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Topics - MSTVD

Pages: [1]
Hi, guys! Ok here's the deal: I would like to replace a townsfolk with Duncan, so I can have two Duncans at once.
I want to do this because I got the Sid skin for him off of BullyMods, and I want to replace the second one with Sid, but also give him Duncan's stats and fighting style, and just so that I could have both Sid and Duncan in the game at once.
Help would be appreciated, thank you.

Introduce Yourself / Greetings
« on: April 10, 2016, 12:41:50 AM »
Hello, fellow community members
Don't know what to say, but I am a 16 year old guy from New York. I am bilingual and speak English and Russian. I got into Bully around 6th grade, and recently I got back into it once again. This time though, my interests are a bit extending outwards into the rest of the community, and I am pleased t'meet y'all.

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