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Topics - Sam Conbeat

Pages: [1]
Requests Archive / Disabling the dress code
« on: October 07, 2013, 03:30:17 AM »
As the game progress', we find some very interesting clothing stores, mission rewards, etc.. From a creepy skeleton, to a much creepier teeny tiny bathing suit, the wardrobe selection in bully is enough to make Gord squeal.

However, you really can't take full advantage of this without incurring the wrath of the prefects, or getting refused some much needed "affection" on the playground. I've searched the board, and no one seems to have posted about it, so here's the idea:

Is there a way to disable the dress code so you can wear anything and not get in trouble on school grounds? Can this same process be applied to make it so girls don't run away or smack you for not being dressed "nicely"? Has this been done before?

If it's not outside a beginners capabilities, I'd be happy to do it myself, but I have no idea if it's even possible, or where to start if it is... Any help would be much appreciated!

Introduce Yourself / Hello!
« on: October 07, 2013, 03:20:44 AM »
I'm new here! I've been a bully fan since the scholarship edition came out on xbox 360. Over the years I've always seem to come back to it, jumping head first into the game, the fanfiction, the art, etc. I even still occasionally visit the official site, just to futz around.

My favorite characters are the trio; Jimmy, Pete, and Gary, but it's really hard not to love all the characters.(except maybe Hattrick and Burton.)

I adore modding things, but I never gave much thought to modding bully until just recently(didn't know it was possible). It was actually this board that showed me it wasn't only possible, but well practiced. You'll probably see me frequently in the modding section.

I can be a lurker sometimes, but for the most part, I'm just a big, friendly fan.

So...yes, hello!

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