Hello i am Vanja from Croatia
You will need next tools:
1.Download and install blender-
http://www.blender.org/download/get-blender/2.When you install blender than go to
http://sourceforge.net/projects/niftools/files/blender_nif_scripts/ , select your version of blender and download, when download complete than extract it in your blender scripts folder [C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\scripts]
3.Open blender and go to file/import and select Netlmmerse/Gamebryo. (nif) and open some model from bully game, you can edit model or make your own model
4.When you're done than go to file tab in blender and go to export tab and click Netlmmerse/Gamebryo. (nif)
than save it as name.nif example: PFH2_Edward.nif
5.Open imgtool and locate your bully stream folder and select World.img
6.Press F2 and type PFH2_Edward.nif
7.Press Control+R(CTRL+R) and find your model PFH2_Edward.nif
8.On IMGtool press Commands tab and press Rebuild Archive
9. Wait 5-10 minutes and you are done!
run your game and you will see your model as Edward