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Messages - Miss Ordered

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Bullworth Experiences / Best 'WTF!?' Moments in Bully
« on: December 06, 2009, 01:31:34 AM »
Quote from: tbone360;73388
Speaking of nerds, why are they the only people in the game that have glasses? And all of the nerds wear glasses.

Except for that one prefect.  Wait...

LOL...  I wonder why Rockstar didn't add in any racial jokes considering how screwed up the ethnic ratio is at Bullworth.  Seriously, Bullworth may be screwed up, but no one makes cracks about race around there.

All the Gangstas can be African-American, and all the Cholos can be Mexican-American.  Then they can have a giant-ass gang war in Bullworth.  Yeah, you teach those rich, white kids how to do a real drive-by!  Well, considering most of the students use bikes...  (LOL...racial.)

Other WTF moments:
*I heard a student say, "I heard the Jocks got caught playing naked twister in the clubhouse."
*I saw Parker with a stick stalking Sheldon and a few greasers in the Auto-Shop yard.  (LOL...  Parker is hella gangsta.)
*Sheldon single-handedly beat up Juri outside of the Townie clubhouse.
*When Christy was chasing after me, I heard her say, "I'm gonna beat you, and then tell them you tried to violate me!"  LOL...she chased me for no reason.

Bully 1 Discussion / 200 things you have learnt from bully
« on: December 06, 2009, 01:15:18 AM »
Quote from: Mike_W;73368
Go betwwen the buildings like in the alley ways.  you can hear what sounds like "domestic violence"

That's probably what I'm talking about.  I think you can hear it near the townhouses, too.  

315.  Melvin's dad probably used to be a jock.
316.  Tad has been stabbed with a pitchfork before.
317.  From small talk, it can be implied that almost all the Preppies are gay or bi.
318.  Casey has been locked in the laundry room in the girls' dorm before.
319.  Edward Seymour (prefect) cries after being beaten.  ("I need my inhaler." *cries*)
320.  Bo had a pet who died.  (I wish I could've said goodbye.  She was the best damn pet I ever had.")
321.  During a specific errand, you can catch Wade under one of the docks holding a teddy bear.  (LOL.)

NES Archive / The Never Ending Story
« on: December 06, 2009, 12:54:59 AM »
"Algie's been talking up a storm about himself," said Constantinos. "Says he's gonna be real big around here. Heh, he's already a big fat-ass. Can't get any bigger."

"Anything specific ?" asked Tony.

"About him ? No”, replied Constantinos.

"Good," said Tony. “Anything else ?”

"Like what ?" asked Constantinos.

"Ask that to the Washingtons," replied Tony, waving the two dollars. "What else have you heard ?"

"Beatrice's cold sores are acting up again”, Constantinos ventured.

Tony frowned. "Something useful, please ?"

"Okay," pleaded Constantinos. "I heard the Care Packages are coming in today."

"The What ?" asked Tony.

"Packages the Preps get from their Parents”, explained Constantinos. "They keep them in the School Basement now, after some students broke in the School Store and stole some things last year."

"Hmm…How do you know this ?" asked Tony.

"You're not the only person I've made deals with," said Constantinos, who gestured towards the Janitor, Mr. Luntz, who was out sweeping the walks. Tony looked at the Janitor, whom he hadn’t noticed before. But his mind was thinking. 

Maybe Jake was wrong about the Preps, Tony thought, He’s either keeping things to himself, or he doesn’t know.  The Care Packages would have the Preppies' sweaters in them, not to mention other precious things that were rare in this kind of place. Tony’s mind seized on the possibilities.  Hell, I can deal with the Preppies...and every other student in this school.

Tony smiled, although he knew that sneaking out with all those packages from the School Basement and remaining unseen was going to be difficult at a place like Bullworth.  But considering the future profits…..It was worth it.

"Constantinos," said Tony, "I've got a hell of a deal for you, but it's gonna involve you and me, and possibly some hired help….."

"Oh yeah ?" asked Constantinos. “What’s in it for me ?”
"Much more as you can imagine, you just...", Tony began.

Just then, the School Bells rang.

Bully 1 Discussion / How to know if you're a Bully Super Geek
« on: December 06, 2009, 12:37:56 AM »
Quote from: tbone360;73383
The sims 2 is a whole lot different. They make the most ridiculous outfits in the sims 2.

Not if you download things.  (LOL...  There actually is an Aquaberry sweater someone made.  Derby has black eyebrows in Bully, so we kept it on his Sim.)

71.  You've dreamt about being in Bullworth.
72.  You've suddenly attained an interest in boarding schools.
73.  You've broke into someone's locker.
74.  You suddenly have a craving for poundcake
You've suddenly stopped eating poundcake.
75.  One day, you want to fight a gorilla.
76.  Names in Bully sound awkward to you when used in real life.

Bullworth Experiences / Best 'WTF!?' Moments in Bully
« on: December 04, 2009, 09:12:53 PM »
Quote from: Mercury;73354
Everyone in the prep's family has four thumbs, three boobs or what, but the prep kids don't.

Well...  Tad does have webbed toes on one foot.  (LOL...redneck)

One of the biggest WTF moments for me was when my friend accidentally knocked Gord off his bike while trying to lure him to Johnny.  Gord pounced and rolled into a wall like some alien robot.  (OMG, he's a transformer!)

There was also this one townsguy (or Gord.  We're not quite sure.) who we could hear saying, "My life is completely empty and meaningless."

Bully 1 Discussion / 200 things you have learnt from bully
« on: December 04, 2009, 09:02:44 PM »
309.  Sometimes, you can catch students crying in the cemetary.
310.  Only two people from each clique dress up for Halloween.
311.  Nobody leaves Bullworth on Christmas Day.
312.  Tad has horrible aim.
313.  Lefty the greaser was childhood friends with Luis the jock.
314.  Beatrice, when crying, admits to cutting herself.

NES Archive / The Never Ending Story
« on: December 04, 2009, 08:46:54 PM »
Tony yawned, before smacking himself on the arm to wake up as the Alarm Clock went off.  He had dozed off.  Groggy, he left the Dorm.  Jake caught up to him, and seemed just as crazy as usual, urging Tony on, as the two made their way to Art Class.

"You can sleep when we get to Art Class," called Jake. "Hurry up !."

Tony lazily sauntered his way up the stairs, trailing behind Jake as he hauled himself into the classroom.  Tony's brain might have been pretty screwed up from his broken sleep, but he could've sworn that all the other students in there were girls.  Tony realized that he and Jake were the only guys in the class.  Well, not quite…On closer look, he could see there were some drooling guys tucked away in the far corner.

He was expecting some weird, stick-like, possibly perverted guy to be leading the class. Instead, a woman dressed in a well-fitting turtleneck and a tight leather skirt made her way around lonely easels and took a stand in front of the class.

"Hello Class," said the woman. "My name is Ms. Phillips, and I am your Art Teacher. Welcome to the Amazing World of Art !"

Tony peered at the group of guys in the corner, whose eyes were all locked onto the teacher. He was pretty sure it wasn't because they wanted to learn about Art.

He stared back at Jake, who seemed to be amusing himself with some morbid thought.  Tony could tell by the evil smirk on his face. "Hey, Jake", he whispered.

"What ?" replied Jake. "Can't you see I'm busy thinking here ?"

"Why the hell are we here when we could be managing our little business ?" asked Tony.

"You've got a lot to learn, my friend," said Jake, who picked up the brush that was laid out for him. Tony copied him, eyes watching the guys in the corner. They were all still staring and gawking at Ms. Phillips, although she had already told them to pick up their brushes.

"Okay, class, I just want to see how far your skills have gotten up to this point," explained Ms. Phillips. "Let the inner self flow onto the paper. Don't be embarrassed."

Tony looked at the blank canvas in front of him. After blinking for a few times and then jolting back to reality, he had realized that he had dozed off there for a few seconds. This Art  wasn't going to be good.

Bully 1 Discussion / How to know if you're a Bully Super Geek
« on: December 04, 2009, 08:23:46 PM »
Quote from: Mercury;73351
Oh yeah, Russell is very good in my wrestling game !

Lol...  Me and my friend made Derby on the Sims.  (Completely unrelated, but there's a kid at my school who looks like Jimmy.)


61.  You hope Bully 2 isn't vaporware.
62.  You notice that Daniel Lamb and Leo Kasper from Manhunt 2 kind of look like Jimmy and Gary...
63.  You've played a Bully clip for a telemarketer.
64.  You can recite a quote for every student at the school.
65.  You've spent time running over students/shooting students in the crotch just to see what they say.

Auditory Experiences / Favourite Quotes from bully
« on: December 04, 2009, 12:01:40 AM »
Quote from: Mike_W;73310
Today Kirby said "Have you ever seen Edna in her underwear?" to Luis and I thought I was going to blow chunks.

Kirby is a pretty messed-up character.  Seriously, he's a closeted bisexual-leaning-onto-homosexual jock masochist with an obsession with shoes, lunch ladies, and poundcake.  WTH.

Speaking of Luis, I heard Lefty say, "You know, me and Luis grew up together.  The only reason the Jocks like him is because he can kick all of their asses."

LOL...  I sense "I-miss-my-friend" issues.

Bully 1 Discussion / How to know if you're a Bully Super Geek
« on: December 03, 2009, 11:50:23 PM »
56.  You read/write Bully fanfic.
57.  You can state a fact about every student that attends Bullworth Academy.
58.  You can identify every student at the Academy by name.
59.  You've tried to make versions of the Bully characters in other games.
60.  You've read/edited the Bully Wiki.

Bully 1 Discussion / 200 things you have learnt from bully
« on: December 03, 2009, 11:41:44 PM »
301.  People will still steal your bike, even if you have 100% respect.
302.  You can hear kids and women screaming inside the buildings of New Coventry.
303.  Juri needs deodorant.  (When I threw a stink bomb at Luis, he went, "Eww...  Smells like Juri's pits.")
304.  The townsguy with the really strong accent (Mihailovich) is implied to be Russian...and gay ("Ivan, I had always loved you...").
305.  There are about two shipwrecks in Bullworth, although none of the waterways seem to lead anywhere.
306.  Jimmy doesn't have to pay bills for living in the beach house.
307.  If you've played Scholarship Edition, then you'll see why there's actually someone more psycho than Gary.  (LOL...Clint/Henry.)

NES Archive / The Never Ending Story
« on: December 03, 2009, 11:31:32 PM »
"Hurry up," urged Jake, as he hauled a box full of clothing past the Parking Lot.

"What for ?" asked Tony, who was also balancing two large boxes against his chest.

"Listen up", crowed Jake. "We're gonna hide the boxes.  No one knows about our little business plan, but they will soon enough."

"Then how are we supposed to sell them ?" asked Tony.

"You'll see soon enough," said Jake. "Now haul your ass."

Tony and Jake edged around through the Quad. Their eyes darted around, watching for people who could potentially rat them out.  At last, Tony and Jake made it to the back of the Boys' Dorm.  Jake pulled some bricks from the back of the dorm, and a massive hole formed. The inside of it had an abandoned spidered webs.  Pipes stuck through the top of the secret compartment, and everything was covered in dust.  Tony could hear Rats.

"How did you find this ?" asked Tony.

"Isn't it amazing ?" boasted Jake. "I spent a whole month after I came here carving those bricks out of the wall.  Now hurry up and toss the boxes in there."

Tony didn't even have to be asked, for he was already placing the boxes hastily into the secret space. Green sweaters, blue sweaters, Letterman jackets, extra gym uniforms, and even a jockstrap spilled from the edges of the boxes.

"This is our first step towards power, Tony-boy," said Jake. "You can bet that we'll have some people willing to offer their services for a small cut of the goods."

Tony continued to pile the boxes in. "For some reason, I feel like a Drug Lord", he joked.

"Good," said a smiling Jake. His smile dropped into a sneer as he looked up. "Aw, Shit."

Tony peered up and saw a person standing in the distance between the back wall and the Dorm.

Bullworth Experiences / Most unexpected moments? (MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS!!)
« on: November 24, 2009, 02:57:54 AM »
It was Dan, the small, red-haired jock.  

Dan: "(creepy laugh) Dude, did you fart?"

SCARE FAIL.  That totally ruined it.

Auditory Experiences / Favourite Quotes from bully
« on: November 24, 2009, 02:54:04 AM »
Parker Ogilvie: "She said it was customary to give diamonds on the third date..."
Justin Vandervelde: "I just don't know if I like girls."  (WTF.)
Mihailovich (beaten): "Ivan, I always loved you..."  (O_O)
Hal Esposito: "I eat when I'm hungry and to mask emotional pain."  (His mom is a therapist.)
Karen Johnson: "Have you ever watched a game so exciting that you passed out?"
Ted Thompson (hit in groin): "I ain't wearing no cup!  Ahh!"

Bully 1 Questions / Anyone Up For 5-Card Stud ?
« on: November 24, 2009, 02:38:00 AM »
LOL...  Just imagine playing with the Preppies.

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