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Messages - Scum

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Bully 2 Discussion / Re: Bully 2 Mission And Side Mission Ideas
« on: May 23, 2013, 03:41:00 PM »
With the RAGE system and all the new additions to it, there are dozens and dozens of new ways to recreate the life of a teenager in a game. I really hope that you'd be able to earn or lose respect outside of missions, because it was pretty unrealistic how you could stuff someone in a trash bin, then meet them 3 minutes later and they'd act like nothing happened.

I also want more communication between characters, and I swear to God I won't even buy the game if you can't do activities with friends. That's probably the one thing I hated the most in the first game, and loved in GTA IV. Oh, how I wish you could arrange to watch a movie with Pete or something.

Now that I think about it there should be quite a lot more new locations in which you can actually do activities.

Bully 2 Discussion / Re: What's Next?
« on: May 23, 2013, 02:23:10 PM »
Ever since the rumor about multiple characters was confirmed, I thought that there wouldn't be any big DLCs.

Bully 2 Discussion / What's Next?
« on: May 22, 2013, 07:15:13 PM »
I was thinking today. After GTA V comes down and the hype has died down, what's next on R*'s To Do List?

A GTA game is out of the question, same goes for Max Payne. I wouldn't be hoping for another Red Dead game, since the last one came out not so long ago. Midnight Club? Don't think so.
So unless they decide to start something completely new, the only possible choices are Agent(PS3 exclusive? more like PS4 now), Manhunt 3.. or Bully 2.

Ever since I thought of this I've been more excited about what's next to come after GTA V, rather than the game itself. Imagining that we'd get some Bully 2 news around Christmas makes my wiener hard. I'm also pretty sure that the game is going to do a lot better than the first one, even though R* will surely have a hard time with critics, sadly.

So yeah, I'd like to see what all of you think about what's to come.

Suggestions & Feedback / Re: All Quiet On The B-B Front
« on: May 22, 2013, 06:41:09 PM »
My dad wears contacts. When he's putting them on and taking them off it doesn't seem that srs, but I wouldn't know.

Also I think I need a pair too.

I need sleep too. I'm just so tired. Goodnight people who still haven't had dinner. Damn timezones.

Suggestions & Feedback / Re: All Quiet On The B-B Front
« on: May 12, 2013, 05:32:24 AM »
Don't worry Jimmette, those are just made up fairytails that some people use to troll others. Stuff like that doesn't exist, just like twins, freedom of speech and proof that the Earth is round.

NES Archive / Re: NES Story Origins
« on: March 24, 2013, 03:50:20 PM »
I've read some of the first part. And that's pretty cool.

Thanks for the info, Chuck.

You too, Dave. I guess. P:

NES Archive / Re: NES Story Origins
« on: March 24, 2013, 10:44:17 AM »
<Discussion revival team.>

We've noticed that the current discussion of the NES has been basically terminated with the final post agreeing to the previous one without adding anything else. So we've sent an agent of ours to stop the conversation from dying.

I've never thought about this but. How was the idea of the NES born anyway?

NES Archive / Re: NES Story Origins
« on: March 23, 2013, 01:46:00 PM »
My name isn't Scum and I have never read the NES.

I plan on starting to read it when I have more time. I haven't started it yet because I feel like, because it's a NES, I wouldn't ever be able to catch up on it. But I'll have plenty of free time during the spring break(starting on the 29th) and I'm actually looking forward to reading it right now.

Suggestions & Feedback / Re: All Quiet On The B-B Front
« on: March 22, 2013, 08:24:08 PM »
Well I was here for most of the time after school. I think. We'll let's say half.

Now it's like 2:20am and I'm going to bed like every 15 year old Birthdai Boi. Pretty tired.

Suggestions & Feedback / Re: All Quiet On The B-B Front
« on: March 13, 2013, 08:18:19 AM »
Talking about internet, my new connection is kinda weird, it works well on the internet but it's painful to play online with it. And for some reason, even though my old one should've stopped like 3 weeks ago, is still working perfectly fine and playing with it is wonderful.

News & Updates / Re: BB Airport
« on: March 10, 2013, 07:56:14 AM »
I'm not sure where you're going, but it's gonna be hard walking around with that chair on your rear.

News & Updates / Re: BB Airport
« on: March 08, 2013, 04:55:41 PM »
Hope you come back soon enough!

It feels like every time I close the BB tab I leave the board. It's so weird.

Bully 1 Discussion / Re: About kissing in bully
« on: February 25, 2013, 05:36:17 PM »

I'm sorry I laughed so hard.

Also I didn't make it really clear, nobody really understood what happened when I rushed out except for my best friend, well, the one that was there. I told the others I felt really sick and had to go home. So it wasn't really a public thing.

Bullworth Experiences / Re: Best 'WTF!?' Moments in Bully
« on: February 25, 2013, 05:26:59 PM »


It looks too twisted. Definitely the weirdest thing I can remember seeing in Bully.

Bully 1 Discussion / Re: About kissing in bully
« on: February 25, 2013, 04:49:50 PM »
I'm just gonna let this out here, guilt tripping you into confessing too.

There was this one time when I was 10 at a friend's party that I couldn't make it to the toilet in time. I was literally just closing the bathroom door behind me when I shit my pants. I panicked real bad, and just took my pants off, threw them out of the WINDOW(it was one of those toilets with goddamn windows at the party place, I hate those), put my jeans back on and rushed out. Then called my dad and went home.

Your turn, Alex. c:<

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