News: Welcome back to Bullworth! If you haven't already, you will need to reset your password..

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Topics - ilovekittens

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If any of you are just getting into script modding or are getting back into script modding, you will notice that when you try to install one of the dependencies (vcsetup.exe) for the LuaC the installer will repeatedly attempt to establish a connection to a download server. This is probably because the Microsoft server that hosted this download is no longer hosting those files because they are just so old.
The way around this is to use a local installer that does not connect to a server to pull the files in. This installer can be found here.

You can mount the .iso file with image mounting software such as WinCDEmu and run the mounted virtual disc.

Select Visual C++ 2008

There seems to no longer be any way of setting up Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition as of 2024. When running the setup, the installer attempts 5 times to establish a connection to the download server, and they all fail, resulting in this screen:

Without this installed, however, you will just get a side-by-side error when using LuaC.

Forum Questions/Help / "you will need to reset your password..."
« on: June 12, 2024, 02:41:54 AM »
"Welcome back to Bullworth! If you haven't already, you will need to reset your password.."

Why is that? Did something happen?

Mod Releases / On Screen Typing [LUA]
« on: December 23, 2021, 02:47:55 AM »
This is my first modding related post in many years, but I'm very excited to show you guys this on-screen-typing system (or whatever you wanna call it)

It's not as good as being able to just type with your keyboard, but it's probably the best way to go about this completely in LUA script modding without creating any scripthooks or anything fancy like that.

Video demo:

Code: [Select]
--control scheme--
dpad up/down: scroll through letters
left/right weapon wheel: change case
dpad left: backspace
dpad right: next character
grapple: insert an underscore (_)
sprint: confirm text

function main()
while true do
if IsButtonBeingPressed(3, 0) and not gTyping then
typing_typedStuff = F_OnScreenTyping("text: ") -- no args are necessary here, but you can optionally put a string of text here to display before the typing string
TextPrintString("typing finished", 2, 1)
elseif IsButtonBeingPressed(1, 0) and not gTyping and typing_typedStuff ~= nil then
TextPrintString("You typed: "..typing_typedStuff, 4, 1)

typing_chars = {
{"a", "A"},
{"b", "B"},
{"c", "C"},
{"d", "D"},
{"e", "E"},
{"f", "F"},
{"g", "G"},
{"h", "H"},
{"i", "I"},
{"j", "J"},
{"k", "K"},
{"l", "L"},
{"m", "M"},
{"n", "N"},
{"o", "O"},
{"p", "P"},
{"q", "Q"},
{"r", "R"},
{"s", "S"},
{"t", "T"},
{"u", "U"},
{"v", "V"},
{"w", "W"},
{"r", "R"},
{"x", "X"},
{"y", "Y"},
{"z", "Z"},
{"1", "1"},
{"2", "2"},
{"3", "3"},
{"4", "4"},
{"5", "5"},
{"6", "6"},
{"7", "7"},
{"8", "8"},
{"9", "9"},
{"0", "0"},
typing_chars.n = table.getn(typing_chars)
gTyping = false
function F_OnScreenTyping(txt)
gTyping = true
typing_case = 1
typing_typed = {}
typing_typed.n = table.getn(typing_typed)
typing_index = 1
table.insert(typing_typed, typing_chars[typing_index][typing_case])
typing_str = typing_typed[1]
PlayerWeaponHudLock(true) -- Optional, but I recommend this because the weapon wheel buttons will be used to change the letter case

-- Change case:
if IsButtonBeingPressed(11, 0) then
typing_case = 1
table.remove(typing_typed, typing_typed.n)
table.insert(typing_typed, typing_chars[typing_index][typing_case])
elseif IsButtonBeingPressed(13, 0) then
typing_case = 2
table.remove(typing_typed, typing_typed.n)
table.insert(typing_typed, typing_chars[typing_index][typing_case])

-- Select character:
if IsButtonBeingPressed(1, 0) then
table.insert(typing_typed, typing_chars[typing_index][typing_case])
elseif IsButtonBeingPressed(0, 0) and typing_typed.n > 1 then
table.remove(typing_typed, typing_typed.n)

-- Change character:
if F_IsButtonBeingPressed(2, 0) then
typing_index = typing_index - 1
if typing_index < 1 then
typing_index = typing_chars.n
table.remove(typing_typed, typing_typed.n)
table.insert(typing_typed, typing_chars[typing_index][typing_case])
elseif F_IsButtonBeingPressed(3, 0) then
typing_index = typing_index + 1
if typing_index > typing_chars.n then
typing_index = 1
table.remove(typing_typed, typing_typed.n)
table.insert(typing_typed, typing_chars[typing_index][typing_case])

-- Insert an underscore:
if IsButtonBeingPressed(9, 0) then
table.insert(typing_typed, "_")
table.insert(typing_typed, typing_chars[typing_index][typing_case])

-- Display text:
TextPrintString((txt and txt or "")..typing_str.."<", 1, 1)
until IsButtonBeingPressed(7, 0)
gTyping = false
return typing_str

-- Concatenate strings from table:
function typing_conc()
typing_str = nil
for i = 1, typing_typed.n do
if typing_str == nil then
typing_str = typing_typed[1]
typing_str = typing_str..typing_typed[i]

function F_PreventDPadUpFromZoomingIn()
if IsButtonBeingReleased(2, 0) then

gButtons = {}
function F_IsButtonBeingPressed(b, c)
if IsButtonBeingPressed(b, c) then
gButtons[b] = GetTimer()
return true
elseif IsButtonPressed(b, c) and gButtons[b] ~= nil then
return GetTimer() - gButtons[b] > 500
gButtons[b] = nil
return false

I commented just about everything I felt needed explaining. This example script isn't really intended to be run alone, but my intention of this post for you to be able to use the functions in it in your own script mods if you know what you're doing.
When you call the F_OnScreenTyping function, you should set a variable to be equal to it like I did in the script.
Code: [Select]
typedStuff = F_OnScreenTyping()After this line, typedStuff will hold a string of whatever you typed.

You can add more characters to the "typing_chars" table, as many as you want. I didn't include any characters other than numbers and letters because I originally scripted this system to type out file names to save bike races and spawned objects to in my trainer.

If you have any questions, leave a reply.  :cool:

Mod Showroom / ilovekittens trainer showcase
« on: April 06, 2019, 09:53:12 PM »

unknownsoldier here, check out my mod

also i dont remember how to embed the video in posts, can anyone remind me? been too long lol

Introduce Yourself / this is crazy!
« on: December 19, 2018, 03:05:29 AM »
this is bringing back memories. i used to be unknownsoldier on here, and i havent gone on here in years, but wow its back up and idk if anyone i knew still uses this, and i probably wont be very active anymore but its cool going back and looking at old posts and just, feeling the memories and remembering all the friends i made here years ago when i was just a wee lass. great to see it back up again :D

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