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Author Topic: You play too much BULLY when....  (Read 77996 times)

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Re: You play too much BULLY when....
« Reply #15 on: February 11, 2012, 05:58:09 PM »
Haha.   Some good ones from all of ya!

Here is another..

When you start randomly punching or kicking cars as they drive by.

You start throwing dead rats at girls just to watch them run screaming.

You have a bully theme installed on your pc.

Your band starts covering the bully soundtrack.

You start dressing and talking like a greaser.

You have your own bullworth pennants hanging on your bedroom walls.

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Re: You play too much BULLY when....
« Reply #16 on: February 11, 2012, 06:04:32 PM »
You always punch your pillow and after "defeating" it you say "My names Hopkins! Don't forget it!"

You always swirly and punch prefects and kids, expecting to just get detention

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Re: You play too much BULLY when....
« Reply #17 on: February 11, 2012, 08:56:25 PM »
When mowing the grass, you think of it as 'Detention'.

You never have to wash clothes, because you wardrobe is always full of clean ones.

The only hot food you eat is Stew that has been spit in.

You are constantly constipated because you never can take a shit.

There is no need for bandages, because you never bleed.

You are constantly going to the Carnival to look at the Freaks.

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Re: You play too much BULLY when....
« Reply #18 on: February 12, 2012, 12:43:07 AM »
lol those are some good ones chuck.

Here are some more for your laughing pleasure:

You are strangely attracted to your art teacher in school and don't know why.

You shovel snow during winter and just call it 'another day in detention'.

You have a collection of various bmx bikes, and all of them are in the same colors as the bikes in bully.

You have a habit of putting explosives in the footballs at your school.

Your school attire consists of a leather jacket, faded jeans, boots and a slicked back hairdo.

You ride your skateboard to school by grabbing onto a passing car and letting them tow you to the school.

You plant chocolates in some kid's locker at school hoping to get him in trouble.

You get a tattoo on your back that says BULLWORTH.

You get sent to the principal's office several times a day.

You like to plant stinkbombs in random girl's lockers and then hide in the girls bathroom to watch them puke in the toilet.

You take pictures of your school's head cheerleader and paste them all over your town.

You walk past kids in the hallway at school and get this strange urge to shove them in a trashcan becasue you just want to 'take out the trash'.

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Re: You play too much BULLY when....
« Reply #19 on: February 12, 2012, 12:47:30 AM »
When you try to defeat the Jocks, townies and a bunch of people ALL in one day, but fail to realise you will get your ass handed to you.

When you think doing art will help you to kiss girls

when you do fall off a bike and say "Just like riding a bike!"

When you try to fight like Jimmy Hopkins, but fail miserably.

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Re: You play too much BULLY when....
« Reply #20 on: February 12, 2012, 01:33:20 AM »
You like to attack Nerds on sight whenever you are in a Library.

You are constantly hording Potatoes.

You are always picking up Rubberbands.

You always have a can of spray paint in your possession.

You keep offering your services to others for 'protection' in exchange for $10.

You just ride the same three rides over and over at the County Fair.

You keep asking sluts out on dates in the hope something will happen.

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Re: You play too much BULLY when....
« Reply #21 on: February 12, 2012, 03:09:49 AM »
You destroy every garden gnome you see.

You go to your local card shop and ask if they have any Grottos & Gremlins cards in stock.

You kick every random soccer ball you come across hoping you hit someone with it.

You pick on nerds exclusively at your school.

You start pinching the butt of every girl in front of you.

You start dishing out wedgies by the dozen.

Your favorite sport is 'Lockering' which consists of shoving people into any locker thats close by.

You take trips to the local asylum because you have nothing else to do.

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Re: You play too much BULLY when....
« Reply #22 on: February 12, 2012, 03:12:00 AM »
You beat the shit out of everyone, and expect them to still be your friend 10 minutes later

You go to your job and lose your papers, then you say "GARY YOU LITTLE BITCH!"

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Re: You play too much BULLY when....
« Reply #23 on: February 12, 2012, 03:18:38 AM »
haha.....nice ones  :biggrin:

Here are some more:

You make bully-board your start page in your browser.

You have a custom license plate that says B-B.

You have at least 5 girlfriends at any given time.

You think playing BULLY is a way of life.

You have 7 different for each day of the week.

You build a spudgun for your science project and then and then ask your teacher if you will get extra credit by shooting someone just to prove it works.

You always carry a spare banana or apple ....just in case.

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Re: You play too much BULLY when....
« Reply #24 on: February 12, 2012, 03:21:21 AM »
You get bored and create a thread called "You play to much Bully WHEN.."

You get addicted to a fan-site called ""

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Re: You play too much BULLY when....
« Reply #25 on: February 12, 2012, 05:57:59 AM »
You have a Chem Set complete with a bubbling beaker set up in your room.

You kick every box, thinking there are weapons inside.

You are curious to see the inside of an Observatory, an Autoshop, and the third floor of the school.

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Re: You play too much BULLY when....
« Reply #26 on: February 12, 2012, 07:11:28 AM »
..When you start wondering if you will look good with an eye scar.

Offline MadmaN

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Re: You play too much BULLY when....
« Reply #27 on: February 12, 2012, 09:37:28 PM »
You think it is funny to harass the school faculty.

You keep a tombstone, pumpkin, and other similar 'trophies' in your room.

You not only keep photos of your girlfriends on your wall, but also keep panties nailed to the wall next to them.

You think your school's cook resembles Edna and was the inspiration for her character in BULLY.

You walk around the school yard carrying a trashcan lid at the ready incase someone attacks you.

Your parents ask you to mow the lawn but you tell them you already did at school today during detention.

Your room is well stocked with cans of spray paint, rubber bands, baseball bats, dead rats and a well used chemistry set.

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Re: You play too much BULLY when....
« Reply #28 on: February 13, 2012, 09:49:05 AM »
Hey guys I'm back.

When you see a old student from your school who left and shout "Townie!" and start beating the crap

Thinking you can boss the Police...

You try and take over the school

When you pass a Mental Hospital and think... Happy Volts...

Expecting to bet on two midgets when you go to a carnival

When you get run over and think you can still live

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Re: You play too much BULLY when....
« Reply #29 on: February 13, 2012, 10:28:25 AM »
Hi, nice to meet you!

When you do your best to grow your hair so you can get a certain haircut.