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Author Topic: A Fine Kettle Of Fish - Sponge Bob's School Days  (Read 3355 times)

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A Fine Kettle Of Fish - Sponge Bob's School Days
« on: January 16, 2011, 09:03:07 AM »
                                                       {CHAPTER ONE}

The square yellow sponge arrived at Bikini Bottom Academy on the first day of aquatic school.  He was full of anticipation when he thought of all the new experiences he was going to have, but at the same time, he had some misgivings about being accepted because he was so much different from the mostly mammalian life forms that went to the school.  But being his bright-natured self, he naively felt he would fit in just fine.  After all, at his new after-school job at Krusty Burgers, no one ever commented on his looks, just the delicious Crabby-Patties he made. No problem, his tiny brain thought.  It was going to be just fine.

As he entered through the main gate, he noticed some tough fish hanging about, staring at him.  Barracudas, by the looks of them.  They watched him with their beady eyes as he approached.

"Hey, Lookit !", one of them said. "Who's the New Fish ?"

"Sure is an ugly-lookin' fucker", another one said.

"He ain't even Fishy !", a third one exclaimed. "He's sorta square shit."

Sponge Bob came to a halt as the three toughs advanced on him and suddenly surrounded him.......

“Lookit them stupid-lookin' pants", the first Barracuda jeered. “Whatsmatter ugly fuck, can't your Mama afford you any new clothes ?"

“Do a thing like this even HAVE a Mama ?", the second Barracuda laughed snidely.

“Just what the fuck are you, anyway, you gross-lookin' piece of crap ?" the third Barracuda said menacingly.

“A-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA", Sponge Bob laughed nervously, “I'm Sponge Bob !"

He stuck out a tiny hand attached to a very thin arm.  The Barracudas ignored his gesture of greeting.  Instead, they flicked away their ciggys, and moved in.....

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Re: A Fine Kettle Of Fish - Sponge Bob's School Days
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2011, 09:06:57 PM »
All three Barracudas charged at Sponge Bob, butting him with their heads in an attempt to bite large chunks from his spongy square body.  Unfortunately for them, all that happened was that they sank deep into his spongy recesses.  As everyone knows, when sponges are squished, they pop back into shape, and that was precisely what happened here, suddenly repelling the three Barracudas outward at an even faster speed, two of them smashing directly into the pillars on each side of the gate, while the lead Barracuda was thrown forward into a group of fish who had stopped to watch the Barracuda bully yet another hapless new student.

“AHAHAHAHA, That Tickles !!”, chortled Sponge Bob.

Getting to his fins, the lead fish shouted, “Dude, You Some Kind Of FREAK !!”, before gathering his stunned Barracuda buddies and finning off. 

“Whee. That was FUN !”, Sponge Bob exclaimed.  “I like it here already !”  As Sponge Bob made his way forward towards the main school building, a strange looking five-armed creature swam up to him.

“WOW, like that was COOL !”, the creature exclaimed.  “You beat Lenny and his boys !”

A-HAHAHAHAHA.....I did....What ?”, Sponge Bob faltered.

“Uhh....Beat Lenny....The Barracuda ?”, the creature said.

“BARRACUDA ?”, screeched Sponge Bob.  Then, “What’s a Barracuda ?”

“Them guys....They’re like Bullies around here”, the creature said.  “Ohh, Hey !  Maybe I could show you around ?”  He stuck out one of his funny-looking arms.  “I’m Patrick Starfish.”

“Hi, Patrick !  I’m Sponge Bob, A-HAHAHAH!”, Sponge Bob replied, grasping the appendage with his tiny hand and pumping it up and down rapidly.

The two new friends headed toward the school building as the other fish standing around the courtyard looked on in stupified wonder.

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Re: A Fine Kettle Of Fish - Sponge Bob's School Days
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2011, 09:32:33 PM »
“First you gotta go check in at the Office”, Patrick said.  “Com’om, I’ll show you where !”

Sponge Bob followed Patrick through the giant open hall and then to the School Office.  A female fish was swimming behind the counter.  “Uhhh....Hi Miss Tetra !”, Patrick said, then whispered to Sponge Bob, “That’s Miss Dawn Tetra, she’s the Office Lady here.”  Aloud he said, “This is my new friend, Sponge Bob !  He has to check in here, he’s new !”

Ignoring Patrick, Miss Tetra focused on Sponge Bob, running a critical eye up and down his giant yellow body.  “Just what are you, boy ?”, she asked harshly, “Some kind of Mutant ?”

“No, I’m a Sponge !”, exclaimed Sponge Bob.  “My name is Sponge Bob !”

“Sponges are usually shapeless”, Miss Tetra said. “Why are you square ?”

“Hahahahahahahahaha”, Sponge Bob laughed nervously, “I don’t know, I was just made this way ?”

“I doubt that”, Miss Tetra said. “I suppose you’re already dressed well enough, though.  Stop by the School Store to get your school uniform before the end of the day.  Here is a class schedule and your Dorm assignment.  School starts promptly at 8 AM.  Do NOT cause any trouble, or the Swordfish Prefects will drag you off to detention !  Now, if there is nothing more, you are dismissed !”

Sponge Bob took his schedule and he and Patrick left the Office.

“Sponges”, muttered Miss Tetra, “What’s next, Corals ?”

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Re: A Fine Kettle Of Fish - Sponge Bob's School Days
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2011, 09:34:27 PM »
“Come on to the Lunchroom”, Patrick said, “I’ll show you who all is here !”

Sponge Bob followed Patrick down to the Lunchroom.  It was a huge place, packed with students, with large round tables spread all over.  Piles of slim Catfish bones on each one bore testament to the good eating here.  Catfish of the sea were just like Cows of the land, and were raised and hearded by Catboys on vast stretches of open freshwater bottom plain.  

After getting heaping platefulls of Catfish themselves from the serving line, Patrick and Sponge Bob sat down at the lone vacant table by the drinking fountain.  As they ate, Patrick pointed out the various groups around the Lunchroom.

Pointing at the table closest, Patrick said, “Them there is the Octopuses.  They’re like, real Nerdy. They find and make stuff from the junk the humans throw in the Ocean.  Their leader is that guy there named Emid.”  He lowered his voice. “They’re real wussies.  When they run, they squirt this black piss stuff from their privates. They hang out over at the Fishberry.”

Sponge Bob looked to the table and saw a bunch of fat, slobbish-looking Octopui  waving their tentacles around and talking what sounded to him like gibberish. They had beady little eyes that kept constantly shifting back and forth. Their leader, Emid, was the fattest of all of them, and was the ugliest thing that Sponge Bob had ever seen.

Pointing to another table, Patrick said, “Them over there is the Crabs.  They’re kinda dumb, but they scavenge stuff farther out in the Ocean and can build like bicycles and things like that.  They are always over at the Fin Shop, just farting around.  Their leader is that guy there, Johnny Crab.”

Sponge Bob was staring at the table and saw Crabs of various sizes, from Hermit Crabs to Spider Crabs to Ophelia Crabs.  The only King Crab was Johnny Crab, the group’s leader.  All were ugly-looking, and had big, mean-looking claws and pinchers.  Like the Octoupi, they all had multiple arms.  Each one, Sponge Bob noticed, had hairy-looking appendages that resembled mustaches.

Patrick indicated another table, saying, “Them there’s the Sharks.  They are like, the rich fish of the school.  They always have plenty of Clamshells to spend, and their families are loaded from all the rich people they’ve eaten over the years.  They even got their own place to stay, Sharkington Shell.  They look down on everybody else, cause they think they’re all better and stuff.”  Patrick looked unhappy, saying, “That Shark that’s their leader, Durry, makes fun of me all the time, he says cause I’m pink and fat.  I don’t like them at all.”

Sponge Bob noticed that the Sharks always looked like they were grinning at something, and not in a nice way.  They had mouthfuls of huge white, sparkley teeth and movie-fish good looks, with beady black eyes that seemed to rove around.  Their leader, Durry, was pointing his fin at various tables and saying something, to which the other Sharks laughed uproariously.  To a shark, they all had soft, white underbellies, and were dressed in Preppy-looking clothes.

Patrick moved on, indicating another table.  “Them’s the Stingrays over there.  They’re the Jocks here.  They’re real speedy and fast, and can hit real hard.  They got a stinger on their tail, but they’re not supposed to use it during the games.  One of them got expelled last year for stinging a Teacherfish to death.”  Patrick shook his head appendage.  “They’re bad news, sometimes.  The Ray who’s their leader though, Tron, usually keeps them in line.  They hang out at the Gym mostly, and don’t like it that other fish get in their territory.”

Sponge Bob noticed that instead of arms, the Stingrays had huge wing-like appendages that looked big enough to swim across the Ocean without breaking a sweat.  They had huge bodies, and Sponge Bob had no doubt they could knock down other fish just by flapping those wing-like things.  They also had beady-looking little eyes and looked constantly pissed-off, which could be a way of intimidation, he thought.  They didn’t appear too friendly, Sponge Bob thought.  Their leader, Tron, was glaring about the Lunchroom, and the others were following suit.

Contuning, Patrick said, “Way over there is the Pufferfish.  They are even more wussey that the Octopuses, real scaredy-fish.  They try to hide from everybody, but when they get nervous, they like, puff up like water ballons.  It’s like they pee themselves from the inside”, Patrick said, laughing.  “Everybody makes fun of them, cause they’re fraidy-fish, so they don’t talk much.  That purple one there, Petey Pufferfish, is sorta their leader, but all he usually ever does is try to find them places to hide out from everybody.”

Sponge Bob noticed that the Pufferfish huddled mostly together, their mouths puckering and unpuckering, their eyes darting here and there.  The other fish were throwing bones at them, and every once and a while, one of them would suddenly puff up while the nearby fish would laugh and jeer at them.  They looked like they were scared out of their gourds.

“And over there, is the Barracudas, who you already met”, said Patrick.  “They like to Bully the Octopuses, the Pufferfish, and the little fish, but they run like Chickenfish when somebody tougher than them shows up.” Patrick laughed.  “That was really funny when you bounced Lenny off you like that !  They will probably leave you alone now, but they are sneaky and they might try to bully you again sometime.”

“You mean they weren’t playing ?”, Sponge Bob asked, his big eyes widening.

“No, Sponge Bob, they were trying to bite you !”, Patrick replied.

“Ahahahahaaa”, Sponge Bob said falteringly. “Whatta bunch, huh, Patrick ?”

“Oh, there’s better things here”, Patrick said, “There’s GIRLS here, too !”

The bell rang for afternoon classes just then, and Patrick rose to go.  “I gotta go to class now, but I’ll see you later at the Dorm”, he said.  “We get to room together !  It’s going to be fun !!”

And then he was off.  Sponge Bob got a drink of air from the drinking fountain, and then wandered out of the school and headed towards the Dorm.  He couldn’t wait to see what his room looked like, and was happy he had found a friend like Patrick on his first day.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2011, 09:36:49 PM by CHUCKX53 »

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Re: A Fine Kettle Of Fish - Sponge Bob's School Days
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2011, 06:40:19 PM »
Sponge Bob skipped along, humming his favorite song.........

Spongebob sings I'm blue