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Author Topic: Need Wii Mote-Specific Help for Stuffing Losers into Lockers  (Read 6400 times)

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Offline trixiebell

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Hi Everyone ~

First of all, please don't laugh at what is probably a  dumb question with a simple solution - I'm ummm.. and older woman and not a regular gamer, but I got hooked on Bully when I saw it being played at a friend's house.   I went out and bought a Wii just to play this game.    I LOVE this game and I'm glad their's still an active board for it to ask questions so thank you in advance.

I've had a difficult time with all the Wii Mote moves in Bully - to fight I just punch with the wimote and randomly push buttons - seems to work so far.   

So.. stuffing kids into lockers - one of the little side errands that keeps coming up..

My current method:    I see a kid opening up a locker --  then I'm using C to highlight the "Loser" and then Z to try to grab and push them -- but whenever I do that it doesn't push them into the locker; rather it pulls them away and into the middle of the hall.   I've tried about 50 bazillions times.

What am I doing wrong or what could I try differently?     Thanks in advance for any helps or tips.   

Offline Mercury

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Re: Need Wii Mote-Specific Help for Stuffing Losers into Lockers
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2010, 07:24:29 PM »
Okay, I do not have the game for Wii, but I think that the game systems works the same everywhere. To stuff a looser into a locker, we grab him, and just shove him to the opened locker (Blue Marker). And Jimmy does it automatically ! Well, try to grab him, and move Jimmy then... Try to approach from a locker... See what it does... OK ?

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Re: Need Wii Mote-Specific Help for Stuffing Losers into Lockers
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2010, 01:45:51 AM »
The lockers with the blue mark under them are empty.....Doesn't have to be someone opening the locker, could be any male student (Except little kid).....Just grab them and drag them over to the locker.

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Re: Need Wii Mote-Specific Help for Stuffing Losers into Lockers
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2010, 05:55:24 AM »
Huhuh, that's it ! Does it work ?

Offline trixiebell

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Re: Need Wii Mote-Specific Help for Stuffing Losers into Lockers
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2010, 04:09:44 PM »

First of all, thank you for the responses!

Ok, I am totally lame.   The only way I can grab (as far as I know) is with the Z button.   If I press Z the following happens:  Jimmy simply pull them into the hallway or pushes them to the ground.

I've tried with lockers that just blue and not worried about it being open.. but.. its seems I'm neither able to drag anyone nor hold on to anyone.   It's just push to the ground or pull into the middle of the hallway. 

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Re: Need Wii Mote-Specific Help for Stuffing Losers into Lockers
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2010, 10:43:56 AM »
OK, how do you press it ? You just push it and release it, or do you keep it pushed ? Maybe the button has to keep pushed for Jimmy to shove someone where he wants to.

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Re: Need Wii Mote-Specific Help for Stuffing Losers into Lockers
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2010, 11:22:22 AM »

I've tried pushing and letting go as well as pushing and keeping it pushed.    Since writing my original post I've managed to do it  exactly once (after about 60+ tries)  but I wasn't doing anything different!  So frustrating!


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Re: Need Wii Mote-Specific Help for Stuffing Losers into Lockers
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2010, 11:46:12 AM »
 I don't know much about Bully for Wii, or even Wii in general.  From what I understand people either love it or hate it.  From your description it sounds like there were some technical issues with the Wii version of Bully that were never worked out.

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Re: Need Wii Mote-Specific Help for Stuffing Losers into Lockers
« Reply #8 on: May 21, 2010, 05:19:10 PM »
Yeah, as I suspected - it wasn't a wii mote issue - it was a "first time gamer doesn't know get all about buttons" issue.   I was doing it wrong.  BBZZT!  Thanks for playing.. we have some nice parting gifts for you.

So my friend's 16 year old son came over and showed me how to do it.  He hasn't played Bully but he figured it out in about 2.5 seconds as I suspected he would.

The answer was simple:  You have to push C & Z at the *same time.*    I was pushing C then Z.   The one time I managed stuff a kid in the locker, I probably accidently hit them at the same time, not realizing I had done it.

After he showed me, I can  now do it amazingly well.     Thank you so much for the nice replies, everyone, that was driving me completely bonkers and I am grateful all the help. 

Also, because he was just so darn nice about it -- after he showed me I offered to buy him the game of his choice (I can afford it) and he was all.. wow, are you serious? Any game?   So he immediately picked Red Dead Redemption, no hesitation.   It looks like a great game - too bad it's not made for the Wii.    :(


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Re: Need Wii Mote-Specific Help for Stuffing Losers into Lockers
« Reply #9 on: May 23, 2010, 05:25:35 AM »
Haha, yeah ! Where are you in Bully now ?

Offline trixiebell

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Re: Need Wii Mote-Specific Help for Stuffing Losers into Lockers
« Reply #10 on: May 23, 2010, 09:26:16 AM »
I'm Chapter III (I think).  I just finished "Defend the Castle" -- which also took me about 50 tries because the potato cannon movement is done with the nanchuck and it's a stiff movement.  When you hit the button in any direction it moves a certain set amount.  Very annoying that it's hard to be precise.   But also, I admit I just suck.  Luckily there is one one here to make fun of me.   

And something I learned:  In Defend the Castle, you first have to run to the barricade - but it just doesn't matter if you shoot all those guys or not.  You can just stand there until they break the barricade and then run back to the potato gun.   No matter what you do (if you shoot them all or just stand there) you still have to go back to the potato gun. - so why bother?   

I do prefer the errand type missions more than the shooting missions, but I'm having soo much fun, it's unbelievable.

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Re: Need Wii Mote-Specific Help for Stuffing Losers into Lockers
« Reply #11 on: May 23, 2010, 09:53:50 AM »
Here's a tip.....If you can do it on the Wii......Load yourself up with marbles, and as you come back to the gates of the observatory, stop and turn around at the pillars where the brick walk begins......Scatter all your marbles inbetween the two pillars, for all the Jocks have to run through there.....Don't worry about the time, they won't come until you are up on the spud cannon. 

If it works like it does on the PS2, the Jocks will all slip and fall on the marbles, making them real easy targets.....I couldn't beat that myself until I did that......

BTW, Defender Of The Castle is in Chapter 4......

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Re: Need Wii Mote-Specific Help for Stuffing Losers into Lockers
« Reply #12 on: May 23, 2010, 10:00:09 AM »
Oh, and also....There is a real good walkthrough for this game out there, done by Eric Waechter aka Candied Skull......It's 84 pages long, and will tell you what you need to know about each mission.....I can't remember which gaming site I got it from (been awhile), but I can look if you can't find it.

Offline trixiebell

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Re: Need Wii Mote-Specific Help for Stuffing Losers into Lockers
« Reply #13 on: May 23, 2010, 01:21:26 PM »
Oh thank you!  :cool:  I am going to look it up right now.   Wish I would have thought of the marbles!  Argh..  The video I saw of it didn't use marbles.   Well, I did finally get through it so that's good.  Sounds like that walkthrough will be very helpful.     

I have been using guides or videos very, very sparingly -  I try a mission at least 5 times and if I still haven't gotten it, I watch the video to make sure I'm not doing something totally retarded.   I like the challenge of it -- and I figure if I use a walkthrough 100% of the time, then the game will go too fast.   Right now I am 60.09% done.  I am torn between savoring it and wanting to see the end of the story.   But.. there's a whole section of the map to explore that hasn't even been opened yet... can't wait!

[Disclaimer: I fully admit  that I didn't even try - out and out used the posted answers for the math class  - because otherwise I'd still be on Math 1.]
So.. now I have a wii (which I bought just for this game) -- and now that i'm kinda hooked,  I have to figure out what else I might like.  Any suggestions for a umm... mature woman that aren't too violent and/or scary?  I think what I liked most about this game is.. the world it's in and that you can choose what you want to do.. and you can just go explore if you want.  That's  just.. freaking awesome.    I spent an entire IRL day just exploring both towns collecting cards, bands and gnomes --  and on foot so I wouldn't miss anything.

 I can take the cartoon-like violence of Bully  - but I wouldn't want to play a game like a combat/war scenario or grand theft Auto, or a alien/zombied/dungeon kind of thing.   I need low game stress. 

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Re: Need Wii Mote-Specific Help for Stuffing Losers into Lockers
« Reply #14 on: May 24, 2010, 01:20:53 PM »
Your type of gaming is exactly like mine, I can tell you that ! Maybe you should try... Zelda : Twilight Princess ?