

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Re: Prefect Quotes
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2011, 10:54:54 PM »
A few from Edward are also listed....

You useless sissy !

Lookit here, a little trespasser !

This is going to hurt you, more than me, wuss !

You ruled the day, Jimmy. You ruled the day.

Yeow, my Nards !!!!!!!!!


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Re: Prefect Quotes
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2011, 10:58:59 PM »
^Actually it's "You'll rue the day Jimmy, you'll rue the day!"

Some more:

"You'd look even funnier in a wheel chair!"
"You got business here, kid?"
"Where's your pass?"
"Mmmm, I love hotdogs."
"It itches like CRAZY down there."
"A little far from your dorm, huh?"
"Back away, NOW!"
"You preparing for world war 3? Gimme that!"

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Re: Prefect Quotes
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2011, 11:13:17 PM »
Yeah, thought that looked a little weird.  Whoever wrote that apparently doesn't know what 'Rue' means.   Anyhow, was surprised to find that in Wikiquotes.  However, they had no quotes for Max or Karl....Was a bit disappointing.


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Re: Prefect Quotes
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2011, 11:24:12 PM »
Be disappointed no more!

"I'm clearly going places...."
"Get to class you little turd!"
"Hopkins! I'm going to beat you black and blue if you don't get over here!"
"NO! What are ya tryin' to do!"
"Stay calm everyone, I'll catch him."
"I'm rather confused about the situation."
"Majestic....even in defeat...."
"Uh! That was below the belt!"
"I'm gonna beat you hard if you don't get over here, right-now!"
"I swear to God Hopkins! If you don't stop right now, there will be hell to pay!"

"That-looks suspiciously like a weapon."
"You are violating your academic contract!"
"These walls are sacred you toilet foam!"
"But the law always wins...."
"Jock stain, you will respect the Bullworth order!"
"Ah! I needed those!"
"You cannot escape the long arm of the law!"
"I'll beat you some other time, Hopkins!"
"When I say jump, you better say, how high!"
"You will be beaten for being here!"

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Re: Prefect Quotes
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2011, 11:35:36 PM »
See if you can pop up a few more for Edward, too. 

Shit, maybe you should re-wrte that Wikiquote page !